from distutils.version import LooseVersion from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.core import setup, Extension import distutils import fnmatch from glob import glob import os, shutil, sys iswindows = == 'nt' WERROR = "/WX" if iswindows else "-Werror" WSTRICTPROTOTYPES = None if iswindows else "-Werror=strict-prototypes" WALL = "/Wall" if iswindows else "-Wall" STDC99 = "" if iswindows else "-std=c99" STDCPP0X = "" if iswindows else "-std=c++0x" WEXTRA = "" if iswindows else "-Wextra" WCONVERSION = "" if iswindows else "-Wconversion" PEDANTIC = "" if iswindows else "-pedantic" SHA1LIB_DEFINE = "/DSHA1_USE_SHA1DC" if iswindows else "-DSHA1_USE_SHA1DC" SHA1_LIBRARY = "sha1detectcoll" NOOPTIMIZATION = "/Od" if iswindows else "-O0" OPTIMIZATION = "" if iswindows else "-O2" PRODUCEDEBUGSYMBOLS = "/DEBUG:FULL" if iswindows else "-g" # whether to use Cython to recompile .pyx to .c/.cpp at build time. # if False, fallback to .c/.cpp in the repo and .pyx files are ignored. # if True, re-compile .c/.cpp from .pyx files, require cython at build time. if 'USECYTHON' in os.environ: USECYTHON = int(os.environ['USECYTHON']) else: try: import Cython except ImportError: USECYTHON = False else: USECYTHON = (LooseVersion(Cython.__version__) >= LooseVersion('0.22')) # --component allows the caller to specify what components they want. We can't # use argparse like normal, because setup() at the bottom has it's own argument # logic. components = [] args = [] skip = False for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if skip: skip = False continue if arg == '--component' and len(sys.argv) > i + 1: components.extend(sys.argv[i + 1].split(',')) skip = True else: args.append(arg) sys.argv = args cflags = [SHA1LIB_DEFINE] # if this is set, compile all C extensions with -O0 -g for easy debugging. note # that this is not manifested in any way in the Makefile dependencies. # therefore, if you already have build products, they won't be rebuilt! if os.getenv('FB_HGEXT_CDEBUG') is not None: cflags.extend([NOOPTIMIZATION, PRODUCEDEBUGSYMBOLS]) else: cflags.append(WERROR) def get_env_path_list(var_name, default=None): '''Get a path list from an environment variable. The variable is parsed as a colon-separated list.''' value = os.environ.get(var_name) if not value: return default return value.split(os.path.pathsep) include_dirs = get_env_path_list('INCLUDE_DIRS') library_dirs = get_env_path_list('LIBRARY_DIRS') def filter_existing_dirs(dirs): '''Filters the given list and keeps only existing directory names.''' return [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)] # Historical default values. # We should perhaps clean these up in the future after verifying that it # doesn't break the build on any platforms. # # The /usr/local/* directories shouldn't actually be needed--the compiler # should already use these directories when appropriate (e.g., if we are # using the standard system compiler that has them in its default paths). # # The /opt/local paths may be necessary on Darwin builds. if include_dirs is None: if iswindows: include_dirs = [] else: include_dirs = filter_existing_dirs([ '/usr/local/include', '/opt/local/include', '/opt/homebrew/include/', ]) def distutils_dir_name(dname): """Returns the name of a distutils build directory""" f = "{dirname}.{platform}-{version}" return f.format(dirname=dname, platform=distutils.util.get_platform(), version=sys.version[:3]) if library_dirs is None: if iswindows: library_dirs = [] else: library_dirs = filter_existing_dirs([ '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/local/lib', '/opt/homebrew/lib/', ]) library_dirs.append('build/' + distutils_dir_name('lib')) # Override the default c static library building code in distutils since it # doesn't pass enough args, like libraries and extra args. import distutils.command.build_clib from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError def build_libraries(self, libraries): for (lib_name, build_info) in libraries: sources = build_info.get('sources') if sources is None or not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)): raise DistutilsSetupError( "in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), " + "'sources' must be present and must be " + "a list of source filenames") % lib_name sources = list(sources) # First, compile the source code to object files in the library # directory. (This should probably change to putting object # files in a temporary build directory.) macros = build_info.get('macros') include_dirs = build_info.get('include_dirs') extra_args = build_info.get('extra_args') objects = self.compiler.compile(sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, macros=macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=extra_args) # Now "link" the object files together into a static library. # (On Unix at least, this isn't really linking -- it just # builds an archive. Whatever.) libraries = build_info.get('libraries', []) for lib in libraries: self.compiler.add_library(lib) self.compiler.create_static_lib(objects, lib_name, output_dir=self.build_clib, debug=self.debug) distutils.command.build_clib.build_clib.build_libraries = build_libraries # Static c libaries if iswindows: availablelibraries = {} else: availablelibraries = { 'datapack': { "sources" : ["cdatapack/cdatapack.c"], "include_dirs" : ["."] + include_dirs, "libraries" : ["lz4", SHA1_LIBRARY], "extra_args" : filter(None, [STDC99, WALL, WERROR, WSTRICTPROTOTYPES] + cflags), }, 'mpatch': { "sources": ["cstore/mpatch.c"], "include_dirs" : ["."] + include_dirs, }, "sha1detectcoll": { "sources" : [ "third-party/sha1dc/sha1.c", "third-party/sha1dc/ubc_check.c", ], "include_dirs" : ["third-party"] + include_dirs, "extra_args" : filter(None, [STDC99, WALL, WERROR, WSTRICTPROTOTYPES] + cflags), }, } # modules that are single files in hgext3rd hgext3rd = [ p[:-3].replace('/', '.') for p in glob('hgext3rd/*.py') if p != 'hgext3rd/' ] # packages that are directories in hgext3rd hgext3rdpkgs = [ p[:-12].replace('/', '.') for p in glob('hgext3rd/*/') ] availablepymodules = hgext3rd availablepackages = hgext3rdpkgs + [ 'infinitepush', 'phabricator', 'remotefilelog', ] if iswindows: availablepackages += [ 'linelog', ] else: availablepackages += [ 'fastmanifest', 'treemanifest', 'linelog', ] def distutils_dir_name(dname): """Returns the name of a distutils build directory""" f = "{dirname}.{platform}-{version}" return f.format(dirname=dname, platform=distutils.util.get_platform(), version=sys.version[:3]) if iswindows: # The modules that successfully compile on Windows availableextmodules = { 'linelog' : [ Extension('linelog', sources=['linelog/pyext/linelog.pyx'], extra_compile_args=filter(None, [ STDC99, WALL, WEXTRA, WCONVERSION, PEDANTIC, ]), ), ], } else: availableextmodules = { 'cstore' : [ Extension('cstore', sources=[ 'cstore/datapackstore.cpp', 'cstore/deltachain.cpp', 'cstore/py-cstore.cpp', 'cstore/pythonutil.cpp', 'cstore/pythondatastore.cpp', 'cstore/uniondatapackstore.cpp', 'ctreemanifest/manifest.cpp', 'ctreemanifest/manifest_entry.cpp', 'ctreemanifest/manifest_fetcher.cpp', 'ctreemanifest/manifest_ptr.cpp', 'ctreemanifest/treemanifest.cpp', ], include_dirs=[ '.', 'third-party', ] + include_dirs, library_dirs=[ 'build/' + distutils_dir_name('lib'), ] + library_dirs, libraries=[ 'datapack', 'lz4', 'mpatch', SHA1_LIBRARY, ], extra_compile_args=filter(None, [STDCPP0X, WALL] + cflags), ), ], 'cfastmanifest' : [ Extension('cfastmanifest', sources=['cfastmanifest.c', 'cfastmanifest/bsearch.c', 'clib/buffer.c', 'cfastmanifest/checksum.c', 'cfastmanifest/node.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_arena.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_convert.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_copy.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_diff.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_disk.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_iterator.c', 'cfastmanifest/tree_path.c', ], include_dirs=[ '.', 'cfastmanifest', 'clib', 'third-party', ] + include_dirs, library_dirs=library_dirs, libraries=[SHA1_LIBRARY], extra_compile_args=filter(None, [ STDC99, WALL, WSTRICTPROTOTYPES, ] + cflags), ), ], 'linelog' : [ Extension('linelog', sources=['linelog/pyext/linelog.pyx'], extra_compile_args=filter(None, [ STDC99, WALL, WEXTRA, WCONVERSION, PEDANTIC, ]), ), ], 'patchrmdir': [ Extension('hgext3rd.patchrmdir', sources=['hgext3rd/patchrmdir.pyx'], extra_compile_args=filter(None, [ STDC99, WALL, WEXTRA, WCONVERSION, PEDANTIC, ]), ), ], 'traceprof': [ Extension('hgext3rd.traceprof', sources=['hgext3rd/traceprof.pyx'], include_dirs=['hgext3rd'], extra_compile_args=filter(None, [ OPTIMIZATION, STDCPP0X, WALL, WEXTRA, WCONVERSION, PEDANTIC, PRODUCEDEBUGSYMBOLS ]), ), ] } allnames = availablepackages + availableextmodules.keys() + availablepymodules COMPONENTS = sorted(name.split('.')[-1] for name in allnames) if not components: components = COMPONENTS dependencies = { 'absorb' : ['linelog'], 'cstore' : ['ctreemanifest', 'cdatapack'], 'fastannotate' : ['linelog'], 'infinitepush' : ['extutil'], 'remotefilelog' : ['cstore', 'extutil'], 'treemanifest' : ['cstore'], } processdep = True while processdep: processdep = False for name, deps in dependencies.iteritems(): if name in components: for dep in deps: if dep not in components: components.append(dep) processdep = True if iswindows: # The modules that successfully compile on Windows cythonmodules = ['linelog'] else: cythonmodules = [ 'linelog', 'patchrmdir', 'traceprof', ] if USECYTHON: # see compileroptions = { 'unraisable_tracebacks': False, 'c_string_type': 'bytes', } for cythonmodule in cythonmodules: if cythonmodule in components: module = availableextmodules[cythonmodule] try: from Cython.Build import cythonize availableextmodules[cythonmodule] = cythonize( module, compiler_directives=compileroptions, ) except Exception: # ImportError or Cython.Compiler.Errors.CompileError sys.stderr.write( '+------------------------------------------------+\n' '| Failed to run cythonize. |\n' '| Make sure you have Cython >= 0.21.1 installed. |\n' '+------------------------------------------------+\n') raise SystemExit(255) else: # use prebuilt files under prebuilt/cython # change module sources from .pyx to .c or .cpp files for cythonmodule in cythonmodules: for m in availableextmodules[cythonmodule]: sources = m.sources iscpp = 'c++' in open(sources[0]).readline() ext = iscpp and '.cpp' or '.c' dstpaths = [] for src in sources: dst = src.replace('.pyx', ext) dstpaths.append(dst) shutil.copy(os.path.join('prebuilt', 'cython', os.path.basename(dst)), dst) m.sources = dstpaths packages = [] for package in availablepackages: if package.split('.')[-1] in components: packages.append(package) librarynames = set() ext_modules = [] for ext_module in availableextmodules: if ext_module in components: modules = availableextmodules[ext_module] ext_modules.extend(modules) librarynames.update(l for m in modules for l in m.libraries) libraries = [(n, availablelibraries[n]) for n in librarynames if n in availablelibraries] # Dependencies between our native libraries means we need to build in order ext_order = { 'libdatapack' : 0, 'cstore' : 3, } ext_modules = sorted(ext_modules, key=lambda k: ext_order.get(, 999)) requires = [] requireslz4 = ['remotefilelog', 'cdatapack'] if any(c for c in components if c in requireslz4): requires.append('lz4') py_modules = [] for module in availablepymodules: if module.split('.')[-1] in components: py_modules.append(module) # Extra clean command cleaning up non-Python extensions class CleanExtCommand(Command): description = 'remove extra build files' user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(root) # removed counter (ext: count) removed = {} def removepath(path): try: os.unlink(path) except OSError: # ENOENT pass else: ext = path.split('.')[-1] removed.setdefault(ext, 0) removed[ext] += 1 # remove *.o not belonging to Python extensions, and .py[cdo], .so files for pat in ['*.o', '*.py[cdo]', '*.so']: for path in self._rglob(pat): removepath(path) # remove .c generated from Cython .pyx for path in self._rglob('*.pyx'): cpath = '%s.c' % path[:-4] removepath(cpath) cpppath = cpath + 'pp' removepath(cpppath) # print short summary if removed: summary = 'removed %s files' % ( ', '.join('%s .%s' % (count, ext) for ext, count in sorted(removed.iteritems()))) self.announce(summary, level=distutils.log.INFO) def _rglob(self, patten): # recursive glob for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for name in fnmatch.filter(files, patten): yield os.path.join(dirname, name) setup( name='fbhgext', version='1.0', author='Facebook Source Control Team', maintainer='Facebook Source Control Team', maintainer_email='', url='', description='Facebook mercurial extensions', long_description="", keywords='facebook fb hg mercurial shallow remote filelog', license='GPLv2+', packages=packages, install_requires=requires, py_modules=py_modules, ext_modules = ext_modules, libraries=libraries, cmdclass={ 'clean_ext': CleanExtCommand, } )