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2016-04-21 12:06:16 +03:00
import Foundation
import SWXMLHash
import CoreGraphics
2016-04-21 12:06:16 +03:00
2016-08-16 16:45:09 +03:00
/// This class used to parse SVG file and build corresponding Macaw scene
2016-04-21 12:06:16 +03:00
public class SVGParser {
/// Parse an SVG file identified by the specified name and file extension.
/// - returns: Root node of the corresponding Macaw scene.
public class func parse(path path: String, ofType: String = "svg") -> Node {
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(path, ofType: ofType)
let text = try! String(contentsOfFile: path!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
return SVGParser.parse(text: text)
/// Parse the specified content of an SVG file.
/// - returns: Root node of the corresponding Macaw scene.
public class func parse(text text: String) -> Node {
return SVGParser(text).parse()
let moveToAbsolute = Character("M")
let moveToRelative = Character("m")
let lineToAbsolute = Character("L")
let lineToRelative = Character("l")
let lineHorizontalAbsolute = Character("H")
let lineHorizontalRelative = Character("h")
let lineVerticalAbsolute = Character("V")
let lineVerticalRelative = Character("v")
let curveToAbsolute = Character("C")
let curveToRelative = Character("c")
let closePathAbsolute = Character("Z")
let closePathRelative = Character("z")
let availableStyleAttributes = ["stroke", "stroke-width", "fill", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "text-decoration"]
private let xmlString: String
private let initialPosition: Transform
private var nodes = [Node]()
private enum PathCommandType {
case MoveTo
case LineTo
case LineV
case LineH
case CurveTo
case ClosePath
case None
private typealias PathCommand = (type: PathCommandType, expression: String, absolute: Bool)
private init(_ string: String, pos: Transform = Transform()) {
self.xmlString = string
self.initialPosition = pos
private func parse() -> Group {
let parsedXml = SWXMLHash.parse(xmlString)
let group = Group(contents: self.nodes)
return group
private func iterateThroughXmlTree(children: [XMLIndexer]) {
children.forEach { child in
if let element = child.element {
if element.name == "svg" {
} else if let node = parseNode(child, groupPosition: self.initialPosition) {
private func parseNode(node: XMLIndexer, groupStyle: [String: String] = [:], groupPosition: Transform = Transform()) -> Node? {
if let element = node.element {
if node.children.isEmpty {
return parseElement(node, groupStyle: groupStyle, groupPosition: groupPosition)
} else if element.name == "g" {
return parseGroup(node, groupStyle: groupStyle, groupPosition: groupPosition)
return .None
private func parseElement(node: XMLIndexer, groupStyle: [String: String] = [:], groupPosition: Transform = Transform()) -> Node? {
if let element = node.element {
let styleAttributes = getStyleAttributes(groupStyle, element: element)
let position = getPosition(groupPosition, element: element)
switch element.name {
case "path":
if let path = parsePath(node) {
return Shape(form: path, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "line":
if let line = parseLine(node) {
return Shape(form: line, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "rect":
if let rect = parseRect(node) {
return Shape(form: rect, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "circle":
if let circle = parseCircle(node) {
return Shape(form: circle, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "ellipse":
if let ellipse = parseEllipse(node) {
return Shape(form: ellipse, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "polygon":
if let polygon = parsePolygon(node) {
return Shape(form: polygon, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "polyline":
if let polyline = parsePolyline(node) {
return Shape(form: polyline, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), stroke: getStroke(styleAttributes), place: position)
case "image":
return parseImage(node, pos: position)
case "text":
return parseText(node, fill: getFillColor(styleAttributes), fontName: getFontName(styleAttributes), fontSize: getFontSize(styleAttributes),
italic: getFontStyle(styleAttributes, style: "italic"), bold: getFontWeight(styleAttributes, style: "bold"),
underline: getTextDecoration(styleAttributes, decoration: "underline"), strike: getTextDecoration(styleAttributes, decoration: "line-through"), pos: position)
print("SVG parsing error. Shape \(element.name) not supported")
return .None
return .None
private func parseGroup(group: XMLIndexer, groupStyle: [String: String] = [:], groupPosition: Transform = Transform()) -> Group? {
guard let element = group.element else {
return .None
var groupNodes: [Node] = []
let style = getStyleAttributes(groupStyle, element: element)
let position = getPosition(groupPosition, element: element)
group.children.forEach { child in
if let node = parseNode(child, groupStyle: style, groupPosition: position) {
return Group(contents: groupNodes)
private func getPosition(groupPosition: Transform = Transform(), element: XMLElement) -> Transform {
guard let transformAttribute = element.attributes["transform"] else {
return groupPosition
return parseTransformationAttribute(transformAttribute, transform: groupPosition)
private func parseTransformationAttribute(attributes: String, transform: Transform) -> Transform {
do {
var finalTransform = transform
let transformPattern = "([a-z]+)\\(((\\d+\\.?\\d*\\s*,?\\s*)+)\\)"
let matcher = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: transformPattern, options: .CaseInsensitive)
let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: attributes.characters.count)
if let matchedAttribute = matcher.firstMatchInString(attributes, options: .ReportCompletion, range: fullRange) {
let attributeName = (attributes as NSString).substringWithRange(matchedAttribute.rangeAtIndex(1))
let values = parseTransformValues((attributes as NSString).substringWithRange(matchedAttribute.rangeAtIndex(2)))
if values.isEmpty {
return transform
switch attributeName {
case "translate":
if let x = Double(values[0]) {
var y: Double = 0
if values.indices.contains(1) {
y = Double(values[1]) ?? 0
finalTransform = transform.move(dx: x, dy: y)
case "scale":
if let x = Double(values[0]) {
var y: Double = x
if values.indices.contains(1) {
y = Double(values[1]) ?? x
finalTransform = transform.scale(sx: x, sy: y)
case "rotate":
if let angle = Double(values[0]) {
if values.count == 1 {
finalTransform = transform.rotate(angle: angle)
} else if values.count == 3 {
if let x = Double(values[1]), y = Double(values[2]) {
finalTransform = transform.move(dx: x, dy: y).rotate(angle: angle).move(dx: -x, dy: -y)
case "skewX":
if let x = Double(values[0]) {
finalTransform = transform.shear(shx: x, shy: 0)
case "skewY":
if let y = Double(values[0]) {
finalTransform = transform.shear(shx: 0, shy: y)
case "matrix":
if values.count != 6 {
return transform
if let m11 = Double(values[0]), m12 = Double(values[1]),
m21 = Double(values[2]), m22 = Double(values[3]),
dx = Double(values[4]), dy = Double(values[5]) {
let transformMatrix = Transform(m11: m11, m12: m12, m21: m21, m22: m22, dx: dx, dy: dy)
finalTransform = concat(transform, t2: transformMatrix)
default: break
let rangeToRemove = NSRange(location: 0, length: matchedAttribute.range.location + matchedAttribute.range.length)
let newAttributeString = (attributes as NSString).stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(rangeToRemove, withString: "")
return parseTransformationAttribute(newAttributeString, transform: finalTransform)
} else {
return transform
} catch {
return transform
private func parseTransformValues(values: String, collectedValues: [String] = []) -> [String] {
var updatedValues: [String] = collectedValues
do {
let pattern = "\\d+\\.?\\d*"
let matcher = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: .CaseInsensitive)
let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: values.characters.count)
if let matchedValue = matcher.firstMatchInString(values, options: .ReportCompletion, range: fullRange) {
let value = (values as NSString).substringWithRange(matchedValue.range)
let rangeToRemove = NSRange(location: 0, length: matchedValue.range.location + matchedValue.range.length)
let newValues = (values as NSString).stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(rangeToRemove, withString: "")
return parseTransformValues(newValues, collectedValues: updatedValues)
} catch {
return updatedValues
private func getStyleAttributes(groupAttributes: [String: String], element: XMLElement) -> [String: String] {
var styleAttributes: [String: String] = groupAttributes
if let style = element.attributes["style"] {
let styleParts = style.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "").componentsSeparatedByString(";")
styleParts.forEach { styleAttribute in
let currentStyle = styleAttribute.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
if currentStyle.count == 2 {
styleAttributes.updateValue(currentStyle[1], forKey: currentStyle[0])
} else {
self.availableStyleAttributes.forEach { availableAttribute in
if let styleAttribute = element.attributes[availableAttribute] {
styleAttributes.updateValue(styleAttribute, forKey: availableAttribute)
return styleAttributes
private func createColor(hexString: String) -> Color {
var cleanedHexString = hexString
if hexString.hasPrefix("#") {
cleanedHexString = hexString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("#", withString: "")
var rgbValue: UInt32 = 0
NSScanner(string: cleanedHexString).scanHexInt(&rgbValue)
let red = CGFloat((rgbValue >> 16) & 0xff)
let green = CGFloat((rgbValue >> 08) & 0xff)
let blue = CGFloat((rgbValue >> 00) & 0xff)
return Color.rgb(r: Int(red), g: Int(green), b: Int(blue))
private func getFillColor(styleParts: [String: String]) -> Color? {
var color: Color?
if let fillColor = styleParts["fill"] {
color = createColor(fillColor.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: ""))
return color
private func getStroke(styleParts: [String: String]) -> Stroke? {
var color: Color?
if let strokeColor = styleParts["stroke"] {
color = createColor(strokeColor.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: ""))
if let strokeColor = color {
return Stroke(fill: strokeColor,
width: getStrokeWidth(styleParts),
cap: .round,
join: .round)
return .None
private func getStrokeWidth(styleParts: [String: String]) -> Double {
var width: Double = 1
if let strokeWidth = styleParts["stroke-width"] {
let strokeWidth = strokeWidth.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "")
width = Double(strokeWidth)!
return width
private func parseLine(line: XMLIndexer) -> Line? {
guard let element = line.element else {
return .None
return Line(x1: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "x1") ?? 0,
y1: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "y1") ?? 0,
x2: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "x2") ?? 0,
y2: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "y2") ?? 0)
private func parseRect(rect: XMLIndexer) -> Locus? {
guard let element = rect.element,
width = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "width"),
height = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "height")
where width > 0 && height > 0 else {
return .None
let resultRect = Rect(x: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "x") ?? 0, y: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "y") ?? 0, w: width, h: height)
let rxOpt = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "rx")
let ryOpt = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "ry")
if let rx = rxOpt, ry = ryOpt {
return RoundRect(rect: resultRect, rx: rx, ry: ry)
let rOpt = rxOpt ?? ryOpt
if let r = rOpt where r >= 0 {
return RoundRect(rect: resultRect, rx: r, ry: r)
return resultRect
private func parseCircle(circle: XMLIndexer) -> Circle? {
guard let element = circle.element, r = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "r") where r > 0 else {
return .None
return Circle(cx: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "cx") ?? 0, cy: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "cy") ?? 0, r: r)
private func parseEllipse(ellipse: XMLIndexer) -> Ellipse? {
guard let element = ellipse.element,
rx = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "rx"),
ry = getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "ry")
where rx > 0 && ry > 0 else {
return .None
return Ellipse(cx: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "cx") ?? 0, cy: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "cy") ?? 0, rx: rx, ry: ry)
private func parsePolygon(polygon: XMLIndexer) -> Polygon? {
guard let element = polygon.element else {
return .None
if let points = element.attributes["points"] {
return Polygon(points: parsePoints(points))
return .None
private func parsePolyline(polyline: XMLIndexer) -> Polyline? {
guard let element = polyline.element else {
return .None
if let points = element.attributes["points"] {
return Polyline(points: parsePoints(points))
return .None
private func parsePoints(pointsString: String) -> [Double] {
var resultPoints: [Double] = []
let pointPairs = pointsString.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
pointPairs.forEach { pointPair in
let points = pointPair.componentsSeparatedByString(",")
points.forEach { point in
if let resultPoint = Double(point) {
return resultPoints
private func parseImage(image: XMLIndexer, pos: Transform = Transform()) -> Image? {
guard let element = image.element, link = element.attributes["xlink:href"] else {
return .None
let position = pos.move(dx: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "x") ?? 0, dy: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "y") ?? 0)
return Image(src: link, w: getIntValue(element, attribute: "width") ?? 0, h: getIntValue(element, attribute: "height") ?? 0, place: position)
private func parseText(text: XMLIndexer, fill: Fill?, fontName: String?, fontSize: Int?, italic: Bool?, bold: Bool?, underline: Bool?, strike: Bool?, pos: Transform = Transform()) -> Text? {
guard let element = text.element, string = element.text else {
return .None
// TODO: handle italic/bold/underline/strike attributes
let font = Font(
name: fontName ?? "Serif",
size: fontSize ?? 12)
let position = pos.move(dx: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "x") ?? 0, dy: getDoubleValue(element, attribute: "y") ?? 0)
return Text(text: string, font: font, fill: fill ?? Color.black, place: position)
private func parsePath(path: XMLIndexer) -> Path? {
if let dAttr = path.element!.attributes["d"] {
let pathSegments = parseCommands(dAttr)
return Path(segments: pathSegments)
return .None
private func parseCommands(d: String) -> [PathSegment] {
var pathCommands = [PathCommand]()
var commandChar = Character(" ")
var commandString = ""
d.characters.forEach { character in
if isCommandCharacter(character) {
if !commandString.isEmpty {
type: getCommandType(commandChar),
expression: commandString,
absolute: isAbsolute(commandChar)
if character == closePathAbsolute || character == closePathRelative {
type: getCommandType(character),
expression: commandString,
absolute: true
commandString = ""
commandChar = character
} else {
var commands = [PathSegment]()
pathCommands.forEach { command in
if let parsedCommand = parseCommand(command) {
return commands
private func parseCommand(command: PathCommand) -> PathSegment? {
let characterSet = NSMutableCharacterSet()
characterSet.addCharactersInString(" ")
let commandParams = command.expression.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(characterSet)
var separatedValues = [String]()
commandParams.forEach { param in
switch command.type {
case .MoveTo:
if separatedValues.count < 2 {
return .None
guard let x = Double(separatedValues[0]), y = Double(separatedValues[1]) else {
return .None
return PathSegment(type: command.absolute ? .M : .m, data: [x, y])
case .LineTo:
if commandParams.count < 2 {
return .None
guard let x = Double(separatedValues[0]), y = Double(separatedValues[1]) else {
return .None
return PathSegment(type: command.absolute ? .L : .l, data: [x, y])
case .LineH:
if separatedValues.count < 1 {
return .None
guard let x = Double(separatedValues[0]) else {
return .None
return PathSegment(type: command.absolute ? .H : .h, data: [x])
case .LineV:
if separatedValues.count < 1 {
return .None
guard let y = Double(separatedValues[0]) else {
return .None
return PathSegment(type: command.absolute ? .V : .v, data: [y])
case .CurveTo:
if separatedValues.count < 6 {
return .None
guard let x1 = Double(separatedValues[0]),
y1 = Double(separatedValues[1]),
x2 = Double(separatedValues[2]),
y2 = Double(separatedValues[3]),
x = Double(separatedValues[4]),
y = Double(separatedValues[5]) else {
return .None
return PathSegment(type: command.absolute ? .C : .c, data: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y])
case .ClosePath:
return PathSegment(type: .Z)
return .None
private func separateNegativeValuesIfNeeded(expression: String) -> [String] {
var values = [String]()
var value = String()
expression.characters.forEach { c in
if c == "-" {
if value.characters.count != 0 {
value = String()
if value.characters.count != 0 {
return values
private func isCommandCharacter(character: Character) -> Bool {
switch character {
case moveToAbsolute:
return true
case moveToRelative:
return true
case lineToAbsolute:
return true
case lineToRelative:
return true
case lineHorizontalAbsolute:
return true
case lineHorizontalRelative:
return true
case lineVerticalAbsolute:
return true
case lineVerticalRelative:
return true
case curveToAbsolute:
return true
case curveToRelative:
return true
case closePathAbsolute:
return true
case closePathRelative:
return true
return false
private func isAbsolute(character: Character) -> Bool {
switch character {
case moveToAbsolute:
return true
case moveToRelative:
return false
case lineToAbsolute:
return true
case lineToRelative:
return false
case lineHorizontalAbsolute:
return true
case lineHorizontalRelative:
return false
case lineVerticalAbsolute:
return true
case lineVerticalRelative:
return false
case curveToAbsolute:
return true
case curveToRelative:
return false
case closePathAbsolute:
return true
case closePathRelative:
return false
return true
private func getCommandType(character: Character) -> PathCommandType {
switch character {
case moveToAbsolute:
return .MoveTo
case moveToRelative:
return .MoveTo
case lineToAbsolute:
return .LineTo
case lineToRelative:
return .LineTo
case lineVerticalAbsolute:
return .LineV
case lineVerticalRelative:
return .LineV
case lineHorizontalAbsolute:
return .LineH
case lineHorizontalRelative:
return .LineH
case curveToAbsolute:
return .CurveTo
case curveToRelative:
return .CurveTo
case closePathAbsolute:
return .ClosePath
case closePathRelative:
return .ClosePath
return .None
private func getDoubleValue(element: XMLElement, attribute: String) -> Double? {
guard let attributeValue = element.attributes[attribute], doubleValue = Double(attributeValue) else {
return .None
return doubleValue
private func getIntValue(element: XMLElement, attribute: String) -> Int? {
guard let attributeValue = element.attributes[attribute], intValue = Int(attributeValue) else {
return .None
return intValue
private func getFontName(attributes: [String: String]) -> String? {
return attributes["font-family"]
private func getFontSize(attributes: [String: String]) -> Int? {
guard let fontSize = attributes["font-size"] else {
return .None
return Int(fontSize)
private func getFontStyle(attributes: [String: String], style: String) -> Bool? {
guard let fontStyle = attributes["font-style"] else {
return .None
if fontStyle.lowercaseString == style {
return true
return false
private func getFontWeight(attributes: [String: String], style: String) -> Bool? {
guard let fontWeight = attributes["font-weight"] else {
return .None
if fontWeight.lowercaseString == style {
return true
return false
private func getTextDecoration(attributes: [String: String], decoration: String) -> Bool? {
guard let textDecoration = attributes["text-decoration"] else {
return .None
if textDecoration.containsString(decoration) {
return true
return false
func concat(t1: Transform, t2: Transform) -> Transform {
let nm11 = t2.m11 * t1.m11 + t2.m12 * t1.m21
let nm21 = t2.m21 * t1.m11 + t2.m22 * t1.m21
let ndx = t2.dx * t1.m11 + t2.dy * t1.m21 + t1.dx
let nm12 = t2.m11 * t1.m12 + t2.m12 * t1.m22
let nm22 = t2.m21 * t1.m12 + t2.m22 * t1.m22
let ndy = t2.dx * t1.m12 + t2.dy * t1.m22 + t1.dy
return Transform(m11: nm11, m12: nm12, m21: nm21, m22: nm22, dx: ndx, dy: ndy)
2016-08-03 11:35:00 +03:00