#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Portions Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2. # Copyright 2010 Matt Mackall # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. # check-code - a style and portability checker for Mercurial """style and portability checker for Mercurial when a rule triggers wrong, do one of the following (prefer one from top): * do the work-around the rule suggests * doublecheck that it is a false match * improve the rule pattern * add an ignore pattern to the rule (3rd arg) which matches your good line (you can append a short comment and match this, like: #re-raises) * change the pattern to a warning and list the exception in test-check-code-hg * ONLY use no--check-code for skipping entire files from external sources """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import glob import keyword import optparse import os import re import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: opentext = open else: def opentext(f): return open(f, encoding="ascii") try: xrange except NameError: xrange = range try: import re2 except ImportError: re2 = None def compilere(pat, multiline=False): if multiline: pat = "(?m)" + pat if re2: try: return re2.compile(pat) except re2.error: pass return re.compile(pat) # check "rules depending on implementation of repquote()" in each # patterns (especially pypats), before changing around repquote() _repquotefixedmap = { " ": " ", "\n": "\n", ".": "p", ":": "q", "%": "%", "\\": "b", "*": "A", "+": "P", "-": "M", } def _repquoteencodechr(i): if i > 255: return "u" c = chr(i) if c in _repquotefixedmap: return _repquotefixedmap[c] if c.isalpha(): return "x" if c.isdigit(): return "n" return "o" _repquotett = "".join(_repquoteencodechr(i) for i in xrange(256)) def repquote(m): t = m.group("text") t = t.translate(_repquotett) return m.group("quote") + t + m.group("quote") def reppython(m): comment = m.group("comment") if comment: l = len(comment.rstrip()) return "#" * l + comment[l:] return repquote(m) def repcomment(m): return m.group(1) + "#" * len(m.group(2)) def repccomment(m): t = re.sub(r"((?<=\n) )|\S", "x", m.group(2)) return m.group(1) + t + "*/" def repcallspaces(m): t = re.sub(r"\n\s+", "\n", m.group(2)) return m.group(1) + t def repinclude(m): return m.group(1) + "" def rephere(m): t = re.sub(r"\S", "x", m.group(2)) return m.group(1) + t testpats = [ [ (r"\b(push|pop)d\b", "don't use 'pushd' or 'popd', use 'cd'"), (r"grep.*-q", "don't use 'grep -q', redirect to /dev/null"), (r"(?'"), (r"sha1sum", "don't use sha1sum, use $TESTDIR/md5sum.py"), (r"ls.*-\w*R", "don't use 'ls -R', use 'find'"), (r"printf.*[^\\]\\([1-9]|0\d)", r"don't use 'printf \NNN', use Python"), (r"printf.*[^\\]\\x", "don't use printf \\x, use Python"), (r"rm -rf \*", "don't use naked rm -rf, target a directory"), (r"\[[^\]]+==", "[ foo == bar ] is a bashism, use [ foo = bar ] instead"), (r"(^|\|\s*)grep (-\w\s+)*[^|]*[(|]\w", "use egrep for extended grep syntax"), (r"(^|\|\s*)e?grep .*\\S", "don't use \\S in regular expression"), (r"(?\n]>\s*\$HGRCPATH", "don't overwrite $HGRCPATH, append to it"), (r"^stop\(\)", "don't use 'stop' as a shell function name"), (r"(\[|\btest\b).*-e ", "don't use 'test -e', use 'test -f'"), (r"\[\[\s+[^\]]*\]\]", "don't use '[[ ]]', use '[ ]'"), (r"^alias\b.*=", "don't use alias, use a function"), (r"if\s*!", "don't use '!' to negate exit status"), (r"/dev/u?random", "don't use entropy, use /dev/zero"), (r"do\s*true;\s*done", "don't use true as loop body, use sleep 0"), ( r"sed (-e )?\'(\d+|/[^/]*/)i(?!\\\n)", "put a backslash-escaped newline after sed 'i' command", ), (r"^diff *-\w*[uU].*$\n(^ \$ |^$)", "prefix diff -u/-U with cmp"), (r"^\s+(if)? diff *-\w*[uU]", "prefix diff -u/-U with cmp"), (r'[\s="`\']python\s(?!bindings)', "don't use 'python', use '$PYTHON'"), (r"seq ", "don't use 'seq', use $TESTDIR/seq.py"), (r"\butil\.Abort\b", "directly use error.Abort"), (r"\|&", "don't use |&, use 2>&1"), (r"\w = +\w", "only one space after = allowed"), (r"\bsed\b.*[^\\]\\n", "don't use 'sed ... \\n', use a \\ and a newline"), (r"env.*-u", "don't use 'env -u VAR', use 'unset VAR'"), (r"cp.* -r ", "don't use 'cp -r', use 'cp -R'"), (r"find.*-printf", "don't use 'find -printf', it doesn't exist on BSD find(1)"), ], # warnings [ (r"^function", "don't use 'function', use old style"), (r"^diff.*-\w*N", "don't use 'diff -N'"), (r"\$PWD|\${PWD}", "don't use $PWD, use `pwd`"), (r'^([^"\'\n]|("[^"\n]*")|(\'[^\'\n]*\'))*\^', "^ must be quoted"), (r"kill (`|\$\()", "don't use kill, use killdaemons.py"), ], ] testfilters = [ (r"( *)(#([^!][^\n]*\S)?)", repcomment), (r"<<(\S+)((.|\n)*?\n\1)", rephere), ] uprefix = r"^ \$ " utestpats = [ [ (r"^(\S.*|| [$>] \S.*)[ \t]\n", "trailing whitespace on non-output"), (uprefix + r"(true|exit 0)", "explicit zero exit unnecessary"), (uprefix + r".*(? for continued lines"), ( uprefix + r".*:\.\S*/", "x:.y in a path does not work on msys, rewrite " "as x://.y, or see `hg log -k msys` for alternatives", r"-\S+:\.|" "# no-msys", # -Rxxx ), # in test-pull.t which is skipped on windows (r"^ [^$>].*27\.0\.0\.1", "use $LOCALIP not an explicit loopback address"), ( r"^ (?![>$] ).*\$LOCALIP.*[^)]$", "mark $LOCALIP output lines with (glob) to help tests in BSD jails", ), (r"^ (cat|find): .*: \$ENOENT\$", "use test -f to test for file existence"), (r"^ diff -[^ -]*p", "don't use (external) diff with -p for portability"), (r" readlink ", "use readlink.py instead of readlink"), ( r"^ [-+][-+][-+] .* [-+]0000 \(glob\)", "glob timezone field in diff output for portability", ), ( r"^ @@ -[0-9]+ [+][0-9]+,[0-9]+ @@", "use '@@ -N* +N,n @@ (glob)' style chunk header for portability", ), ( r"^ @@ -[0-9]+,[0-9]+ [+][0-9]+ @@", "use '@@ -N,n +N* @@ (glob)' style chunk header for portability", ), ( r"^ @@ -[0-9]+ [+][0-9]+ @@", "use '@@ -N* +N* @@ (glob)' style chunk header for portability", ), ( uprefix + r"hg( +-[^ ]+( +[^ ]+)?)* +extdiff" r"( +(-[^ po-]+|--(?!program|option)[^ ]+|[^-][^ ]*))*$", "use $RUNTESTDIR/pdiff via extdiff (or -o/-p for false-positives)", ), ], # warnings [ ( r"^ (?!.*\$LOCALIP|.*\$HGPORT)[^*?/\n]* \(glob\)$", "glob match with no glob string (?, *, /, and $LOCALIP)", ) ], ] # transform plain test rules to unified test's for i in [0, 1]: for tp in testpats[i]: p = tp[0] m = tp[1] if p.startswith(r"^"): p = r"^ [$>] (%s)" % p[1:] else: p = r"^ [$>] .*(%s)" % p utestpats[i].append((p, m) + tp[2:]) # don't transform the following rules: # " > \t" and " \t" should be allowed in unified tests testpats[0].append((r"^( *)\t", "don't use tabs to indent")) utestpats[0].append((r"^( ?)\t", "don't use tabs to indent")) utestfilters = [ (r"<<(\S+)((.|\n)*?\n > \1)", rephere), (r"( +)(#([^!][^\n]*\S)?)", repcomment), ] pypats = [ [ ( r"^\s*def\s*\w+\s*\(.*,\s*\(", "tuple parameter unpacking not available in Python 3+", ), (r"lambda\s*\(.*,.*\)", "tuple parameter unpacking not available in Python 3+"), (r"(?\s", "<> operator is not available in Python 3+, use !="), (r'[^_]_\([ \t\n]*(?:"[^"]+"[ \t\n+]*)+%', "don't use % inside _()"), (r"[^_]_\([ \t\n]*(?:'[^']+'[ \t\n+]*)+%", "don't use % inside _()"), ( r"^\s+(self\.)?[A-Za-z][a-z0-9]+[A-Z]\w* = ", "don't use camelcase in identifiers", r"#.*camelcase-required", ), ( r"class\s[^( \n]+:", "old-style class, use class foo(object)", r"#.*old-style", ), ( r"class\s[^( \n]+\(\):", "class foo() creates old style object, use class foo(object)", r"#.*old-style", ), ( r"\b(%s)\(" % "|".join(k for k in keyword.kwlist if k not in ("print", "exec")), "Python keyword is not a function", ), (r"[\x80-\xff]", "non-ASCII character literal"), (r'("\')\.format\(', "str.format() has no bytes counterpart, use %"), (r"raise Exception", "don't raise generic exceptions"), ( r"raise [^,(]+, (\([^\)]+\)|[^,\(\)]+)$", "don't use old-style two-argument raise, use Exception(message)", ), (r' is\s+(not\s+)?["\'0-9-]', "object comparison with literal"), ( r" [=!]=\s+(True|False|None)", "comparison with singleton, use 'is' or 'is not' instead", ), (r"^\s*(while|if) [01]:", "use True/False for constant Boolean expression"), (r"^\s*if False(:| +and)", "Remove code instead of using `if False`"), ( r"(?:(?\#.*?$)| ((?P('''|\"\"\"|(?(([^\\]|\\.)*?)) (?P=quote))""", reppython, ) ] # non-filter patterns pynfpats = [ [ (r'pycompat\.osname\s*[=!]=\s*[\'"]nt[\'"]', "use pycompat.iswindows"), (r'pycompat\.osname\s*[=!]=\s*[\'"]posix[\'"]', "use pycompat.isposix"), (r'pycompat\.sysplatform\s*[!=]=\s*[\'"]darwin[\'"]', "use pycompat.isdarwin"), ], # warnings [], ] # extension non-filter patterns pyextnfpats = [ [(r'^"""\n?[A-Z]', "don't capitalize docstring title")], # warnings [], ] txtfilters = [] txtpats = [ [ ("\s$", "trailing whitespace"), (".. note::[ \n][^\n]", "add two newlines after note::"), ], [], ] cpats = [ [ # rules depending on implementation of repquote() ], # warnings [ # rules depending on implementation of repquote() ], ] cfilters = [ (r"(/\*)(((\*(?!/))|[^*])*)\*/", repccomment), (r"""(?P(?([^"]|\\")+)"(?!")""", repquote), (r"""(#\s*include\s+<)([^>]+)>""", repinclude), (r"(\()([^)]+\))", repcallspaces), ] inutilpats = [ [(r"\bui\.", "don't use ui in util")], # warnings [], ] inrevlogpats = [ [(r"\brepo\.", "don't use repo in revlog")], # warnings [], ] webtemplatefilters = [] webtemplatepats = [ [], [ ( r"{desc(\|(?!websub|firstline)[^\|]*)+}", "follow desc keyword with either firstline or websub", ) ], ] allfilesfilters = [] allfilespats = [ [ ( r"(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./]*selenic.com/", "use mercurial-scm.org domain URL", ), ( r"mercurial@selenic\.com", "use mercurial-scm.org domain for mercurial ML address", ), ( r"mercurial-devel@selenic\.com", "use mercurial-scm.org domain for mercurial-devel ML address", ), ], # warnings [], ] py3pats = [ [ (r"os\.name", "use pycompat.osname instead (py3)"), (r"os\.getcwd", "use pycompat.getcwd instead (py3)"), (r"os\.sep", "use pycompat.ossep instead (py3)"), (r"os\.pathsep", "use pycompat.ospathsep instead (py3)"), (r"os\.altsep", "use pycompat.osaltsep instead (py3)"), (r"sys\.platform", "use pycompat.sysplatform instead (py3)"), (r"getopt\.getopt", "use pycompat.getoptb instead (py3)"), (r"os\.setenv", "modifying the environ dict is not preferred"), ], # warnings [], ] checks = [ ("python", r".*\.(py|cgi)$", r"^#!.*python", pyfilters, pypats), ("python", r"edenscm.*\.(py|cgi)$", r"^#!.*python", pyfilters, corepypats), ("python", r".*\.(py|cgi)$", r"^#!.*python", [], pynfpats), ("python", r".*hgext.*\.py$", "", [], pyextnfpats), ( "python", r".*(hgext|mercurial)/(?!demandimport|pycompat).*\.py", "", pyfilters, pycorepats, ), ( "python 3", r".*(hgext|mercurial)/(?!demandimport|pycompat).*\.py", "", pyfilters, py3pats, ), ("test script", r"(.*/)?test-[^.~]*$", "", testfilters, testpats), ("c", r".*\.[ch]$", "", cfilters, cpats), ("unified test", r".*\.t$", "", utestfilters, utestpats), ( "layering violation repo in revlog", r"mercurial/revlog\.py", "", pyfilters, inrevlogpats, ), ("layering violation ui in util", r"mercurial/util\.py", "", pyfilters, inutilpats), ("txt", r".*\.txt$", "", txtfilters, txtpats), ( "web template", r"mercurial/templates/.*\.tmpl", "", webtemplatefilters, webtemplatepats, ), ("all except for .po", r".*(? %s" % (fname, lineno, blame, msg, line.strip()) ) else: print("%s:%d: %s --> %s" % (fname, lineno, msg, line.strip())) self._lastseen = msgid _defaultlogger = norepeatlogger() def getblame(f): lines = [] for l in os.popen("hg annotate -un %s" % f): start, line = l.split(":", 1) user, rev = start.split() lines.append((line[1:-1], user, rev)) return lines def checkfile( f, logfunc=_defaultlogger.log, maxerr=None, warnings=False, blame=False, debug=False, lineno=True, ): """checks style and portability of a given file :f: filepath :logfunc: function used to report error logfunc(filename, linenumber, linecontent, errormessage) :maxerr: number of error to display before aborting. Set to false (default) to report all errors return True if no error is found, False otherwise. """ blamecache = None result = True try: with opentext(f) as fp: try: pre = post = fp.read() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: print("%s while reading %s" % (e, f)) return result except IOError as e: print("Skipping %s, %s" % (f, str(e).split(":", 1)[0])) return result for name, match, magic, filters, pats in checks: post = pre # discard filtering result of previous check if debug: print(name, f) fc = 0 if not (re.match(match, f) or (magic and re.search(magic, pre))): if debug: print("Skipping %s for %s it doesn't match %s" % (name, match, f)) continue if "no-" "check-code" in pre: # If you're looking at this line, it's because a file has: # no- check- code # but the reason to output skipping is to make life for # tests easier. So, instead of writing it with a normal # spelling, we write it with the expected spelling from # tests/test-check-code.t print("Skipping %s it has no-che?k-code (glob)" % f) return "Skip" # skip checking this file for p, r in filters: post = re.sub(p, r, post) nerrs = len(pats[0]) # nerr elements are errors if warnings: pats = pats[0] + pats[1] else: pats = pats[0] # print post # uncomment to show filtered version if debug: print("Checking %s for %s" % (name, f)) prelines = None errors = [] for i, pat in enumerate(pats): if len(pat) == 3: p, msg, ignore = pat else: p, msg = pat ignore = None if i >= nerrs: msg = "warning: " + msg pos = 0 n = 0 for m in p.finditer(post): if prelines is None: prelines = pre.splitlines() postlines = post.splitlines(True) start = m.start() while n < len(postlines): step = len(postlines[n]) if pos + step > start: break pos += step n += 1 l = prelines[n] if ignore and re.search(ignore, l, re.MULTILINE): if debug: print("Skipping %s for %s:%s (ignore pattern)" % (name, f, n)) continue bd = "" if blame: bd = "working directory" if not blamecache: blamecache = getblame(f) if n < len(blamecache): bl, bu, br = blamecache[n] if bl == l: bd = "%s@%s" % (bu, br) errors.append((f, lineno and n + 1, l, msg, bd)) result = False errors.sort() for e in errors: logfunc(*e) fc += 1 if maxerr and fc >= maxerr: print(" (too many errors, giving up)") break return result def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] [files | -]") parser.add_option( "-w", "--warnings", action="store_true", help="include warning-level checks" ) parser.add_option("-p", "--per-file", type="int", help="max warnings per file") parser.add_option( "-b", "--blame", action="store_true", help="use annotate to generate blame info" ) parser.add_option("", "--debug", action="store_true", help="show debug information") parser.add_option( "", "--nolineno", action="store_false", dest="lineno", help="don't show line numbers", ) parser.set_defaults( per_file=15, warnings=False, blame=False, debug=False, lineno=True ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: check = glob.glob("*") elif args == ["-"]: # read file list from stdin check = sys.stdin.read().splitlines() else: check = args _preparepats() ret = 0 for f in check: if not checkfile( f, maxerr=options.per_file, warnings=options.warnings, blame=options.blame, debug=options.debug, lineno=options.lineno, ): ret = 1 return ret if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())