Puneet Kaushik eeaf1c0025 Started Eden for Windows and integrated hg store with it.
This diff is first in the series to make Eden work on Windows. It includes:

1. HG backing store and Object store, which provides the capability to talk to mercurial and fetch the file and folder contents on Windows.
2. Subprocess and Pipe definition for Windows.
3. The Visual studio solution and projects files to compile Eden and scm datapack.

Few Important points:

1. Most of the changes to existing code is done under a macro EDEN_WIN so that it doesn't impact on other platform.
2. Sqlite is used for caching the fetched contents. We are not using Rocksdb on Windows.
3. The main function only calls some test code and exit after printing the output.
4. The initializeMononoke code is disabled for Windows because it needs Proxygen to talk HTTP. Will enable this once I get Proxygen and other dependencies working.
5. HgImporter pass Windows handles to hg_import_helper as command line args. The code to convert these handles into fds is in a separate diff.

Reviewed By: wez

Differential Revision: D8653992

fbshipit-source-id: 52a3c3750425fb92c2a7158c2c214a9372661e13
2018-08-21 17:53:38 -07:00

92 lines
2.6 KiB

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