Kaz Wesley 0b6b1f0954
Context menu, copy button, multi-component actions (#11690)
Context menu, copy button, multi-component actions


- The 'More' menu can now be opened under the mouse, through the context menu action (right click/control-click on Mac/menu button on keyboard).
- Add copy-components button to menu.
- The menu can now be opened while multiple components are selected; if the clicked component was among the selected components, the selection will be preserved. Some menu actions--currently *copy* and *delete*, apply to all selected components. These actions will change their displayed labels when multiple components are selected. If a single-component action is executed, the component it was applied to will become the sole selection.

Fixes #11633, #11634
2024-11-29 19:52:22 +00:00

114 lines
4.8 KiB

import { test, type Page } from '@playwright/test'
import * as actions from './actions'
import { expect } from './customExpect'
import { CONTROL_KEY } from './keyboard'
import * as locate from './locate'
import { edgesToNodeWithBinding, graphNodeByBinding, outputPortCoordinates } from './locate'
* Prepare the graph for the tests. We drag the `ten` node to the right of the `sum` node for better access
* to the edges.
async function initGraph(page: Page) {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
await actions.dragNodeByBinding(page, 'ten', 400, 0)
await actions.dragNodeByBinding(page, 'sum', -400, 0)
// For each outgoing edge we expect two elements: an element for io and an element for the rendered edge itself.
const EDGE_PARTS = 2
Scenario: We disconnect the `sum` parameter in the `prod` node by clicking on the edge and clicking on the background.
test('Disconnect an edge from a port', async ({ page }) => {
await initGraph(page)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(2 * EDGE_PARTS)
const targetEdge = page.locator('svg.behindNodes g:nth-child(2) path.edge.visible')
// Hover over edge to the right of node with binding `ten`.
await targetEdge.click({
position: { x: 250, y: 5.0 },
force: true,
await page.mouse.click(500, -500)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(EDGE_PARTS)
/** Scenario: We replace the `sum` parameter in the `prod` node` with the `ten` node. */
test('Connect an node to a port', async ({ page }) => {
await initGraph(page)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(2 * EDGE_PARTS)
const targetEdge = page.locator('svg.behindNodes g:nth-child(2) path.edge.visible')
// Hover over edge to the left of node with binding `ten`.
await targetEdge.click({
position: { x: 450, y: 5.0 },
force: true,
// Click the target port in the `prod` node.
const targetPort = page.locator('span').filter({ hasText: /^sum$/ })
// We need `force: true` because edge connecting is handled in capture phase and may result
// in port change, what confuses playwright's actionability checks.
await targetPort.click({ force: true, noWaitAfter: true })
await expect(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'prod')).toContainText('ten')
/** As above, but by dragging edge instead of clicking source and target separately. */
test('Connect an node to a port via dragging the edge', async ({ page }) => {
await initGraph(page)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(2 * EDGE_PARTS)
const targetEdge = page.locator('svg.behindNodes g:nth-child(2) path.edge.visible')
const targetPort = page.locator('span').filter({ hasText: /^sum$/ })
// Hover over edge to the left of node with binding `ten`.
await targetEdge.dragTo(targetPort, {
sourcePosition: { x: 450, y: 5.0 },
force: true,
await expect(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'prod')).toContainText('ten')
test('Conditional ports: Disabled', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
const node = graphNodeByBinding(page, 'filtered')
const conditionalPort = node.locator('.WidgetPort').filter({ hasText: /^filter$/ })
// Check that the `enabled` CSS class is not set on disabled `WidgetPort`s.
await expect(node.locator('.WidgetIcon')).toBeVisible()
await expect(conditionalPort).not.toHaveClass(/enabled/)
// When a port is disabled, it doesn't react to hovering with a disconnected edge,
// and any attempt to connect to it should open the CB.
const outputPort = await outputPortCoordinates(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final'))
await page.mouse.click(outputPort.x, outputPort.y)
await conditionalPort.hover()
await expect(conditionalPort).not.toHaveClass(/isTarget/)
// We need `force: true` because ComponentBrowser appears in event's capture phase, what
// confuses playwright's actionability checks.
await conditionalPort.click({ force: true })
await expect(locate.componentBrowser(page)).toExist()
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
test('Conditional ports: Enabled', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
const node = graphNodeByBinding(page, 'filtered')
const conditionalPort = node.locator('.WidgetPort').filter({ hasText: /^filter$/ })
await page.keyboard.down(CONTROL_KEY)
await expect(conditionalPort).toHaveClass(/enabled/)
const outputPort = await outputPortCoordinates(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final'))
await page.mouse.click(outputPort.x, outputPort.y)
await conditionalPort.hover()
await expect(conditionalPort).toHaveClass(/isTarget/)
// We need to force port clicks; see comment in 'Connect an node to a port via dragging the edge'
await conditionalPort.click({ force: true })
await expect(node.locator('.WidgetToken')).toHaveText(['final'])
await page.keyboard.up(CONTROL_KEY)