Dylan Yudaken a5fef9c910 Print data fetch round details (#112)
Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/Haxl/pull/112

Include what datasource and what type of fetches are included in the fetch round for tracing.

Reviewed By: simonmar

Differential Revision: D19554548

fbshipit-source-id: 747ea86ab355c9208bad1dcd938a0eec5b08dd72
2020-01-27 03:33:46 -08:00

221 lines
6.4 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license,
-- found in the LICENSE file.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings, RebindableSyntax, MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module TestExampleDataSource (tests) where
import Haxl.Prelude as Haxl
import Prelude()
import Haxl.Core.Monad (unsafeLiftIO)
import Haxl.Core
import Test.HUnit
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Exception
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import ExampleDataSource
import LoadCache
testEnv = do
-- To use a data source, we need to initialize its state:
exstate <- ExampleDataSource.initGlobalState
-- And create a StateStore object containing the states we need:
let st = stateSet exstate stateEmpty
-- Create the Env:
env <- initEnv st ()
return env{ flags = (flags env){ report = 2 } }
tests = TestList [
TestLabel "exampleTest" exampleTest,
TestLabel "orderTest" orderTest,
TestLabel "preCacheTest" preCacheTest,
TestLabel "cachedComputationTest" cachedComputationTest,
TestLabel "cacheResultTest" cacheResultTest,
TestLabel "memoTest" memoTest,
TestLabel "dataSourceExceptionTest" dataSourceExceptionTest,
TestLabel "dumpCacheAsHaskell" dumpCacheTest,
TestLabel "fetchError" fetchError
-- Let's test ExampleDataSource.
exampleTest :: Test
exampleTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
-- Run an example expression with two fetches:
x <- runHaxl env $
countAardvarks "abcabc" + (length <$> listWombats 3)
assertEqual "runTests" x (2 + 3)
-- Should be just one fetching round:
Stats stats <- readIORef (statsRef env)
putStrLn (ppStats (Stats stats))
assertEqual "rounds" 1 (length stats)
-- With two fetches:
assertBool "reqs" $
case stats of
[FetchStats{..}] ->
fetchDataSource == "ExampleDataSource" && fetchBatchSize == 2
_otherwise -> False
-- Test side-effect ordering
orderTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
ref <- newIORef ([] :: [Int])
let tick n = unsafeLiftIO (modifyIORef ref (n:))
let left = do tick 1
r <- countAardvarks "abcabc"
tick 2
return r
let right = do tick 3
r <- length <$> listWombats 3
tick 4
return r
x <- runHaxl env $ left + right
assertEqual "TestExampleDataSource2" x (2 + 3)
-- The order of the side effects is 1,3,2,4. First we see 1, then
-- left gets blocked, then we explore right, we see 3, then right
-- gets blocked. The data fetches are performed, then we see 2 and
-- then 4.
ys <- readIORef ref
assertEqual "TestExampleDataSource: ordering" (reverse ys) [1,3,2,4]
preCacheTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
x <- runHaxl env $ do
cacheRequest (CountAardvarks "xxx") (Right 3)
cacheRequest (ListWombats 1000000) (Right [1,2,3])
countAardvarks "xxx" + (length <$> listWombats 1000000)
assertEqual "preCacheTest1" x (3 + 3)
y <- Control.Exception.try $ runHaxl env $ do
cacheRequest (CountAardvarks "yyy") $ except (NotFound "yyy")
countAardvarks "yyy"
assertBool "preCacheTest2" $
case y of
Left (NotFound "yyy") -> True
_other -> False
-- Pretend CountAardvarks is a request computed by some Haxl code
cachedComputationTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
let env' = env { flags = (flags env){trace = 3} }
let x = cachedComputation (CountAardvarks "ababa") $ do
a <- length <$> listWombats 10
b <- length <$> listWombats 20
return (a + b)
r <- runHaxl env' $ x + x + countAardvarks "baba"
assertEqual "cachedComputationTest1" 62 r
stats <- readIORef (statsRef env)
assertEqual "fetches" 3 (numFetches stats)
cacheResultTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
ref <- newIORef 0
let request = cacheResult (CountAardvarks "ababa") $ do
modifyIORef ref (+1)
readIORef ref
r <- runHaxl env $ (+) <$> request <*> request
assertEqual "cacheResult" 2 r
-- Pretend CountAardvarks is a request computed by some Haxl code
memoTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
let env' = env { flags = (flags env){trace = 3} }
let x = memo (CountAardvarks "ababa") $ do
a <- length <$> listWombats 10
b <- length <$> listWombats 20
return (a + b)
r <- runHaxl env' $ x + x + countAardvarks "baba"
assertEqual "memoTest1" 62 r
stats <- readIORef (statsRef env)
assertEqual "fetches" 3 (numFetches stats)
-- Test that the FetchError gets returned properly, and that we have
-- a failure logged in the stats.
fetchError = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
r <- runHaxl env $ Haxl.try $
(++) <$> listWombats 1000000 <*> listWombats 1000001
assertBool "fetchError1" $ case r of
Left FetchError{} -> True
Right _ -> False
Stats stats <- readIORef (statsRef env)
assertEqual "fetchError2" 2 (sum [ fetchFailures | FetchStats{..} <- stats ])
dataSourceExceptionTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
r <- runHaxl env $ Haxl.try $ countAardvarks "BANG"
assertBool "exception1" $
case r of
Left (ErrorCall "BANG") -> True
_ -> False
r <- runHaxl env $ Haxl.try $ countAardvarks "BANG2"
assertBool "exception2" $
case r of
Left (ErrorCall "BANG2") -> True
_ -> False
-- In this test, BANG3 is an asynchronous exception (ThreadKilled),
-- so we should see that instead of the exception on the left.
-- Furthermore, it doesn't get caught by Haxl.try, and we have to
-- catch it outside of runHaxl.
env <- testEnv
r <- Control.Exception.try $ runHaxl env $ Haxl.try $
(length <$> listWombats 100) + countAardvarks "BANG3"
print r
assertBool "exception3" $
case (r :: Either AsyncException (Either SomeException Int)) of
Left ThreadKilled -> True
_ -> False
-- Test that we can load the cache from a dumped copy of it, and then dump it
-- again to get the same result.
dumpCacheTest = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
runHaxl env loadCache
str <- runHaxl env dumpCacheAsHaskell
lcPath <-loadCachePath
loadcache <- readFile lcPath
-- The order of 'cacheRequest ...' calls is nondeterministic and
-- differs among GHC versions, so we sort the lines for comparison.
assertEqual "dumpCacheAsHaskell" (sort $ lines loadcache) (sort $ lines str)
loadCachePath = do
lcEnv <- lookupEnv "LOADCACHE"
return $ fromMaybe (dropFileName __FILE__ </> "LoadCache.txt") lcEnv