Facebook GitHub Bot 1669ef5b5a Re-sync with internal repository
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2024-02-21 21:16:37 -05:00

193 lines
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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
include "thrift/annotation/scope.thrift"
package ""
namespace py thrift.annotation.hack
namespace java com.facebook.thrift.annotation.hack_deprecated
namespace android com.facebook.thrift.annotation.hack_deprecated
namespace py.asyncio facebook_thrift_asyncio.annotation.hack
namespace go thrift.annotation.hack
namespace hs2 facebook.thrift.annotation.hack
// start
/// An experimental annotation that applies a Hack wrapper to fields.
/// For example:
/// struct User {
/// @hack.FieldWrapper{name="MyWrapper"}
/// 1: i64 id;
/// }
struct FieldWrapper {
/// The name of a Hack wrapper class used to wrap the field
1: string name;
/// An annotation that applies a Hack wrapper to fields, typedef or structs.
/// For example:
/// struct User {
/// @hack.FieldWrapper{name="MyWrapper"}
/// 1: i64 id;
/// }
struct Wrapper {
/// The name of a Hack wrapper class used to wrap the field
1: string name;
/// When applied directly to a typedef or struct, the IDL name of the
/// type will refer to the adapted type in Hack and the underlying thrift struct will be
/// generated in a nested namespace and/or with a different name. By default the type/struct
/// will be generated in a nested 'thrift_adapted_types' namespace with the same name,
/// but both of these can be changed by setting these fields.
/// Empty string enables the nested namespace and uses the IDL name for the struct.
2: string underlyingName;
3: string extraNamespace = "thrift_adapted_types";
} (thrift.uri = "")
/// An annotation that applies a Hack adapter to types. For example:
/// @hack.Adapter{name="\\TimestampAdapter"}
/// typedef i64 Timestamp;
/// struct User {
/// 1: Timestamp account_creation_time;
/// }
/// Here the field `account_creation_time` will have type TimestampAdapter::THackType instead of i64.
/// in hack:
/// ```
/// final class TimestampAdapter implements IThriftAdapter {
/// const type TThriftType = int;
/// const type THackType = Time;
/// public static function fromThrift(int $seconds)[]: Time {
/// return Time::fromEpochSeconds($seconds);
/// }
/// public static function toThrift(Time $time): int {
/// return $hack_value->asFullSecondsSinceEpoch();
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// elsewhere in hack:
/// ```
/// function timeSinceCreated(Document $doc): Duration {
/// // $doc->created_time is of type Time
/// return Duration::between(Time::now(), $doc->created_time);
/// }
/// ```
/// This completely replaces the underlying type of a thrift for a custom implementation and uses
/// the specified adapter to convert to and from the underlying Thrift type during (de)serialization.
struct Adapter {
/// The name of a Hack adapter class that implements IThriftAdapter
1: string name;
struct SkipCodegen {
1: string reason;
/// This annotation is mainly used to rename symbols which can result in symbol
/// conflict errors in Hack codegen.
/// For ex: reserved keywords in Hack language, symbols with similar names from
/// other files in Hack
struct Name {
1: string name;
2: string reason;
/// This annotation is for adding Hack attributes to union enums.
struct UnionEnumAttributes {
1: list<string> attributes;
/// This annotation is for using a custom trait for structs.
struct StructTrait {
1: string name;
/// This annotation is for adding Hack attributes.
/// * Where to use: field or struct type
/// * Value: add attributes like `JSEnum` to structs or fields
/// * Example:
/// ```
/// // In thrift
/// enum MyEnum {
/// ALLOWED = 1,
/// THIS_IS_ALLOWED_2 = 3,
/// }(
/// hack.attributes=
/// "\JSEnum(shape('name' => 'MyEnum')),
/// \GraphQLEnum('MyEnum', 'Description for my enum',)"
/// )
/// struct MyThriftStruct {
/// 1: string foo (hack.attributes = "FieldAttribute");
/// 2: string bar;
/// 3: string baz;
/// } (hack.attributes = "ClassAttribute")
/// ```
/// ```
/// //thrift compiler will generate this for you
/// <<\JSEnum(shape('name' => 'MyEnum')),
/// \GraphQLEnum('MyEnum', 'Description for my enum',)>>
/// enum MyEnum: int {
/// ALLOWED = 1;
/// THIS_IS_ALLOWED_2 = 3;
/// }
/// <<ClassAttribute>>
/// class MyThriftStruct implements \IThriftStruct {
/// ....
/// <<FieldAttribute>>
/// public string $foo;
/// ....
/// }
/// ```
struct Attributes {
1: list<string> attributes;
struct StructAsTrait {}
/// This annotation is to generate an entity as internal
struct ModuleInternal {}