#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import argparse import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile # We don't import cache.create_cache directly as the facebook # specific import below may monkey patch it, and we want to # observe the patched version of this function! import getdeps.cache as cache_module from getdeps.buildopts import setup_build_options from getdeps.dyndeps import create_dyn_dep_munger from getdeps.errors import TransientFailure from getdeps.load import ManifestLoader from getdeps.manifest import ManifestParser from getdeps.platform import HostType from getdeps.subcmd import SubCmd, add_subcommands, cmd try: import getdeps.facebook # noqa: F401 except ImportError: # we don't ship the facebook specific subdir, # so allow that to fail silently pass sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "getdeps")) class UsageError(Exception): pass @cmd("validate-manifest", "parse a manifest and validate that it is correct") class ValidateManifest(SubCmd): def run(self, args): try: ManifestParser(file_name=args.file_name) print("OK", file=sys.stderr) return 0 except Exception as exc: print("ERROR: %s" % str(exc), file=sys.stderr) return 1 def setup_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument("file_name", help="path to the manifest file") @cmd("show-host-type", "outputs the host type tuple for the host machine") class ShowHostType(SubCmd): def run(self, args): host = HostType() print("%s" % host.as_tuple_string()) return 0 class ProjectCmdBase(SubCmd): def run(self, args): opts = setup_build_options(args) if args.current_project is not None: opts.repo_project = args.current_project if args.project is None: if opts.repo_project is None: raise UsageError( "no project name specified, and no .projectid file found" ) if opts.repo_project == "fbsource": # The fbsource repository is a little special. There is no project # manifest file for it. A specific project must always be explicitly # specified when building from fbsource. raise UsageError( "no project name specified (required when building in fbsource)" ) args.project = opts.repo_project ctx_gen = opts.get_context_generator(facebook_internal=args.facebook_internal) if args.test_dependencies: ctx_gen.set_value_for_all_projects("test", "on") if args.enable_tests: ctx_gen.set_value_for_project(args.project, "test", "on") else: ctx_gen.set_value_for_project(args.project, "test", "off") loader = ManifestLoader(opts, ctx_gen) self.process_project_dir_arguments(args, loader) manifest = loader.load_manifest(args.project) self.run_project_cmd(args, loader, manifest) def process_project_dir_arguments(self, args, loader): def parse_project_arg(arg, arg_type): parts = arg.split(":") if len(parts) == 2: project, path = parts elif len(parts) == 1: project = args.project path = parts[0] else: raise UsageError( "invalid %s argument; too many ':' characters: %s" % (arg_type, arg) ) return project, os.path.abspath(path) # If we are currently running from a project repository, # use the current repository for the project sources. build_opts = loader.build_opts if build_opts.repo_project is not None and build_opts.repo_root is not None: loader.set_project_src_dir(build_opts.repo_project, build_opts.repo_root) for arg in args.src_dir: project, path = parse_project_arg(arg, "--src-dir") loader.set_project_src_dir(project, path) for arg in args.build_dir: project, path = parse_project_arg(arg, "--build-dir") loader.set_project_build_dir(project, path) for arg in args.install_dir: project, path = parse_project_arg(arg, "--install-dir") loader.set_project_install_dir(project, path) def setup_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "project", nargs="?", help=( "name of the project or path to a manifest " "file describing the project" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--no-tests", action="store_false", dest="enable_tests", default=True, help="Disable building tests for this project.", ) parser.add_argument( "--test-dependencies", action="store_true", help="Enable building tests for dependencies as well.", ) parser.add_argument( "--current-project", help="Specify the name of the fbcode_builder manifest file for the " "current repository. If not specified, the code will attempt to find " "this in a .projectid file in the repository root.", ) parser.add_argument( "--src-dir", default=[], action="append", help="Specify a local directory to use for the project source, " "rather than fetching it.", ) parser.add_argument( "--build-dir", default=[], action="append", help="Explicitly specify the build directory to use for the " "project, instead of the default location in the scratch path. " "This only affects the project specified, and not its dependencies.", ) parser.add_argument( "--install-dir", default=[], action="append", help="Explicitly specify the install directory to use for the " "project, instead of the default location in the scratch path. " "This only affects the project specified, and not its dependencies.", ) self.setup_project_cmd_parser(parser) def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): pass class CachedProject(object): """ A helper that allows calling the cache logic for a project from both the build and the fetch code """ def __init__(self, cache, loader, m): self.m = m self.inst_dir = loader.get_project_install_dir(m) self.project_hash = loader.get_project_hash(m) self.ctx = loader.ctx_gen.get_context(m.name) self.loader = loader self.cache = cache self.cache_file_name = "-".join( ( m.name, self.ctx.get("os"), self.ctx.get("distro") or "none", self.ctx.get("distro_vers") or "none", self.project_hash, "buildcache.tgz", ) ) def is_cacheable(self): """ We only cache third party projects """ return self.cache and self.m.shipit_project is None def download(self): if self.is_cacheable() and not os.path.exists(self.inst_dir): print("check cache for %s" % self.cache_file_name) dl_dir = os.path.join(self.loader.build_opts.scratch_dir, "downloads") if not os.path.exists(dl_dir): os.makedirs(dl_dir) try: target_file_name = os.path.join(dl_dir, self.cache_file_name) if self.cache.download_to_file(self.cache_file_name, target_file_name): tf = tarfile.open(target_file_name, "r") print( "Extracting %s -> %s..." % (self.cache_file_name, self.inst_dir) ) tf.extractall(self.inst_dir) return True except Exception as exc: print("%s" % str(exc)) return False def upload(self): if self.is_cacheable(): # We can prepare an archive and stick it in LFS tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tarfilename = os.path.join(tempdir, self.cache_file_name) print("Archiving for cache: %s..." % tarfilename) tf = tarfile.open(tarfilename, "w:gz") tf.add(self.inst_dir, arcname=".") tf.close() try: self.cache.upload_from_file(self.cache_file_name, tarfilename) except Exception as exc: print( "Failed to upload to cache (%s), continue anyway" % str(exc), file=sys.stderr, ) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) @cmd("fetch", "fetch the code for a given project") class FetchCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--recursive", help="fetch the transitive deps also", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--host-type", help=( "When recursively fetching, fetch deps for " "this host type rather than the current system" ), ) def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): if args.recursive: projects = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() else: projects = [manifest] cache = cache_module.create_cache() for m in projects: cached_project = CachedProject(cache, loader, m) if cached_project.download(): continue inst_dir = loader.get_project_install_dir(m) built_marker = os.path.join(inst_dir, ".built-by-getdeps") if os.path.exists(built_marker): with open(built_marker, "r") as f: built_hash = f.read().strip() project_hash = loader.get_project_hash(m) if built_hash == project_hash: continue # We need to fetch the sources fetcher = loader.create_fetcher(m) fetcher.update() @cmd("list-deps", "lists the transitive deps for a given project") class ListDepsCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): for m in loader.manifests_in_dependency_order(): print(m.name) return 0 def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--host-type", help=( "Produce the list for the specified host type, " "rather than that of the current system" ), ) def clean_dirs(opts): for d in ["build", "installed", "extracted", "shipit"]: d = os.path.join(opts.scratch_dir, d) print("Cleaning %s..." % d) if os.path.exists(d): shutil.rmtree(d) @cmd("clean", "clean up the scratch dir") class CleanCmd(SubCmd): def run(self, args): opts = setup_build_options(args) clean_dirs(opts) @cmd("show-inst-dir", "print the installation dir for a given project") class ShowInstDirCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): if args.recursive: manifests = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() else: manifests = [manifest] for m in manifests: inst_dir = loader.get_project_install_dir(m) print(inst_dir) def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--recursive", help="print the transitive deps also", action="store_true", default=False, ) @cmd("show-source-dir", "print the source dir for a given project") class ShowSourceDirCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): if args.recursive: manifests = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() else: manifests = [manifest] for m in manifests: fetcher = loader.create_fetcher(m) print(fetcher.get_src_dir()) def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--recursive", help="print the transitive deps also", action="store_true", default=False, ) @cmd("build", "build a given project") class BuildCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): if args.clean: clean_dirs(loader.build_opts) print("Building on %s" % loader.ctx_gen.get_context(args.project)) projects = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() cache = cache_module.create_cache() if args.use_build_cache else None # Accumulate the install directories so that the build steps # can find their dep installation install_dirs = [] for m in projects: fetcher = loader.create_fetcher(m) if args.clean: fetcher.clean() build_dir = loader.get_project_build_dir(m) inst_dir = loader.get_project_install_dir(m) if m == manifest or not args.no_deps: print("Assessing %s..." % m.name) project_hash = loader.get_project_hash(m) ctx = loader.ctx_gen.get_context(m.name) built_marker = os.path.join(inst_dir, ".built-by-getdeps") cached_project = CachedProject(cache, loader, m) reconfigure, sources_changed = self.compute_source_change_status( cached_project, fetcher, m, built_marker, project_hash ) if sources_changed or reconfigure or not os.path.exists(built_marker): if os.path.exists(built_marker): os.unlink(built_marker) src_dir = fetcher.get_src_dir() builder = m.create_builder( loader.build_opts, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, ctx ) builder.build(install_dirs, reconfigure=reconfigure) with open(built_marker, "w") as f: f.write(project_hash) # Only populate the cache from continuous build runs if args.schedule_type == "continuous": cached_project.upload() install_dirs.append(inst_dir) def compute_source_change_status( self, cached_project, fetcher, m, built_marker, project_hash ): reconfigure = False sources_changed = False if not cached_project.download(): check_fetcher = True if os.path.exists(built_marker): check_fetcher = False with open(built_marker, "r") as f: built_hash = f.read().strip() if built_hash == project_hash: if cached_project.is_cacheable(): # We can blindly trust the build status reconfigure = False sources_changed = False else: # Otherwise, we may have changed the source, so let's # check in with the fetcher layer check_fetcher = True else: # Some kind of inconsistency with a prior build, # let's run it again to be sure os.unlink(built_marker) reconfigure = True sources_changed = True if check_fetcher: change_status = fetcher.update() reconfigure = change_status.build_changed() sources_changed = change_status.sources_changed() return reconfigure, sources_changed def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Clean up the build and installation area prior to building, " "causing the projects to be built from scratch" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--no-deps", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Only build the named project, not its deps. " "This is most useful after you've built all of the deps, " "and helps to avoid waiting for relatively " "slow up-to-date-ness checks" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--no-build-cache", action="store_false", default=True, dest="use_build_cache", help="Do not attempt to use the build cache.", ) parser.add_argument( "--schedule-type", help="Indicates how the build was activated" ) @cmd("fixup-dyn-deps", "Adjusts dynamic dependencies for packaging purposes") class FixupDeps(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): projects = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() # Accumulate the install directories so that the build steps # can find their dep installation install_dirs = [] for m in projects: inst_dir = loader.get_project_install_dir(m) install_dirs.append(inst_dir) if m == manifest: dep_munger = create_dyn_dep_munger(loader.build_opts, install_dirs) dep_munger.process_deps(args.destdir, args.final_install_prefix) def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument("destdir", help=("Where to copy the fixed up executables")) parser.add_argument( "--final-install-prefix", help=("specify the final installation prefix") ) @cmd("test", "test a given project") class TestCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): projects = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() # Accumulate the install directories so that the test steps # can find their dep installation install_dirs = [] for m in projects: inst_dir = loader.get_project_install_dir(m) if m == manifest or args.test_dependencies: built_marker = os.path.join(inst_dir, ".built-by-getdeps") if not os.path.exists(built_marker): print("project %s has not been built" % m.name) # TODO: we could just go ahead and build it here, but I # want to tackle that as part of adding build-for-test # support. return 1 fetcher = loader.create_fetcher(m) src_dir = fetcher.get_src_dir() ctx = loader.ctx_gen.get_context(m.name) build_dir = loader.get_project_build_dir(m) builder = m.create_builder( loader.build_opts, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, ctx ) builder.run_tests( install_dirs, schedule_type=args.schedule_type, owner=args.test_owner, ) install_dirs.append(inst_dir) def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--schedule-type", help="Indicates how the build was activated" ) parser.add_argument("--test-owner", help="Owner for testpilot") @cmd("generate-github-actions", "generate a GitHub actions configuration") class GenerateGitHubActionsCmd(ProjectCmdBase): def run_project_cmd(self, args, loader, manifest): platforms = [ HostType("linux", "ubuntu", "18"), HostType("darwin", None, None), HostType("windows", None, None), ] with open(args.output_file, "w") as out: # Deliberate line break here because the @ and the generated # symbols are meaningful to our internal tooling when they # appear in a single token out.write("# This file was @") out.write("generated by getdeps.py\n") out.write( """ name: CI on: push: branches: - master pull_request: branches: - master jobs: """ ) for p in platforms: build_opts = setup_build_options(args, p) self.write_job_for_platform(out, args, build_opts) def write_job_for_platform(self, out, args, build_opts): ctx_gen = build_opts.get_context_generator() loader = ManifestLoader(build_opts, ctx_gen) manifest = loader.load_manifest(args.project) manifest_ctx = loader.ctx_gen.get_context(manifest.name) # Some projects don't do anything "useful" as a leaf project, only # as a dep for a leaf project. Check for those here; we don't want # to waste the effort scheduling them on CI. # We do this by looking at the builder type in the manifest file # rather than creating a builder and checking its type because we # don't know enough to create the full builder instance here. if manifest.get("build", "builder", ctx=manifest_ctx) == "nop": return None if build_opts.is_linux(): job_name = "linux" runs_on = "ubuntu-18.04" elif build_opts.is_windows(): # We're targeting the windows-2016 image because it has # Visual Studio 2017 installed, and at the time of writing, # the version of boost in the manifests (1.69) is not # buildable with Visual Studio 2019 job_name = "windows" runs_on = "windows-2016" else: job_name = "mac" runs_on = "macOS-latest" out.write(" %s:\n" % job_name) out.write(" runs-on: %s\n" % runs_on) out.write(" steps:\n") out.write(" - uses: actions/checkout@v1\n") projects = loader.manifests_in_dependency_order() for m in projects: if m != manifest: out.write(" - name: Fetch %s\n" % m.name) out.write( " run: python build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py fetch " "--no-tests %s\n" % m.name ) for m in projects: if m != manifest: out.write(" - name: Build %s\n" % m.name) out.write( " run: python build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py build " "--no-tests %s\n" % m.name ) out.write(" - name: Build %s\n" % manifest.name) out.write( " run: python build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py build --src-dir=. %s\n" % manifest.name ) out.write(" - name: Copy artifacts\n") out.write( " run: python build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py fixup-dyn-deps " "--src-dir=. %s _artifacts/%s\n" % (manifest.name, job_name) ) out.write(" - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master\n") out.write(" with:\n") out.write(" name: %s\n" % manifest.name) out.write(" path: _artifacts\n") out.write(" - name: Test %s\n" % manifest.name) out.write( " run: python build/fbcode_builder/getdeps.py test --src-dir=. %s\n" % manifest.name ) def setup_project_cmd_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--output-file", help="The name of the yaml file") def get_arg_var_name(args): for arg in args: if arg.startswith("--"): return arg[2:].replace("-", "_") raise Exception("unable to determine argument variable name from %r" % (args,)) def parse_args(): # We want to allow common arguments to be specified either before or after # the subcommand name. In order to do this we add them to the main parser # and to subcommand parsers. In order for this to work, we need to tell # argparse that the default value is SUPPRESS, so that the default values # from the subparser arguments won't override values set by the user from # the main parser. We maintain our own list of desired defaults in the # common_defaults dictionary, and manually set those if the argument wasn't # present at all. common_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) common_defaults = {} def add_common_arg(*args, **kwargs): var_name = get_arg_var_name(args) default_value = kwargs.pop("default", None) common_defaults[var_name] = default_value kwargs["default"] = argparse.SUPPRESS common_args.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) add_common_arg("--scratch-path", help="Where to maintain checkouts and build dirs") add_common_arg( "--vcvars-path", default=None, help="Path to the vcvarsall.bat on Windows." ) add_common_arg( "--install-prefix", help=( "Where the final build products will be installed " "(default is [scratch-path]/installed)" ), ) add_common_arg( "--num-jobs", type=int, help=( "Number of concurrent jobs to use while building. " "(default=number of cpu cores)" ), ) add_common_arg( "--use-shipit", help="use the real ShipIt instead of the simple shipit transformer", action="store_true", default=False, ) add_common_arg( "--facebook-internal", help="Setup the build context as an FB internal build", action="store_true", default=False, ) ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Get and build dependencies and projects", parents=[common_args] ) sub = ap.add_subparsers( # metavar suppresses the long and ugly default list of subcommands on a # single line. We still render the nicer list below where we would # have shown the nasty one. metavar="", title="Available commands", help="", ) add_subcommands(sub, common_args) args = ap.parse_args() for var_name, default_value in common_defaults.items(): if not hasattr(args, var_name): setattr(args, var_name, default_value) return ap, args def main(): ap, args = parse_args() if getattr(args, "func", None) is None: ap.print_help() return 0 try: return args.func(args) except UsageError as exc: ap.error(str(exc)) return 1 except TransientFailure as exc: print("TransientFailure: %s" % str(exc)) # This return code is treated as a retryable transient infrastructure # error by Facebook's internal CI, rather than eg: a build or code # related error that needs to be fixed before progress can be made. return 128 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print("%s" % str(exc), file=sys.stderr) print("!! Failed", file=sys.stderr) return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())