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synced 2025-01-03 23:22:15 +03:00
Fixes #5801 to properly format Truffle log records before sending them for further processing.
203 lines
6.9 KiB
203 lines
6.9 KiB
import java.io.IOException
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger
import scala.sys.process._
object GenerateFlatbuffers {
val flatcVersion = settingKey[String]("flatc version used in the project")
private val flatcCmd = "flatc"
lazy val task = Def.task {
val log = state.value.log
verifyFlatcVersion(flatcVersion.value) match {
case Left(explanation) =>
throw new RuntimeException("flatc version check failed.")
case Right(_) =>
val root = baseDirectory.value
val schemas =
(file(s"$root/src/main/schema") ** "*.fbs").get
val generatedSourcesStore =
val schemaSourcesStore =
val out = (Compile / sourceManaged).value
val generatedSources = gatherGeneratedSources(schemas, out, log)
Tracked.diffOutputs(generatedSourcesStore, FileInfo.exists)(
) { generatedDiff: ChangeReport[File] =>
generatedDiff.removed foreach { removedFile => removedFile.delete() }
Tracked.diffInputs(schemaSourcesStore, FileInfo.lastModified)(
) { schemasDiff: ChangeReport[File] =>
val allGeneratedSourcesExist = generatedSources.forall(_.exists())
if (schemasDiff.modified.nonEmpty || !allGeneratedSourcesExist) {
schemas foreach { schema =>
val cmdGenerate = Process(
List("--java", "-o", out.getAbsolutePath, schema.toString)
// val cmdGenerate =
// s"$flatcCmd --java -o ${out.getAbsolutePath} $schema"
cmdGenerate.!! // Note [flatc Error Reporting]
val projectName = name.value
s"Flatbuffers code generation generated ${generatedSources.size} " +
s"files in project $projectName."
/* Note [flatc Error Reporting]
* As flatc reports errors to stdout and not stderr, if it fails the output is
* captured but not accessible (because !! only returns the output if the
* command succeeded).
* To avoid complex process handling logic, upon detecting an error,
* flatc is re-run giving it a chance to print the errors.
* The errors are printed when gathering source files, so when flatc is re-run
* afterwards for actual code generation, no new errors should show up, so in
* this case the error reporting logic is skipped.
* In case an error did show up, an exception will be thrown (but this could
* only happen if the file has been edited during compilation).
/** Runs flatc to ensure that it is properly installed and checks if the
* reported version is consistent with expectations.
* @param expectedVersion flatc version that is expected to be installed,
* should be based on project settings
* @return either an error message explaining what is wrong with the flatc
* version or Unit meaning it is correct
def verifyFlatcVersion(expectedVersion: String): Either[String, Unit] = {
val cmd = f"$flatcCmd --version"
try {
val versionStr = cmd.!!.trim
val expectedVersionStr = s"flatc version $expectedVersion"
if (expectedVersionStr != versionStr) {
s"flatc version mismatch. $expectedVersionStr is expected, " +
s"but it seems $versionStr is installed"
} else Right(())
} catch {
case _ @(_: RuntimeException | _: IOException) =>
"flatc version check failed. Make sure flatc is in your PATH"
/** Parses the Make rules returned by flatc to get a list of affected files.
* The flatc compiler can print Make rules for files it generates
* (using the -M option).
* We use this feature to easily get a list of files affected by each schema
* definition.
* The printed rules have the following format:
* ```
* file1.java \
* file2.java \
* ...
* fileN.java: \
* fileA.fbs \
* fileB.fbs \
* ...
* ```
* Each flatc run lists all affected files, for files used in multiple
* schemas that means they may appear more than once. Because of that we make
* sure to remove any potential duplicates before returning the list of
* generated sources.
* @param makeRules a string representing the rules returned by flatc
* @return either a parse error message or a sequence of filenames that are
* mentioned in the provided rules
private def parseMakeRules(
makeRules: String
): Either[String, Seq[String]] = {
val cleaned = makeRules.replaceAllLiterally("\\", "")
cleaned.split(": ") match {
case Array(javaPart, _) =>
val filenames = javaPart.split('\n').map(_.trim).filter(_.length > 0)
case _ =>
val errorMessage =
"Unexpected format of Make rules returned by flatc:\n" + makeRules
/** Runs flatc to discover what sources will be generated.
* flatc will fail if there are errors in the files, as this is the first
* time it is run on the files, the errors are captured and reported
* (see Note [flatc Error Reporting]).
* @param schemas a sequence of files containing schemas for flatc
* @param out the directory where the generated sources should be placed
* @return set of files that will be generated by running flatc on provided
* schemas
private def gatherGeneratedSources(
schemas: Seq[File],
out: File,
log: ManagedLogger
): Set[File] = {
val affectedSources =
schemas.flatMap { schema =>
val cmdMakeRules = Process(
// val cmdMakeRules =
// s"$flatcCmd -M --java -o ${out.getAbsolutePath} ${schema.getAbsolutePath}"
val makeRules =
try {
} catch {
case ex: RuntimeException =>
val exitCode = cmdMakeRules.! // Note [flatc Error Reporting]
s"flatc on ${schema.getAbsolutePath} failed with exit code $exitCode"
throw ex
parseMakeRules(makeRules) match {
case Left(errorMessage) =>
val exceptionMessage =
s"Cannot parse flatc Make rules, flatc command: $cmdMakeRules"
throw new RuntimeException(exceptionMessage)
case Right(affectedSources) => affectedSources