Dylan Yudaken fe44803c40 supoprt classifying exceptions as ignored for stats (#129)
Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/Haxl/pull/129

Some datasources will throw exceptions but this does not indicate a problem with the datasource itself. This can make the statistics difficult to use to track actual problems versus problems with the way the datasource is used.
Here we allow the datasource to classify some failures to be ignored by the stats collection. They are not simply ignored however - but stored in a new field `fetchIgnoredFailures`

Reviewed By: josefs

Differential Revision: D23475953

fbshipit-source-id: a35ee0fc44ae98db86ae56573f5e7462e0355709
2020-09-10 03:19:22 -07:00

192 lines
6.9 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license,
-- found in the LICENSE file.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module StatsTests (tests) where
import Test.HUnit
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Haxl.Prelude
import Haxl.Core
import Prelude()
import ExampleDataSource
import SleepDataSource
import Haxl.DataSource.ConcurrentIO
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
aggregateBatches :: Test
aggregateBatches = TestCase $ do
statsNoBatches = [ FetchStats { fetchDataSource = "foo"
, fetchBatchSize = 7
, fetchStart = 0
, fetchDuration = 10
, fetchSpace = 1
, fetchFailures = 2
, fetchIgnoredFailures = 0
, fetchBatchId = n
, fetchIds = [1,2] }
| n <- reverse [1..10] ++ [11..20] ]
++ [ FetchCall "A" ["B"] 1, FetchCall "C" ["D"] 2 ]
fetchBatch = [ FetchStats { fetchDataSource = "batch"
, fetchBatchSize = 1
, fetchStart = 100
, fetchDuration = 1000 * n
, fetchSpace = 3
, fetchFailures = if n <= 3 then 1 else 0
, fetchIgnoredFailures = 0
, fetchBatchId = 123
, fetchIds = [fromIntegral n] } | n <- [1..50] ]
agg (sz,bids) FetchStats{..} = (sz + fetchBatchSize, fetchBatchId:bids)
agg _ _ = error "unexpected"
agg' = foldl' agg (0,[])
aggNoBatch = aggregateFetchBatches agg' (Stats statsNoBatches)
expectedNoBatch = [(7, [n]) | n <- reverse [1..20] :: [Int]]
aggBatch = aggregateFetchBatches agg' (Stats fetchBatch)
expectedResultBatch = (50, [123 | _ <- [1..50] :: [Int]])
aggInterspersedBatch =
aggregateFetchBatches agg'
(Stats $ intersperse (head fetchBatch) statsNoBatches)
expectedResultInterspersed =
(21, [123 | _ <- [1..21] :: [Int]]) : expectedNoBatch
assertEqual "No batch has no change" expectedNoBatch aggNoBatch
assertEqual "Batch is combined" [expectedResultBatch] aggBatch
"Grouping works as expected" expectedResultInterspersed aggInterspersedBatch
testEnv = do
-- To use a data source, we need to initialize its state:
exstate <- ExampleDataSource.initGlobalState
sleepState <- mkConcurrentIOState
-- And create a StateStore object containing the states we need:
let st = stateSet exstate (stateSet sleepState stateEmpty)
-- Create the Env:
env <- initEnv st ()
return env{ flags = (flags env){ report = 5 } }
fetchIdsSync :: Test
fetchIdsSync = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
_ <- runHaxl env $
[ void $ countAardvarks "abcabc" + (length <$> listWombats 3)
, void $ listWombats 100
, void $ listWombats 99
, void $ countAardvarks "BANG4" `catch` \NotFound{} -> return 123
-- expect a single DS stat
(Stats stats) <- readIORef (statsRef env)
fetchStats = [x | x@FetchStats{} <- stats]
assertEqual "Only 1 batch" 1 (length fetchStats)
[stat] = fetchStats
assertEqual "No real failures" 0 (fetchFailures stat)
assertEqual "1 ignored failure" 1 (fetchIgnoredFailures stat)
fetchIdsBackground :: Test
fetchIdsBackground = TestCase $ do
env <- testEnv
_ <- runHaxl env $
[ withLabel "short" $ sleep 1
, withLabel "long" $ sleep 500 ]
-- make sure that with memo'ing we still preserve the stack
_ <- runHaxl env $ withLabel "base"
(memo (1 :: Int) $ withLabel "child" $ sleep 102)
_ <- runHaxl env $ withLabel "short_cached" $ sleep 1
-- expect a single DS stat
(Stats stats) <- readIORef (statsRef env)
(Profile p pt _) <- readIORef (profRef env)
keyMap =
HashMap.fromList [ (label, k) | ((label,_), k) <- HashMap.toList pt]
revMap = HashMap.fromList [(v,k) | (k,v) <- HashMap.toList pt]
parentMap =
HashMap.fromList $
[ case HashMap.lookup kp revMap of
Just (lp,_) -> Just (label, lp)
Nothing -> Nothing
| ((label,kp), _) <- HashMap.toList pt]
fetchMap = HashMap.fromList [ (fid, x) | x@FetchStats{} <- stats
, fid <- fetchIds x]
get l = [ (prof, wasCached, fetchStat)
| Just key <- [HashMap.lookup l keyMap]
, Just prof <- [HashMap.lookup key p]
, ProfileFetch fid _ wasCached <- profileFetches prof
, Just fetchStat <- [HashMap.lookup fid fetchMap]]
[(short, shortWC, shortFetch)] = get "short"
[(long, longWC, longFetch)] = get "long"
[(shortCached, shortCachedWC, shortCachedFetch)] = get "short_cached"
assertEqual "3 batches" 3 (HashMap.size fetchMap)
assertEqual "6 labels (inc MAIN)" 6 (HashMap.size keyMap)
assertEqual "child parent is base"
(Just "base")
(HashMap.lookup "child" parentMap)
assertEqual "base parent is MAIN"
(Just "MAIN")
(HashMap.lookup "base" parentMap)
assertEqual "long parent is MAIN"
(Just "MAIN")
(HashMap.lookup "long" parentMap)
assertBool "original fetches not cached (short)" (not shortWC)
assertBool "original fetches not cached (long)" (not longWC)
assertBool "was cached short" shortCachedWC
assertEqual "one fetch short" 1 (length $ profileFetches short)
assertEqual "one fetch long" 1 (length $ profileFetches long)
assertEqual "one fetch short_cached" 1 (length $ profileFetches shortCached)
assertBool "short fetch mapped properly" (fetchDuration shortFetch < 100000)
"short cached fetch mapped properly"
(fetchDuration shortFetch)
(fetchDuration shortCachedFetch)
assertBool "long fetch was mapped properly" (fetchDuration longFetch > 100000)
ppStatsTest :: Test
ppStatsTest = TestCase $ do
r = ppStats (Stats [])
mc = ppStats (Stats [MemoCall 0 0])
fc = ppStats (Stats [FetchCall "" [] 0])
fw = ppStats (Stats [FetchWait HashMap.empty 0 1])
fs = ppStats (Stats [FetchStats "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 []])
assertEqual "empty stats -> empty string" r ""
assertEqual "memo call stats -> empty string" mc ""
assertEqual "fetch call stats -> empty string" fc ""
assertBool "fetch wait stats -> some data" (not $ null fw)
assertBool "fetch stats -> some data" (not $ null fs)
tests = TestList [ TestLabel "Aggregate Batches" aggregateBatches
, TestLabel "Fetch IDs Sync" fetchIdsSync
, TestLabel "Fetch IDs Background" fetchIdsBackground
, TestLabel "ppStats" ppStatsTest ]