mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 12:53:11 +03:00
- Synchronize Y.Js clients by AST (implements #8237). - Before committing an edit, insert any parentheses-nodes needed for the concrete syntax to reflect tree structure (fixes #8884). - Move `externalId` and all node metadata into a Y.Map owned by each `Ast`. This allows including metadata changes in an edit, enables Y.Js merging of changes to different metadata fields, and will enable the use of Y.Js objects in metadata. (Implements #8804.) ### Important Notes - Metadata is now set and retrieved through accessors on the `Ast` objects. - Since some metadata edits need to take effect in real time (e.g. node dragging), new lower-overhead APIs (`commitDirect`, `skipTreeRepair`) are provided for careful use in certain cases. - The client is now bundled as ESM. - The build script cleans up git-untracked generated files in an outdated location, which fixes lint errors related to `src/generated` that may occur when switching branches.
138 lines
4.8 KiB
138 lines
4.8 KiB
"version": "0.1.0",
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