import os from collections import defaultdict from hgext3rd.extutil import runshellcommand from mercurial import error, mdiff, osutil, util from mercurial.node import nullid from mercurial.i18n import _ import constants, datapack, historypack, contentstore, metadatastore import shallowutil def backgroundrepack(repo, incremental=True): cmd = util.hgcmd() + ['-R', repo.origroot, 'repack'] msg = _("(running background repack)\n") if incremental: cmd.append('--incremental') msg = _("(running background incremental repack)\n") cmd = ' '.join(map(util.shellquote, cmd)) repo.ui.warn(msg) runshellcommand(cmd, os.environ) def fullrepack(repo): if util.safehasattr(repo, 'shareddatastores'): datasource = contentstore.unioncontentstore(*repo.shareddatastores) historysource = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore( *repo.sharedhistorystores, allowincomplete=True) packpath = shallowutil.getcachepackpath( repo, constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY) _runrepack(repo, datasource, historysource, packpath, constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY) if util.safehasattr(repo.svfs, 'manifestdatastore'): localdata, shareddata = _getmanifeststores(repo) lpackpath, ldstores, lhstores = localdata spackpath, sdstores, shstores = shareddata # Repack the shared manifest store datasource = contentstore.unioncontentstore(*sdstores) historysource = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(*shstores) _runrepack(repo, datasource, historysource, spackpath, constants.TREEPACK_CATEGORY) # Repack the local manifest store datasource = contentstore.unioncontentstore( *ldstores, allowincomplete=True) historysource = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(*lhstores) _runrepack(repo, datasource, historysource, lpackpath, constants.TREEPACK_CATEGORY) def incrementalrepack(repo): """This repacks the repo by looking at the distribution of pack files in the repo and performing the most minimal repack to keep the repo in good shape. """ if util.safehasattr(repo, 'shareddatastores'): packpath = shallowutil.getcachepackpath( repo, constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY) _incrementalrepack(repo, repo.shareddatastores, repo.sharedhistorystores, packpath, constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY) if util.safehasattr(repo.svfs, 'manifestdatastore'): localdata, shareddata = _getmanifeststores(repo) lpackpath, ldstores, lhstores = localdata spackpath, sdstores, shstores = shareddata # Repack the shared manifest store _incrementalrepack(repo, sdstores, shstores, spackpath, constants.TREEPACK_CATEGORY) # Repack the local manifest store _incrementalrepack(repo, ldstores, lhstores, lpackpath, constants.TREEPACK_CATEGORY, allowincompletedata=True) def _getmanifeststores(repo): shareddatastores = repo.svfs.sharedmanifestdatastores localdatastores = repo.svfs.localmanifestdatastores sharedhistorystores = repo.svfs.sharedmanifesthistorystores localhistorystores = repo.svfs.localmanifesthistorystores sharedpackpath = shallowutil.getcachepackpath(repo, constants.TREEPACK_CATEGORY) localpackpath = shallowutil.getlocalpackpath(repo.svfs.vfs.base, constants.TREEPACK_CATEGORY) # The native stores don't support repacking yet, so fall back to the # python versions. if repo.ui.configbool("treemanifest", "usecunionstore"): usecdatapack = repo.ui.configbool("remotefilelog", "fastdatapack") shareddatastores = [datapack.datapackstore(repo.ui, sharedpackpath, usecdatapack=usecdatapack)] localdatastores = [datapack.datapackstore(repo.ui, localpackpath, usecdatapack=usecdatapack)] return ((localpackpath, localdatastores, localhistorystores), (sharedpackpath, shareddatastores, sharedhistorystores)) def _incrementalrepack(repo, datastore, historystore, packpath, category, allowincompletedata=False): shallowutil.mkstickygroupdir(repo.ui, packpath) files = osutil.listdir(packpath, stat=True) datapacks = _computeincrementaldatapack(repo.ui, files) fullpaths = list(os.path.join(packpath, p) for p in datapacks) datapacks = list(datapack.datapack(p) for p in fullpaths) datapacks.extend(s for s in datastore if not isinstance(s, datapack.datapackstore)) historypacks = _computeincrementalhistorypack(repo.ui, files) fullpaths = list(os.path.join(packpath, p) for p in historypacks) historypacks = list(historypack.historypack(p) for p in fullpaths) historypacks.extend(s for s in historystore if not isinstance(s, historypack.historypackstore)) datasource = contentstore.unioncontentstore( *datapacks, allowincomplete=allowincompletedata) historysource = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(*historypacks, allowincomplete=True) _runrepack(repo, datasource, historysource, packpath, category) def _computeincrementaldatapack(ui, files): """Given a set of pack files and a set of generation size limits, this function computes the list of files that should be packed as part of an incremental repack. It tries to strike a balance between keeping incremental repacks cheap (i.e. packing small things when possible, and rolling the packs up to the big ones over time). """ generations = ui.configlist("remotefilelog", "data.generations", ['1GB', '100MB', '1MB']) generations = list(sorted((util.sizetoint(s) for s in generations), reverse=True)) generations.append(0) gencountlimit = ui.configint('remotefilelog', 'data.gencountlimit', 2) repacksizelimit = ui.configbytes('remotefilelog', 'data.repacksizelimit', '100MB') return _computeincrementalpack(ui, files, generations, datapack.PACKSUFFIX, datapack.INDEXSUFFIX, gencountlimit, repacksizelimit) def _computeincrementalhistorypack(ui, files): generations = ui.configlist("remotefilelog", "history.generations", ['100MB']) generations = list(sorted((util.sizetoint(s) for s in generations), reverse=True)) generations.append(0) gencountlimit = ui.configint('remotefilelog', 'history.gencountlimit', 2) repacksizelimit = ui.configbytes('remotefilelog', 'history.repacksizelimit', '100MB') return _computeincrementalpack(ui, files, generations, historypack.PACKSUFFIX, historypack.INDEXSUFFIX, gencountlimit, repacksizelimit) def _computeincrementalpack(ui, files, limits, packsuffix, indexsuffix, gencountlimit, repacksizelimit): # Group the packs by generation (i.e. by size) generations = [] for i in xrange(len(limits)): generations.append([]) sizes = {} fileset = set(fn for fn, mode, stat in files) for filename, mode, stat in files: if not filename.endswith(packsuffix): continue prefix = filename[:-len(packsuffix)] # Don't process a pack if it doesn't have an index. if (prefix + indexsuffix) not in fileset: continue size = stat.st_size sizes[prefix] = size for i, limit in enumerate(limits): if size > limit: generations[i].append(prefix) break # Find the largest generation with more than 2 packs and repack it. for i, limit in enumerate(limits): if len(generations[i]) > gencountlimit: # Generally we only want to repack 2 things at once, but if the # whole generation is small, let's just do it all! count = 2 if sum(sizes[n] for n in generations[i]) < repacksizelimit: count = len(generations[i]) return sorted(generations[i], key=lambda x: sizes[x])[:count] # If no generation has more than 2 packs, repack as many as fit into the # limit small = set().union(*generations[1:]) if len(small) > 1: total = 0 packs = [] for pack in sorted(small, key=lambda x: sizes[x]): size = sizes[pack] if total + size < repacksizelimit: packs.append(pack) total += size else: break if len(packs) > 1: return packs # If there aren't small ones to repack, repack the two largest ones. if len(generations[0]) > 1: return generations[0] return [] def _runrepack(repo, data, history, packpath, category): shallowutil.mkstickygroupdir(repo.ui, packpath) packer = repacker(repo, data, history, category) with datapack.mutabledatapack(repo.ui, packpath) as dpack: with historypack.mutablehistorypack(repo.ui, packpath) as hpack: try:, hpack) except error.LockHeld: raise error.Abort(_("skipping repack - another repack is " "already running")) class repacker(object): """Class for orchestrating the repack of data and history information into a new format. """ def __init__(self, repo, data, history, category): self.repo = repo = data self.history = history self.unit = constants.getunits(category) def run(self, targetdata, targethistory): ledger = repackledger() with self.repo._lock(self.repo.svfs, "repacklock", False, None, None, _('repacking %s') % self.repo.origroot): self.repo.hook('prerepack') # Populate ledger from source self.history.markledger(ledger) # Run repack self.repackdata(ledger, targetdata) self.repackhistory(ledger, targethistory) # Call cleanup on each source for source in ledger.sources: source.cleanup(ledger) def repackdata(self, ledger, target): ui = self.repo.ui byfile = {} for entry in ledger.entries.itervalues(): if entry.datasource: byfile.setdefault(entry.filename, {})[entry.node] = entry count = 0 for filename, entries in sorted(byfile.iteritems()): ancestors = {} nodes = list(node for node in entries.iterkeys()) nohistory = [] for node in nodes: if node in ancestors: continue try: ancestors.update(self.history.getancestors(filename, node)) except KeyError: # Since we're packing data entries, we may not have the # corresponding history entries for them. It's not a big # deal, but the entries won't be delta'd perfectly. nohistory.append(node) # Order the nodes children first, so we can produce reverse deltas orderednodes = list(reversed(self._toposort(ancestors))) orderednodes.extend(sorted(nohistory)) # Compute deltas and write to the pack deltabases = defaultdict(lambda: nullid) nodes = set(nodes) for node in orderednodes: # orderednodes is all ancestors, but we only want to serialize # the files we have. if node not in nodes: continue # Find delta base # TODO: allow delta'ing against most recent descendant instead # of immediate child deltabase = deltabases[node] # Use available ancestor information to inform our delta choices ancestorinfo = ancestors.get(node) if ancestorinfo: p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestorinfo # The presence of copyfrom means we're at a point where the # file was copied from elsewhere. So don't attempt to do any # deltas with the other file. if copyfrom: p1 = nullid # Record this child as the delta base for its parents. # This may be non optimal, since the parents may have many # children, and this will only choose the last one. # TODO: record all children and try all deltas to find best if p1 != nullid: deltabases[p1] = node if p2 != nullid: deltabases[p2] = node # Compute delta # TODO: reuse existing deltas if it matches our deltabase if deltabase != nullid: deltabasetext =, deltabase) original =, node) delta = mdiff.textdiff(deltabasetext, original) else: # TODO: Optimize the deltachain fetching. Since we're # iterating over the different version of the file, we may # be fetching the same deltachain over and over again. chain =, node) x, x, deltabasename, deltabase, delta = chain[0] if deltabasename != filename: deltabase = nullid delta =, node) # TODO: don't use the delta if it's larger than the fulltext # TODO: don't use the delta if the chain is already long target.add(filename, node, deltabase, delta) entries[node].datarepacked = True count += 1 ui.progress(_("repacking data"), count, unit=self.unit, total=len(byfile)) ui.progress(_("repacking data"), None) target.close(ledger=ledger) def repackhistory(self, ledger, target): ui = self.repo.ui byfile = {} for entry in ledger.entries.itervalues(): if entry.historysource: byfile.setdefault(entry.filename, {})[entry.node] = entry count = 0 for filename, entries in sorted(byfile.iteritems()): ancestors = {} nodes = list(node for node in entries.iterkeys()) for node in nodes: if node in ancestors: continue ancestors.update(self.history.getancestors(filename, node)) # Order the nodes children first orderednodes = reversed(self._toposort(ancestors)) # Write to the pack dontprocess = set() for node in orderednodes: p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestors[node] # If the node is marked dontprocess, but it's also in the # explicit entries set, that means the node exists both in this # file and in another file that was copied to this file. # Usually this happens if the file was copied to another file, # then the copy was deleted, then reintroduced without copy # metadata. The original add and the new add have the same hash # since the content is identical and the parents are null. if node in dontprocess and node not in entries: # If copyfrom == filename, it means the copy history # went to come other file, then came back to this one, so we # should continue processing it. if p1 != nullid and copyfrom != filename: dontprocess.add(p1) if p2 != nullid: dontprocess.add(p2) continue if copyfrom: dontprocess.add(p1) target.add(filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom) if node in entries: entries[node].historyrepacked = True count += 1 ui.progress(_("repacking history"), count, unit=self.unit, total=len(byfile)) ui.progress(_("repacking history"), None) target.close(ledger=ledger) def _toposort(self, ancestors): def parentfunc(node): p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom = ancestors[node] parents = [] if p1 != nullid: parents.append(p1) if p2 != nullid: parents.append(p2) return parents sortednodes = shallowutil.sortnodes(ancestors.keys(), parentfunc) return sortednodes class repackledger(object): """Storage for all the bookkeeping that happens during a repack. It contains the list of revisions being repacked, what happened to each revision, and which source store contained which revision originally (for later cleanup). """ def __init__(self): self.entries = {} self.sources = {} self.created = set() def markdataentry(self, source, filename, node): """Mark the given filename+node revision as having a data rev in the given source. """ entry = self._getorcreateentry(filename, node) entry.datasource = True entries = self.sources.get(source) if not entries: entries = set() self.sources[source] = entries entries.add(entry) def markhistoryentry(self, source, filename, node): """Mark the given filename+node revision as having a history rev in the given source. """ entry = self._getorcreateentry(filename, node) entry.historysource = True entries = self.sources.get(source) if not entries: entries = set() self.sources[source] = entries entries.add(entry) def _getorcreateentry(self, filename, node): key = (filename, node) value = self.entries.get(key) if not value: value = repackentry(filename, node) self.entries[key] = value return value def addcreated(self, value): self.created.add(value) class repackentry(object): """Simple class representing a single revision entry in the repackledger. """ __slots__ = ['filename', 'node', 'datasource', 'historysource', 'datarepacked', 'historyrepacked'] def __init__(self, filename, node): self.filename = filename self.node = node # If the revision has a data entry in the source self.datasource = False # If the revision has a history entry in the source self.historysource = False # If the revision's data entry was repacked into the repack target self.datarepacked = False # If the revision's history entry was repacked into the repack target self.historyrepacked = False