Amr Keleg 79ac8f63f9 Add isArabic rule (#577)
Fixes, fixes

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: stroxler

Differential Revision: D29664126

Pulled By: chessai

fbshipit-source-id: b6365699231527b0869322c798e32a21328f1071
2021-07-12 13:37:23 -07:00

294 lines
11 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Duckling.Types.Document
( Document -- abstract
, fromText
, (!)
, (!?)
, length
, byteStringFromPos
, isAdjacent
, isRangeValid
) where
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List (scanl', foldl', foldr)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude hiding (length)
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as Array
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Text.Unsafe as UText
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Unsafe.Char as UText
import Duckling.Locale (Lang(..))
data Document = Document
{ rawInput :: !Text
, utf8Encoded :: ByteString
, indexable :: UArray Int Char -- for O(1) indexing pos -> Char
, firstNonAdjacent :: UArray Int Int
-- for a given index 'i' it keeps a first index 'j' greater or equal 'i'
-- such that isAdjacentSeparator (indexable ! j) == False
-- eg. " a document " :: Document
-- firstNonAdjacent = [1,1,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12]
-- Note that in this case 12 is the length of the vector, hence not a
-- valid index inside the array, this is intentional.
, tDropToBSDrop :: UArray Int Int
-- how many bytes to BS.drop from a utf8 encoded ByteString to
-- reach the same position as Text.drop would
, bsDropToTDrop :: UArray Int Int
-- the inverse of tDropToBSDrop, rounds down for bytes that are
-- not on character boundary
-- for "żółty" :: Document
-- tDropToBSDrop = [0,2,4,6,7,8]
-- bsDropToTDrop = [0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5]
-- tDropToUtf16Drop = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
, tDropToUtf16Drop :: UArray Int Int
-- translate Text.drop to Data.Text.Unsafe.dropWord16
} deriving (Show)
Note [Regular expressions and Text]
Text is UTF-16 encoded internally and PCRE operates on UTF-8 encoded
ByteStrings. Because we do a lot of regexp matching on the same Text,
it pays off to cache UTF-8 the encoded ByteString. That's the utf8Ecoded
field in Document.
Moreover we do regexp matching with capture, where the captured groups
are returned as ByteString and we want them as Text. But all of the
captured groups are just a substrings of the original Text.
Fortunately PCRE has an API that returns a MatchArray - a structure with
just the ByteString indices and ByteString lengths of the matched fragments.
If we play with indices right we can translate them to offsets into the
original Text, share the underlying Text buffer and avoid all of
UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding and new ByteString and Text allocation.
instance IsString Document where
fromString = fromText . fromString
fromText :: Text -> Document
fromText rawInput = Document{..}
utf8Encoded = Text.encodeUtf8 rawInput
rawInputLength = Text.length rawInput
unpacked = Text.unpack rawInput
indexable = Array.listArray (0, rawInputLength - 1) unpacked
firstNonAdjacent = Array.listArray (0, rawInputLength - 1) $ snd $
foldr gen (rawInputLength, []) $ zip [0..] unpacked
-- go from the end keeping track of the first nonAdjacent (best)
gen (ix, elem) (best, !acc)
| isAdjacentSeparator elem = (best, best:acc)
| otherwise = (ix, ix:acc)
tDropToBSDropList = scanl' (\acc a -> acc + utf8CharWidth a) 0 unpacked
tDropToBSDrop = Array.listArray (0, rawInputLength) tDropToBSDropList
tDropToUtf16Drop = Array.listArray (0, rawInputLength) $
scanl' (\acc a -> acc + utf16CharWidth a) 0 unpacked
bsDropToTDrop = Array.listArray (0, BS.length utf8Encoded) $
reverse $ snd $ foldl' fun (-1, []) $ zip [0..] tDropToBSDropList
fun (lastPos, !acc) (ix, elem) = (elem, replicate (elem - lastPos) ix ++ acc)
utf8CharWidth c
| w <= 0x7F = 1
| w <= 0x7FF = 2
| w <= 0xFFFF = 3
| otherwise = 4
w = UText.ord c
utf16CharWidth c
| w < 0x10000 = 1
| otherwise = 2
w = UText.ord c
data CharClass
= Alpha
| Digit
| Self {-# unpack #-} !Char
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- As regexes are matched without whitespace delimiter, we need to check
-- the reasonability of the match to actually be a word.
isRangeValid :: Lang -> Document -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isRangeValid = \case
AR -> arIsRangeValid
ZH -> zhIsRangeValid
_ -> defaultIsRangeValid
arIsRangeValid :: Document -> Int -> Int -> Bool
arIsRangeValid doc start end =
((start == 0 ||
isDifferent (doc ! (start - 1)) (doc ! (start))) &&
(end == length doc ||
isDifferent (doc ! (end - 1)) (doc ! (end)))) ||
-- Is Arabic proclitic?
(start == end - 1 &&
isArabicProclitic (doc ! start) &&
(start == 0 || isDifferent (doc ! (start - 1)) (doc ! start))) ||
(start == end - 2 &&
isArabicProclitic2 (doc ! start) (doc ! (start + 1)) &&
(start == 0 || isDifferent (doc ! (start - 1)) (doc ! start))) ||
-- Is preceeded by proclitic
(start /= 0 && isArabicProclitic (doc ! (start - 1)) &&
(end == length doc ||
isDifferent (doc ! (end - 1)) (doc ! (end)))) ||
-- Is Arabic enclitic?
(start == (end - 2) && isArabicEnclitic (doc ! start) (doc ! (end - 1)) &&
(end == length doc || isDifferent (doc ! end) (doc ! (end + 1)))) ||
-- Is followed by enclitic
((start ==0 || isDifferent (doc ! (start - 1)) (doc ! (start))) &&
(end <= (length doc - 2) &&
isArabicEnclitic (doc ! (end)) (doc ! (end + 1))))
-- This list isn't exhasutive since Arabic have some diacritics and rarely used characters in Unicode
isArabic :: Char -> Bool
isArabic c = elem c ['ا', 'ب', 'ت', 'ة', 'ث', 'ج', 'ح', 'خ', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'ز', 'س', 'ش', 'ص', 'ض', 'ط', 'ظ', 'ع', 'غ', 'ف', 'ق', 'ك', 'ل', 'م', 'ن', 'ه', 'ي', 'ء', 'آ', 'أ', 'إ', 'ؤ', 'و', 'ئ', 'ى']
-- TODO: Add all Arabic proclitics
isArabicProclitic :: Char -> Bool
isArabicProclitic c = elem c ['و', 'ف', 'ل', 'ب', 'ك']
isArabicProclitic2 :: Char -> Char -> Bool
isArabicProclitic2 c1 c2 = elem c1 ['ا', 'ل'] && elem c2 ['ل']
-- TODO: Add all Arabic proclitics
isArabicEnclitic :: Char -> Char -> Bool
isArabicEnclitic c1 c2 = elem c1 ['ا', 'ي'] && elem c2 ['ن']
charClass :: Char -> CharClass
charClass c
| Char.isLower c || Char.isUpper c || isArabic c = Alpha
| Char.isDigit c = Digit
| otherwise = Self c
isDifferent :: Char -> Char -> Bool
isDifferent a b = charClass a /= charClass b
zhIsRangeValid :: Document -> Int -> Int -> Bool
zhIsRangeValid doc start end =
(start == 0 ||
isDifferent (doc !? (start - 1)) (doc !? start)) &&
(end == length doc ||
isDifferent (doc !? (end - 1)) (doc !? end))
-- start == 0 = isDifferent (doc !? (end - 1)) (doc !? end)
-- end == length doc = isDifferent (doc !? (start - 1)) (doc !? start)
-- otherwise = isDifferent (doc !? (start - 1)) (doc !? start)
-- && isDifferent (doc !? (end - 1)) (doc !? end)
charClass :: Char -> Maybe CharClass
charClass c
| Char.isLower c || Char.isUpper c = Just Alpha
| Char.isDigit c = Just Digit
| otherwise = Nothing
isDifferent :: Maybe Char -> Maybe Char -> Bool
isDifferent Nothing Nothing = False
isDifferent Nothing _ = True
isDifferent _ Nothing = True
isDifferent (Just c1) (Just c2) = case (charClass c1, charClass c2) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> True
(cc1, cc2) -> cc1 /= cc2
defaultIsRangeValid :: Document -> Int -> Int -> Bool
defaultIsRangeValid doc start end =
(start == 0 ||
isDifferent (doc ! (start - 1)) (doc ! start)) &&
(end == length doc ||
isDifferent (doc ! (end - 1)) (doc ! end))
charClass :: Char -> CharClass
charClass c
| Char.isLower c || Char.isUpper c = Alpha
| Char.isDigit c = Digit
| otherwise = Self c
isDifferent :: Char -> Char -> Bool
isDifferent a b = charClass a /= charClass b
-- True iff a is followed by whitespaces and b.
isAdjacent :: Document -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isAdjacent Document{..} a b =
b >= a && (firstNonAdjacent Array.! a >= b)
isAdjacentSeparator :: Char -> Bool
isAdjacentSeparator c = elem c [' ', '\t']
(!) :: Document -> Int -> Char
(!) Document { indexable = s } ix = s Array.! ix
(!?) :: Document -> Int -> Maybe Char
(!?) Document { indexable = s } ix = do
let (lo, hi) = Array.bounds s
case ix >= lo && ix <= hi of
True -> Just $ s Array.! ix
False -> Nothing
length :: Document -> Int
length Document { indexable = s } = Array.rangeSize $ Array.bounds s
-- | Given a document and an offset (think Text.drop offset),
-- returns a utf8 encoded substring of Document at that offset
-- and 2 translation functions:
-- rangeToText - given a range in the returned ByteString, gives
-- a corresponding subrange of the Document as Text
-- translateRange - given a start and a length of a range in the returned
-- ByteString, gives a corresponding subrange in the Document as pair
-- of (start, end) of Text.drop offsets
{-# INLINE byteStringFromPos #-}
-- if we don't inline we seem to pay for the tuple, there might be
-- an easier way
:: Document
-> Int
-> ( ByteString
, (Int, Int) -> Text
, Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
Document { rawInput = rawInput
, utf8Encoded = utf8Encoded
, tDropToBSDrop = tDropToBSDrop
, bsDropToTDrop = bsDropToTDrop
, tDropToUtf16Drop = tDropToUtf16Drop
position = (substring, rangeToText, translateRange)
-- See Note [Regular expressions and Text] to understand what's going
-- on here
utf8Position = tDropToBSDrop Array.! position
substring :: ByteString
substring = BS.drop utf8Position utf8Encoded
-- get a subrange of Text reusing the underlying buffer using
-- utf16 start and end positions
rangeToText :: (Int, Int) -> Text
rangeToText (-1, _) = ""
-- this is what regexec from Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString does
rangeToText r = UText.takeWord16 (end16Pos - start16Pos) $
UText.dropWord16 start16Pos rawInput
start16Pos = tDropToUtf16Drop Array.! startPos
end16Pos = tDropToUtf16Drop Array.! endPos
(startPos, endPos) = uncurry translateRange r
-- from utf8 offset and length to Text character start and end position
translateRange :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
translateRange !bsStart !bsLen = startPos `seq` endPos `seq` res
res = (startPos, endPos)
realBsStart = utf8Position + bsStart
realBsEnd = realBsStart + bsLen
startPos = bsDropToTDrop Array.! realBsStart
endPos = bsDropToTDrop Array.! realBsEnd