import os from collections import defaultdict from mercurial import error, mdiff, osutil, scmutil, util from mercurial.node import nullid, bin, hex from mercurial.i18n import _ import datapack, historypack, contentstore, metadatastore, shallowutil def backgroundrepack(repo, incremental=True): cmd = util.hgcmd() + ['-R', repo.origroot, 'repack'] incrementalstr = '' if incremental: cmd.append('--incremental') incrementalstr = 'incremental ' cmd = ' '.join(map(util.shellquote, cmd)) repo.ui.warn("(running background %srepack)\n" % incrementalstr) shallowutil.runshellcommand(cmd, os.environ) def fullrepack(repo): datasource = contentstore.unioncontentstore(*repo.shareddatastores) historysource = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(*repo.sharedhistorystores, allowincomplete=True) _runrepack(repo, datasource, historysource) def incrementalrepack(repo): """This repacks the repo by looking at the distribution of pack files in the repo and performing the most minimal repack to keep the repo in good shape. """ packpath = shallowutil.getpackpath(repo) shallowutil.mkstickygroupdir(repo.ui, packpath) files = osutil.listdir(packpath, stat=True) datapacks = _computeincrementaldatapack(repo.ui, files) fullpaths = list(os.path.join(packpath, p) for p in datapacks) datapacks = list(datapack.datapack(p) for p in fullpaths) datapacks.extend(s for s in repo.shareddatastores if not isinstance(s, datapack.datapackstore)) historypacks = _computeincrementalhistorypack(repo.ui, files) fullpaths = list(os.path.join(packpath, p) for p in historypacks) historypacks = list(historypack.historypack(p) for p in fullpaths) historypacks.extend(s for s in repo.sharedhistorystores if not isinstance(s, historypack.historypackstore)) datasource = contentstore.unioncontentstore(*datapacks) historysource = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(*historypacks, allowincomplete=True) _runrepack(repo, datasource, historysource) def _computeincrementaldatapack(ui, files): """Given a set of pack files and a set of generation size limits, this function computes the list of files that should be packed as part of an incremental repack. It tries to strike a balance between keeping incremental repacks cheap (i.e. packing small things when possible, and rolling the packs up to the big ones over time). """ generations = ui.configlist("remotefilelog", "data.generations", ['1GB', '100MB', '1MB']) generations = list(sorted((util.sizetoint(s) for s in generations), reverse=True)) generations.append(0) gencountlimit = ui.configint('remotefilelog', 'data.gencountlimit', 2) repacksizelimit = ui.configbytes('remotefilelog', 'data.repacksizelimit', '100MB') return _computeincrementalpack(ui, files, generations, datapack.PACKSUFFIX, datapack.INDEXSUFFIX, gencountlimit, repacksizelimit) def _computeincrementalhistorypack(ui, files): generations = ui.configlist("remotefilelog", "history.generations", ['100MB']) generations = list(sorted((util.sizetoint(s) for s in generations), reverse=True)) generations.append(0) gencountlimit = ui.configint('remotefilelog', 'history.gencountlimit', 2) repacksizelimit = ui.configbytes('remotefilelog', 'history.repacksizelimit', '100MB') return _computeincrementalpack(ui, files, generations, historypack.PACKSUFFIX, historypack.INDEXSUFFIX, gencountlimit, repacksizelimit) def _computeincrementalpack(ui, files, limits, packsuffix, indexsuffix, gencountlimit, repacksizelimit): # Group the packs by generation (i.e. by size) generations = [] for i in xrange(len(limits)): generations.append([]) sizes = {} fileset = set(fn for fn, mode, stat in files) for filename, mode, stat in files: if not filename.endswith(packsuffix): continue prefix = filename[:-len(packsuffix)] # Don't process a pack if it doesn't have an index. if (prefix + indexsuffix) not in fileset: continue size = stat.st_size sizes[prefix] = size for i, limit in enumerate(limits): if size > limit: generations[i].append(prefix) break # Find the largest generation with more than 2 packs and repack it. for i, limit in enumerate(limits): if len(generations[i]) > gencountlimit: # Generally we only want to repack 2 things at once, but if the # whole generation is small, let's just do it all! count = 2 if sum(sizes[n] for n in generations[i]) < repacksizelimit: count = len(generations[i]) return sorted(generations[i], key=lambda x: sizes[x])[:count] # If no generation has more than 2 packs, repack as many as fit into the # limit small = set().union(*generations[1:]) if len(small) > 1: total = 0 packs = [] for pack in sorted(small, key=lambda x: sizes[x]): size = sizes[pack] if total + size < repacksizelimit: packs.append(pack) total += size else: break if len(packs) > 1: return packs # If there aren't small ones to repack, repack the two largest ones. if len(generations[0]) > 1: return generations[0] return [] def _runrepack(repo, data, history): packpath = shallowutil.getpackpath(repo) shallowutil.mkstickygroupdir(repo.ui, packpath) packer = repacker(repo, data, history) opener = scmutil.vfs(packpath) # Packs should be write-once files, so set them to read-only. opener.createmode = 0o444 with datapack.mutabledatapack(opener) as dpack: with historypack.mutablehistorypack(opener) as hpack: try:, hpack) except error.LockHeld: raise error.Abort(_("skipping repack - another repack is " "already running")) class repacker(object): """Class for orchestrating the repack of data and history information into a new format. """ def __init__(self, repo, data, history): self.repo = repo = data self.history = history def run(self, targetdata, targethistory): ledger = repackledger() with self.repo._lock(self.repo.svfs, "repacklock", False, None, None, _('repacking %s') % self.repo.origroot): self.repo.hook('prerepack') # Populate ledger from source self.history.markledger(ledger) # Run repack self.repackdata(ledger, targetdata) self.repackhistory(ledger, targethistory) # Call cleanup on each source for source in ledger.sources: source.cleanup(ledger) def repackdata(self, ledger, target): ui = self.repo.ui byfile = {} for entry in ledger.entries.itervalues(): if entry.datasource: byfile.setdefault(entry.filename, {})[entry.node] = entry count = 0 for filename, entries in sorted(byfile.iteritems()): ancestors = {} nodes = list(node for node in entries.iterkeys()) nohistory = [] for node in nodes: if node in ancestors: continue try: ancestors.update(self.history.getancestors(filename, node)) except KeyError: # Since we're packing data entries, we may not have the # corresponding history entries for them. It's not a big # deal, but the entries won't be delta'd perfectly. nohistory.append(node) # Order the nodes children first, so we can produce reverse deltas orderednodes = list(reversed(self._toposort(ancestors))) orderednodes.extend(sorted(nohistory)) # Compute deltas and write to the pack deltabases = defaultdict(lambda: nullid) nodes = set(nodes) for node in orderednodes: # orderednodes is all ancestors, but we only want to serialize # the files we have. if node not in nodes: continue # Find delta base # TODO: allow delta'ing against most recent descendant instead # of immediate child deltabase = deltabases[node] # Use available ancestor information to inform our delta choices ancestorinfo = ancestors.get(node) if ancestorinfo: p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestorinfo # The presence of copyfrom means we're at a point where the # file was copied from elsewhere. So don't attempt to do any # deltas with the other file. if copyfrom: p1 = nullid # Record this child as the delta base for its parents. # This may be non optimal, since the parents may have many # children, and this will only choose the last one. # TODO: record all children and try all deltas to find best if p1 != nullid: deltabases[p1] = node if p2 != nullid: deltabases[p2] = node # Compute delta # TODO: reuse existing deltas if it matches our deltabase if deltabase != nullid: deltabasetext =, deltabase) original =, node) delta = mdiff.textdiff(deltabasetext, original) else: delta =, node) # TODO: don't use the delta if it's larger than the fulltext target.add(filename, node, deltabase, delta) entries[node].datarepacked = True count += 1 ui.progress(_("repacking data"), count, unit="files", total=len(byfile)) ui.progress(_("repacking data"), None) target.close(ledger=ledger) def repackhistory(self, ledger, target): ui = self.repo.ui byfile = {} for entry in ledger.entries.itervalues(): if entry.historysource: byfile.setdefault(entry.filename, {})[entry.node] = entry count = 0 for filename, entries in sorted(byfile.iteritems()): ancestors = {} nodes = list(node for node in entries.iterkeys()) for node in nodes: if node in ancestors: continue ancestors.update(self.history.getancestors(filename, node)) # Order the nodes children first orderednodes = reversed(self._toposort(ancestors)) # Write to the pack dontprocess = set() for node in orderednodes: p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestors[node] # If the node is marked dontprocess, but it's also in the # explicit entries set, that means the node exists both in this # file and in another file that was copied to this file. # Usually this happens if the file was copied to another file, # then the copy was deleted, then reintroduced without copy # metadata. The original add and the new add have the same hash # since the content is identical and the parents are null. if node in dontprocess and node not in entries: # If copyfrom == filename, it means the copy history # went to come other file, then came back to this one, so we # should continue processing it. if p1 != nullid and copyfrom != filename: dontprocess.add(p1) if p2 != nullid: dontprocess.add(p2) continue if copyfrom: dontprocess.add(p1) target.add(filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom) if node in entries: entries[node].historyrepacked = True count += 1 ui.progress(_("repacking history"), count, unit="files", total=len(byfile)) ui.progress(_("repacking history"), None) target.close(ledger=ledger) def _toposort(self, ancestors): def parentfunc(node): p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestors[node] parents = [] if p1 != nullid: parents.append(p1) if p2 != nullid: parents.append(p2) return parents sortednodes = shallowutil.sortnodes(ancestors.keys(), parentfunc) return sortednodes class repackledger(object): """Storage for all the bookkeeping that happens during a repack. It contains the list of revisions being repacked, what happened to each revision, and which source store contained which revision originally (for later cleanup). """ def __init__(self): self.entries = {} self.sources = {} self.created = set() def markdataentry(self, source, filename, node): """Mark the given filename+node revision as having a data rev in the given source. """ entry = self._getorcreateentry(filename, node) entry.datasource = True entries = self.sources.get(source) if not entries: entries = set() self.sources[source] = entries entries.add(entry) def markhistoryentry(self, source, filename, node): """Mark the given filename+node revision as having a history rev in the given source. """ entry = self._getorcreateentry(filename, node) entry.historysource = True entries = self.sources.get(source) if not entries: entries = set() self.sources[source] = entries entries.add(entry) def _getorcreateentry(self, filename, node): key = (filename, node) value = self.entries.get(key) if not value: value = repackentry(filename, node) self.entries[key] = value return value def addcreated(self, value): self.created.add(value) class repackentry(object): """Simple class representing a single revision entry in the repackledger. """ __slots__ = ['filename', 'node', 'datasource', 'historysource', 'datarepacked', 'historyrepacked'] def __init__(self, filename, node): self.filename = filename self.node = node # If the revision has a data entry in the source self.datasource = False # If the revision has a history entry in the source self.historysource = False # If the revision's data entry was repacked into the repack target self.datarepacked = False # If the revision's history entry was repacked into the repack target self.historyrepacked = False