diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 510f52aa..615382e8 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,3 +1,49 @@ +# object files +*.a +*.o +*.so + +# haskell stuff +.ghc.environment.* +dist +dist-* +cabal-dev +*.chi +*.chs.h +*.dyn_o +*.dyn_hi +*.prof +*.hp +*.eventlog +.cabal-sandbox/ +cabal.sandbox.config +cabal.config +cabal.project.local +.HTF/ .stack-work/ -log/ -.idea/ +stack.yaml.lock + +# vim stuff +[._]*.s[a-v][a-z] +[._]*.sw[a-p] +[._]s[a-v][a-z] +[._]sw[a-p] +*~ + +# nix stuff +result +result-* +*.hi + +# make/latexmk stuff +.makefile +*.aux +*.fdb_latexmk +*.fls +*.log +*.out + +# misc +tags +log +.idea diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 339bc7c1..dadb9cdf 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,92 +1,140 @@ -# This file has been generated -- see https://github.com/hvr/multi-ghc-travis +# This Travis job script has been generated by a script via +# +# haskell-ci 'travis' 'duckling.cabal' +# +# To regenerate the script (for example after adjusting tested-with) run +# +# haskell-ci regenerate +# +# For more information, see https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci +# +# version: 0.10.3 +# +version: ~> 1.0 language: c -sudo: false - +os: linux +dist: xenial +git: + # whether to recursively clone submodules + submodules: false cache: directories: - - $HOME/.cabsnap - $HOME/.cabal/packages - + - $HOME/.cabal/store + - $HOME/.hlint before_cache: - - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/build-reports.log - - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar - -matrix: + - rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/build-reports.log + # remove files that are regenerated by 'cabal update' + - rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.* + - rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/*.json + - rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.cache + - rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar + - rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar.idx + - rm -rfv $CABALHOME/packages/head.hackage +jobs: include: - # crashes in travis because 2 versions of unix get installed and - # when text-show tries to use TH the wrong one gets linked - # - env: CABALVER=1.24 GHCVER=7.10.3 HAPPYVER=1.19.5 BUILD=cabal - # compiler: ": #GHC 7.10.3" - # addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-1.24,ghc-7.10.3,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}} - - env: CABALVER=1.24 GHCVER=8.0.2 - compiler: ": #GHC 8.0.2" - addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-1.24,ghc-8.0.2,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}} - - env: CABALVER=2.0 GHCVER=8.2.2 - compiler: ": #GHC 8.2.2" - addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-2.0,ghc-8.2.2,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}} - - env: CABALVER=2.0 GHCVER=8.6.3 - compiler: ": #GHC 8.6.3" - addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-2.0,ghc-8.6.3,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}} - + - compiler: ghc-8.6.5 + addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/hvr/ghc/ubuntu xenial main","key_url":"https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x063dab2bdc0b3f9fcebc378bff3aeacef6f88286"}],"packages":["ghc-8.6.5","cabal-install-3.2"]}} + os: linux + - compiler: ghc-8.4.4 + addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/hvr/ghc/ubuntu xenial main","key_url":"https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x063dab2bdc0b3f9fcebc378bff3aeacef6f88286"}],"packages":["ghc-8.4.4","cabal-install-3.2"]}} + os: linux before_install: - - unset CC - - export HAPPYVER=1.19.5 - - export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/$CABALVER/bin:$PATH - - export PATH=/opt/happy/$HAPPYVER/bin:$PATH - + - HC=$(echo "/opt/$CC/bin/ghc" | sed 's/-/\//') + - WITHCOMPILER="-w $HC" + - HADDOCK=$(echo "/opt/$CC/bin/haddock" | sed 's/-/\//') + - HCPKG="$HC-pkg" + - unset CC + - CABAL=/opt/ghc/bin/cabal + - CABALHOME=$HOME/.cabal + - export PATH="$CABALHOME/bin:$PATH" + - TOP=$(pwd) + - "HCNUMVER=$(${HC} --numeric-version|perl -ne '/^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?$/; print(10000 * $1 + 100 * $2 + ($3 == 0 ? $5 != 1 : $3))')" + - echo $HCNUMVER + - CABAL="$CABAL -vnormal+nowrap" + - set -o pipefail + - TEST=--enable-tests + - BENCH=--enable-benchmarks + - HEADHACKAGE=false + - rm -f $CABALHOME/config + - | + echo "verbose: normal +nowrap +markoutput" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "remote-build-reporting: anonymous" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "write-ghc-environment-files: always" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "remote-repo-cache: $CABALHOME/packages" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "logs-dir: $CABALHOME/logs" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "world-file: $CABALHOME/world" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "extra-prog-path: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "symlink-bindir: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "installdir: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "build-summary: $CABALHOME/logs/build.log" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "store-dir: $CABALHOME/store" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "install-dirs user" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo " prefix: $CABALHOME" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo "repository hackage.haskell.org" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo " url: http://hackage.haskell.org/" >> $CABALHOME/config install: - - cabal --version - - echo "$(ghc --version) [$(ghc --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]" - - if [ -f $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar.gz ]; - then - zcat $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar.gz > - $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar; - fi - - travis_retry cabal update -v - - sed -i 's/^jobs:/-- jobs:/' ${HOME}/.cabal/config - - cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks --dry -v > installplan.txt - - sed -i -e '1,/^Resolving /d' installplan.txt; cat installplan.txt - -# check whether current requested install-plan matches cached package-db snapshot - - if diff -u $HOME/.cabsnap/installplan.txt installplan.txt; - then - echo "cabal build-cache HIT"; - rm -rfv .ghc; - cp -a $HOME/.cabsnap/ghc $HOME/.ghc; - cp -a $HOME/.cabsnap/lib $HOME/.cabsnap/share $HOME/.cabsnap/bin $HOME/.cabal/; - else - echo "cabal build-cache MISS"; - rm -rf $HOME/.cabsnap; - mkdir -p $HOME/.ghc $HOME/.cabal/lib $HOME/.cabal/share $HOME/.cabal/bin; - cabal install -j1 --only-dependencies --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks; - fi - -# snapshot package-db on cache miss - - if [ ! -d $HOME/.cabsnap ]; - then - echo "snapshotting package-db to build-cache"; - mkdir $HOME/.cabsnap; - cp -a $HOME/.ghc $HOME/.cabsnap/ghc; - cp -a $HOME/.cabal/lib $HOME/.cabal/share $HOME/.cabal/bin installplan.txt $HOME/.cabsnap/; - fi - -# Here starts the actual work to be performed for the package under test; -# any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the build to fail. + - ${CABAL} --version + - echo "$(${HC} --version) [$(${HC} --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]" + - | + echo "program-default-options" >> $CABALHOME/config + echo " ghc-options: $GHCJOBS +RTS -M6G -RTS" >> $CABALHOME/config + - cat $CABALHOME/config + - rm -fv cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze + - travis_retry ${CABAL} v2-update -v + # Generate cabal.project + - rm -rf cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze + - touch cabal.project + - | + echo "packages: ." >> cabal.project + - echo 'package duckling' >> cabal.project + - "echo ' ghc-options: -Werror=missing-methods' >> cabal.project" + - | + - "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(duckling)$' || true) | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done" + - cat cabal.project || true + - cat cabal.project.local || true + - if [ -f "./configure.ac" ]; then (cd "." && autoreconf -i); fi + - ${CABAL} v2-freeze $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} + - "cat cabal.project.freeze | sed -E 's/^(constraints: *| *)//' | sed 's/any.//'" + - rm cabal.project.freeze + - travis_wait 40 ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} --dep -j2 all + - travis_wait 40 ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --dep -j2 all script: - - if [ -f configure.ac ]; then autoreconf -i; fi - - cabal configure --enable-tests -v2 # -v2 provides useful information for debugging - - cabal build -j1 # this builds all libraries and executables (including tests/benchmarks) - - travis_wait cabal test -j1 --show-details=always - - cabal check - - cabal sdist # tests that a source-distribution can be generated - -# Check that the resulting source distribution can be built & installed. -# If there are no other `.tar.gz` files in `dist`, this can be even simpler: -# `cabal install --force-reinstalls dist/*-*.tar.gz` - -# Building it again doubles the time and it's currently timing out on Travis. -# It's also not that useful at the moment. -#- SRC_TGZ=$(cabal info . | awk '{print $2;exit}').tar.gz && -# (cd dist && cabal install --force-reinstalls "$SRC_TGZ") + - DISTDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dist-test.XXXX) + # Packaging... + - ${CABAL} v2-sdist all + # Unpacking... + - mv dist-newstyle/sdist/*.tar.gz ${DISTDIR}/ + - cd ${DISTDIR} || false + - find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xvf '{}' \; + - find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec rm '{}' \; + - PKGDIR_duckling="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/duckling-[0-9.]*')" + # Generate cabal.project + - rm -rf cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze + - touch cabal.project + - | + echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_duckling}" >> cabal.project + - echo 'package duckling' >> cabal.project + - "echo ' ghc-options: -Werror=missing-methods' >> cabal.project" + - | + - "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(duckling)$' || true) | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done" + - cat cabal.project || true + - cat cabal.project.local || true + # Building... + # this builds all libraries and executables (without tests/benchmarks) + - ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all + # Building with tests and benchmarks... + # build & run tests, build benchmarks + - ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all + # Testing... + - ${CABAL} v2-test $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all + # cabal check... + - (cd ${PKGDIR_duckling} && ${CABAL} -vnormal check) + # haddock... + - ${CABAL} v2-haddock $WITHCOMPILER --with-haddock $HADDOCK ${TEST} ${BENCH} all + # Building without installed constraints for packages in global-db... + - rm -f cabal.project.local + - ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all +# REGENDATA ("0.10.3",["travis","duckling.cabal"]) # EOF diff --git a/dist-newstyle/cache/config b/dist-newstyle/cache/config deleted file mode 100644 index 2ab20b66..00000000 Binary files a/dist-newstyle/cache/config and /dev/null differ diff --git a/duckling.cabal b/duckling.cabal index d9fe499f..22a9e09d 100644 --- a/duckling.cabal +++ b/duckling.cabal @@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ build-type: Simple stability: alpha cabal-version: >=1.10 tested-with: - GHC==8.0.2, - GHC==8.2.2, - GHC==8.6.3 + GHC==8.4.4, + GHC==8.6.5 extra-source-files: README.md @@ -829,17 +828,17 @@ library build-depends: base >= 4.8.2 && < 5.0 , array >= && < 0.6 , attoparsec >= && < 0.14 - , aeson >= && < 1.5 + , aeson >= && < 1.6 , bytestring >= && < 0.11 , containers >= && < 0.7 , deepseq >= && < 1.5 , dependent-sum >= && < 0.5 - , extra >= 1.4.10 && < 1.7 - , hashable >= && < 1.3 - , regex-base >= 0.93.2 && < 0.94 - , regex-pcre >= 0.94.4 && < 0.95 + , extra >= 1.4.10 && < 1.8 + , hashable >= && < 1.4 + , regex-base >= 0.93.2 && < 0.95 + , regex-pcre >= 0.94.4 && < 0.96 , text >= && < 1.3 - , text-show >= 2.1.2 && < 3.8 + , text-show >= 2.1.2 && < 3.9 , time >= && < 2 , timezone-series >= && < 0.2 , unordered-containers >= && < 0.3 @@ -1160,7 +1159,7 @@ executable duckling-example-exe , text , text-show , time - , timezone-olson >= 0.1.7 && < 0.2 + , timezone-olson >= 0.1.7 && < 0.3 , timezone-series , unordered-containers default-language: Haskell2010 @@ -1195,7 +1194,7 @@ executable duckling-request-sample , filepath >= && < 1.5 , text , time - , timezone-olson >= 0.1.7 && < 0.2 + , timezone-olson >= 0.1.7 && < 0.3 , timezone-series , unordered-containers default-language: Haskell2010 @@ -1214,7 +1213,7 @@ executable duckling-expensive , filepath >= && < 1.5 , text , time - , timezone-olson >= 0.1.7 && < 0.2 + , timezone-olson >= 0.1.7 && < 0.3 , timezone-series , unordered-containers default-language: Haskell2010 diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml index e68eb916..30fee675 100644 --- a/stack.yaml +++ b/stack.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -resolver: lts-9.10 +resolver: lts-14.20 packages: - '.'