Dylan Yudaken e5f95d6213 move minimum supported version to GHC 8.2
Summary: Bump the minimum Haxl version to GHC 8.2, which at this point is 2.5 years old but more importantly has many features that are really helpful in Haxl (such as the hs_try_put_mvar API function, which is really useful for BackgroundFetch)

Reviewed By: josefs

Differential Revision: D19327952

fbshipit-source-id: f635068fe9fb8f1d1f0d83ccbf9c3c04947183a0
2020-01-10 01:32:54 -08:00

117 lines
2.9 KiB

-- Necessary:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- Incidental:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Hashable
import Data.List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Typeable
import Haxl.Core
import System.Random
import qualified Data.Text as Text
main :: IO ()
main = do
let stateStore = stateSet UserState{} stateEmpty
env0 <- initEnv stateStore ()
names <- runHaxl env0 getAllUsernames
print names
-- Data source API.
getAllUsernames :: Haxl [Name]
getAllUsernames = do
userIds <- getAllUserIds
for userIds $ \userId -> do
getUsernameById userId
getAllUserIds :: Haxl [Id]
getAllUserIds = dataFetch GetAllIds
getUsernameById :: Id -> Haxl Name
getUsernameById userId = dataFetch (GetNameById userId)
-- Aliases.
type Haxl = GenHaxl () ()
type Id = Int
type Name = Text
-- Data source implementation.
data UserReq a where
GetAllIds :: UserReq [Id]
GetNameById :: Id -> UserReq Name
deriving (Typeable)
deriving instance Eq (UserReq a)
instance Hashable (UserReq a) where
hashWithSalt s GetAllIds = hashWithSalt s (0::Int)
hashWithSalt s (GetNameById a) = hashWithSalt s (1::Int, a)
deriving instance Show (UserReq a)
instance ShowP UserReq where showp = show
instance StateKey UserReq where
data State UserReq = UserState {}
instance DataSourceName UserReq where
dataSourceName _ = "UserDataSource"
instance DataSource u UserReq where
fetch _state _flags _userEnv = SyncFetch $ \blockedFetches -> do
allIdVars :: [ResultVar [Id]]
allIdVars = [r | BlockedFetch GetAllIds r <- blockedFetches]
idStrings :: [String]
idStrings = map show ids
ids :: [Id]
vars :: [ResultVar Name]
(ids, vars) = unzip
[(userId, r) | BlockedFetch (GetNameById userId) r <- blockedFetches]
unless (null allIdVars) $ do
allIds <- sql "select id from ids"
mapM_ (\r -> putSuccess r allIds) allIdVars
unless (null ids) $ do
names <- sql $ unwords
[ "select name from names where"
, intercalate " or " $ map ("id = " ++) idStrings
, "order by find_in_set(id, '" ++ intercalate "," idStrings ++ "')"
mapM_ (uncurry putSuccess) (zip vars names)
-- Mock SQL API.
class SQLResult a where
mockResult :: IO a
instance SQLResult a => SQLResult [a] where
mockResult = replicateM 10 mockResult
instance SQLResult Name where
-- An infinite number of employees, all named Jim.
mockResult = ("Jim" `Text.append`) . Text.pack . show <$> randomRIO (1::Int, 100)
instance SQLResult Id where
mockResult = randomRIO (1, 100)
sql :: SQLResult a => String -> IO a
sql query = print query >> mockResult