Pavel Marek 5a7ad6bfe4
Upgrade enso to GraalVM for jdk 21 (#7991)
Upgrade to GraalVM JDK 21.
> java -version
openjdk version "21" 2023-09-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment GraalVM CE 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM GraalVM CE 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15, mixed mode, sharing)

With SDKMan, download with `sdk install java 21-graalce`.

# Important Notes
- After this PR, one can theoretically run enso with any JRE with version at least 21.
- Removed `sbt bootstrap` hack and all the other build time related hacks related to the handling of GraalVM distribution.
- `project-manager` remains backward compatible - it can open older engines with runtimes. New engines now do no longer require a separate runtime to be downloaded.
- sbt does not support compilation of `module-info.java` files in mixed projects - https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/3368
- Which means that we can have `module-info.java` files only for Java-only projects.
- Anyway, we need just a single `module-info.class` in the resulting `runtime.jar` fat jar.
- `runtime.jar` is assembled in `runtime-with-instruments` with a custom merge strategy (`sbt-assembly` plugin). Caching is disabled for custom merge strategies, which means that re-assembly of `runtime.jar` will be more frequent.
- Engine distribution contains multiple JAR archives (modules) in `component` directory, along with `runner/runner.jar` that is hidden inside a nested directory.
- The new entry point to the engine runner is [EngineRunnerBootLoader](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/7991/files#diff-9ab172d0566c18456472aeb95c4345f47e2db3965e77e29c11694d3a9333a2aa) that contains a custom ClassLoader - to make sure that everything that does not have to be loaded from a module is loaded from `runner.jar`, which is not a module.
- The new command line for launching the engine runner is in [distribution/bin/enso](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/7991/files#diff-0b66983403b2c329febc7381cd23d45871d4d555ce98dd040d4d1e879c8f3725)
- [Newest version of Frgaal](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/frgaal/compiler/20.0.1/) (20.0.1) does not recognize `--source 21` option, only `--source 20`.
2023-11-17 18:02:36 +00:00

318 lines
9.7 KiB

* The FrgaalJavaCompiler adapts ForkedJava from Zinc
* to invoke Frgaal compiler instead of javac.
* Zinc - The incremental compiler for Scala.
* Copyright Lightbend, Inc. and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
import sbt._
import sbt.internal.inc.CompilerArguments
import sbt.internal.inc.javac.JavacLogger
import sbt.io.IO
import sbt.util.Logger
import xsbti.{PathBasedFile, Reporter, VirtualFile, Logger => XLogger}
import xsbti.compile.{IncToolOptions, Output, JavaCompiler => XJavaCompiler}
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import scala.sys.process.Process
import scala.util.Using
import java.io.FileWriter
object FrgaalJavaCompiler {
private val ENSO_SOURCES = ".enso-sources"
val frgaal = "org.frgaal" % "compiler" % "21.0.0" % "provided"
val sourceLevel = "21"
val debugArg =
def compilers(
classpath: sbt.Keys.Classpath,
sbtCompilers: xsbti.compile.Compilers,
javaVersion: String
) = {
// Enable Java 11+ features by invoking Frgaal instead of regular javac
val javaHome = Option(System.getProperty("java.home")).map(Paths.get(_))
// Locate frgaal compiler jar from the list of dependencies
val frgaalModule = FrgaalJavaCompiler.frgaal
val frgaalCheck = (module: ModuleID) =>
module.organization == frgaalModule.organization &&
module.name == frgaalModule.name &&
module.revision == frgaalModule.revision
val frgaalOnClasspath =
.find(f =>
if (frgaalOnClasspath.isEmpty) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to resolve Frgaal compiler. Aborting!")
val frgaalJavac = new FrgaalJavaCompiler(
target = javaVersion
val javaTools = sbt.internal.inc.javac
.JavaTools(frgaalJavac, sbtCompilers.javaTools.javadoc())
xsbti.compile.Compilers.of(sbtCompilers.scalac, javaTools)
/** Helper method to launch programs.
def launch(
javaHome: Option[Path],
compilerJar: Path,
sources0: Seq[VirtualFile],
options: Seq[String],
output: Output,
log: Logger,
reporter: Reporter,
source: Option[String],
target: String
): Boolean = {
val (jArgs, nonJArgs) = options.partition(_.startsWith("-J"))
val debugAnotProcessorOpt = jArgs.contains(debugArg)
val strippedJArgs = jArgs
val outputOption = CompilerArguments.outputOption(output)
val sources = sources0 map { case x: PathBasedFile =>
def asPath(a: Any): Path = a match {
case p: PathBasedFile => p.toPath
case p: Path => p
def asCommon(a: Any, b: Any): Path = {
var ap = asPath(a)
val bp = asPath(b)
var i = 0
while (
i < Math.min(ap.getNameCount(), bp.getNameCount()) && ap.getName(
) == bp.getName(i)
) {
i += 1;
while (ap.getNameCount() > i) {
ap = ap.getParent()
val out = output.getSingleOutputAsPath().get()
val shared = sources0.fold(out)(asCommon).asInstanceOf[Path]
// searching for $shared/src/main/java or
// $shared/src/test/java or
// $shared/src/bench/java or etc.
def findUnder(depth: Int, dir: Path): Path = {
var d = dir
while (d.getNameCount() > depth) {
val threeUp = d.subpath(0, d.getNameCount() - depth)
val relShare = shared.subpath(0, shared.getNameCount())
if (relShare.equals(threeUp)) {
return d
} else {
d = d.getParent()
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot findUnder for " + dir + " and " + shared +
"\nout: " + out + "\nsources: " + sources
def checkTarget(x: Any) = {
val p = asPath(x)
val namesCheck =
for (i <- 0 until p.getNameCount)
yield "target".equals(p.getName(i).toString()) || p
.endsWith("-windows") || p.getName(i).toString().endsWith("-unix")
val inATargetDir = namesCheck.exists(x => x)
val (withTarget, noTarget) = sources0.partition(checkTarget)
val in = if (noTarget.isEmpty) {
} else {
val generated = if (withTarget.isEmpty) {
} else {
if (shared.toFile().exists()) {
val ensoMarker = new File(shared.toFile(), ENSO_SOURCES)
val ensoConfig = new File(
ENSO_SOURCES + "-" + out.getFileName().toString()
val ensoProperties = new java.util.Properties()
def storeArray(name: String, values: Seq[String]) = {
values.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (value, idx) =>
ensoProperties.setProperty(s"$name.$idx", value)
if (in.isDefined) {
ensoProperties.setProperty("input", in.get.toString())
if (generated.isDefined) {
ensoProperties.setProperty("generated", generated.get.toString())
ensoProperties.setProperty("output", out.toString())
storeArray("options", options)
source.foreach(v => ensoProperties.setProperty("source", v))
ensoProperties.setProperty("target", target)
javaHome.foreach(v =>
ensoProperties.setProperty("java.home", v.toString())
Using(new FileWriter(ensoConfig)) { w =>
ensoProperties.store(w, "# Enso compiler configuration")
Using(new FileWriter(ensoMarker)) { _ => }
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot write Enso source options to " + shared + " values:\n" +
"options: " + options + " sources0: " + sources + " output: " + output
val frgaalOptions: Seq[String] =
source.map(v => Seq("-source", v)).getOrElse(Seq()) ++ Seq(
val allArguments = outputOption ++ frgaalOptions ++ nonJArgs ++ sources
withArgumentFile(allArguments) { argsFile =>
// List of modules that Frgaal can use for compilation
val limitModules = Seq(
val limitModulesArgs = Seq(
// strippedJArgs needs to be passed via cmd line, and not via the argument file
val forkArgs = (strippedJArgs ++ limitModulesArgs ++ Seq(
)) :+
val exe = getJavaExecutable(javaHome, "java")
val cwd = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath).getCanonicalFile
val javacLogger = new JavacLogger(log, reporter, cwd)
var exitCode = -1
if (debugAnotProcessorOpt) {
s"Frgaal compiler is about to be launched with $debugArg, which means that" +
" it will wait for a debugger to attach. The output from the compiler is by default" +
" redirected, therefore \"Listening to the debugger\" message will not be displayed." +
" You should attach the debugger now."
try {
exitCode = Process(exe +: forkArgs, cwd) ! javacLogger
} finally {
javacLogger.flush("frgaal", exitCode)
// We return true or false, depending on success.
exitCode == 0
/** Helper method to create an argument file that we pass to Javac. Gets over the windows
* command line length limitation.
* @param args The string arguments to pass to Javac.
* @param f A function which is passed the arg file.
* @tparam T The return type.
* @return The result of using the argument file.
def withArgumentFile[T](args: Seq[String])(f: File => T): T = {
import IO.{withTemporaryDirectory, write, Newline}
withTemporaryDirectory { tmp =>
val argFile = new File(tmp, "argfile")
write(argFile, args.map(escapeSpaces).mkString(Newline))
// javac's argument file seems to allow naive space escaping with quotes. escaping a quote with a backslash does not work
private def escapeSpaces(s: String): String = '\"' + normalizeSlash(s) + '\"'
private def normalizeSlash(s: String) = s.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')
/** create the executable name for java */
def getJavaExecutable(javaHome: Option[Path], name: String): String =
javaHome match {
case None => name
case Some(jh) =>
/** An implementation of compiling java which forks Frgaal instance. */
final class FrgaalJavaCompiler(
javaHome: Option[Path],
compilerPath: Path,
target: String,
source: Option[String] = None
) extends XJavaCompiler {
def run(
sources: Array[VirtualFile],
options: Array[String],
output: Output,
incToolOptions: IncToolOptions,
reporter: Reporter,
log: XLogger
): Boolean =