Bartosz Nitka 3d18cf5ea9 Don't produce trivially empty Tokens
We can detect certain kinds of contradictions sooner,
producing a token with an unresolvable Predicate is wasteful.
For a text like:
"Demain apres midi 14h 15 h 16h vendredi 14 a 15h"
it could produce 7000 tokens with empty predicates.
After this change it produces none and we get a 4x improvement in
time and 6x improvement in allocations.

Note I only covered `ruleIntersect*` here. I need to do this for
other instances as well.

Reviewed By: JonCoens

Differential Revision: D4871078

fbshipit-source-id: 9f0e7ad
2017-04-11 16:35:05 -07:00

1960 lines
49 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
-- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Duckling.Time.PL.Rules
( rules ) where
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Prelude
import Duckling.Dimensions.Types
import Duckling.Numeral.Helpers (parseInt)
import Duckling.Ordinal.Types (OrdinalData(..))
import qualified Duckling.Ordinal.Types as TOrdinal
import Duckling.Regex.Types
import Duckling.Time.Helpers
import Duckling.Time.Types (TimeData (..))
import qualified Duckling.Time.Types as TTime
import qualified Duckling.TimeGrain.Types as TG
import Duckling.Types
ruleOrdinalCycleTime :: Rule
ruleOrdinalCycleTime = Rule
{ name = "<ordinal> <cycle> <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, dimension TimeGrain
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:Token TimeGrain grain:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter True grain (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedday :: Rule
ruleNamedday = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "poniedzia(l|\x0142)(ek|ku|kowi|kiem|kowy)|pon\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 1
ruleNamedmonth12 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth12 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "grudzie\x0144|grudzien|grudnia|grudniowi|grudniem|grudniu|gru\\.?|grud\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 12
ruleRelativeMinutesTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday :: Rule
ruleRelativeMinutesTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday = Rule
{ name = "relative minutes to|till|before <integer> (hour-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 59
, regex "do|przed"
, Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_:Token Time td:_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
t <- minutesBefore n td
Just $ Token Time t
_ -> Nothing
ruleRelativeMinutesAfterpastIntegerHourofday :: Rule
ruleRelativeMinutesAfterpastIntegerHourofday = Rule
{ name = "relative minutes after|past <integer> (hour-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 59
, regex "po"
, Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
tt $ hourMinute True hours n
_ -> Nothing
ruleHourofdayIntegerAsRelativeMinutes :: Rule
ruleHourofdayIntegerAsRelativeMinutes = Rule
{ name = "<hour-of-day> <integer> (as relative minutes)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 59
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
tt $ hourMinute True hours n
_ -> Nothing
ruleQuarterTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday :: Rule
ruleQuarterTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday = Rule
{ name = "quarter to|till|before <integer> (hour-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ regex "kwadrans(ie|owi|em|a)? *(do|przed)"
, Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> minutesBefore 15 td
_ -> Nothing
ruleQuarterAfterpastIntegerHourofday :: Rule
ruleQuarterAfterpastIntegerHourofday = Rule
{ name = "quarter after|past <integer> (hour-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ regex "kwadrans(ie|owi|em|a)? *po"
, Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
_) -> tt $ hourMinute True hours 15
_ -> Nothing
ruleHourofdayQuarter :: Rule
ruleHourofdayQuarter = Rule
{ name = "<hour-of-day> quarter (as relative minutes)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, regex "kwadrans(ie|owi|em|a)?"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
_) -> tt $ hourMinute True hours 15
_ -> Nothing
ruleHalfTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday :: Rule
ruleHalfTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday = Rule
{ name = "half to|till|before <integer> (hour-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ regex "p(o|\x00f3)(l|\x0142) *(do|przed)"
, Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> minutesBefore 30 td
_ -> Nothing
ruleHalfAfterpastIntegerHourofday :: Rule
ruleHalfAfterpastIntegerHourofday = Rule
{ name = "half after|past <integer> (hour-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ regex "p(o|\x00f3)(l|\x0142) *po"
, Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
_) -> tt $ hourMinute True hours 30
_ -> Nothing
ruleHourofdayHalf :: Rule
ruleHourofdayHalf = Rule
{ name = "<hour-of-day> half (as relative minutes)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
, regex "p(o|\x00f3)(l|\x0142)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
_) -> tt $ hourMinute True hours 30
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedday2 :: Rule
ruleNamedday2 = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "wtorek|wtorku|wtorkowi|wtorkiem|wtr?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 2
ruleValentinesDay :: Rule
ruleValentinesDay = Rule
{ name = "valentine's day"
, pattern =
[ regex "walentynki"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 2 14
ruleLastTime :: Rule
ruleLastTime = Rule
{ name = "last <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej)?|(po ?)?przedni(ego|ch|emu|e|mi|m|a)?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ predNth (-1) False td
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedday6 :: Rule
ruleNamedday6 = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "sobota|soboty|sobocie|sobot\x0119|sobote|sobot\x0105|sobota|sobocie|soboto|sob\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 6
ruleDatetimeDatetimeInterval :: Rule
ruleDatetimeDatetimeInterval = Rule
{ name = "<datetime> - <datetime> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isNotLatent
, regex "\\-|(p|d)o|a(\x017c|z) (p|d)o"
, Predicate isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth7 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth7 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "lipiec|lipca|lipcowi|lipcem|lipcu|lip\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 7
ruleCycleAfterTime :: Rule
ruleCycleAfterTime = Rule
{ name = "<cycle> after <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension TimeGrain
, regex "po"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter False grain 1 td
_ -> Nothing
ruleInDuration :: Rule
ruleInDuration = Rule
{ name = "in <duration>"
, pattern =
[ regex "(w( ?(prze)?ci\x0105gu)?|za) ?(jeszcze)?|przez"
, dimension Duration
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Duration dd:_) ->
tt $ inDuration dd
_ -> Nothing
ruleNow :: Rule
ruleNow = Rule
{ name = "now"
, pattern =
[ regex "(w)? ?(tym|tej)? ?(teraz|momencie|chwili|mome\x0144cie)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Second 0
ruleLastCycleOfTime :: Rule
ruleLastCycleOfTime = Rule
{ name = "last <cycle> of <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, dimension TimeGrain
, regex "w(e)?|z(e)?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleLastOf grain td
_ -> Nothing
ruleFromDatetimeDatetimeInterval :: Rule
ruleFromDatetimeDatetimeInterval = Rule
{ name = "from <datetime> - <datetime> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ regex "od|p(o|\x00f3)(z|\x017a)niej ni(z|\x017c)"
, dimension Time
, regex "\\-|do|po|a\x017c do|az do|a\x017c po|az po|ale przed"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleOrdinalAsHour :: Rule
ruleOrdinalAsHour = Rule
{ name = "<ordinal> (as hour)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isOrdinalBetween 1 24
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal (OrdinalData {TOrdinal.value = v}):_) ->
tt $ hour True v
_ -> Nothing
ruleMonthDdddInterval :: Rule
ruleMonthDdddInterval = Rule
{ name = "<month> dd-dd (interval)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isAMonth
, regex "(3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
, regex "\\-|do|po|a\x017c do|az do|a\x017c po|az po"
, regex "(3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
( Token Time td
:Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (d1:_))
:Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (d2:_))
:_) -> do
dd1 <- parseInt d1
dd2 <- parseInt d2
let dom1 = intersect (dayOfMonth dd1, td)
dom2 = intersect (dayOfMonth dd2, td)
in tt $ interval TTime.Closed (dom1, dom2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedday4 :: Rule
ruleNamedday4 = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "czwartek|czwartku|czwartkowi|czwartkiem|czwr?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 4
ruleSeason4 :: Rule
ruleSeason4 = Rule
{ name = "season"
, pattern =
[ regex "wiosna|wiosny|wio\x015bnie|wiosnie|wiosn\x0119|wiosne|wiosn\x0105|wiosna|wio\x015bnie|wiosnie|wiosno"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = monthDay 3 20
to = monthDay 6 21
in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleYearLatent2 :: Rule
ruleYearLatent2 = Rule
{ name = "year (latent)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 2101 10000
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
tt . mkLatent $ year n
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimeAfterNext :: Rule
ruleTimeAfterNext = Rule
{ name = "<time> after next"
, pattern =
[ dimension Time
, regex "po kolejnym|po nast(e|\x0119)pn(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)|po przysz(l|\x0142)(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ predNth 1 True td
_ -> Nothing
ruleTheIdesOfNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleTheIdesOfNamedmonth = Rule
{ name = "the ides of <named-month>"
, pattern =
[ regex "the ides? of"
, Predicate isAMonth
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td@TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.Month m)}:_) ->
tt $
intersect (dayOfMonth $ if elem m [3, 5, 7, 10] then 15 else 13, td)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNoon :: Rule
ruleNoon = Rule
{ name = "noon"
, pattern =
[ regex "po(l|\x0142)udni(em|e|a|u)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ hour False 12
ruleToday :: Rule
ruleToday = Rule
{ name = "today"
, pattern =
[ regex "dzisiejszy|dzisiaj|dzi\x015b|dzis|w ten dzie\x0144|w ten dzien|w obecny dzie\x0144|w obecny dzien|obecnego dnia"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Day 0
ruleThisnextDayofweek :: Rule
ruleThisnextDayofweek = Rule
{ name = "this|next <day-of-week>"
, pattern =
[ regex "kolejn(ym|y|ego|emu|e)|nast(e|\x0119)pn(ym|y|ego|emu|e|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)"
, Predicate isADayOfWeek
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ predNth 0 True td
_ -> Nothing
ruleBetweenTimeofdayAndTimeofdayInterval :: Rule
ruleBetweenTimeofdayAndTimeofdayInterval = Rule
{ name = "between <time-of-day> and <time-of-day> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(po|po )?miedzy|mi\x0119dzy"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "a|i"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNextCycle :: Rule
ruleNextCycle = Rule
{ name = "next <cycle>"
, pattern =
[ regex "kolejn(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)|nast(e|\x0119)pn(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)|przysz(l|\x0142)(ego|emu|ym|(a|\x0105)|ej|ych|i|ymi|y|e)|za"
, dimension TimeGrain
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
tt $ cycleNth grain 1
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "stycze\x0144|styczen|stycznia|styczniowi|styczniem|styczniu|sty(cz)?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 1
ruleTheCycleOfTime :: Rule
ruleTheCycleOfTime = Rule
{ name = "the <cycle> of <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "the"
, dimension TimeGrain
, regex "of"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter True grain 0 td
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimeofdayApproximately :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayApproximately = Rule
{ name = "<time-of-day> approximately"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "o?ko(l|\x0142)o|mniej wi(e|\x0119)cej"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
rulePolishIndependenceDay :: Rule
rulePolishIndependenceDay = Rule
{ name = "Polish independence day"
, pattern =
[ regex "(s|\x015b)wiet(a|o) niepodleg(l|\x0142)o(s|\x015b)ci|(\x015b|s)w\\.? niepodleg(l|\x0142)o(s|\x015b)ci"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 11 11
ruleOnDate :: Rule
ruleOnDate = Rule
{ name = "on <date>"
, pattern =
[ regex "we?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:x:_) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth3 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth3 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "marzec|marca|marcowi|marcem|marcu|marz?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 3
ruleLastDayofweekTime :: Rule
ruleLastDayofweekTime = Rule
{ name = "last <day-of-week> <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, Predicate isADayOfWeek
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ predLastOf td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleDurationFromNow :: Rule
ruleDurationFromNow = Rule
{ name = "<duration> from now"
, pattern =
[ dimension Duration
, regex "od (dzi(s|\x015b)|teraz)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Duration dd:_) ->
tt $ inDuration dd
_ -> Nothing
ruleLunch :: Rule
ruleLunch = Rule
{ name = "lunch"
, pattern =
[ regex "(na )?la?u?nc(z|h)|obiad"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = hour False 12
to = hour False 14
in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleLastCycle :: Rule
ruleLastCycle = Rule
{ name = "last <cycle>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)?|(po ?)?przedni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|e|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, dimension TimeGrain
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
tt . cycleNth grain $ - 1
_ -> Nothing
ruleAfternoon :: Rule
ruleAfternoon = Rule
{ name = "afternoon"
, pattern =
[ regex "po(l|\x0142)udni(em|e|a|u)"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = hour False 12
to = hour False 19
in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleHourofdayHourofdayInterval :: Rule
ruleHourofdayHourofdayInterval = Rule
{ name = "<hour-of-day> - <hour-of-day> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "-|do|a\x017c po|po"
, Predicate $ liftM2 (&&) isATimeOfDay isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth4 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth4 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "kwiecie\x0144|kwiecien|kwietnia|kwietniowi|kwietniem|kwietniu|kwiet?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 4
ruleTimeBeforeLast :: Rule
ruleTimeBeforeLast = Rule
{ name = "<time> before last"
, pattern =
[ dimension Time
, regex "przed ?ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ predNth (-2) False td
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonthDayofmonthOrdinal :: Rule
ruleNamedmonthDayofmonthOrdinal = Rule
{ name = "<named-month> <day-of-month> (ordinal)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isAMonth
, Predicate isDOMOrdinal
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:token:_) -> Token Time <$> intersectDOM td token
_ -> Nothing
ruleChristmasEve :: Rule
ruleChristmasEve = Rule
{ name = "christmas eve"
, pattern =
[ regex "(wigilia|wigilii|wigili(e|\x0119)|wigili(a|\x0105)|wigilio) ?(bo(z|\x017c)ego narodzenia)?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 12 24
ruleInduringThePartofday :: Rule
ruleInduringThePartofday = Rule
{ name = "in|during the <part-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "(w|na) ?(czas(ie)?)"
, Predicate isAPartOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
ruleThanksgivingDay :: Rule
ruleThanksgivingDay = Rule
{ name = "thanksgiving day"
, pattern =
[ regex "((s|\x015b)wiet(a|o)|(dzie(n|\x0144)))? ?dzi(e|\x0119)kczynieni(e|a)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ nthDOWOfMonth 4 4 11
ruleNamedday5 :: Rule
ruleNamedday5 = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "pi\x0105tek|piatek|pi\x0105tku|piatku|pi\x0105tkowi|piatkowi|pi\x0105tkiem|piatkiem|pi(\x0105|a)tkowy|pia\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 5
ruleDayofmonthordinalNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleDayofmonthordinalNamedmonth = Rule
{ name = "<day-of-month>(ordinal) <named-month>"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isDOMOrdinal
, Predicate isAMonth
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> intersectDOM td token
_ -> Nothing
ruleIntersectBy :: Rule
ruleIntersectBy = Rule
{ name = "intersect by \",\""
, pattern =
[ Predicate isNotLatent
, regex ","
, Predicate isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
Token Time <$> intersectMB td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleIntersectBy2 :: Rule
ruleIntersectBy2 = Rule
{ name = "intersect by \",\" 2"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isNotLatent
, regex ","
, Predicate isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
Token Time <$> intersectMB td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleNthTimeAfterTime :: Rule
ruleNthTimeAfterTime = Rule
{ name = "nth <time> after <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, dimension Time
, regex "po"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ predNthAfter (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleMmdd :: Rule
ruleMmdd = Rule
{ name = "mm/dd"
, pattern =
[ regex "(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])/(3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (mm:dd:_)):_) -> do
m <- parseInt mm
d <- parseInt dd
tt $ monthDay m d
_ -> Nothing
ruleAfterDuration :: Rule
ruleAfterDuration = Rule
{ name = "after <duration>"
, pattern =
[ regex "po"
, dimension Duration
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Duration dd:_) ->
tt . notLatent . withDirection TTime.After $ inDuration dd
_ -> Nothing
ruleDayofmonthOrdinalOfNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleDayofmonthOrdinalOfNamedmonth = Rule
{ name = "<day-of-month> (ordinal) of <named-month>"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isDOMOrdinal
, regex "of|in"
, Predicate isAMonth
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_:Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> intersectDOM td token
_ -> Nothing
ruleFromTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval :: Rule
ruleFromTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval = Rule
{ name = "from <time-of-day> - <time-of-day> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(ni\x017c|niz|od)"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "((but )?before)|\\-|do|po|a\x017c do|az do|a\x017c po|az po"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth2 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth2 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "luty|lutego|lutemu|lut?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 2
ruleExactlyTimeofday :: Rule
ruleExactlyTimeofday = Rule
{ name = "exactly <time-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "(r(o|\x00f3)wno|dok(l|\x0142)adnie)( o)?"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
ruleSeason3 :: Rule
ruleSeason3 = Rule
{ name = "season"
, pattern =
[ regex "zima|zimy|zimie|zim\x0119|zime|zim\x0105|zima|zimie|zimo"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = monthDay 12 21
to = monthDay 3 20
in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleSeason :: Rule
ruleSeason = Rule
{ name = "season"
, pattern =
[ regex "lato|lata|latu|latem|lecie"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = monthDay 6 21
to = monthDay 9 23
in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleIntegerLatentTimeofday :: Rule
ruleIntegerLatentTimeofday = Rule
{ name = "<integer> (latent time-of-day)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 0 23
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_) -> do
v <- getIntValue token
tt . mkLatent $ hour True v
_ -> Nothing
ruleBetweenDatetimeAndDatetimeInterval :: Rule
ruleBetweenDatetimeAndDatetimeInterval = Rule
{ name = "between <datetime> and <datetime> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(po|po )?mi(e|\x0119)dzy"
, dimension Time
, regex "a|i"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNewYearsEve :: Rule
ruleNewYearsEve = Rule
{ name = "new year's eve"
, pattern =
[ regex "sylwester|nowy rok"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 12 31
ruleDurationAgo :: Rule
ruleDurationAgo = Rule
{ name = "<duration> ago"
, pattern =
[ dimension Duration
, regex "temu"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Duration dd:_) ->
tt $ durationAgo dd
_ -> Nothing
ruleByTheEndOfTime :: Rule
ruleByTheEndOfTime = Rule
{ name = "by the end of <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "do (ko[\x0144n]ca )?(tego)?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) -> tt $
interval TTime.Closed (cycleNth TG.Second 0, td)
_ -> Nothing
ruleDaybeforeyesterdaySingleword :: Rule
ruleDaybeforeyesterdaySingleword = Rule
{ name = "day-before-yesterday (single-word)"
, pattern =
[ regex "przedwczoraj"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Day 2
ruleLastNCycle :: Rule
ruleLastNCycle = Rule
{ name = "last n <cycle>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)?|(po ?)?przedni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|e|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 9999
, dimension TimeGrain
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:token:Token TimeGrain grain:_) -> do
v <- getIntValue token
tt $ cycleN True grain (- v)
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimeofdaySharp :: Rule
ruleTimeofdaySharp = Rule
{ name = "<time-of-day> sharp"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "r(o|\x00f3)wno|dok(l|\x0142)adnie"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
ruleWithinDuration :: Rule
ruleWithinDuration = Rule
{ name = "within <duration>"
, pattern =
[ regex "(w )?ci(a|\x0105)gu|zakresie|obr\x0119bie|obrebie"
, dimension Duration
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Duration dd:_) ->
let from = cycleNth TG.Second 0
to = inDuration dd
in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimeofdayRano :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayRano = Rule
{ name = "<time-of-day> rano"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "(z )?ran(o|a|u|em)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) -> tt $ timeOfDayAMPM td True
_ -> Nothing
ruleDayofmonthNonOrdinalNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleDayofmonthNonOrdinalNamedmonth = Rule
{ name = "<day-of-month> (non ordinal) <named-month>"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isDOMInteger
, Predicate isAMonth
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> intersectDOM td token
_ -> Nothing
ruleIntersect :: Rule
ruleIntersect = Rule
{ name = "intersect"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isNotLatent
, Predicate isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:Token Time td2:_) ->
Token Time <$> intersectMB td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleAboutTimeofday :: Rule
ruleAboutTimeofday = Rule
{ name = "about <time-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "o?ko(l|\x0142)o|mniej wi(e|\x0119)cej|tak o"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
ruleUntilTimeofday :: Rule
ruleUntilTimeofday = Rule
{ name = "until <time-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "(a[\x017cz] )?do|przed"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ withDirection TTime.Before td
_ -> Nothing
ruleAtTimeofday :: Rule
ruleAtTimeofday = Rule
{ name = "at <time-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "o|na|@"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth6 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth6 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "czerwiec|czerwca|czerwcowi|czerwcem|czerwcu|czer?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 6
ruleNthTimeOfTime :: Rule
ruleNthTimeOfTime = Rule
{ name = "nth <time> of <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, dimension Time
, regex "w(e)?|z(e)?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) -> tt .
predNth (TOrdinal.value od - 1) False $ intersect (td2, td1)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth8 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth8 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "sierpie\x0144|sierpien|sierpnia|sierpniowi|sierpniem|sierpniu|sierp\\.?|sier\\.?|sie\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 8
ruleTimePartofday :: Rule
ruleTimePartofday = Rule
{ name = "<time> <part-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Time
, Predicate isAPartOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ intersect (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleWeekend :: Rule
ruleWeekend = Rule
{ name = "week-end"
, pattern =
[ regex "((wek|week|wik)(\\s|-)?end|wkend)"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = intersect (dayOfWeek 5, hour False 18)
to = intersect (dayOfWeek 1, hour False 0)
in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleEomendOfMonth :: Rule
ruleEomendOfMonth = Rule
{ name = "EOM|End of month"
, pattern =
[ regex "(na |w )?(koniec|ko(n|\x0144)ca|ko(n|\x0144)cu|ko(n|\x0144)cowi|ko(n|\x0144)cem|ko(n|\x0144)c(o|\x00f3)wke) (miesi(a|\x0105)ca|msc)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Month 1
ruleNextTime :: Rule
ruleNextTime = Rule
{ name = "next <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "kolejn(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)|nast(e|\x0119)pn(ym|y|ego|emu|e|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)|przysz(l|\x0142)(ego|emu|ym|(a|\x0105)|ej|ych|i|ymi|y|e)"
, Predicate isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ predNth 0 True td
_ -> Nothing
ruleDayaftertomorrowSingleword :: Rule
ruleDayaftertomorrowSingleword = Rule
{ name = "day-after-tomorrow (single-word)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(po ?jutr(o|ze))"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Day 2
ruleOrdinalQuarterYear :: Rule
ruleOrdinalQuarterYear = Rule
{ name = "<ordinal> quarter <year>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, Predicate $ isGrain TG.Quarter
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter False TG.Quarter (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td
_ -> Nothing
ruleYyyymmdd :: Rule
ruleYyyymmdd = Rule
{ name = "yyyy-mm-dd"
, pattern =
[ regex "(\\d{2,4})-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (yy:mm:dd:_)):_) -> do
y <- parseInt yy
m <- parseInt mm
d <- parseInt dd
tt $ yearMonthDay y m d
_ -> Nothing
ruleTheOrdinalCycleAfterTime :: Rule
ruleTheOrdinalCycleAfterTime = Rule
{ name = "the <ordinal> <cycle> after <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "the"
, dimension Ordinal
, dimension TimeGrain
, regex "after"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Ordinal od:Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter True grain (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td
_ -> Nothing
ruleIntersectByOfFromS :: Rule
ruleIntersectByOfFromS = Rule
{ name = "intersect by \"of\", \"from\", \"'s\""
, pattern =
[ Predicate isNotLatent
, regex "z"
, Predicate isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
Token Time <$> intersectMB td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleNextNCycle :: Rule
ruleNextNCycle = Rule
{ name = "next n <cycle>"
, pattern =
[ regex "kolejn(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)|nast(e|\x0119)pn(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej|e)"
, Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 9999
, dimension TimeGrain
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:token:Token TimeGrain grain:_) -> do
v <- getIntValue token
tt $ cycleN True grain v
_ -> Nothing
ruleMorning :: Rule
ruleMorning = Rule
{ name = "morning"
, pattern =
[ regex "rano|poran(ek|ku|ka)|z rana|(s|\x015b)witem"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = hour False 4
to = hour False 12
in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleThisPartofday :: Rule
ruleThisPartofday = Rule
{ name = "this <part-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ten|tego|ta|to"
, Predicate isAPartOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt . partOfDay $ intersect (cycleNth TG.Day 0, td)
_ -> Nothing
ruleThisCycle :: Rule
ruleThisCycle = Rule
{ name = "this <cycle>"
, pattern =
[ regex "te(mu|n|go|j)|tym|t(a|\x0105)|nadchodz(a|\x0105)c(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej)|obecn(ym|y|emu|ego|nym|(a|\x0105)|ej)"
, dimension TimeGrain
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
tt $ cycleNth grain 0
_ -> Nothing
ruleThisTime :: Rule
ruleThisTime = Rule
{ name = "this <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "te(mu|n|go|j)|ta|to|tym|nadchodz(a|\x0105)c(ym|y|ego|emu|(a|\x0105)|ej)"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ predNth 0 False td
_ -> Nothing
ruleDurationHence :: Rule
ruleDurationHence = Rule
{ name = "<duration> hence"
, pattern =
[ dimension Duration
, regex "p(o|\x00f3)(z|\x017a)niej|potem"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Duration dd:_) ->
tt $ inDuration dd
_ -> Nothing
ruleDayofmonthNonOrdinalOfNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleDayofmonthNonOrdinalOfNamedmonth = Rule
{ name = "<day-of-month> (non ordinal) of <named-month>"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isDOMInteger
, regex "of|in"
, Predicate isAMonth
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_:Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> intersectDOM td token
_ -> Nothing
ruleNthTimeTime :: Rule
ruleNthTimeTime = Rule
{ name = "nth <time> <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, dimension Time
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:Token Time td1:Token Time td2:_) -> tt .
predNth (TOrdinal.value od - 1) False $ intersect (td2, td1)
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimeofdayPopoudniuwieczoremwNocy :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayPopoudniuwieczoremwNocy = Rule
{ name = "<time-of-day> popołudniu/wieczorem/w nocy"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "(w )?noc(y|(a|\x0105))|(po ?)?po(l|\x0142)udni(em|e|a|u)|wiecz(o|\x00f3)r(i|u|a|owi|em|rze)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) -> tt $ timeOfDayAMPM td False
_ -> Nothing
ruleOnANamedday :: Rule
ruleOnANamedday = Rule
{ name = "on a named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "we?"
, Predicate isADayOfWeek
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:x:_) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
ruleYearLatent :: Rule
ruleYearLatent = Rule
{ name = "year (latent)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween (- 10000) 999
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
tt . mkLatent $ year n
_ -> Nothing
ruleYesterday :: Rule
ruleYesterday = Rule
{ name = "yesterday"
, pattern =
[ regex "wczoraj(szym|szy)?|wczrj|wczor"
, prod = \_ -> tt . cycleNth TG.Day $ - 1
ruleSeason2 :: Rule
ruleSeason2 = Rule
{ name = "season"
, pattern =
[ regex "jesie\x0144|jesien|jesieni|jesieni\x0105|jesienia"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = monthDay 9 23
to = monthDay 12 21
in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleAfterTimeofday :: Rule
ruleAfterTimeofday = Rule
{ name = "after <time-of-day>"
, pattern =
[ regex "po"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ withDirection TTime.After td
_ -> Nothing
ruleChristmas :: Rule
ruleChristmas = Rule
{ name = "christmas"
, pattern =
[ regex "((\x015a|\x015b|s)wi(e|\x0119)ta)? ?bo(z|\x017c)(ym|ego|e) narodzeni(e|a|u)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 12 25
ruleDayofmonthOrdinal :: Rule
ruleDayofmonthOrdinal = Rule
{ name = "<day-of-month> (ordinal)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isDOMOrdinal
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal (OrdinalData {TOrdinal.value = v}):_) ->
tt . mkLatent $ dayOfMonth v
_ -> Nothing
ruleOrdinalCycleAfterTime :: Rule
ruleOrdinalCycleAfterTime = Rule
{ name = "<ordinal> <cycle> after <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, dimension TimeGrain
, regex "after"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter True grain (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td
_ -> Nothing
ruleOrdinalCycleOfTime :: Rule
ruleOrdinalCycleOfTime = Rule
{ name = "<ordinal> <cycle> of <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, dimension TimeGrain
, regex "w(e)?|z(e)?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Ordinal od:Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter True grain (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth5 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth5 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "maj|maja|majowi|majem|maju"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 5
ruleNamedday7 :: Rule
ruleNamedday7 = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "niedziela|niedzieli|niedziel\x0119|niedziele|niedziela|niedziel\x0105|niedzieli|niedzielo|nied?z?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 7
ruleHhmm :: Rule
ruleHhmm = Rule
{ name = "hh:mm"
, pattern =
[ regex "((?:[01]?\\d)|(?:2[0-3]))[:.]([0-5]\\d)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:_)):_) -> do
h <- parseInt hh
m <- parseInt mm
tt $ hourMinute True h m
_ -> Nothing
ruleFromHourofdayHourofdayInterval :: Rule
ruleFromHourofdayHourofdayInterval = Rule
{ name = "from <hour-of-day> - <hour-of-day> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ regex "od"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "-|to|th?ru|through|until"
, Predicate $ liftM2 (&&) isATimeOfDay isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleYear :: Rule
ruleYear = Rule
{ name = "year"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1000 2100
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
tt $ year n
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth10 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth10 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "pa(z|\x017a)dziernik(a|owi|iem|u)?|pa\x017a\\.?|paz\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 10
ruleHalloweenDay :: Rule
ruleHalloweenDay = Rule
{ name = "halloween day"
, pattern =
[ regex "hall?owe?en( day)?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 10 31
ruleNamedmonthDayofmonthNonOrdinal :: Rule
ruleNamedmonthDayofmonthNonOrdinal = Rule
{ name = "<named-month> <day-of-month> (non ordinal)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isAMonth
, Predicate isDOMInteger
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:token:_) -> Token Time <$> intersectDOM td token
_ -> Nothing
ruleHhmmMilitary :: Rule
ruleHhmmMilitary = Rule
{ name = "hhmm (military)"
, pattern =
[ regex "((?:[01]?\\d)|(?:2[0-3]))([0-5]\\d)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:_)):_) -> do
h <- parseInt hh
m <- parseInt mm
tt . mkLatent $ hourMinute False h m
_ -> Nothing
ruleAbsorptionOfAfterNamedDay :: Rule
ruleAbsorptionOfAfterNamedDay = Rule
{ name = "absorption of , after named day"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isADayOfWeek
, regex ","
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(x:_) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
ruleLastDayofweekOfTime :: Rule
ruleLastDayofweekOfTime = Rule
{ name = "last <day-of-week> of <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, Predicate isADayOfWeek
, regex "w(e)?|z(e)?"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ predLastOf td1 td2
_ -> Nothing
ruleFathersDay :: Rule
ruleFathersDay = Rule
{ name = "Father's Day"
, pattern =
[ regex "dzie(n|\x0144) ?(taty|ojca)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ nthDOWOfMonth 2 7 6
ruleLastCycleTime :: Rule
ruleLastCycleTime = Rule
{ name = "last <cycle> <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "ostatni(ego|ch|emu|mi|m|(a|\x0105)|ej)?"
, dimension TimeGrain
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token TimeGrain grain:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleLastOf grain td
_ -> Nothing
ruleByTime :: Rule
ruleByTime = Rule
{ name = "by <time>"
, pattern =
[ regex "(a(z|\x017c) )?do"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Open (cycleNth TG.Second 0, td)
_ -> Nothing
ruleHhmmMilitaryAmpm :: Rule
ruleHhmmMilitaryAmpm = Rule
{ name = "hhmm (military) am|pm"
, pattern =
[ regex "((?:1[012]|0?\\d))([0-5]\\d)"
, regex "([ap])\\.?m?\\.?"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:_)):
Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (ap:_)):
_) -> do
h <- parseInt hh
m <- parseInt mm
tt . timeOfDayAMPM (hourMinute True h m) $
Text.toLower ap == "a"
_ -> Nothing
ruleCycleBeforeTime :: Rule
ruleCycleBeforeTime = Rule
{ name = "<cycle> before <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension TimeGrain
, regex "przed"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ cycleNthAfter False grain (-1) td
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval = Rule
{ name = "<time-of-day> - <time-of-day> (interval)"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ liftM2 (&&) isATimeOfDay isNotLatent
, regex "\\-|:|do|po|a\x017c do|az do|a\x017c po|az po"
, Predicate isATimeOfDay
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth11 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth11 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "listopad|listopada|listopadowi|listopadem|listopadzie|lis\\.?|list\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 11
ruleDurationAfterTime :: Rule
ruleDurationAfterTime = Rule
{ name = "<duration> after <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Duration
, regex "po"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Duration dd:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ durationAfter dd td
_ -> Nothing
ruleEveningnight :: Rule
ruleEveningnight = Rule
{ name = "evening|night"
, pattern =
[ regex "wiecz(o|\x00f3)r(em|owi|ze|a|u)?|noc(\x0105)?"
, prod = \_ ->
let from = hour False 18
to = hour False 0
in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
interval TTime.Open (from, to)
ruleOrdinalQuarter :: Rule
ruleOrdinalQuarter = Rule
{ name = "<ordinal> quarter"
, pattern =
[ dimension Ordinal
, Predicate $ isGrain TG.Quarter
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(token:_) -> do
n <- getIntValue token
tt . cycleNthAfter True TG.Quarter (n - 1) $
cycleNth TG.Year 0
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedday3 :: Rule
ruleNamedday3 = Rule
{ name = "named-day"
, pattern =
[ regex "(\x015a|\x015b|s)rod(a|\x0105|y|e|\x0119|zie|owy|o)|(s|\x015b|\x015a)ro?\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ dayOfWeek 3
ruleDurationBeforeTime :: Rule
ruleDurationBeforeTime = Rule
{ name = "<duration> before <time>"
, pattern =
[ dimension Duration
, regex "do|przed"
, dimension Time
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Duration dd:_:Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ durationBefore dd td
_ -> Nothing
ruleMmddyyyy :: Rule
ruleMmddyyyy = Rule
{ name = "mm/dd/yyyy"
, pattern =
[ regex "(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])[/-](3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])[-/](\\d{2,4})"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (mm:dd:yy:_)):_) -> do
y <- parseInt yy
m <- parseInt mm
d <- parseInt dd
tt $ yearMonthDay y m d
_ -> Nothing
ruleEoyendOfYear :: Rule
ruleEoyendOfYear = Rule
{ name = "EOY|End of year"
, pattern =
[ regex "(na |w )?(koniec|ko(n|\x0144)ca|ko(n|\x0144)cu|ko(n|\x0144)cowi|ko(n|\x0144)cem|ko(n|\x0144)c(o|\x00f3)wke) (rok(u|owi|iem))"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Year 1
ruleTomorrow :: Rule
ruleTomorrow = Rule
{ name = "tomorrow"
, pattern =
[ regex "jutr(o|a|u|em|ze(jszy|jsza)?)|jtr|jutr"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Day 1
ruleMothersDay :: Rule
ruleMothersDay = Rule
{ name = "Mother's Day"
, pattern =
[ regex "dzie(n|\x0144) ? ma(my|tki|m)"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ nthDOWOfMonth 1 7 5
ruleTimeofdayOclock :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayOclock = Rule
{ name = "<time-of-day> o'clock"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isATimeOfDay
, regex "godzina"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:_) ->
tt $ notLatent td
_ -> Nothing
ruleNamedmonth9 :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth9 = Rule
{ name = "named-month"
, pattern =
[ regex "wrzesie\x0144|wrzesien|wrze\x015bnia|wrzesnia|wrze\x015bniowi|wrzesniowi|wrzesie\x0144|wrzesien|wrze\x015bniem|wrzesniem|wrze\x015bniu|wrzesniu|wrz\\.?|wrze\\.?"
, prod = \_ -> tt $ month 9
ruleDayofmonthordinalNamedmonthYear :: Rule
ruleDayofmonthordinalNamedmonthYear = Rule
{ name = "<day-of-month>(ordinal) <named-month> year"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isDOMOrdinal
, Predicate isAMonth
, regex "(\\d{2,4})"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
Token Time td:
Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):
_) -> do
y <- parseInt match
dom <- intersectDOM td token
tt $ intersect (dom, year y)
_ -> Nothing
ruleHhmmss :: Rule
ruleHhmmss = Rule
{ name = "hh:mm:ss"
, pattern =
[ regex "((?:[01]?\\d)|(?:2[0-3]))[:.]([0-5]\\d)[:.]([0-5]\\d)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:ss:_)):_) -> do
h <- parseInt hh
m <- parseInt mm
s <- parseInt ss
tt $ hourMinuteSecond True h m s
_ -> Nothing
ruleTimezone :: Rule
ruleTimezone = Rule
{ name = "<time> timezone"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ liftM2 (&&) isATimeOfDay isNotLatent
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Time td:
Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (tz:_)):
_) -> Token Time <$> inTimezone tz td
_ -> Nothing
rules :: [Rule]
rules =
[ ruleAboutTimeofday
, ruleAbsorptionOfAfterNamedDay
, ruleAfterDuration
, ruleAfterTimeofday
, ruleAfternoon
, ruleAtTimeofday
, ruleBetweenDatetimeAndDatetimeInterval
, ruleBetweenTimeofdayAndTimeofdayInterval
, ruleByTheEndOfTime
, ruleByTime
, ruleChristmas
, ruleChristmasEve
, ruleCycleAfterTime
, ruleCycleBeforeTime
, ruleDatetimeDatetimeInterval
, ruleDayaftertomorrowSingleword
, ruleDaybeforeyesterdaySingleword
, ruleDayofmonthNonOrdinalNamedmonth
, ruleDayofmonthNonOrdinalOfNamedmonth
, ruleDayofmonthOrdinal
, ruleDayofmonthOrdinalOfNamedmonth
, ruleDayofmonthordinalNamedmonth
, ruleDayofmonthordinalNamedmonthYear
, ruleDurationAfterTime
, ruleDurationAgo
, ruleDurationBeforeTime
, ruleDurationFromNow
, ruleDurationHence
, ruleEomendOfMonth
, ruleEoyendOfYear
, ruleEveningnight
, ruleExactlyTimeofday
, ruleFathersDay
, ruleFromDatetimeDatetimeInterval
, ruleFromHourofdayHourofdayInterval
, ruleFromTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval
, ruleHalloweenDay
, ruleHhmm
, ruleHhmmMilitary
, ruleHhmmMilitaryAmpm
, ruleHhmmss
, ruleHourofdayHourofdayInterval
, ruleHourofdayIntegerAsRelativeMinutes
, ruleHourofdayQuarter
, ruleHourofdayHalf
, ruleInDuration
, ruleInduringThePartofday
, ruleIntegerLatentTimeofday
, ruleIntersect
, ruleIntersectBy
, ruleIntersectBy2
, ruleIntersectByOfFromS
, ruleLastCycle
, ruleLastCycleOfTime
, ruleLastCycleTime
, ruleLastDayofweekOfTime
, ruleLastDayofweekTime
, ruleLastNCycle
, ruleLastTime
, ruleLunch
, ruleMmdd
, ruleMmddyyyy
, ruleMonthDdddInterval
, ruleMorning
, ruleMothersDay
, ruleNamedday
, ruleNamedday2
, ruleNamedday3
, ruleNamedday4
, ruleNamedday5
, ruleNamedday6
, ruleNamedday7
, ruleNamedmonth
, ruleNamedmonth10
, ruleNamedmonth11
, ruleNamedmonth12
, ruleNamedmonth2
, ruleNamedmonth3
, ruleNamedmonth4
, ruleNamedmonth5
, ruleNamedmonth6
, ruleNamedmonth7
, ruleNamedmonth8
, ruleNamedmonth9
, ruleNamedmonthDayofmonthNonOrdinal
, ruleNamedmonthDayofmonthOrdinal
, ruleNewYearsEve
, ruleNextCycle
, ruleNextNCycle
, ruleNextTime
, ruleNoon
, ruleNow
, ruleNthTimeAfterTime
, ruleNthTimeOfTime
, ruleNthTimeTime
, ruleOnANamedday
, ruleOnDate
, ruleOrdinalAsHour
, ruleOrdinalCycleAfterTime
, ruleOrdinalCycleOfTime
, ruleOrdinalCycleTime
, ruleOrdinalQuarter
, ruleOrdinalQuarterYear
, rulePolishIndependenceDay
, ruleRelativeMinutesAfterpastIntegerHourofday
, ruleQuarterAfterpastIntegerHourofday
, ruleHalfAfterpastIntegerHourofday
, ruleRelativeMinutesTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday
, ruleQuarterTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday
, ruleHalfTotillbeforeIntegerHourofday
, ruleSeason
, ruleSeason2
, ruleSeason3
, ruleSeason4
, ruleThanksgivingDay
, ruleTheCycleOfTime
, ruleTheIdesOfNamedmonth
, ruleTheOrdinalCycleAfterTime
, ruleThisCycle
, ruleThisPartofday
, ruleThisTime
, ruleThisnextDayofweek
, ruleTimeAfterNext
, ruleTimeBeforeLast
, ruleTimePartofday
, ruleTimeofdayApproximately
, ruleTimeofdayOclock
, ruleTimeofdayPopoudniuwieczoremwNocy
, ruleTimeofdayRano
, ruleTimeofdaySharp
, ruleTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval
, ruleToday
, ruleTomorrow
, ruleUntilTimeofday
, ruleValentinesDay
, ruleWeekend
, ruleWithinDuration
, ruleYear
, ruleYearLatent
, ruleYearLatent2
, ruleYesterday
, ruleYyyymmdd
, ruleTimezone