
196 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include "ObjectStore.h"
#include <folly/Conv.h>
#include <folly/Optional.h>
#include <folly/futures/Future.h>
#include <folly/io/IOBuf.h>
#include <folly/logging/xlog.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "eden/fs/model/Blob.h"
#include "eden/fs/model/Tree.h"
#include "eden/fs/store/BackingStore.h"
#include "eden/fs/store/LocalStore.h"
using folly::Future;
using folly::IOBuf;
using folly::makeFuture;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
"Perform extra verification of file contents for empty files.");
namespace facebook {
namespace eden {
shared_ptr<LocalStore> localStore,
shared_ptr<BackingStore> backingStore)
: localStore_(std::move(localStore)),
backingStore_(std::move(backingStore)) {}
ObjectStore::~ObjectStore() {}
Future<shared_ptr<const Tree>> ObjectStore::getTree(const Hash& id) const {
// Check in the LocalStore first
return localStore_->getTree(id).thenValue(
[id, backingStore = backingStore_](shared_ptr<const Tree> tree) {
if (tree) {
XLOG(DBG4) << "tree " << id << " found in local store";
return makeFuture(std::move(tree));
// Note: We don't currently have logic here to avoid duplicate work if
// multiple callers request the same tree at once. We could store a map
// of pending lookups as (Hash --> std::list<Promise<unique_ptr<Tree>>),
// and just add a new Promise to the list if this Hash already exists in
// the pending list.
// However, de-duplication of object loads will already be done at the
// Inode layer. Therefore we currently don't bother de-duping loads at
// this layer.
// Load the tree from the BackingStore.
return backingStore->getTree(id).thenValue(
[id](unique_ptr<const Tree> loadedTree) {
if (!loadedTree) {
// TODO: Perhaps we should do some short-term negative caching?
XLOG(DBG2) << "unable to find tree " << id;
throw std::domain_error(
folly::to<string>("tree ", id.toString(), " not found"));
// TODO: For now, the BackingStore objects actually end up already
// saving the Tree object in the LocalStore, so we don't do
// anything here.
// localStore_->putTree(loadedTree.get());
XLOG(DBG3) << "tree " << id << " retrieved from backing store";
return shared_ptr<const Tree>(std::move(loadedTree));
Future<shared_ptr<const Blob>> ObjectStore::getBlob(const Hash& id) const {
return localStore_->getBlob(id).thenValue(
[id, localStore = localStore_, backingStore = backingStore_](
shared_ptr<const Blob> blob) {
if (blob) {
if (FLAGS_reverify_empty_files && blob->getContents().empty()) {
return backingStore->verifyEmptyBlob(id).thenValue(
[id, localStore, origBlob = std::move(blob)](
std::unique_ptr<Blob> updatedBlob) mutable {
if (!updatedBlob) {
return shared_ptr<const Blob>(std::move(origBlob));
localStore->putBlob(id, updatedBlob.get());
return shared_ptr<const Blob>(std::move(updatedBlob));
XLOG(DBG4) << "blob " << id << " found in local store";
return makeFuture(shared_ptr<const Blob>(std::move(blob)));
// Look in the BackingStore
return backingStore->getBlob(id).thenValue(
[localStore, id](unique_ptr<const Blob> loadedBlob) {
if (!loadedBlob) {
XLOG(DBG2) << "unable to find blob " << id;
// TODO: Perhaps we should do some short-term negative caching?
throw std::domain_error(
folly::to<string>("blob ", id.toString(), " not found"));
XLOG(DBG3) << "blob " << id << " retrieved from backing store";
localStore->putBlob(id, loadedBlob.get());
return shared_ptr<const Blob>(std::move(loadedBlob));
folly::Future<folly::Unit> ObjectStore::prefetchBlobs(
const std::vector<Hash>& ids) const {
// In theory we could/should ask the localStore_ to filter the list
// of ids down to just the set that we need to load, but there is no
// bulk key existence check in rocksdb, so we would need to cause it
// to load all the blocks of those keys into memory.
// So for the moment we are committing a layering violation in the
// interest of making things faster in practice by just asking the
// mercurial backing store to ensure that its local hgcache storage
// has entries for all of the requested keys.
if (ids.empty()) {
return folly::unit;
return backingStore_->prefetchBlobs(ids);
Future<shared_ptr<const Tree>> ObjectStore::getTreeForCommit(
const Hash& commitID) const {
XLOG(DBG3) << "getTreeForCommit(" << commitID << ")";
return backingStore_->getTreeForCommit(commitID).thenValue(
[commitID](std::shared_ptr<const Tree> tree) {
if (!tree) {
throw std::domain_error(folly::to<string>(
"unable to import commit ", commitID.toString()));
// For now we assume that the BackingStore will insert the Tree into the
// LocalStore on its own, so we don't have to update the LocalStore
// ourselves here.
return tree;
Future<BlobMetadata> ObjectStore::getBlobMetadata(const Hash& id) const {
return localStore_->getBlobMetadata(id).thenValue(
[id, localStore = localStore_, backingStore = backingStore_](
folly::Optional<BlobMetadata>&& localData) {
if (localData.hasValue()) {
if (FLAGS_reverify_empty_files && localData.value().size == 0) {
return backingStore->verifyEmptyBlob(id).thenValue(
[id, metadata = localData.value(), localStore](
std::unique_ptr<Blob> blob) {
if (!blob) {
return metadata;
return localStore->putBlob(id, blob.get());
} else {
return makeFuture(localData.value());
// Load the blob from the BackingStore.
// TODO: It would be nice to add a smarter API to the BackingStore so
// that we can query it just for the blob metadata if it supports
// getting that without retrieving the full blob data.
return backingStore->getBlob(id).thenValue(
[localStore, id](std::unique_ptr<Blob> blob) {
if (!blob) {
// TODO: Perhaps we should do some short-term negative caching?
throw std::domain_error(
folly::to<string>("blob ", id.toString(), " not found"));
return localStore->putBlob(id, blob.get());
} // namespace eden
} // namespace facebook