mirror of https://github.com/exyte/Macaw.git synced 2024-09-21 09:59:10 +03:00
2018-04-04 17:59:28 +03:00

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import Foundation
#if os(iOS)
import UIKit
let nodesMap = NodesMap()
var parentsMap = [Node: Set<Node>]()
class NodesMap {
let map = NSMapTable<Node, MacawView>(keyOptions: NSMapTableWeakMemory, valueOptions: NSMapTableWeakMemory)
// MARK: - Macaw View
func add(_ node: Node, view: MacawView) {
map.setObject(view, forKey: node)
if let group = node as? Group {
group.contents.forEach { child in
self.add(child, view: view)
self.add(child, parent: node)
func getView(_ node: Node) -> MacawView? {
return map.object(forKey: node)
func remove(_ node: Node) {
map.removeObject(forKey: node)
parentsMap.removeValue(forKey: node)
// MARK: - Parents
func add(_ node: Node, parent: Node) {
if var nodesSet = parentsMap[node] {
} else {
parentsMap[node] = Set([parent])
if let group = node as? Group {
group.contents.forEach { child in
self.add(child, parent: node)
func parents(_ node: Node) -> [Node] {
guard let nodesSet = parentsMap[node] else {
return []
return Array(nodesSet)
func replace(node: Node, to: Node) {
let parents = parentsMap[node]
let hostingView = map.object(forKey: node)
parents?.forEach { parent in
guard let group = parent as? Group else {
var contents = group.contents
var indexToInsert = 0
if let index = contents.index(of: node) {
contents.remove(at: index)
indexToInsert = index
contents.insert(to, at: indexToInsert)
group.contents = contents
add(to, parent: parent)
if let view = hostingView {
add(to, view: view)
// Replacing node in hosting view if needed
guard let hostingNode = hostingView?.node else {
if hostingNode == node {
hostingView?.node = to
// Replacing id
to.id = node.id