In this article I try to explain why Haskell keeps being such an important language by presenting some of its most important and distinguishing features and detailing them with working code examples. The presentation aims to be self-contained and does no
Updated 2023-12-15 11:29:56 +03:00
Equational laws for free
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Utilities for interacting with the docker registry and generating nix build instructions
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Lenses and traversals for xml-conduit
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Haskell job queue with admin UI and loads of other features.
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A remote virtual DOM library for Haskell
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Helium + Webmachine = Airship. A toolkit for building declarative, RESTful web apps.
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📊 Haskell dependencies build times profiler
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simple client connection library in haskell with builtin features: SSL/TLS, SOCKS, session management.
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Build terminal applications using functional reactive programming (FRP) with Reflex FRP.
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Provide embedded swagger UI for servant and swagger
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A Haskell implementation of a very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
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Web applications without callbacks or side-effects. Reflex-DOM brings the power of functional reactive programming (FRP) to the web. Build HTML and other Document Object Model (DOM) data with a pure functional interface.
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Quick and easy INI configuration files for Haskell
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Quick and easy INI configuration files for Haskell
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A library for building Haskell IDE tooling
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A library for building Haskell IDE tooling
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🛠️:octocat: Generic testing CI with auto-grading and GitHub integration
Updated 2020-05-08 23:39:47 +03:00
Generate Nix build instructions from a Cabal file
Updated 2020-04-02 14:28:40 +03:00