2022-03-10 05:32:33 +01:00

162 lines
5.5 KiB

//! This build script is responsible for ensuring that if parser targets wasm,
//! the JS Parser package is available at the expected location for
//! `wasm_bindgen` tool.
// === Features ===
use std::io::prelude::*;
use enso_build_utilities::absolute_path;
use enso_build_utilities::targeting_wasm;
use enso_build_utilities::PathRef;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::create_dir_all;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::PathBuf;
// =========================
// == Hardcoded constants ==
// =========================
/// Where the crate expects to find file with compiled parser.
/// Path relative to the crate directory.
const PARSER_PATH: &str = "./pkg/scala-parser.js";
/// Commit from `enso` repository that will be used to obtain parser from.
const PARSER_COMMIT: &str = "649fe33ccf148d47deb6ba6a06f3babc48078e3e";
/// Magic code that needs to be prepended to ScalaJS generated parser due to:
/// https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js/issues/3677/
const PARSER_PREAMBLE: &str = "var __ScalaJSEnv = { global: window };";
/// Obtains a URL where this parser version can be downloaded.
pub fn parser_url(version: &ParserVersion) -> reqwest::Url {
let url_string = format!(
let invalid_url_msg = format!("{} is an invalid URL.", url_string);
// ===================
// == ParserVersion ==
// ===================
/// Parser version described as commit hash from `enso` repository.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParserVersion {
pub commit: String,
impl ParserVersion {
/// Create a version described by given commit hash.
pub fn from_commit(commit: String) -> ParserVersion {
ParserVersion { commit }
/// The JS parser version required for this crate.
pub fn required() -> ParserVersion {
ParserVersion { commit: PARSER_COMMIT.into() }
// ========================
// == Downloading parser ==
// ========================
/// Stores information which parser version should be provided where.
/// Implementation provides methods that download desired parser version, patch it and store to the
/// file, so parser can be consumed by `wasm_bindgen`.
struct ParserProvider {
/// Required parser version.
version: ParserVersion,
/// The path where JS file needs to be provided.
parser_path: PathBuf,
impl ParserProvider {
/// Creates a provider that obtains given parser version to a given path.
pub fn new(version: ParserVersion, parser_path: impl PathRef) -> ParserProvider {
let parser_path = PathBuf::from(parser_path.as_ref());
ParserProvider { version, parser_path }
/// Downloads contents of JS parser into memory.
pub async fn download(&self) -> bytes::Bytes {
let url = parser_url(&self.version);
let get_error = format!("Failed to get response from {}.", url);
let download_error = format!("Failed to download contents of {}.", url);
let server_error = format!("Server replied with error when getting {}.", url);
let response = reqwest::get(url).await.expect(&get_error);
let response = response.error_for_status().expect(&server_error);
/// Stores JS parser into file, after patching with a `PARSER_PREAMBLE`.
pub fn patch_and_store(&self, js_parser: bytes::Bytes) {
let display_path = self.parser_path.display();
let open_error = format!("Failed to open {}.", display_path);
let write_error = format!("Failed to write {}.", display_path);
let flush_error = format!("Failed to flush {}.", display_path);
let mut file = File::create(&self.parser_path).expect(&open_error);
/// Ensures that target's parent directory exists.
pub fn prepare_target_location(&self) {
let parent_directory =
self.parser_path.parent().expect("Unable to access parent directory.");
let create_dir_error =
format!("Failed to create directory: {}.", parent_directory.display());
/// Places required parser version in the target location.
pub async fn run(&self) {
let parent_directory =
self.parser_path.parent().expect("Unable to access parent directory.");
let fingerprint = parent_directory.join("parser.fingerprint");
let opt_version = fs::read_to_string(&fingerprint);
let changed = match opt_version {
Err(_) => true,
Ok(hash) => hash != PARSER_COMMIT,
if changed {
let parser_js = self.download().await;
fs::write(&fingerprint, PARSER_COMMIT).expect("Unable to write parser fingerprint.");
// ==========
// == main ==
// ==========
async fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
if targeting_wasm() {
let required_version = ParserVersion::required();
let parser_path = absolute_path(PARSER_PATH)?;
let provider = ParserProvider::new(required_version, &parser_path);