Chinmay Deshmukh 5ac990bbe2 Return latent entities
Summary: Add an option to return latent time entities. This can be used when one is pretty certain that the input contains a datetime.

Reviewed By: patapizza

Differential Revision: D7254245

fbshipit-source-id: e9e0503cace2691804056fcebdc18fd9090fb181
2018-03-19 14:45:27 -07:00

725 lines
24 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
-- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Duckling.Time.Types where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude
import TextShow (showt)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate as Time
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Series as Series
import Duckling.Resolve
import Duckling.TimeGrain.Types (Grain)
import qualified Duckling.TimeGrain.Types as TG
data TimeObject = TimeObject
{ start :: Time.UTCTime
, grain :: Grain
, end :: Maybe Time.UTCTime
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Form = DayOfWeek
| TimeOfDay
{ hours :: Maybe Int
, is12H :: Bool
| Month { month :: Int }
| PartOfDay
deriving (Eq, Generic, Hashable, Show, Ord, NFData)
data IntervalDirection = Before | After
deriving (Eq, Generic, Hashable, Ord, Show, NFData)
data TimeData = TimeData
{ timePred :: Predicate
, latent :: Bool
, timeGrain :: Grain -- needed for intersect
, notImmediate :: Bool
, form :: Maybe Form
, direction :: Maybe IntervalDirection
, okForThisNext :: Bool -- allows specific this+Time
instance Eq TimeData where
(==) (TimeData _ l1 g1 n1 f1 d1 _) (TimeData _ l2 g2 n2 f2 d2 _) =
l1 == l2 && g1 == g2 && n1 == n2 && f1 == f2 && d1 == d2
instance Hashable TimeData where
hashWithSalt s (TimeData _ latent grain imm form dir _) = hashWithSalt s
(0::Int, (latent, grain, imm, form, dir))
instance Ord TimeData where
compare (TimeData _ l1 g1 n1 f1 d1 _) (TimeData _ l2 g2 n2 f2 d2 _) =
case compare g1 g2 of
EQ -> case compare f1 f2 of
EQ -> case compare l1 l2 of
EQ -> case compare n1 n2 of
EQ -> compare d1 d2
z -> z
z -> z
z -> z
z -> z
instance Show TimeData where
show (TimeData _ latent grain _ form dir _) =
"TimeData{" ++
"latent=" ++ show latent ++
", grain=" ++ show grain ++
", form=" ++ show form ++
", direction=" ++ show dir ++
instance NFData TimeData where
rnf TimeData{..} = rnf (latent, timeGrain, notImmediate, form, direction)
instance Resolve TimeData where
type ResolvedValue TimeData = TimeValue
resolve _ Options {withLatent = False} TimeData {latent = True} = Nothing
resolve context _ TimeData {timePred, latent, notImmediate, direction} = do
value <- case future of
[] -> listToMaybe past
| notImmediate && isJust (timeIntersect ahead refTime) -> Just nextAhead
ahead:_ -> Just ahead
values <- Just . take 3 $ if List.null future then past else future
Just $ case direction of
Nothing -> (TimeValue (timeValue tzSeries value) $
map (timeValue tzSeries) values, latent)
Just d -> (TimeValue (openInterval tzSeries d value) $
map (openInterval tzSeries d) values, latent)
DucklingTime (Series.ZoneSeriesTime utcTime tzSeries) = referenceTime context
refTime = TimeObject
{ start = utcTime
, grain = TG.Second
, end = Nothing
tc = TimeContext
{ refTime = refTime
, tzSeries = tzSeries
, maxTime = timePlus refTime TG.Year 2000
, minTime = timePlus refTime TG.Year $ - 2000
(past, future) = runPredicate timePred refTime tc
timedata' :: TimeData
timedata' = TimeData
{ timePred = mkEmptyPredicate
, latent = False
, timeGrain = TG.Second
, notImmediate = False
, form = Nothing
, direction = Nothing
, okForThisNext = False
data TimeContext = TimeContext
{ refTime :: TimeObject
, tzSeries :: Series.TimeZoneSeries
, maxTime :: TimeObject
, minTime :: TimeObject
data InstantValue = InstantValue
{ vValue :: Time.ZonedTime
, vGrain :: Grain
deriving (Show)
instance Eq InstantValue where
(==) (InstantValue (Time.ZonedTime lt1 tz1) g1)
(InstantValue (Time.ZonedTime lt2 tz2) g2) =
g1 == g2 && lt1 == lt2 && tz1 == tz2
data SingleTimeValue
= SimpleValue InstantValue
| IntervalValue (InstantValue, InstantValue)
| OpenIntervalValue (InstantValue, IntervalDirection)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TimeValue = TimeValue SingleTimeValue [SingleTimeValue]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON InstantValue where
toJSON (InstantValue value grain) = object
[ "value" .= toRFC3339 value
, "grain" .= grain
instance ToJSON SingleTimeValue where
toJSON (SimpleValue value) = case toJSON value of
Object o -> Object $ H.insert "type" (toJSON ("value" :: Text)) o
_ -> Object H.empty
toJSON (IntervalValue (from, to)) = object
[ "type" .= ("interval" :: Text)
, "from" .= toJSON from
, "to" .= toJSON to
toJSON (OpenIntervalValue (instant, Before)) = object
[ "type" .= ("interval" :: Text)
, "to" .= toJSON instant
toJSON (OpenIntervalValue (instant, After)) = object
[ "type" .= ("interval" :: Text)
, "from" .= toJSON instant
instance ToJSON TimeValue where
toJSON (TimeValue value values) = case toJSON value of
Object o -> Object $ H.insert "values" (toJSON values) o
_ -> Object H.empty
-- | Return a tuple of (past, future) elements
type SeriesPredicate = TimeObject -> TimeContext -> ([TimeObject], [TimeObject])
data AMPM = AM | PM
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype NoShow a = NoShow a
instance Show (NoShow a) where
show _ = "??"
data Predicate
= SeriesPredicate (NoShow SeriesPredicate)
| EmptyPredicate
| TimeDatePredicate -- invariant: at least one of them is Just
{ tdSecond :: Maybe Int
, tdMinute :: Maybe Int
, tdHour :: Maybe (Bool, Int)
, tdAMPM :: Maybe AMPM -- only used if we have an hour
, tdDayOfTheWeek :: Maybe Int
, tdDayOfTheMonth :: Maybe Int
, tdMonth :: Maybe Int
, tdYear :: Maybe Int
| IntersectPredicate Predicate Predicate
| TimeIntervalsPredicate TimeIntervalType Predicate Predicate
deriving Show
{-# ANN runPredicate ("HLint: ignore Use foldr1OrError" :: String) #-}
runPredicate :: Predicate -> SeriesPredicate
runPredicate EmptyPredicate{} = \_ _ -> ([], [])
runPredicate (SeriesPredicate (NoShow p)) = p
runPredicate TimeDatePredicate{..}
-- This should not happen by construction, but if it does then
-- empty time series should be ok
| isNothing tdHour && isJust tdAMPM = \_ _ -> ([], [])
runPredicate TimeDatePredicate{..} =
foldr1 runCompose toCompose
-- runComposePredicate performs best when the first predicate is of
-- smaller grain, that's why we order by grain here
toCompose = catMaybes
[ runSecondPredicate <$> tdSecond
, runMinutePredicate <$> tdMinute
, uncurry (runHourPredicate tdAMPM) <$> tdHour
, runDayOfTheWeekPredicate <$> tdDayOfTheWeek
, runDayOfTheMonthPredicate <$> tdDayOfTheMonth
, runMonthPredicate <$> tdMonth
, runYearPredicate <$> tdYear
runPredicate (IntersectPredicate pred1 pred2) =
runIntersectPredicate pred1 pred2
runPredicate (TimeIntervalsPredicate ty pred1 pred2) =
runTimeIntervalsPredicate ty pred1 pred2
-- Don't use outside this module, use a smart constructor
emptyTimeDatePredicate :: Predicate
emptyTimeDatePredicate =
TimeDatePredicate Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- Predicate smart constructors
-- For debugging find it useful to make it:
-- mkEmptyPredicate :: HasCallStack => Predicate
-- mkEmptyPredicate = EmptyPredicate callStack
-- This way I can track where EmptyPredicates get created
mkEmptyPredicate :: Predicate
mkEmptyPredicate = EmptyPredicate
mkSeriesPredicate :: SeriesPredicate -> Predicate
mkSeriesPredicate = SeriesPredicate . NoShow
mkSecondPredicate :: Int -> Predicate
mkSecondPredicate n = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdSecond = Just n }
mkMinutePredicate :: Int -> Predicate
mkMinutePredicate n = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdMinute = Just n }
mkHourPredicate :: Bool -> Int -> Predicate
mkHourPredicate is12H h = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdHour = Just (is12H, h) }
mkAMPMPredicate :: AMPM -> Predicate
mkAMPMPredicate ampm = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdAMPM = Just ampm }
mkDayOfTheWeekPredicate :: Int -> Predicate
mkDayOfTheWeekPredicate n = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdDayOfTheWeek = Just n }
mkDayOfTheMonthPredicate :: Int -> Predicate
mkDayOfTheMonthPredicate n = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdDayOfTheMonth = Just n }
mkMonthPredicate :: Int -> Predicate
mkMonthPredicate n = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdMonth = Just n }
mkYearPredicate :: Int -> Predicate
mkYearPredicate n = emptyTimeDatePredicate { tdYear = Just n }
mkIntersectPredicate :: Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
mkIntersectPredicate a@EmptyPredicate{} _ = a
mkIntersectPredicate _ a@EmptyPredicate{} = a
(TimeDatePredicate a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1)
(TimeDatePredicate a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2)
= fromMaybe mkEmptyPredicate
(TimeDatePredicate <$>
unify a1 a2 <*>
unify b1 b2 <*>
unify c1 c2 <*>
unify d1 d2 <*>
unify e1 e2 <*>
unify f1 f2 <*>
unify g1 g2 <*>
unify h1 h2)
unify Nothing a = Just a
unify a Nothing = Just a
unify ma@(Just a) (Just b)
| a == b = Just ma
| otherwise = Nothing
mkIntersectPredicate pred1 pred2 = IntersectPredicate pred1 pred2
:: TimeIntervalType -> Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
mkTimeIntervalsPredicate _ a@EmptyPredicate{} _ = a
mkTimeIntervalsPredicate _ _ a@EmptyPredicate{} = a
-- `from (... from a to b ...) to c` and `from c to (... from a to b ...)` don't
-- really have a good interpretation, so abort early
mkTimeIntervalsPredicate _ a b
| containsTimeIntervalsPredicate a ||
containsTimeIntervalsPredicate b = mkEmptyPredicate
-- this is potentially quadratic, but the sizes involved should be small
mkTimeIntervalsPredicate t a b = TimeIntervalsPredicate t a b
containsTimeIntervalsPredicate :: Predicate -> Bool
containsTimeIntervalsPredicate TimeIntervalsPredicate{} = True
containsTimeIntervalsPredicate (IntersectPredicate a b) =
containsTimeIntervalsPredicate a || containsTimeIntervalsPredicate b
containsTimeIntervalsPredicate _ = False
-- SeriesPredicate might contain one, but we'll underapproximate for
-- now
isEmptyPredicate :: Predicate -> Bool
isEmptyPredicate EmptyPredicate{} = True
isEmptyPredicate _ = False
-- Predicate runners
runSecondPredicate :: Int -> SeriesPredicate
runSecondPredicate n = series
series t _ = timeSequence TG.Minute 1 anchor
Time.UTCTime _ diffTime = start t
Time.TimeOfDay _ _ s = Time.timeToTimeOfDay diffTime
anchor = timePlus (timeRound t TG.Second) TG.Second
$ mod (toInteger n - floor s :: Integer) 60
runMinutePredicate :: Int -> SeriesPredicate
runMinutePredicate n = series
series t _ = timeSequence TG.Hour 1 anchor
Time.UTCTime _ diffTime = start t
Time.TimeOfDay _ m _ = Time.timeToTimeOfDay diffTime
rounded = timeRound t TG.Minute
anchor = timePlus rounded TG.Minute . toInteger $ mod (n - m) 60
runHourPredicate :: Maybe AMPM -> Bool -> Int -> SeriesPredicate
runHourPredicate ampm is12H n = series
series t _ =
( drop 1 $
iterate (\t -> timePlus t TG.Hour . toInteger $ - step) anchor
, iterate (\t -> timePlus t TG.Hour $ toInteger step) anchor
Time.UTCTime _ diffTime = start t
Time.TimeOfDay h _ _ = Time.timeToTimeOfDay diffTime
step :: Int
step = if is12H && n <= 12 && isNothing ampm then 12 else 24
n' = case ampm of
Just AM -> n `mod` 12
Just PM -> (n `mod` 12) + 12
Nothing -> n
rounded = timeRound t TG.Hour
anchor = timePlus rounded TG.Hour . toInteger $ mod (n' - h) step
runAMPMPredicate :: AMPM -> SeriesPredicate
runAMPMPredicate ampm = series
series t _ = (past, future)
past = maybeShrinkFirst $
iterate (\t -> timePlusEnd t TG.Hour . toInteger $ - step) anchor
future = maybeShrinkFirst $
iterate (\t -> timePlusEnd t TG.Hour $ toInteger step) anchor
-- to produce time in the future/past we need to adjust
-- the start/end of the first interval
maybeShrinkFirst (a:as) =
case timeIntersect (t { grain = TG.Day }) a of
Nothing -> as
Just ii -> ii:as
maybeShrinkFirst a = a
step :: Int
step = 24
n = case ampm of
AM -> 0
PM -> 12
rounded = timeRound t TG.Day
anchorStart = timePlus rounded TG.Hour n
anchorEnd = timePlus anchorStart TG.Hour 12
-- an interval of length 12h starting either at 12am or 12pm,
-- the same day as input time
anchor = timeInterval Open anchorStart anchorEnd
runDayOfTheWeekPredicate :: Int -> SeriesPredicate
runDayOfTheWeekPredicate n = series
series t _ = timeSequence TG.Day 7 anchor
Time.UTCTime day _ = start t
(_, _, dayOfWeek) = Time.toWeekDate day
daysUntilNextWeek = toInteger $ mod (n - dayOfWeek) 7
anchor =
timePlus (timeRound t TG.Day) TG.Day daysUntilNextWeek
runDayOfTheMonthPredicate :: Int -> SeriesPredicate
runDayOfTheMonthPredicate n = series
series t _ =
( map addDays . filter enoughDays . iterate (addMonth $ - 1) $
addMonth (- 1) anchor
, map addDays . filter enoughDays $ iterate (addMonth 1) anchor
enoughDays :: TimeObject -> Bool
enoughDays t = let Time.UTCTime day _ = start t
(year, month, _) = Time.toGregorian day
in n <= Time.gregorianMonthLength year month
addDays :: TimeObject -> TimeObject
addDays t = timePlus t TG.Day . toInteger $ n - 1
addMonth :: Int -> TimeObject -> TimeObject
addMonth i t = timePlus t TG.Month $ toInteger i
roundMonth :: TimeObject -> TimeObject
roundMonth t = timeRound t TG.Month
rounded = roundMonth t
Time.UTCTime day _ = start t
(_, _, dayOfMonth) = Time.toGregorian day
anchor = if dayOfMonth <= n then rounded else addMonth 1 rounded
runMonthPredicate :: Int -> SeriesPredicate
runMonthPredicate n = series
series t _ = timeSequence TG.Year 1 anchor
rounded =
timePlus (timeRound t TG.Year) TG.Month . toInteger $ n - 1
anchor = if timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf t rounded
then rounded
else timePlus rounded TG.Year 1
-- | Converts 2-digits to a year between 1950 and 2050
runYearPredicate :: Int -> SeriesPredicate
runYearPredicate n = series
series t _ =
if tyear <= year
then ([], [y])
else ([y], [])
Time.UTCTime day _ = start t
(tyear, _, _) = Time.toGregorian day
year = toInteger $ if n <= 99 then mod (n + 50) 100 + 2000 - 50 else n
y = timePlus (timeRound t TG.Year) TG.Year $ year - tyear
-- Limits how deep into lists of segments to look
safeMax :: Int
safeMax = 10
runIntersectPredicate :: Predicate -> Predicate -> SeriesPredicate
runIntersectPredicate pred1 pred2 =
runCompose (runPredicate pred1) (runPredicate pred2)
-- Performs best when pred1 is smaller grain than pred2
runCompose :: SeriesPredicate -> SeriesPredicate -> SeriesPredicate
runCompose pred1 pred2 = series
series nowTime context = (backward, forward)
(past, future) = pred2 nowTime context
computeSerie tokens =
[t | time1 <- take safeMax tokens
, t <- mapMaybe (timeIntersect time1) .
takeWhile (startsBefore time1) .
snd . pred1 time1 $ fixedRange time1
startsBefore t1 this = timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf this t1
fixedRange t1 = context {minTime = t1, maxTime = t1}
backward = computeSerie $ takeWhile (\t ->
timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf (minTime context) t) past
forward = computeSerie $ takeWhile (\t ->
timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf t (maxTime context)) future
:: TimeIntervalType -> Predicate
-> Predicate -> SeriesPredicate
runTimeIntervalsPredicate intervalType pred1 pred2 = timeSeqMap True f pred1
-- Pick the first interval *after* the given time segment
f thisSegment ctx = case runPredicate pred2 thisSegment ctx of
(_, firstFuture:_) -> Just $
timeInterval intervalType thisSegment firstFuture
_ -> Nothing
-- Limits how deep into lists of segments to look
safeMaxInterval :: Int
safeMaxInterval = 12
-- | Applies `f` to each interval yielded by `g`.
-- | Intervals including "now" are in the future.
:: Bool
-- Given an interval and range, compute a single new interval
-> (TimeObject -> TimeContext -> Maybe TimeObject)
-- First-layer series generator
-> Predicate
-- Series generator for values that come from `f`
-> SeriesPredicate
timeSeqMap dontReverse f g = series
series nowTime context = (past, future)
-- computes a single interval from `f` based on each interval in the series
applyF series = mapMaybe (\x -> f x context) $ take safeMaxInterval series
(firstPast, firstFuture) = runPredicate g nowTime context
(past1, future1) = (applyF firstPast, applyF firstFuture)
-- Separate what's before and after now from the past's series
(newFuture, stillPast) =
span (timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf nowTime) past1
-- A series that ends at the earliest time
oldPast = takeWhile
(timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf $ minTime context)
-- Separate what's before and after now from the future's series
(newPast, stillFuture) =
break (timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf nowTime) future1
-- A series that ends at the furthest future time
oldFuture = takeWhile
(\x -> timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf x $ maxTime context)
-- Reverse the list if needed?
applyRev series = if dontReverse then series else reverse series
(sortedPast, sortedFuture) = (applyRev newPast, applyRev newFuture)
-- Past is the past from the future's series with the
-- past from the past's series tacked on
past = sortedPast ++ oldPast
-- Future is the future from the past's series with the
-- future from the future's series tacked on
future = sortedFuture ++ oldFuture
:: TG.Grain
-> Int
-> TimeObject
-> ([TimeObject], [TimeObject])
timeSequence grain step anchor =
( drop 1 $ iterate (f $ - step) anchor
, iterate (f step) anchor
f :: Int -> TimeObject -> TimeObject
f n t = timePlus t grain $ toInteger n
-- | Zero-pad `x` to reach length `n`.
pad :: Int -> Int -> Text
pad n x
| x <= magnitude = Text.replicate (n - Text.length s) "0" <> s
| otherwise = s
magnitude = round ((10 :: Float) ** fromIntegral (n - 1) :: Float)
s = showt x
-- | Return the timezone offset portion of the RFC3339 format, e.g. "-02:00".
timezoneOffset :: Time.TimeZone -> Text
timezoneOffset (Time.TimeZone t _ _) = Text.concat [sign, hh, ":", mm]
(sign, t') = if t < 0 then ("-", negate t) else ("+", t)
(hh, mm) = join (***) (pad 2) $ divMod t' 60
-- | Return a RFC3339 formatted time, e.g. "2013-02-12T04:30:00.000-02:00".
-- | Backward-compatible with Duckling: fraction of second is milli and padded.
toRFC3339 :: Time.ZonedTime -> Text
toRFC3339 (Time.ZonedTime (Time.LocalTime day (Time.TimeOfDay h m s)) tz) =
[ Text.pack $ Time.showGregorian day
, "T"
, pad 2 h
, ":"
, pad 2 m
, ":"
, pad 2 $ floor s
, "."
, pad 3 . round $ (s - realToFrac (floor s :: Integer)) * 1000
, timezoneOffset tz
instantValue :: Series.TimeZoneSeries -> Time.UTCTime -> Grain -> InstantValue
instantValue tzSeries t g = InstantValue
{ vValue = fromUTC t $ Series.timeZoneFromSeries tzSeries t
, vGrain = g
timeValue :: Series.TimeZoneSeries -> TimeObject -> SingleTimeValue
timeValue tzSeries (TimeObject s g Nothing) =
SimpleValue $ instantValue tzSeries s g
timeValue tzSeries (TimeObject s g (Just e)) = IntervalValue
( instantValue tzSeries s g
, instantValue tzSeries e g
:: Series.TimeZoneSeries -> IntervalDirection -> TimeObject -> SingleTimeValue
openInterval tzSeries direction (TimeObject s g _) = OpenIntervalValue
( instantValue tzSeries s g
, direction
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Time object helpers
timeRound :: TimeObject -> TG.Grain -> TimeObject
timeRound t TG.Week = TimeObject {start = s, grain = TG.Week, end = Nothing}
Time.UTCTime day diffTime = start $ timeRound t TG.Day
(year, week, _) = Time.toWeekDate day
newDay = Time.fromWeekDate year week 1
s = Time.UTCTime newDay diffTime
timeRound t TG.Quarter = newTime {grain = TG.Quarter}
monthTime = timeRound t TG.Month
Time.UTCTime day _ = start monthTime
(_, month, _) = Time.toGregorian day
newTime = timePlus monthTime TG.Month . toInteger $ - (mod (month - 1) 3)
timeRound t grain = TimeObject {start = s, grain = grain, end = Nothing}
Time.UTCTime day diffTime = start t
timeOfDay = Time.timeToTimeOfDay diffTime
(year, month, dayOfMonth) = Time.toGregorian day
Time.TimeOfDay hours mins secs = timeOfDay
newMonth = if grain > TG.Month then 1 else month
newDayOfMonth = if grain > TG.Day then 1 else dayOfMonth
newDay = Time.fromGregorian year newMonth newDayOfMonth
newHours = if grain > TG.Hour then 0 else hours
newMins = if grain > TG.Minute then 0 else mins
newSecs = if grain > TG.Second then 0 else secs
newDiffTime = Time.timeOfDayToTime $ Time.TimeOfDay newHours newMins newSecs
s = Time.UTCTime newDay newDiffTime
timePlus :: TimeObject -> TG.Grain -> Integer -> TimeObject
timePlus (TimeObject start grain _) theGrain n = TimeObject
{ start = TG.add start theGrain n
, grain = min grain theGrain
, end = Nothing
-- | Shifts the whole interval by n units of theGrain
-- Returned interval has the same length as the input one
timePlusEnd :: TimeObject -> TG.Grain -> Integer -> TimeObject
timePlusEnd (TimeObject start grain end) theGrain n = TimeObject
{ start = TG.add start theGrain n
, grain = min grain theGrain
, end = TG.add <$> end <*> return theGrain <*> return n
timeEnd :: TimeObject -> Time.UTCTime
timeEnd (TimeObject start grain end) = fromMaybe (TG.add start grain 1) end
timeStartingAtTheEndOf :: TimeObject -> TimeObject
timeStartingAtTheEndOf t = TimeObject
{start = timeEnd t, end = Nothing, grain = grain t}
-- | Closed if the interval between A and B should include B
-- Open if the interval should end right before B
data TimeIntervalType = Open | Closed
deriving (Eq, Show)
timeInterval :: TimeIntervalType -> TimeObject -> TimeObject -> TimeObject
timeInterval intervalType t1 t2 = TimeObject
{ start = start t1
, grain = min (grain t1) (grain t2)
, end = Just $ case intervalType of
Open -> start t2
Closed -> timeEnd t2
timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf :: TimeObject -> TimeObject -> Bool
timeStartsBeforeTheEndOf t1 t2 = start t1 < timeEnd t2
timeBefore :: TimeObject -> TimeObject -> Bool
timeBefore t1 t2 = start t1 < start t2
-- | Intersection between two `TimeObject`.
-- The resulting grain and end fields are the smallest.
-- Prefers intervals when the range is equal.
timeIntersect :: TimeObject -> TimeObject -> Maybe TimeObject
timeIntersect t1 t2
| s1 > s2 = timeIntersect t2 t1
| e1 <= s2 = Nothing
| e1 < e2 || s1 == s2 && e1 == e2 && isJust end1 = Just TimeObject
{start = s2, end = end1, grain = g'}
| otherwise = Just t2 {grain = g'}
TimeObject s1 g1 end1 = t1
TimeObject s2 g2 _ = t2
e1 = timeEnd t1
e2 = timeEnd t2
g' = min g1 g2