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//! Language Server integration tests.
//! They are disabled by default, as there is no CI infrastructure to run them with Lanaguage
//! Server. To run tests manually, uncomment the `#[wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test(async)]`
//! attributes and use wasm-bindgen test.
//! Note that running Lanugage Server is expected at `SERVER_ENDPOINT` (by default localhost:30616).
//! To run the language server manually run in the `enso` repository e.g.
//! ```
//! sbt "runner/run --server --root-id 6f7d58dd-8ee8-44cf-9ab7-9f0454033641 --path $HOME/ensotmp --rpc-port 30616"
//! ```
// === Non-Standard Linter Configuration ===
use engine_protocol::language_server::*;
use engine_protocol::types::*;
use enso_gui::prelude::*;
use enso_gui::model::execution_context::Visualization;
use enso_gui::model::module;
use enso_gui::transport::web::WebSocket;
use std::time::Duration;
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test_configure;
/// The endpoint at which the Language Server should be accepting WS connections.
const SERVER_ENDPOINT: &str = "ws://localhost:30616";
const PACKAGE_YAML: &str = r#"
maintainer: ''
license: ''
name: Test
version: ''
author: ''
const MAIN_CODE: &str = r#"
main =
x = 6
y = x.foo 5
z = y + 5
Number.foo = x ->
y = this + 3
z = y * x
#### METADATA ####
[[{"index": {"value": 98}, "size": {"value": 5}}, "5fc0c11d-bd83-4ca3-b847-b8e362f7658c"],[{"index": {"value": 81}, "size": {"value": 8}}, "1cda3676-bd62-41f8-b6a1-a1e1b7c73d18"],[{"index": {"value": 42}, "size": {"value": 5}}, "899a11e5-4d2b-43dc-a867-2f2ef2d2ba62"],[{"index": {"value": 26}, "size": {"value": 7}}, "37f284d4-c593-4e65-a4be-4948fbd2adfb"],[{"index": {"value": 16}, "size": {"value": 1}}, "c553533e-a2b9-4305-9f12-b8fe7781f933"]]
const VISUALISATION_CODE: &str = r#"
encode = x -> x.to_text
incAndEncode = x -> here.encode x+1
async fn ls_text_protocol_test() {
let _guard = enso_gui::initializer::setup_global_executor();
let ide = setup_ide().await;
let project = ide.current_project().expect("IDE is configured without an open project.");
let client = project.json_rpc();
let root_id = project.project_content_root_id();
let project_name = project.qualified_name();
// Initialize files.
let file = Path::new(root_id, &["src", "Main.enso"]);
let contents = MAIN_CODE.to_string();
let result = client.write_file(&file, &contents).await;
result.expect("Couldn't write main code file.");
let visualisation_file = Path::new(root_id, &["src", "Visualisation.enso"]);
let contents = VISUALISATION_CODE.to_string();
let response = client.write_file(&visualisation_file, &contents).await;
response.expect("Couldn't write visualisation file.");
let package_file = Path::new(root_id, &["package.yaml"]);
let contents = PACKAGE_YAML.to_string();
let response = client.write_file(&package_file, &contents).await;
response.expect("Couldn't write yaml file.");
// Setting execution context.
let execution_context = client.create_execution_context().await;
let execution_context = execution_context.expect("Couldn't create execution context.");
let execution_context_id = execution_context.context_id;
let module_path = module::Path::try_from(file.clone()).unwrap();
let defined_on_type = "Main".to_string();
let name = "main".to_string();
let module = module::QualifiedName::new(project_name, module_path.id());
let method_pointer = MethodPointer { module: module.into(), defined_on_type, name };
let positional_arguments_expressions = default();
let this_argument_expression = default();
let explicit_call =
ExplicitCall { method_pointer, positional_arguments_expressions, this_argument_expression };
let stack_item = StackItem::ExplicitCall(explicit_call);
let response = client.push_to_execution_context(&execution_context_id, &stack_item).await;
response.expect("Couldn't push execution context.");
let response = client.pop_from_execution_context(&execution_context_id).await;
response.expect("Couldn't pop execution context.");
// Push stackframe again for visualizations testing.
let response = client.push_to_execution_context(&execution_context_id, &stack_item).await;
response.expect("Couldn't push execution context.");
// Retrieving Database.
let response = client.get_suggestions_database().await;
response.expect("Couldn't get the suggestions database");
let response = client.get_suggestions_database_version().await;
response.expect("Couldn't get the suggestions database version");
// Setting visualization.
let visualisation_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
let expression_id = uuid::Uuid::parse_str("c553533e-a2b9-4305-9f12-b8fe7781f933");
let expression_id = expression_id.expect("Couldn't parse expression id.");
let expression = "x -> here.encode x".to_string();
let visualisation_module = "Test.Visualisation".to_string();
let visualisation_config =
VisualisationConfiguration { execution_context_id, expression, visualisation_module };
let response =
client.attach_visualisation(&visualisation_id, &expression_id, &visualisation_config);
response.await.expect("Couldn't attach visualisation.");
let expression = "x -> here.incAndEncode".to_string();
let visualisation_module = "Test.Visualisation".to_string();
let visualisation_config =
VisualisationConfiguration { execution_context_id, expression, visualisation_module };
let response = client.modify_visualisation(&visualisation_id, &visualisation_config).await;
response.expect("Couldn't modify visualisation.");
let response =
client.detach_visualisation(&execution_context_id, &visualisation_id, &expression_id).await;
response.expect("Couldn't detach visualisation.");
let response = client.destroy_execution_context(&execution_context_id).await;
response.expect("Couldn't destroy execution context.");
// Asking for autocompletion.
//TODO[ao] Engine will fix getting suggestion method in
// https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/438, therefore we also should adjust our api in the
// next PR.
// let position = Position {line:4, character:4};
// let ret_type = "Number".to_string();
// let self_type = "Number".to_string();
// let response = client.completion(&,&position,&Some(self_type),&Some(ret_type),&None);
// let result = response.await.expect("Couldn't get completion suggestion list");
// assert!(!result.results.is_empty());
// Operations on file.
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into()] };
let name = "text.txt".into();
let object = FileSystemObject::File { name, path };
client.create_file(&object).await.expect("Couldn't create file.");
let file_path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into(), "text.txt".into()] };
let contents = "Hello world!".to_string();
let result = client.write_file(&file_path, &contents).await;
result.expect("Couldn't write file.");
let response = client.file_info(&file_path).await.expect("Couldn't get status.");
assert_eq!(response.attributes.byte_size, 12);
assert_eq!(response.attributes.kind, object);
let response = client.file_list(&Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into()] }).await;
let response = response.expect("Couldn't get file list");
assert!(response.paths.iter().any(|file_system_object| object == *file_system_object));
let read = client.read_file(&file_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents.");
assert_eq!(contents, read.contents);
let new_path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into(), "new_text.txt".into()] };
client.copy_file(&file_path, &new_path).await.expect("Couldn't copy file");
let read = client.read_file(&new_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents.");
assert_eq!(contents, read.contents);
let move_path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into(), "moved_text.txt".into()] };
let file = client.file_exists(&move_path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
if file.exists {
client.delete_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't delete file");
let file = client.file_exists(&move_path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
client.move_file(&new_path, &move_path).await.expect("Couldn't move file");
let read = client.read_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents");
assert_eq!(contents, read.contents);
let register_options = RegisterOptions::Path { path: move_path.clone() };
let method = "text/canEdit".to_string();
let capability_registration = CapabilityRegistration { method, register_options };
let response = client.open_text_file(&move_path).await;
let response = response.expect("Couldn't open text file.");
assert_eq!(response.content, "Hello world!");
assert_eq!(response.write_capability, Some(capability_registration));
let start = Position { line: 0, character: 5 };
let end = Position { line: 0, character: 5 };
let range = TextRange { start, end };
let text = ",".to_string();
let text_edit = TextEdit { range, text };
let edits = vec![text_edit];
let old_version = Sha3_224::new(b"Hello world!");
let new_version = Sha3_224::new(b"Hello, world!");
let path = move_path.clone();
let edit = FileEdit { path, edits, old_version, new_version: new_version.clone() };
client.apply_text_file_edit(&edit).await.expect("Couldn't apply edit.");
let saving_result = client.save_text_file(&move_path, &new_version).await;
saving_result.expect("Couldn't save file.");
client.close_text_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't close text file.");
let read = client.read_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents.");
assert_eq!("Hello, world!".to_string(), read.contents);
// #[wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test(async)]
async fn file_events() {
let logger = Logger::new("test");
let ws = WebSocket::new_opened(logger, SERVER_ENDPOINT).await;
let ws = ws.expect("Couldn't connect to WebSocket server.");
let client = Client::new(ws);
let mut stream = client.events();
let _executor = enso_gui::initializer::setup_global_executor();
let client_id = uuid::Uuid::default();
let session = client.init_protocol_connection(&client_id).await;
let session = session.expect("Couldn't initialize session.");
let root_id = session.content_roots[0].id();
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["test.txt".into()] };
let file = client.file_exists(&path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
if file.exists {
client.delete_file(&path).await.expect("Couldn't delete file");
let file = client.file_exists(&path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec![] };
let registration = CapabilityRegistration::create_receives_tree_updates(path);
let method = registration.method;
let options = registration.register_options;
let capability = client.acquire_capability(&method, &options).await;
capability.expect("Couldn't acquire receivesTreeUpdates capability.");
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec![] };
let name = "test.txt".into();
let object = FileSystemObject::File { name, path: path.clone() };
client.create_file(&object).await.expect("Couldn't create file.");
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["test.txt".into()] };
let kind = FileEventKind::Added;
let notification = Notification::FileEvent(FileEvent { path, kind });
let event = stream.next().await.expect("Couldn't get any notification.");
if let Event::Notification(incoming_notification) = event {
assert_eq!(incoming_notification, notification);
} else {
panic!("Incoming event isn't a notification.");
/// This procedure sets up the project, testing:
/// * using project picker to open (or create) a project
/// * establishing a binary protocol connection with Language Server
async fn setup_ide() -> controller::Ide {
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let config = enso_gui::config::Startup::default();
info!(logger, "Setting up the project.");
let initializer = enso_gui::Initializer::new(config);
let error_msg = "Couldn't open project.";
/// This integration test covers writing and reading a file using the binary protocol
async fn file_operations_test() {
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let _guard = enso_gui::initializer::setup_global_executor();
let ide = setup_ide().await;
let project = ide.current_project().expect("IDE is configured without an open project.");
info!(logger, "Got project: {project:?}");
// Edit file using the text protocol
let path = Path::new(project.json_rpc().project_root().id(), &["test_file.txt"]);
let contents = "Hello, 世界!".to_string();
let written = project.json_rpc().write_file(&path, &contents).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Written: {written:?}");
let read_back = project.json_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Read back: {read_back:?}");
assert_eq!(contents, read_back.contents);
// Edit file using the binary protocol.
let other_contents = "Totally different treść.";
let read_back = project.binary_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(contents.as_bytes(), read_back.as_slice());
project.binary_rpc().write_file(&path, other_contents.as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
let read_back = project.binary_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(other_contents.as_bytes(), read_back.as_slice());
// Once again check that we read the same thing with text protocol.
let read_back = project.json_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(other_contents, read_back.contents);
/// The future that tests attaching visualization and routing its updates.
async fn binary_visualization_updates_test_hlp() {
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let ide = setup_ide().await;
let project = ide.current_project().expect("IDE is configured without an open project.");
info!(logger, "Got project: {project:?}");
let expression = "x -> x.json_serialize".to_owned();
use controller::project::MAIN_DEFINITION_NAME;
use ensogl::system::web::sleep;
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let module_path = enso_gui::initial_module_path(&project).unwrap();
let method = module_path.method_pointer(project.qualified_name(), MAIN_DEFINITION_NAME);
let module_qualified_name = project.qualified_module_name(&module_path);
let module = project.module(module_path).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Got module: {module:?}");
let graph_executed = controller::ExecutedGraph::new(&logger, project, method).await.unwrap();
let the_node = graph_executed.graph().nodes().unwrap()[0].info.clone();
graph_executed.graph().set_expression(the_node.id(), "10+20").unwrap();
// We must yield control for a moment, so the text edit is applied.
info!(logger, "Main graph: {graph_executed:?}");
info!(logger, "The code is: {module.ast().repr():?}");
info!(logger, "Main node: {the_node:?} with {the_node.expression().repr()}");
let visualization = Visualization::new(the_node.id(), expression, module_qualified_name);
let stream = graph_executed.attach_visualization(visualization.clone()).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Attached the visualization {visualization.id}");
let mut stream = stream.boxed_local();
let first_event = stream.next().await.unwrap(); // await update
assert_eq!(first_event.as_ref(), "30".as_bytes());
/// This integration test covers attaching visualizations and receiving their updates.
fn binary_visualization_updates_test() {
let executor = enso_gui::executor::web::EventLoopExecutor::new_running();