# Copyright 2014 Facebook Inc. # """upload useful diagnostics and give instructions for asking for help [rage] # Name of the rpm binary rpmbin = rpm """ import datetime import glob import json import os import re import socket import struct import subprocess import tempfile import time import traceback from functools import partial from edenscm.mercurial import ( bookmarks, cmdutil, commands, encoding, error, progress, pycompat, registrar, scmutil, util, ) from edenscm.mercurial.i18n import _ from .remotefilelog import constants, shallowutil cmdtable = {} command = registrar.command(cmdtable) def shcmd(cmd, input=None, check=True, keeperr=True): _, _, _, p = util.popen4(cmd) out, err = p.communicate(input) if check and p.returncode: raise error.Abort(cmd + " error: " + err) elif keeperr: out += err return out def which(name): """ """ for p in encoding.environ.get("PATH", "/bin").split(pycompat.ospathsep): path = os.path.join(p, name) if os.path.exists(path): return path return None def _tail(userlogdir, userlogfiles, nlines=100): """ Returns the last `nlines` from logfiles """ # create list of files (full paths) logfiles = [os.path.join(userlogdir, f) for f in userlogfiles] # sort by creation time logfiles = sorted(filter(os.path.isfile, logfiles), key=os.path.getmtime) # reverse to get from the latest logfiles = reversed(logfiles) logs = [] # traverse the files linelimit = nlines for logfile in logfiles: loglines = open(logfile).readlines() linecount = len(loglines) if linecount > linelimit: logcontent = " ".join(loglines[-linelimit:]) logs.append( "%s (first %s lines omitted):\n\n %s\n" % (logfile, linecount - linelimit, logcontent) ) break else: logcontent = " ".join(loglines) logs.append("%s:\n\n %s\n" % (logfile, logcontent)) linelimit -= linecount return "".join(reversed(logs)) rageopts = [ ("p", "preview", None, _("print diagnostic information without uploading paste")) ] def localconfig(ui): result = [] for section, name, value in ui.walkconfig(): source = ui.configsource(section, name) if source.find("/etc/") == -1 and source.find("/default.d/") == -1: result.append("%s.%s=%s # %s" % (section, name, value, source)) return result def overriddenconfig(ui): result = [] for section, name, value in ui.walkconfig(): source = ui.configsource(section, name) if source.find("overrides") > -1: result.append("%s.%s=%s # %s" % (section, name, value, source)) return result def usechginfo(): """FBONLY: Information about whether chg is enabled""" files = {"system": "/etc/mercurial/usechg", "user": os.path.expanduser("~/.usechg")} result = [] for name, path in files.items(): if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: value = f.read().strip() else: value = "(not set)" result.append("%s: %s" % (name, value)) return "\n".join(result) def rpminfo(ui): """FBONLY: Information about RPM packages""" result = set() rpmbin = ui.config("rage", "rpmbin", "rpm") for name in ["hg", "hg.real"]: path = which(name) if not path: continue result.add(shcmd("%s -qf %s" % (rpmbin, path), check=False)) return "".join(result) def infinitepushbackuplogs(ui, repo): """Contents of recent infinitepush log files.""" logdir = ui.config("infinitepushbackup", "logdir") if not logdir: return "infinitepushbackup.logdir not set" try: # the user name from the machine username = util.getuser() except Exception: username = "unknown" userlogdir = os.path.join(logdir, username) if not os.path.exists(userlogdir): return "log directory does not exist: %s" % userlogdir reponame = os.path.basename(repo.origroot) logfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(userlogdir) if f[:-8] == reponame] if not logfiles: return "no log files found for %s in %s" % (reponame, userlogdir) return _tail(userlogdir, logfiles, 100) def scmdaemonlog(ui, repo): logpath = ui.config("commitcloud", "scm_daemon_log_path") if not logpath: return "'commitcloud.scm_daemon_log_path' is not set in the config" logpath = util.expanduserpath(logpath) if not os.path.exists(logpath): return "%s: no such file or directory" % logpath # grab similar files as the original path to include rotated logs as well logfiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(logpath)) if os.path.basename(logpath) in f ] return _tail(os.path.dirname(logpath), logfiles, 150) def readinfinitepushbackupstate(repo): filename = "infinitepushbackupstate" if repo.sharedvfs.exists(filename): with repo.sharedvfs.open(filename, "r") as f: return json.dumps(json.load(f), indent=4) + "\n" else: return "no any infinitepushbackupstate file in the repo\n" def readcommitcloudstate(repo): prefixpath = repo.svfs.join("commitcloudstate") files = glob.glob(prefixpath + "*") if not files: return "no any commitcloudstate file in the repo\n" lines = [] for filename in files: lines.append("reading commit cloud workspace state file: %s" % filename) with open(filename, "r") as f: lines.append(json.dumps(json.load(f), indent=4)) return "\n".join(lines) + "\n" def readfsmonitorstate(repo): """ Read the fsmonitor.state file and pretty print some information from it. Based on file format version 4. See hgext/fsmonitor/state.py for real implementation. """ lines = [] if "treestate" in repo.requirements: lines.append("from treestate") clock = repo.dirstate.getclock() lines.append("clock: %s" % clock) else: f = repo.localvfs("fsmonitor.state", "rb") versionbytes = f.read(4) version = struct.unpack(">I", versionbytes)[0] data = f.read() state = data.split("\0") hostname, clock, ignorehash = state[0:3] files = state[3:-1] # discard empty entry after final file numfiles = len(files) lines.append("version: %d" % version) lines.append("hostname: %s" % hostname) lines.append("clock: %s" % clock) lines.append("ignorehash: %s" % ignorehash) lines.append("files (first 20 of %d):" % numfiles) lines.extend(files[:20]) return "\n".join(lines) + "\n" def _makerage(ui, repo, **opts): # Make graphlog shorter. configoverrides = {("experimental", "graphshorten"): "1"} def hgcmd(cmdname, *args, **additional_opts): cmd, opts = cmdutil.getcmdanddefaultopts(cmdname, commands.table) opts.update(additional_opts) _repo = repo if "_repo" in opts: _repo = opts["_repo"] del opts["_repo"] ui.pushbuffer(error=True) try: with ui.configoverride(configoverrides, "rage"): if cmd.norepo: cmd(ui, *args, **opts) else: cmd(ui, _repo, *args, **opts) finally: return ui.popbuffer() basic = [ ("date", lambda: time.ctime()), ("unixname", lambda: encoding.environ.get("LOGNAME")), ("hostname", lambda: socket.gethostname()), ("repo location", lambda: repo.root), ("cwd", lambda: pycompat.getcwd()), ("fstype", lambda: util.getfstype(repo.root)), ("active bookmark", lambda: bookmarks._readactive(repo, repo._bookmarks)), ( "hg version", lambda: __import__( "edenscm.mercurial.__version__" ).mercurial.__version__.version, ), ("obsstore size", lambda: str(repo.svfs.stat("obsstore").st_size)), ] oldcolormode = ui._colormode ui._colormode = None detailed = [ ("df -h", lambda: shcmd("df -h", check=False)), # smartlog as the user sees it ("hg sl (filtered)", lambda: hgcmd("smartlog", template="{sl_debug}")), # unfiltered smartlog for recent hidden changesets, including full # node identity ( "hg sl (unfiltered)", lambda: hgcmd( "smartlog", _repo=repo.unfiltered(), template='{sub("\\n", " ", "{node} {sl_debug}")}', ), ), ( 'first 20 lines of "hg status"', lambda: "\n".join(hgcmd("status").splitlines()[:20]), ), ("hg blackbox -l60", lambda: hgcmd("blackbox", limit=60)), ("hg summary", lambda: hgcmd("summary")), ("hg debugprocesstree", lambda: hgcmd("debugprocesstree")), ("hg config (local)", lambda: "\n".join(localconfig(ui))), ("hg sparse show", lambda: hgcmd("sparse show")), ("hg debuginstall", lambda: hgcmd("debuginstall")), ("usechg", (usechginfo)), ("uptime", lambda: shcmd("uptime")), ("rpm info", (partial(rpminfo, ui))), ("klist", lambda: shcmd("klist", check=False)), ("ifconfig", lambda: shcmd("ifconfig")), ( "airport", lambda: shcmd( "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211." + "framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport " + "--getinfo", check=False, ), ), ( 'last 100 lines of "hg debugobsolete"', lambda: "\n".join(hgcmd("debugobsolete").splitlines()[-100:]), ), ("infinitepush backup state", lambda: readinfinitepushbackupstate(repo)), ("commit cloud workspace sync state", lambda: readcommitcloudstate(repo)), ( "infinitepush / commitcloud backup logs", lambda: infinitepushbackuplogs(ui, repo), ), ("scm daemon logs", lambda: scmdaemonlog(ui, repo)), ("hg config (overrides)", lambda: "\n".join(overriddenconfig(ui))), ("fsmonitor state", lambda: readfsmonitorstate(repo)), ( "environment variables", lambda: "\n".join( sorted(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in encoding.environ.items()]) ), ), ("ssh config", lambda: shcmd("ssh -G hg.vip.facebook.com", check=False)), ] msg = "" if util.safehasattr(repo, "name"): # Add the contents of both local and shared pack directories. packlocs = { "local": lambda category: shallowutil.getlocalpackpath( repo.svfs.vfs.base, category ), "shared": lambda category: shallowutil.getcachepackpath(repo, category), } for loc, getpath in packlocs.iteritems(): for category in constants.ALL_CATEGORIES: path = getpath(category) detailed.append( ( "%s packs (%s)" % (loc, constants.getunits(category)), lambda path=path: "%s:\n%s" % (path, shcmd("ls -lhS %s" % path)), ) ) # This is quite slow, so we don't want to do it by default if ui.configbool("rage", "fastmanifestcached", False): detailed.append( ( 'hg sl -r "fastmanifestcached()"', (lambda: hgcmd("smartlog", rev=["fastmanifestcached()"])), ) ) footnotes = [] def _failsafe(gen): try: return gen() except Exception as ex: index = len(footnotes) + 1 footnotes.append( "[%d]: %s\n%s\n\n" % (index, str(ex), traceback.format_exc()) ) return "(Failed. See footnote [%d])" % index msg = [] profile = [] allstart = time.time() for name, gen in basic: msg.append("%s: %s\n\n" % (name, _failsafe(gen))) profile.append((time.time() - allstart, "basic info", None)) for name, gen in detailed: start = time.time() with progress.spinner(ui, "collecting %r" % name): value = _failsafe(gen) finish = time.time() msg.append( "%s: (%.2f s)\n---------------------------\n%s\n\n" % (name, finish - start, value) ) profile.append((finish - start, name, value.count("\n"))) allfinish = time.time() profile.append((allfinish - allstart, "total time", None)) msg.append("hg rage profile:\n") width = max([len(name) for _t, name, _l in profile]) for timetaken, name, lines in reversed(sorted(profile)): m = " %-*s %8.2f s" % (width + 1, name + ":", timetaken) if lines is not None: msg.append("%s for %4d lines\n" % (m, lines)) else: msg.append("%s\n" % m) msg.append("\n") msg.extend(footnotes) msg = "".join(msg) ui._colormode = oldcolormode return msg @command("^rage", rageopts, _("hg rage")) def rage(ui, repo, *pats, **opts): """collect troubleshooting diagnostics The rage command collects useful diagnostic information. By default, the information will be uploaded to Phabricator and instructions about how to ask for help will be printed. After submitting to Phabricator, it prints configerable advice:: [rage] advice = Please see our FAQ guide: https://... """ with progress.spinner(ui, "collecting information"): msg = _makerage(ui, repo, **opts) if opts.get("preview"): ui.pager("rage") ui.write("%s\n" % msg) return with progress.spinner(ui, "saving paste"): try: p = subprocess.Popen( ["pastry", "--lang", "hgrage", "--title", "hgrage"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=pycompat.iswindows, ) out, err = p.communicate(input=msg + "\n") ret = p.returncode except OSError: ui.write(_("Failed calling pastry. (is it in your PATH?)\n")) ret = 1 if ret: fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="hg-rage-") with os.fdopen(fd, r"w") as tmpfp: tmpfp.write(msg) ui.write( _( "Failed to post the diagnostic paste to Phabricator, " "but its contents have been written to:\n\n" ) ) ui.write(_(" %s\n") % tmpname, label="rage.link") ui.write( _("\nPlease include this file in the %s.\n") % ui.config("ui", "supportcontact") ) else: ui.write( _("Please post in %s with the following link:\n\n") % (ui.config("ui", "supportcontact")) ) ui.write(" " + out + "\n", label="rage.link") ui.write(ui.config("rage", "advice", "") + "\n") colortable = {"rage.link": "blue bold"}