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2016-06-10 16:32:10 +03:00
import XCTest
@testable import Macaw
class MacawTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func testSVGTriangle() {
2016-06-17 13:50:04 +03:00
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("triangle", referenceObject: createTriangleReferenceObject()))
2016-06-10 16:32:10 +03:00
2016-06-17 13:50:04 +03:00
func testSVGLine() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("line", referenceObject: createLineReferenceObject()))
func testSVGRect() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("rect", referenceObject: createRectReferenceObject()))
func testSVGRoundRect() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("roundRect", referenceObject: createRoundRectReferenceObject()))
func testSVGPolygon() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("polygon", referenceObject: createPolygonReferenceObject()))
func testSVGPolyline() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("polyline", referenceObject: createPolylineReferenceObject()))
func testSVGCircle() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("circle", referenceObject: createCircleReferenceObject()))
func testSVGEllipse() {
XCTAssertTrue(compareWithReferenceObject("ellipse", referenceObject: createEllipseReferenceObject()))
func compareWithReferenceObject(fileName: String, referenceObject: AnyObject) -> Bool {
2016-06-10 16:32:10 +03:00
let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: self.dynamicType)
let path = bundle.pathForResource(fileName, ofType: "svg")
if let _ = path {
let content = try? NSString(contentsOfFile: path!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
if let svgString = content as? String {
let parser = SVGParser(svgString)
let group = parser.parse()
let referenceArray = prepareParametersList(Mirror(reflecting: referenceObject))
let parametersArray = prepareParametersList(Mirror(reflecting: group))
return referenceArray.elementsEqual(parametersArray, isEquivalent: { first, second in
2016-06-17 13:50:04 +03:00
//print("\(first.0) \(first.1) : \(second.0) \(second.1)")
2016-06-10 16:32:10 +03:00
return first.0 == second.0 && first.1 == second.1
return false
func prepareParametersList(mirror: Mirror) -> [(String, String)] {
var result:[(String, String)] = []
for (_, attribute) in mirror.children.enumerate() {
if let label = attribute.label where label == "_value" || label.characters.first != "_" {
result.append((label, String(attribute.value)))
result.appendContentsOf(prepareParametersList(Mirror(reflecting: attribute.value)))
return result
func createTriangleReferenceObject() -> Group {
let path = Path(segments: [Move(x: 150, y: 0), PLine(x: 75, y: 200), PLine(x: 225, y: 200), Close()])
2016-06-17 13:50:04 +03:00
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: path, stroke: Stroke(fill: Color.rgb(0, g: 102, b: 0), width: 2, cap: .round, join: .round))])
2016-06-10 16:32:10 +03:00
2016-06-17 13:50:04 +03:00
func createLineReferenceObject() -> Group {
let line = Line(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 200, y2: 200)
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: line, stroke: Stroke(fill: Color.red, width: 2, cap: .round, join: .round))])
func createRectReferenceObject() -> Group {
let rect = Rect(x: 50, w: 150, h: 150)
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: rect)])
func createRoundRectReferenceObject() -> Group {
let roundRect = RoundRect(rect: Rect(w: 150, h: 150), rx: 20, ry: 20)
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: roundRect)])
func createPolygonReferenceObject() -> Group {
let polygon = Polygon(points: [200, 10, 250, 190, 160, 210])
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: polygon)])
func createPolylineReferenceObject() -> Group {
let polyline = Polyline(points: [0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 80, 80, 80, 80, 120, 120, 120, 120, 160])
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: polyline, stroke: Stroke(fill: Color.red, width: 4, cap: .round, join: .round), fill: Color.white)])
func createCircleReferenceObject() -> Group {
let circle = Circle(cx: 50, cy: 50, r: 40)
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: circle, stroke: Stroke(fill: Color.black, width: 3, cap: .round, join: .round), fill: Color.red)])
func createEllipseReferenceObject() -> Group {
let ellipse = Ellipse(cx: 200, cy: 80, rx: 100, ry: 50)
return Group(contents: [Shape(form: ellipse, stroke: Stroke(fill: Color.purple, width: 2, cap: .round, join: .round), fill: Color.yellow)])
2016-06-10 16:32:10 +03:00