Steven Troxler eba5d0a825 Simple style fixes for outer layers around Engine.hs
Easy style fixes for ExampleMain.hs, Debug.hs, Api.hs, Core.hs

Most of these are just lint fixes, but I also made a few not-just-lint changes
to conform to some elements of our style guide that I agree with:
- if the type signature doesn't fit on one line, then put one type per line
  with nothing on the first line, so that all types are vertically aligned - makes
  for a quick skim
- try to avoid mixing same-line function args with hanging function args: hang
  all arguments or none at all to get a more outline-like feel, again better for

I was actually able to eliminate all errors for most of these modules - the name
collisions I usually give up on were manageable by hiding + easy variable renames

Reviewed By: chessai

Differential Revision: D28213246

fbshipit-source-id: 1f77d56f2ff8dccfd5f3b534f087c07047b92885
2021-05-06 08:54:56 -07:00

87 lines
2.4 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Duckling.Testing.Types
( Corpus
, Datetime
, Example
, NegativeCorpus
, TestPredicate
, dt
, examples
, examplesCustom
, parserCheck
, refTime
, simpleCheck
, testContext
, testOptions
, withLocale
, zTime
) where
import Data.Aeson (toJSON, ToJSON, Value)
import Data.Fixed (Pico)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import Duckling.Core
import Duckling.Resolve
import Duckling.Types
type TestPredicate = Context -> ResolvedToken -> Bool
type Example = (Text, TestPredicate)
type Corpus = (Context, Options, [Example])
type NegativeCorpus = (Context, Options, [Text])
examplesCustom :: TestPredicate -> [Text] -> [Example]
examplesCustom check = map (, check)
simpleCheck :: ToJSON a => a -> TestPredicate
simpleCheck json _ Resolved{rval = RVal _ v} = toJSON json == toJSON v
parserCheck :: Eq a => a -> (Value -> Maybe a) -> TestPredicate
parserCheck expected parseValue _ Resolved{rval = RVal _ v} =
Just expected == parseValue (toJSON v)
examples :: ToJSON a => a -> [Text] -> [Example]
examples output = examplesCustom (simpleCheck output)
type Datetime = (Integer, Int, Int, Int, Int, Pico)
dt :: Datetime -> Time.UTCTime
dt (year, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds) = Time.UTCTime day diffTime
day = Time.fromGregorian year month days
diffTime = Time.timeOfDayToTime $ Time.TimeOfDay hours minutes seconds
zTime :: Datetime -> Int -> Time.ZonedTime
zTime datetime offset = fromUTC (dt datetime) $ Time.hoursToTimeZone offset
refTime :: Datetime -> Int -> DucklingTime
refTime datetime offset = fromZonedTime $ zTime datetime offset
-- Tuesday Feb 12, 2013 at 4:30am is the "now" for the tests
testContext :: Context
testContext = Context
{ locale = makeLocale EN Nothing
, referenceTime = refTime (2013, 2, 12, 4, 30, 0) (-2)
testOptions :: Options
testOptions = Options
{ withLatent = False
withLocale :: (Context, Options, [a]) -> Locale -> [a]
-> (Context, Options, [a])
withLocale (langContext, options, langXs) locale localeXs
= (langContext {locale = locale}, options, langXs ++ localeXs)