Dylan Yudaken 15a8c2cc84 Track fetches/memos accurately in profiling (#120)
Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/Haxl/pull/120

This adds tracking of memo/fetches per label by a unique id for each. Using this we can track exactly where time was spent, and where it was shared

Reviewed By: simonmar

Differential Revision: D20792435

fbshipit-source-id: 55c1e778d313d103a910c6dd5be512f95125acce
2020-04-24 08:02:53 -07:00

175 lines
6.0 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license,
-- found in the LICENSE file.
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module ProfileTests where
import Haxl.Prelude
import Haxl.Core
import Haxl.Core.Monad
import Haxl.Core.Stats
import Test.HUnit
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Int
import TestUtils
import WorkDataSource
mkProfilingEnv = do
env <- makeTestEnv False
return env { flags = (flags env) { report = 4 } }
-- expects only one label to be shown
labelToDataMap :: Profile -> HashMap.HashMap ProfileLabel ProfileData
labelToDataMap Profile{..} = HashMap.fromList hashKeys
labelKeys = HashMap.fromList [
(k, l) | ((l, _), k) <- HashMap.toList profileTree]
hashKeys = [ (l, v)
| (k, v) <- HashMap.toList profile
, Just l <- [HashMap.lookup k labelKeys]]
collectsdata :: Assertion
collectsdata = do
e <- mkProfilingEnv
_x <- runHaxl e $
withLabel "bar" $
withLabel "foo" $ do
u <- env userEnv
-- do some non-trivial work that can't be lifted out
case fromJSON <$> HashMap.lookup "A" u of
Just (Success n) | sum [n .. 1000::Integer] > 0 -> return 5
_otherwise -> return (4::Int)
profCopy <- readIORef (profRef e)
profData = profile profCopy
labelKeys = HashMap.fromList [
(l, k) | ((l, _), k) <- HashMap.toList (profileTree profCopy)]
getData k = do
k2 <- HashMap.lookup k labelKeys
HashMap.lookup k2 profData
assertEqual "has data" 3 $ HashMap.size profData
assertBool "foo allocates" $
case profileAllocs <$> getData "foo" of
Just x -> x > 10000
Nothing -> False
assertBool "bar does not allocate (much)" $
case profileAllocs <$> getData "bar" of
Just n -> n < 5000 -- getAllocationCounter can be off by +/- 4K
_otherwise -> False
let fooParents = case HashMap.lookup "foo" labelKeys of
Nothing -> []
Just kfoo ->
[ kparent
| ((_, kparent), k) <- HashMap.toList (profileTree profCopy)
, k == kfoo]
assertEqual "foo's parent" 1 (length fooParents)
assertEqual "foo's parent is bar" (Just (head fooParents)) $
HashMap.lookup ("bar", 0) (profileTree profCopy)
exceptions :: Assertion
exceptions = do
env <- mkProfilingEnv
_x <- runHaxl env $
withLabel "outer" $
tryToHaxlException $ withLabel "inner" $
unsafeLiftIO $ evaluate $ force (error "pure exception" :: Int)
profData <- labelToDataMap <$> readIORef (profRef env)
assertBool "inner label not added" $
not $ HashMap.member "inner" profData
env2 <- mkProfilingEnv
_x <- runHaxl env2 $
withLabel "outer" $
tryToHaxlException $ withLabel "inner" $
throw $ NotFound "haxl exception"
profData <- labelToDataMap <$> readIORef (profRef env2)
assertBool "inner label added" $
HashMap.member "inner" profData
-- Test that we correctly attribute work done in child threads when
-- using BackgroundFetch to the caller of runHaxl. This is important
-- for correct accounting when relying on allocation limits.
threadAlloc :: Integer -> Assertion
threadAlloc batches = do
env' <- initEnv (stateSet mkWorkState stateEmpty) ()
let env = env' { flags = (flags env') { report = 2 } }
a0 <- getAllocationCounter
wsize = 100000
w = forM [wsize..(wsize+batches-1)] work
_x <- runHaxl env $ sum <$> w
a1 <- getAllocationCounter
lower = fromIntegral $ 1000000 * batches
upper = fromIntegral $ 25000000 * batches
assertBool "threadAlloc lower bound" $ (a0 - a1) > lower
assertBool "threadAlloc upper bound" $ (a0 - a1) < upper
-- the result was 16MB on 64-bit, or around 25KB if we miss the allocs
-- in the child thread. For batched it should be similarly scaled.
-- When we do not reset the counter for each batch was
-- scaled again by number of batches.
stats <- readIORef (statsRef env)
"threadAlloc: batches"
[fromIntegral batches]
(aggregateFetchBatches length stats)
-- if we actually do more than 1 batch then the above test is not useful
-- Test that we correctly attribute memo work
memos:: Assertion
memos = do
env <- mkProfilingEnv
memoAllocs = 10000000 :: Int64
doWorkMemo = memo (1 :: Int) $ unsafeLiftIO $ do
a0 <- getAllocationCounter
setAllocationCounter $ a0 - memoAllocs
return (5 :: Int)
_ <- runHaxl env $ andThen
(withLabel "do" doWorkMemo)
(withLabel "cached" doWorkMemo)
profData <- labelToDataMap <$> readIORef (profRef env)
case HashMap.lookup "do" profData of
Nothing -> assertFailure "do not in data"
Just ProfileData{..} -> do
assertEqual "has correct memo id" profileMemos [ProfileMemo 1 False]
assertBool "allocs are included in 'do'" (profileAllocs > memoAllocs)
case HashMap.lookup "cached" profData of
Nothing -> assertFailure "cached not in data"
Just ProfileData{..} -> do
assertEqual "has correct memo id" profileMemos [ProfileMemo 1 True]
assertBool "allocs are *not* included in 'cached'" (profileAllocs < 50000)
(Stats memoStats) <- readIORef (statsRef env)
assertEqual "exactly 1 memo/fetch" 1 (length memoStats)
let memoStat = head memoStats
putStrLn $ "memoStat=" ++ show memoStat
assertEqual "correct call id" 1 (memoStatId memoStat)
assertBool "allocs are big enough" $ memoSpace memoStat >= memoAllocs
assertBool "allocs are not too big" $ memoSpace memoStat < memoAllocs + 100000
tests = TestList
[ TestLabel "collectsdata" $ TestCase collectsdata
, TestLabel "exceptions" $ TestCase exceptions
, TestLabel "threads" $ TestCase (threadAlloc 1)
, TestLabel "threads with batch" $ TestCase (threadAlloc 50)
, TestLabel "memos" $ TestCase memos