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synced 2024-12-23 07:12:20 +03:00
- Fixes the issue that sometimes occurred on CI where old `services` configuration was not cleaned and SPI definitions were leaking between PRs, causing random failures:
❌ should allow selecting table rows based on a boolean column
An unexpected panic was thrown: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.enso.base.file_format.FileFormatSPI: Provider org.enso.database.EnsoConnectionSPI not found
- The issue is fixed by detecting unknown SPI classes before the build, and if such classes are detected, cleaning the config and forcing a rebuild of the given library to ensure consistency of the service config.
73 lines
3.3 KiB
73 lines
3.3 KiB
import sbt.*
import sbt.Keys.*
object SPIHelpers {
/** A helper task that ensures consistency of SPI services definitions.
* It should be attached as a dependency to `Compile / compile / compileInputs` of a given library.
* It detects any unknown classes in the `services` definitions and forces a recompilation if needed, to ensure the
* consistency of the definitions. Without this helper task, the incremental compiler did not detect removed service
* classes, thus after such a class was removed, it still stayed in the SPI configuration - crashing at runtime when
* the missing class was attempted to be instantiated. Only a `clean` allowed to regenerate the SPI configuration.
* This was causing issues on the CI when switching between PRs that have some new SPI configurations - they were
* leaking and crashing unrelated PRs.
* This task is created with the `std-*` Java helper libraries in mind and is aimed primarily at Java-only projects.
* Additional tweaks may be needed to get it working for mixed Java/Scala projects, if ever needed.
* @see https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/8129
def ensureSPIConsistency = Def.task {
val log = streams.value.log
val classDir = (Compile / compile / classDirectory).value
val javaSourcesDir = (Compile / compile / javaSource).value
val serviceDir = classDir / "META-INF" / "services"
log.debug(s"Scanning $serviceDir for SPI definitions.")
val files: Array[File] =
if (serviceDir.exists()) IO.listFiles(serviceDir) else Array()
files.foreach { serviceConfig =>
log.debug(s"Processing service definitions: $serviceConfig")
val definedClasses =
IO.readLines(serviceConfig).map { qualifiedClassName =>
val subPath = qualifiedClassName.replace('.', '/')
val classFilePath = classDir / (subPath + ".class")
val sourceFilePath = javaSourcesDir / (subPath + ".java")
// We check existence of the source file - because at pre-compile the .class file may still be there even if the
// source is gone - it will only get deleted _after_ the compilation takes place - but that may be too late.
// However, we return the path to the class file - so that we will be able to delete it to trigger the
// recompilation for _existing_ sources.
val hasSource = sourceFilePath.exists()
if (!hasSource) {
s"The source file [$sourceFilePath] for class [$qualifiedClassName] does not exist."
(classFilePath, hasSource)
val (kept, removed) = definedClasses.partition(_._2)
val needsForceRecompile = removed.nonEmpty
if (needsForceRecompile) {
val removedNames = removed.map(_._1).map(_.getName)
val keptNames = kept.map(_._1).map(_.getName)
log.warn(s"No Java sources detected for classes: $removedNames.")
s"Removing $serviceConfig and forcing recompilation of $keptNames " +
s"to ensure that the SPI definition is up-to-date."
kept.foreach { case (path, _) => IO.delete(path) }
} else {
log.debug(s"No missing classes detected in $serviceConfig.")