somebody1234 83ec24da59
Refactor E2E tests for Dashboard; add E2E tests for User and Organization settings pages (#10031)
- PARTIALLY implements https://github.com/enso-org/cloud-v2/issues/1232
- Partially refactor E2E test actions into a state machine.
- The main goal of this is to _disallow_ invalid actions - for example going from a page to itself, which will fail at runtime, or trying to create a new Data Link on a page where that button is not accessible.
- An auxiliary goal is to have better namespacing of actions and better clarity:
- Previously, everything was a locator at the top level of a single module. This makes it very difficult to comprehend what kinds of actions are available.
- Note: There is also older `namespace`-based namespacing for the User and Organization settings pages, which were added before this refactor. They SHOULD be refactored to the new API, but I'm not sure whether it's worth spending the time right now.
- Add E2E tests for every input on the "user" settings page and the "organization" settings page.
- A skeletal E2E test for the Datalink modal has also been added - it does not actually test anything currently but should be sufficient for building upon.

# Important Notes
2024-06-20 16:19:01 +00:00

127 lines
4.5 KiB

/** @file Test the login flow. */
import * as test from '@playwright/test'
import * as actions from './actions'
// =================
// === Constants ===
// =================
const EMAIL = 'example.email+1234@testing.org'
const NAME = 'a custom user name'
const ORGANIZATION_ID = 'some testing organization id'
// =============
// === Tests ===
// =============
// Note: This does not check that the organization ID is sent in the correct format for the backend.
// It only checks that the organization ID is sent in certain places.
test.test('sign up with organization id', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('/')
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded')
await page.goto(
'/registration?' + new URLSearchParams([['organization_id', ORGANIZATION_ID]]).toString()
const api = await actions.mockApi({ page })
// Sign up
await actions.locateEmailInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_EMAIL)
await actions.locatePasswordInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
await actions.locateConfirmPasswordInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
await actions.locateRegisterButton(page).click()
await actions.passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page })
// Log in
await actions.locateEmailInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_EMAIL)
await actions.locatePasswordInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
await actions.locateLoginButton(page).click()
await actions.passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page })
// Set username
await actions.locateUsernameInput(page).fill('arbitrary username')
await actions.locateSetUsernameButton(page).click()
.expect(api.currentUser()?.organizationId, 'new user has correct organization id')
test.test('sign up without organization id', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('/')
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded')
await page.goto('/registration')
const api = await actions.mockApi({ page })
// Sign up
await actions.locateEmailInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_EMAIL)
await actions.locatePasswordInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
await actions.locateConfirmPasswordInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
await actions.locateRegisterButton(page).click()
await actions.passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page })
// Log in
await actions.locateEmailInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_EMAIL)
await actions.locatePasswordInput(page).fill(actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
await actions.locateLoginButton(page).click()
await actions.passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page })
// Set username
await actions.locateUsernameInput(page).fill('arbitrary username')
await actions.locateSetUsernameButton(page).click()
.expect(api.currentUser()?.organizationId, 'new user has correct organization id')
test.test('sign up flow', ({ page }) =>
actions.mockAll({ page }).then(
async ({ pageActions, api }) =>
await pageActions
.do(() => {
// These values should be different, otherwise the email and name may come from the defaults.
.loginAsNewUser(EMAIL, actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
.do(async thePage => {
await actions.passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page: thePage })
.do(async thePage => {
await test.expect(actions.locateUpgradeButton(thePage)).toBeVisible()
await test.expect(actions.locateDriveView(thePage)).not.toBeVisible()
.do(() => {
// Logged in, and account enabled
const currentUser = api.currentUser()
if (currentUser != null) {
// This is required because `UserOrOrganization` is `readonly`.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, no-restricted-syntax, no-extra-semi
;(currentUser as { isEnabled: boolean }).isEnabled = true
.login(EMAIL, actions.VALID_PASSWORD)
.do(async () => {
await test.expect(actions.locateNotEnabledStub(page)).not.toBeVisible()
await test.expect(actions.locateDriveView(page)).toBeVisible()
.do(() => {
test.expect(api.currentUser()?.email, 'new user has correct email').toBe(EMAIL)
test.expect(api.currentUser()?.name, 'new user has correct name').toBe(NAME)