Sergei Garin 37cc980082
Offline Mode Support (#10317)
#### Tl;dr
Closes: enso-org/cloud-v2#1283
This PR significantly reimplements Offline mode

<details><summary>Demo Presentation</summary>




#### Context:
Offline mode is one of the core features of the dashboard. Unfortunately, after adding new features and a few refactoring,  we lost the ability to work offline.
This PR should bring this functionality back, with a few key differences:
1. We require users to sign in before using the dashboard even in local mode.
2. Once a user is logged in, we allow him to work with local files
3. If a user closes the dashboard, and then open it, he can continue using it in offline mode

#### This Change:
What does this change do in the larger context? Specific details to highlight for review:
1. Reimplements `<AuthProvider />` functionality, now it implemented on top of `<Suspense />` and ReactQuery
2. Reimplements Backend module flow, now remote backend is always created, You no longer need to check if the RemoteBackend is present
3. Introduces new `<Suspense />` component, which is aware of offline status
4. Introduce new offline-related hooks
5. Add a banner to the form if it's unable to submit it offline
6. Refactor `InviteUserDialog` to the new `<Form />` component
7. Fixes redirect bug when the app doesn't redirect a user to the dashboard after logging in
8. Fixes strange behavior when `/users/me` could stuck into infinite refetch
9. Redesign the Cloud table for offline mode.
10. Adds blocking UI dialog when a user clicks "log out" button

#### Test Plan:
This PR requires thorough QA on the login flow across the browser and IDE. All redirect logic must stay unchanged.

2024-06-21 07:14:40 +00:00

111 lines
3.5 KiB

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