mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 14:01:37 +03:00
This PR fixes a bug reported in [Task](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/184159167). To reproduce the issue, one can do the following steps: 1. Create a new project in the IDE. 2. Check the metadata section in the `Main.enso` file – `IdeMetadata` (a JSON object starting with `"ide":`) contains info for two nodes. 3. Edit the project in the external editor. For example, replace the expression of the second node. 4. Open a project in the IDE and observe the metadata. Now `IdeMetadata` contains three nodes – one unmodified, one added, and one no longer present. It leads to constantly growing metadata if you use an external editor. This PR fixes the issue by pruning unused node metadata on loading. No visual changes to the IDE were made.
551 lines
19 KiB
551 lines
19 KiB
// === Features ===
#![feature(generators, generator_trait)]
// === Non-Standard Linter Configuration ===
use ast::*;
use parser_scala::prelude::*;
use ast::test_utils::expect_shape;
use parser_scala::api::Metadata;
use parser_scala::api::ParsedSourceFile;
use parser_scala::api::PruneUnusedIds;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test_configure;
// ===============
// === Helpers ===
// ===============
/// Asserts that given AST is a Var with given name.
fn assert_var<StringLike: Into<String>>(ast: &Ast, name: StringLike) {
let actual: &Var = expect_shape(ast);
let expected = Var { name: name.into() };
assert_eq!(*actual, expected);
/// Asserts that given AST is an Opr with given name.
fn assert_opr<StringLike: Into<String>>(ast: &Ast, name: StringLike) {
let actual: &Opr = expect_shape(ast);
let expected = Opr { name: name.into() };
assert_eq!(*actual, expected);
fn roundtrip_program_with(parser: &parser_scala::Parser, program: &str) {
let ast = parser.parse(program.to_string(), Default::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ast.repr(), program, "{:#?}", ast);
fn roundtrip_program(program: &str) {
let parser = parser_scala::Parser::new_or_panic();
roundtrip_program_with(&parser, program);
// ================
// === Metadata ===
// ================
/// Wrapper for using any serializable type as metadata.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)]
struct FauxMetadata<T>(T);
impl<T> PruneUnusedIds for FauxMetadata<T> {}
impl<T: Default + Serialize + DeserializeOwned> Metadata for FauxMetadata<T> {}
// ===============
// === Fixture ===
// ===============
/// Persists parser (which is expensive to construct, so we want to reuse it
/// between tests. Additionally, hosts a number of helper methods.
struct Fixture {
parser: parser_scala::Parser,
impl Fixture {
// === Helper methods ===
/// Create a new fixture, obtaining a default parser.
fn new() -> Fixture {
Fixture { parser: parser_scala::Parser::new_or_panic() }
/// Program is expected to be single line module. The line's Shape subtype
/// is obtained and passed to `tester`.
fn test_shape<T, F>(&mut self, program: &str, tester: F)
for<'t> &'t Shape<Ast>: TryInto<&'t T>,
F: FnOnce(&T), {
let ast = self.parser.parse_line_ast(program).unwrap();
let shape = expect_shape(&ast);
// === Test Methods ===
fn blank_line_round_trip(&mut self) {
let program = "main = \n foo\n \n bar";
let ast = self.parser.parse_module(program, default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ast.repr(), program);
fn deserialize_metadata(&mut self) {
let term = ast::Module { lines: vec![ast::BlockLine { elem: None, off: 0 }] };
let ast = known::KnownAst::new_no_id(term);
let file = ParsedSourceFile { ast, metadata: serde_json::json!({}) };
let code = String::try_from(&file).unwrap();
assert_eq!(self.parser.parse_with_metadata(code).unwrap(), file);
fn deserialize_unrecognized(&mut self) {
let unfinished = "`";
self.test_shape(unfinished, |shape: &Unrecognized| {
assert_eq!(shape.str, "`");
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO [mwu] https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/1016
fn deserialize_unexpected(&mut self) {
let unexpected = "import";
let ast = self.parser.parse_line_ast(unexpected).unwrap();
// This does not deserialize to "Unexpected" but to a very complex macro match tree that has
// Unexpected somewhere within. We just make sure that it is somewhere, and that confirms
// that we are able to deserialize such node.
let has_unexpected =
ast.iter_recursive().find(|ast| matches!(ast.shape(), Shape::Unexpected(_)));
fn deserialize_invalid_quote(&mut self) {
let unfinished = "'a''";
self.test_shape(unfinished, |shape: &Prefix<Ast>| {
// ignore shape.func, being TextUnclosed tested elsewhere
let arg: &InvalidQuote = expect_shape(&shape.arg);
let expected_quote = Text { str: "''".into() };
assert_eq!(arg.quote, expected_quote.into());
fn deserialize_inline_block(&mut self) {
let unfinished = "'''a";
self.test_shape(unfinished, |shape: &Prefix<Ast>| {
let func: &InlineBlock = expect_shape(&shape.func);
let expected_quote = Text { str: "'''".into() };
assert_eq!(func.quote, expected_quote.into());
assert_var(&shape.arg, "a");
fn deserialize_blank(&mut self) {
let expect_blank = |_: &Blank| {};
self.test_shape("_", expect_blank);
fn deserialize_var(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("foo", |var: &Var| {
let expected_var = Var { name: "foo".into() };
assert_eq!(var, &expected_var);
fn deserialize_cons(&mut self) {
let name = "FooBar";
self.test_shape(name, |shape: &Cons| {
assert_eq!(shape.name, name);
fn deserialize_mod(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("+=", |shape: &Mod| {
assert_eq!(shape.name, "+");
fn deserialize_invalid_suffix(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("foo'bar", |shape: &InvalidSuffix<Ast>| {
assert_var(&shape.elem, "foo'");
assert_eq!(shape.suffix, "bar");
fn deserialize_number(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("127", |shape: &Number| {
assert_eq!(shape.base, None);
assert_eq!(shape.int, "127");
self.test_shape("16_ff", |shape: &Number| {
assert_eq!(shape.base.as_ref().unwrap(), "16");
assert_eq!(shape.int, "ff");
fn deserialize_text_line_raw(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("\"foo\"", |shape: &TextLineRaw| {
let (segment,) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
let expected = SegmentPlain { value: "foo".to_string() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected.into());
let tricky_raw = r#""\\\'\n""#;
self.test_shape(tricky_raw, |shape: &TextLineRaw| {
let segments: (_,) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
assert_eq!(*segments.0, SegmentPlain { value: r"\\\'\n".to_string() }.into());
fn test_text_fmt_segment<F>(&mut self, program: &str, tester: F)
where F: FnOnce(&SegmentFmt<Ast>) {
self.test_shape(program, |shape: &TextLineFmt<Ast>| {
let (segment,) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
fn deserialize_text_line_fmt(&mut self) {
use SegmentFmt::SegmentExpr;
// plain segment
self.test_shape("'foo'", |shape: &TextLineFmt<Ast>| {
let (segment,) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
let expected = SegmentPlain { value: "foo".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected.into());
// escapes
let tricky_fmt = r#"'\\\'\"'"#;
self.test_shape(tricky_fmt, |shape: &TextLineFmt<Ast>| {
let segments: (_, _, _) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
assert_eq!(*segments.0, Slash {}.into());
assert_eq!(*segments.1, Quote {}.into());
assert_eq!(*segments.2, Invalid { str: '"' }.into());
// expression empty
let expr_fmt = r#"'``'"#;
self.test_text_fmt_segment(expr_fmt, |segment| match segment {
SegmentExpr(expr) => assert_eq!(expr.value, None),
_ => panic!("wrong segment type received"),
// expression non-empty
let expr_fmt = r#"'`foo`'"#;
self.test_text_fmt_segment(expr_fmt, |segment| match segment {
SegmentExpr(expr) => assert_var(expr.value.as_ref().unwrap(), "foo"),
_ => panic!("wrong segment type received"),
self.test_text_fmt_segment(r#"'\n'"#, |segment| {
let expected = EscapeCharacter { c: 'n' };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected.into());
self.test_text_fmt_segment(r#"'\u0394'"#, |segment| {
let expected = EscapeUnicode16 { digits: "0394".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected.into());
// TODO [MWU] We don't test Unicode21 as it is not yet supported by the
// parser.
self.test_text_fmt_segment(r#"'\U0001f34c'"#, |segment| {
let expected = EscapeUnicode32 { digits: "0001f34c".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected.into());
fn deserialize_text_block_raw(&mut self) {
let program = "\"\"\" \n \n X";
self.test_shape(program, |shape: &TextBlockRaw| {
assert_eq!(shape.spaces, 1);
assert_eq!(shape.offset, 0);
let (line,) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
let (empty_line,) = (&line.empty_lines).expect_tuple();
assert_eq!(*empty_line, 2);
let (segment,) = (&line.text).expect_tuple();
let expected_segment = SegmentPlain { value: " X".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected_segment.into());
fn deserialize_text_block_fmt(&mut self) {
let program = "''' \n\n X\n Y";
self.test_shape(program, |shape: &TextBlockFmt<Ast>| {
assert_eq!(shape.spaces, 2);
assert_eq!(shape.offset, 0);
assert_eq!(shape.text.len(), 2);
let (line1, line2) = (&shape.text).expect_tuple();
let (empty_line,) = (&line1.empty_lines).expect_tuple();
assert_eq!(*empty_line, 0);
let (segment,) = (&line1.text).expect_tuple();
let expected_segment = SegmentPlain { value: " X".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected_segment.into());
let (segment,) = (&line2.text).expect_tuple();
let expected_segment = SegmentPlain { value: " Y".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected_segment.into());
fn deserialize_unfinished_text(&mut self) {
let unfinished = r#""\"#;
self.test_shape(unfinished, |shape: &TextUnclosed<Ast>| {
let line = &shape.line;
let line: &TextLineRaw = line.try_into().unwrap();
let (segment,) = (&line.text).expect_tuple();
let expected = SegmentPlain { value: r"\".into() };
assert_eq!(*segment, expected.into());
fn deserialize_dangling_base(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("16_", |shape: &DanglingBase| {
assert_eq!(shape.base, "16");
fn deserialize_prefix(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("foo bar", |shape: &Prefix<Ast>| {
assert_var(&shape.func, "foo");
assert_eq!(shape.off, 3);
assert_var(&shape.arg, "bar");
fn deserialize_infix(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("foo + bar", |shape: &Infix<Ast>| {
assert_var(&shape.larg, "foo");
assert_eq!(shape.loff, 1);
assert_opr(&shape.opr, "+");
assert_eq!(shape.roff, 2);
assert_var(&shape.rarg, "bar");
fn deserialize_left(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("foo +", |shape: &SectionLeft<Ast>| {
assert_var(&shape.arg, "foo");
assert_eq!(shape.off, 1);
assert_opr(&shape.opr, "+");
fn deserialize_right(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("+ bar", |shape: &SectionRight<Ast>| {
assert_opr(&shape.opr, "+");
assert_eq!(shape.off, 1);
assert_var(&shape.arg, "bar");
fn deserialize_sides(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("+", |shape: &SectionSides<Ast>| {
assert_opr(&shape.opr, "+");
fn deserialize_block(&mut self) {
self.test_shape(" foo\n bar", |block: &Block<Ast>| {
assert_eq!(block.ty, BlockType::Continuous {});
assert_eq!(block.indent, 1);
assert_eq!(block.empty_lines.len(), 0);
let first_line = &block.first_line;
assert_eq!(first_line.off, 0);
assert_var(&first_line.elem, "foo");
let (second_line,) = (&block.lines).expect_tuple();
assert_eq!(second_line.off, 0);
assert_var(second_line.elem.as_ref().unwrap(), "bar");
fn deserialize_annotation(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("@Tail_call", |annotation: &Annotation| {
let expected_annotation = Annotation { name: "@Tail_call".into() };
assert_eq!(annotation, &expected_annotation);
/// Tests parsing a number of sample macro usages.
/// As macros generate usually really huge ASTs, this test only checks
/// that we are able to deserialize the response and that it is a macro
/// match node. Node contents is not covered.
fn deserialize_macro_matches(&mut self) {
let macro_usages = vec![
"polyglot java import com.example.MyClass",
"foo -> bar",
"(foo -> bar)",
"a b c -> bar",
"type Maybe a\n Just val:a",
"if foo > 8 then 10 else 9",
"skip bar",
"freeze bar",
"case foo of\n bar",
"import foo",
"export bar",
"from bar import all",
"from bar export bo",
"a ->",
"-> a",
"(a -> b) -> c",
for macro_usage in macro_usages.iter() {
println!(">>>>>>>>>> {}", macro_usage);
let ast = self.parser.parse_line_ast(*macro_usage).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", ast);
fn deserialize_macro_ambiguous(&mut self) {
self.test_shape("if foo", |shape: &Ambiguous<Ast>| {
let segment = &shape.segs.head;
assert_var(&segment.head, "if");
let segment_body = segment.body.as_ref().unwrap();
assert_eq!(segment_body.off, 2);
assert_var(&segment_body.wrapped, "foo");
fn run(&mut self) {
// Shapes not covered by separate test:
// * Opr (doesn't parse on its own, covered by Infix and other)
// * Module (covered by every single test, as parser wraps everything into module)
//self.deserialize_unexpected(); // TODO [mwu] https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/1016
/// A single entry point for all the tests here using external parser.
/// Setting up the parser is costly, so we run all tests as a single batch.
/// Until proper CI solution for calling external parser is devised, this
/// test is marked with `#[ignore]`.
fn parser_tests() {
/// Test case for https://github.com/enso-org/ide/issues/296
fn block_roundtrip() {
let programs = vec![
"main = 10 + 10",
"main =\n a = 10\n b = 20\n a * b",
"main =\n foo a =\n a * 10\n foo 10\n print \"hello\"",
"main =\n foo\n \n bar",
"main =\n \n foo\n \n bar",
for program in programs {
/// Test case for https://github.com/enso-org/ide/issues/296
fn nested_macros() {
let parser = parser_scala::Parser::new_or_panic();
// Generate nested brackets. Stop at 8 because it gets slower and slower.
// At 12 the deserialization fails on WASM.
// At 14 the parsing fails in parser-service.
for i in 0..8 {
let program = format!("{}{}{}", "[".repeat(i), "foo", "]".repeat(i));
roundtrip_program_with(&parser, &program);
// Cases from https://github.com/enso-org/ide/issues/1351
let program = r#"from Standard.Base import all
main =
operator13 = Json.from_pairs [["a", 42], ["foo", [1,2,3]]]
var1 = [operator13, operator13]"#;
roundtrip_program_with(&parser, program);
let program = r#"triplets n = 1.up_to n . to_vector . flat_map a->
a+1 . up_to n . to_vector . flat_map b->
b+1 . up_to n . to_vector . flat_map c->
if a+b+c == n then [[a,b,c]] else []
n = 10
here.triplets n
IO.println(here.triplets n)"#;
roundtrip_program_with(&parser, program);
fn dealing_with_invalid_metadata() {
let f = Fixture::new();
let id = ast::Id::from_str("52233542-5c73-430b-a2b7-a68aaf81341b").unwrap();
let var = ast::Ast::new(ast::Var { name: "variable1".into() }, Some(id));
let module = ast::Module::from_line(var);
let ast = known::Module::new_no_id(module);
let metadata = FauxMetadata("certainly_not_a_number".to_string());
// Make sure that out metadata cannot be deserialized as `FauxMetadata<i32>`.
let serialized_text_metadata = serde_json::to_string(&metadata).unwrap();
let parsed_file = parser_scala::api::ParsedSourceFile { ast, metadata };
let generated = parsed_file.serialize().unwrap();
let expected_generated = r#"variable1
#### METADATA ####
assert_eq!(generated.content, expected_generated);
let r = f.parser.parse_with_metadata::<FauxMetadata<i32>>(generated.content).unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.metadata, default());