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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2.
#pragma once
#include <folly/String.h>
#include <folly/futures/Future.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <spawn.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "eden/fs/utils/FileDescriptor.h"
#include "eden/fs/utils/PathFuncs.h"
#include "eden/fs/utils/Pipe.h"
namespace facebook {
namespace eden {
// Represents the status of a process; whether it is running
// or if it has terminated, what its exit code is.
class ProcessStatus {
enum State {
explicit ProcessStatus(State state, int status) noexcept
: state_(state), status_(status) {}
ProcessStatus() = default;
// Construct from a raw waitpid() status value
static ProcessStatus fromWaitStatus(int rawStatus);
// Retrieve the general running/exited/kill state
State state() const {
return state_;
// If the process Exited, returns the value that it
// returned from exit(3).
// Otherwise, returns 1.
int exitStatus() const;
// This only makes sense on posix systems.
// If the process was Killed then this returns the
// signal number that killed it.
// Otherwise returns 0.
int killSignal() const;
// Returns a textual description of the state, such
// as "not started", "running", "exited with status N"
// and "killed by signal N".
std::string str() const;
State state_{NotStarted};
int status_{0};
class SpawnedProcess {
struct Deleter {
void operator()(char** vec) const {
class Environment {
// Constructs an environment from the current process environment
Environment(const Environment&) = default;
/* implicit */ Environment(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& map);
Environment& operator=(const Environment&) = default;
// Returns the environment as an `environ` compatible
// NULL-terminated array of `KEY=VALUE` C-strings.
std::unique_ptr<char*, Deleter> asEnviron() const;
// Returns a `CreateProcess` compatible environment block.
// This is a single contiguous string sequenced as:
std::string asWin32EnvBlock() const;
// Set a value in the environment
void set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
void set(
std::initializer_list<std::pair<folly::StringPiece, folly::StringPiece>>
// Remove a value from the environment
void unset(const std::string& key);
// Empties the environment, starting with a blank slate.
void clear();
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> map_;
class Options {
Options() = default;
// Not copyable
Options(const Options&) = delete;
Options(Options&&) = default;
Options& operator=(const Options&) = delete;
Options& operator=(Options&&) = default;
// Returns a mutable, assignable reference to the environment
// that will be used to spawn the process.
Environment& environment();
// Arranges to duplicate an fd from the parent as targetFd in
// the child process.
void dup2(FileDescriptor&& fd, int targetFd);
// Create a pipe for communicating between the
// parent and child process and setting it as targetFd in
// the child.
void pipe(int targetFd, bool childRead);
// Set up stdin with a pipe
void pipeStdin();
// Set up stdout with a pipe
void pipeStdout();
// Set up stderr with a pipe
void pipeStderr();
// Set up stdin with a null device
void nullStdin();
// open(2) a file for the child process and make it available as targetFd.
// `targetFd` can portably be STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO or STDERR_FILENO.
// Other arbitrary numbers are possible on POSIX platforms, but not on
// Windows platforms.
// If you need to pass streams other than the stdio streams you should
// consider pre-opening the descriptor and calling `inheritDescriptor`
// instead and passing the returned handle number to the spawned process
// via its command line or through an environment variable.
void open(int targetFd, AbsolutePathPiece path, OpenFileHandleOptions opts);
// Arrange to set the cwd for the child process.
// If not set, the child process to inherit the cwd from this process.
void chdir(AbsolutePathPiece path);
// Specifies the path to the executable.
// This is normally produced by taking args[0] and resolving
// it from the PATH.
// You might want to specify this here if you already know the
// full path but want the process to show up with an shorter
// and simpler name for its argv[0], or otherwise wish for
// argv[0] to vary from the executable image.
void executablePath(AbsolutePathPiece exec);
// Explicitly inherit `fd` and preserve its identity in
// the child process.
// Returns a "descriptor number" identifying it in the child.
// This MAY NOT be the same number that it had in the parent!
// This number is suitable for generating command line parameters to
// allow the child to use fdopen or similar to access the
// system handle in the child.
FileDescriptor::system_handle_type inheritDescriptor(FileDescriptor&& fd);
// The descriptors to pass to the child
std::unordered_map<int, FileDescriptor> descriptors_;
// The environment to pass to the child
Environment env_;
// The parent side of any pipes configured
std::unordered_map<int, FileDescriptor> pipes_;
// The current working directory to set in the child
std::optional<AbsolutePath> cwd_;
// Alternative executable image path
std::optional<AbsolutePath> execPath_;
friend class SpawnedProcess;
SpawnedProcess() = default;
// Attempt to spawn the process defined by `args` and `options`.
// Note that `options` is moved in because it owns any redirected
// descriptors that were configured.
explicit SpawnedProcess(
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
Options&& options = Options());
SpawnedProcess(const SpawnedProcess&) = delete;
SpawnedProcess& operator=(const SpawnedProcess&) = delete;
SpawnedProcess(SpawnedProcess&& other) noexcept;
SpawnedProcess& operator=(SpawnedProcess&& other) noexcept;
#ifndef _WIN32
// Construct from an already-running process id
static SpawnedProcess fromExistingProcess(pid_t pid);
explicit SpawnedProcess(pid_t pid);
// Check to see if the process has terminated.
// Does not block. Returns true if the process has
// terminated, false otherwise.
bool terminated();
// Wait for the process to terminate and return its
// exit status. If the process has already terminated,
// immediately returns its exit status.
ProcessStatus wait();
// Wait for the process to terminate. If it didn't exit with
// status==0 then throw an exception.
void waitChecked();
// Wait up to `timeout` for the process to terminate.
ProcessStatus waitTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
* Call `waitpid` non-blockingly up to `waitTimeout`. If the process hasn't
* terminated after that, fall back on `terminateOrKill` with
* `sigtermTimeoutSeconds`.
ProcessStatus waitOrTerminateOrKill(
std::chrono::milliseconds waitTimeout,
std::chrono::milliseconds sigtermTimeout);
* Send the SIGTERM to terminate the process, poll `waitpid` non-blockingly
* several times up to `sigtermTimeout`. If the process hasn't terminated
* after that, send SIGKILL to kill the process and call `waitpid` blockingly.
* Return the exit code of process.
ProcessStatus terminateOrKill(std::chrono::milliseconds sigtermTimeout);
// Consumes the process and returns a SemiFuture that will yield its
// resultant exit status when the process completes.
// The SemiFuture is implemented by polling the return code at the specified
// poll_interval (default is 10ms), with exponential backoff up to the
// specified maximum poll interval.
// The polling is managed by a timer registered with the global IO Executor.
folly::SemiFuture<ProcessStatus> future_wait(
std::chrono::milliseconds poll_interval = std::chrono::milliseconds(10),
std::chrono::milliseconds max_poll_interval =
std::chrono::seconds(10)) &&;
// Disassociate from the running process.
// We will no longer be able to wait for it to complete.
// This is implemented in terms of future_wait() on POSIX systems.
void detach() &&;
// Terminates the process with SIGKILL (calls `sendSignal(SIGKILL)`)
void kill();
// Terminates the process with SIGTERM (calls `sendSignal(SIGTERM)`).
void terminate();
// POSIX: Send an arbitrary signal to the process. Depending on the
// signal, the process may catch/handle the signal and may not immediately
// terminate.
// Windows: immediately terminate the process and set its exit code to
// signo+128.
void sendSignal(int signo);
// The pipeWriteCallback is called by communicate when it is safe to write
// data to the pipe. The callback should then attempt to write to it.
// The callback must return true when it has nothing more
// to write to the input of the child. This will cause the
// pipe to be closed.
// Note that the pipe may be non-blocking, and you must not loop attempting
// to write data to the pipe - the caller will arrange to call you again
// if you return false (e.g. after a partial write).
using pipeWriteCallback = std::function<bool(FileDescriptor&)>;
/** SpawnedProcess::communicate() performs a read/write operation.
* The provided pipeWriteCallback allows sending data to the input stream.
* communicate() will return with the pair of output and error streams once
* they have been completely consumed. */
std::pair<std::string, std::string> communicate(
pipeWriteCallback writeCallback = [](FileDescriptor&) {
// If not provided by the caller, we're just going to close the input
// stream
return true;
// these are public for the sake of testing. You should use the
// communicate() method instead of calling these directly.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> pollingCommunicate(
pipeWriteCallback writable);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> threadedCommunicate(
pipeWriteCallback writable);
// fdNumber is the descriptor as seen by the child; this method
// closes the parent side of that numbered descriptor.
void closeParentFd(int fdNumber);
// Take ownership of the descriptor representing the stdin stream
FileDescriptor stdinFd();
// Take ownership of the description representing the stdout stream
FileDescriptor stdoutFd();
// Take ownership of the description representing the stderr stream
FileDescriptor stderrFd();
// fdNumber is the descriptor as seen by the child; this method
// return the parent side of that numbered descriptor.
FileDescriptor parentFd(int fdNumber);
#ifndef _WIN32
// Retrieve the process id of the child
pid_t pid() const;
#ifndef _WIN32
pid_t pid_{0};
bool waited_{true};
ProcessStatus status_;
std::unordered_map<int, FileDescriptor> pipes_;
folly::Future<std::string> readPipe(int fd);
} // namespace eden
} // namespace facebook