#!/usr/bin/env python # cacheclient.py - example cache client implementation # # Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc. # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. # The remotefilelog extension can optionally use a caching layer to serve # file revision requests. This is an example implementation that uses # the python-memcached library: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-memcached/ # A better implementation would make all of the requests non-blocking. from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import memcache stdin = sys.stdin stdout = sys.stdout stderr = sys.stderr mc = None keyprefix = None cachepath = None # Max number of keys per request batchsize = 1000 # Max value size per key (in bytes) maxsize = 512 * 1024 def readfile(path): f = open(path, "r") try: return f.read() finally: f.close() def writefile(path, content): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) f = open(path, "w") try: f.write(content) finally: f.close() def compress(value): # Real world implementations will want to compress values. # Insert your favorite compression here, ex: # return lz4wrapper.lzcompresshc(value) return value def decompress(value): # Real world implementations will want to compress values. # Insert your favorite compression here, ex: # return lz4wrapper.lz4decompress(value) return value def generateKey(id): return keyprefix + id def generateId(key): return key[len(keyprefix) :] def getKeys(): raw = stdin.readline()[:-1] keycount = int(raw) keys = [] for i in range(keycount): id = stdin.readline()[:-1] keys.append(generateKey(id)) results = mc.get_multi(keys) hits = 0 for i, key in enumerate(keys): value = results.get(key) id = generateId(key) # On hit, write to disk if value: # Integer hit indicates a large file if isinstance(value, int): largekeys = list([key + str(i) for i in range(value)]) largevalues = mc.get_multi(largekeys) if len(largevalues) == value: value = "" for largekey in largekeys: value += largevalues[largekey] else: # A chunk is missing, give up stdout.write(id + "\n") stdout.flush() continue path = os.path.join(cachepath, id) value = decompress(value) writefile(path, value) hits += 1 else: # On miss, report to caller stdout.write(id + "\n") stdout.flush() if i % 500 == 0: stdout.write("_hits_%s_\n" % hits) stdout.flush() # done signal stdout.write("0\n") stdout.flush() def setKeys(): raw = stdin.readline()[:-1] keycount = int(raw) values = {} for i in range(keycount): id = stdin.readline()[:-1] path = os.path.join(cachepath, id) value = readfile(path) value = compress(value) key = generateKey(id) if len(value) > maxsize: # split up large files start = 0 i = 0 while start < len(value): end = min(len(value), start + maxsize) values[key + str(i)] = value[start:end] start += maxsize i += 1 # Large files are stored as an integer representing how many # chunks it's broken into. value = i values[key] = value if len(values) == batchsize: mc.set_multi(values) values = {} if values: mc.set_multi(values) def main(argv=None): """ remotefilelog uses this cacheclient by setting it in the repo config: [remotefilelog] cacheprocess = cacheclient When memcache requests need to be made, it will execute this process with the following arguments: cacheclient Communication happens via stdin and stdout. To make a get request, the following is written to stdin: get\n \n \n \n \n The results of any cache hits will be written directly to /. Any cache misses will be written to stdout in the form \n. Once all hits and misses are finished 0\n will be written to stdout to signal completion. During the request, progress may be reported via stdout with the format _hits_###_\n where ### is an integer representing the number of hits so far. remotefilelog uses this to display a progress bar. A single cacheclient process may be used for multiple requests (though not in parallel), so it stays open until it receives exit\n via stdin. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv global cachepath global keyprefix global mc ip = argv[1] keyprefix = argv[2] cachepath = argv[3] mc = memcache.Client([ip], debug=0) while True: cmd = stdin.readline()[:-1] if cmd == "get": getKeys() elif cmd == "set": setKeys() elif cmd == "exit": return 0 else: stderr.write("Invalid Command %s\n" % cmd) return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())