2009-04-28 11:24:01 -07:00

592 lines
18 KiB

# -- Access to base git objects
# Copyright (C) 2007 James Westby <>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Jelmer Vernooij <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
# of the License or (at your option) a later version of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""Access to base git objects."""
import mmap
import os
import zlib
from errors import (
from misc import make_sha
BLOB_ID = "blob"
TAG_ID = "tag"
TREE_ID = "tree"
COMMIT_ID = "commit"
PARENT_ID = "parent"
AUTHOR_ID = "author"
COMMITTER_ID = "committer"
OBJECT_ID = "object"
TYPE_ID = "type"
TAGGER_ID = "tagger"
def _decompress(string):
dcomp = zlib.decompressobj()
dcomped = dcomp.decompress(string)
dcomped += dcomp.flush()
return dcomped
# SC hacked this to keep a global dict of already hexed shas because the
# import script calls this a bajillion times. Will try to cache other areas
# so this isn't called as much in the first place.
already_hexed_shas = {}
def sha_to_hex(sha):
"""Takes a string and returns the hex of the sha within"""
if sha in already_hexed_shas:
return already_hexed_shas[sha]
hexsha = "".join(["%02x" % ord(c) for c in sha])
assert len(hexsha) == 40, "Incorrect length of sha1 string: %d" % hexsha
already_hexed_shas[sha] = hexsha
return hexsha
def hex_to_sha(hex):
"""Takes a hex sha and returns a binary sha"""
assert len(hex) == 40, "Incorrent length of hexsha: %s" % hex
return ''.join([chr(int(hex[i:i+2], 16)) for i in xrange(0, len(hex), 2)])
class ShaFile(object):
"""A git SHA file."""
def _parse_legacy_object(cls, map):
"""Parse a legacy object, creating it and setting object._text"""
text = _decompress(map)
object = None
for posstype in type_map.keys():
if text.startswith(posstype):
object = type_map[posstype]()
text = text[len(posstype):]
assert object is not None, "%s is not a known object type" % text[:9]
assert text[0] == ' ', "%s is not a space" % text[0]
text = text[1:]
size = 0
i = 0
while text[0] >= '0' and text[0] <= '9':
if i > 0 and size == 0:
assert False, "Size is not in canonical format"
size = (size * 10) + int(text[0])
text = text[1:]
i += 1
object._size = size
assert text[0] == "\0", "Size not followed by null"
text = text[1:]
object._text = text
return object
def as_legacy_object(self):
return zlib.compress("%s %d\0%s" % (self._type, len(self._text), self._text))
def as_raw_string(self):
return self._num_type, self._text
def _parse_object(cls, map):
"""Parse a new style object , creating it and setting object._text"""
used = 0
byte = ord(map[used])
used += 1
num_type = (byte >> 4) & 7
object = num_type_map[num_type]()
except KeyError:
raise AssertionError("Not a known type: %d" % num_type)
while (byte & 0x80) != 0:
byte = ord(map[used])
used += 1
raw = map[used:]
object._text = _decompress(raw)
return object
def _parse_file(cls, map):
word = (ord(map[0]) << 8) + ord(map[1])
if ord(map[0]) == 0x78 and (word % 31) == 0:
return cls._parse_legacy_object(map)
return cls._parse_object(map)
def __init__(self):
"""Don't call this directly"""
def _parse_text(self):
"""For subclasses to do initialisation time parsing"""
def from_file(cls, filename):
"""Get the contents of a SHA file on disk"""
size = os.path.getsize(filename)
f = open(filename, 'rb')
map = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), size, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
shafile = cls._parse_file(map)
return shafile
def from_raw_string(cls, type, string):
"""Creates an object of the indicated type from the raw string given.
Type is the numeric type of an object. String is the raw uncompressed
real_class = num_type_map[type]
obj = real_class()
obj._num_type = type
obj._text = string
return obj
def _header(self):
return "%s %lu\0" % (self._type, len(self._text))
def sha(self):
"""The SHA1 object that is the name of this object."""
ressha = make_sha()
return ressha
def id(self):
return self.sha().hexdigest()
def type(self):
return self._num_type
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return true id the sha of the two objects match.
The __le__ etc methods aren't overriden as they make no sense,
certainly at this level.
return self.sha().digest() == other.sha().digest()
class Blob(ShaFile):
"""A Git Blob object."""
_type = BLOB_ID
_num_type = 3
def data(self):
"""The text contained within the blob object."""
return self._text
def from_file(cls, filename):
blob = ShaFile.from_file(filename)
if blob._type != cls._type:
raise NotBlobError(filename)
return blob
def from_string(cls, string):
"""Create a blob from a string."""
shafile = cls()
shafile._text = string
return shafile
class Tag(ShaFile):
"""A Git Tag object."""
_type = TAG_ID
_num_type = 4
def from_file(cls, filename):
blob = ShaFile.from_file(filename)
if blob._type != cls._type:
raise NotBlobError(filename)
return blob
def from_string(cls, string):
"""Create a blob from a string."""
shafile = cls()
shafile._text = string
return shafile
def _parse_text(self):
"""Grab the metadata attached to the tag"""
text = self._text
count = 0
assert text.startswith(OBJECT_ID), "Invalid tag object, " \
"must start with %s" % OBJECT_ID
count += len(OBJECT_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (OBJECT_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._object_sha = text[count:count+40]
count += 40
assert text[count] == '\n', "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s sha must be followed by newline" % OBJECT_ID
count += 1
assert text[count:].startswith(TYPE_ID), "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s sha must be followed by %s" % (OBJECT_ID, TYPE_ID)
count += len(TYPE_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (TAG_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._object_type = ""
while text[count] != '\n':
self._object_type += text[count]
count += 1
count += 1
assert self._object_type in (COMMIT_ID, BLOB_ID, TREE_ID, TAG_ID), "Invalid tag object, " \
"unexpected object type %s" % self._object_type
self._object_type = type_map[self._object_type]
assert text[count:].startswith(TAG_ID), "Invalid tag object, " \
"object type must be followed by %s" % (TAG_ID)
count += len(TAG_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (TAG_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._name = ""
while text[count] != '\n':
self._name += text[count]
count += 1
count += 1
assert text[count:].startswith(TAGGER_ID), "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s must be followed by %s" % (TAG_ID, TAGGER_ID)
count += len(TAGGER_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid tag object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (TAGGER_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._tagger = ""
while text[count] != '>':
assert text[count] != '\n', "Malformed tagger information"
self._tagger += text[count]
count += 1
self._tagger += text[count]
count += 1
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid tag object, " \
"tagger information must be followed by space not %s" % text[count]
count += 1
self._tag_time = int(text[count:count+10])
while text[count] != '\n':
count += 1
count += 1
assert text[count] == '\n', "There must be a new line after the headers"
count += 1
self._message = text[count:]
def object(self):
"""Returns the object pointed by this tag, represented as a tuple(type, sha)"""
return (self._object_type, self._object_sha)
def name(self):
"""Returns the name of this tag"""
return self._name
def tagger(self):
"""Returns the name of the person who created this tag"""
return self._tagger
def tag_time(self):
"""Returns the creation timestamp of the tag.
Returns it as the number of seconds since the epoch"""
return self._tag_time
def message(self):
"""Returns the message attached to this tag"""
return self._message
class Tree(ShaFile):
"""A Git tree object"""
_type = TREE_ID
_num_type = 2
def __init__(self):
self._entries = {}
def from_file(cls, filename):
tree = ShaFile.from_file(filename)
if tree._type != cls._type:
raise NotTreeError(filename)
return tree
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._entries[name]
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
assert isinstance(value, tuple)
assert len(value) == 2
self._entries[name] = value
def __delitem__(self, name):
del self._entries[name]
def add(self, mode, name, hexsha):
self._entries[name] = mode, hexsha
def entries(self):
"""Return a list of tuples describing the tree entries"""
return [(mode, name, hexsha) for (name, (mode, hexsha)) in self._entries.iteritems()]
def entry(self, name):
return self._entries[name]
return (None, None)
def iteritems(self):
for name in sorted(self._entries.keys()):
yield name, self_entries[name][0], self._entries[name][1]
def _parse_text(self):
"""Grab the entries in the tree"""
count = 0
while count < len(self._text):
mode = 0
chr = self._text[count]
while chr != ' ':
assert chr >= '0' and chr <= '7', "%s is not a valid mode char" % chr
mode = (mode << 3) + (ord(chr) - ord('0'))
count += 1
chr = self._text[count]
count += 1
chr = self._text[count]
name = ''
while chr != '\0':
name += chr
count += 1
chr = self._text[count]
count += 1
chr = self._text[count]
sha = self._text[count:count+20]
hexsha = sha_to_hex(sha)
self.add(mode, name, hexsha)
count = count + 20
def serialize(self):
self._text = ""
for name, mode, hexsha in self.iteritems():
self._text += "%04o %s\0%s" % (mode, name, hex_to_sha(hexsha))
class Commit(ShaFile):
"""A git commit object"""
_type = COMMIT_ID
_num_type = 1
def __init__(self):
self._parents = []
def from_file(cls, filename):
commit = ShaFile.from_file(filename)
if commit._type != cls._type:
raise NotCommitError(filename)
return commit
def _parse_text(self):
text = self._text
count = 0
assert text.startswith(TREE_ID), "Invalid commit object, " \
"must start with %s" % TREE_ID
count += len(TREE_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid commit object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (TREE_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._tree = text[count:count+40]
count = count + 40
assert text[count] == "\n", "Invalid commit object, " \
"tree sha must be followed by newline"
count += 1
self._parents = []
while text[count:].startswith(PARENT_ID):
count += len(PARENT_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid commit object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (PARENT_ID, text[count])
count += 1
count += 40
assert text[count] == "\n", "Invalid commit object, " \
"parent sha must be followed by newline"
count += 1
self._author = None
if text[count:].startswith(AUTHOR_ID):
count += len(AUTHOR_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid commit object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (AUTHOR_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._author = ''
while text[count] != '>':
assert text[count] != '\n', "Malformed author information"
self._author += text[count]
count += 1
self._author += text[count]
count += 1
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid commit object, " \
"author information must be followed by space not %s" % text[count]
count += 1
self._author_time = int(text[count:count+10])
while text[count] != ' ':
count += 1
self._author_timezone = int(text[count:count+6])
count += 1
while text[count] != '\n':
count += 1
count += 1
self._committer = None
if text[count:].startswith(COMMITTER_ID):
count += len(COMMITTER_ID)
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid commit object, " \
"%s must be followed by space not %s" % (COMMITTER_ID, text[count])
count += 1
self._committer = ''
while text[count] != '>':
assert text[count] != '\n', "Malformed committer information"
self._committer += text[count]
count += 1
self._committer += text[count]
count += 1
assert text[count] == ' ', "Invalid commit object, " \
"commiter information must be followed by space not %s" % text[count]
count += 1
self._commit_time = int(text[count:count+10])
while text[count] != ' ':
count += 1
self._commit_timezone = int(text[count:count+6])
count += 1
while text[count] != '\n':
count += 1
count += 1
assert text[count] == '\n', "There must be a new line after the headers"
count += 1
# XXX: There can be an encoding field.
self._message = text[count:]
def serialize(self):
self._text = ""
self._text += "%s %s\n" % (TREE_ID, self._tree)
for p in self._parents:
self._text += "%s %s\n" % (PARENT_ID, p)
self._text += "%s %s %s %+05d\n" % (AUTHOR_ID, self._author, str(self._author_time), self._author_timezone)
self._text += "%s %s %s %+05d\n" % (COMMITTER_ID, self._committer, str(self._commit_time), self._commit_timezone)
self._text += "\n" # There must be a new line after the headers
self._text += self._message
def tree(self):
"""Returns the tree that is the state of this commit"""
return self._tree
def parents(self):
"""Return a list of parents of this commit."""
return self._parents
def author(self):
"""Returns the name of the author of the commit"""
return self._author
def committer(self):
"""Returns the name of the committer of the commit"""
return self._committer
def message(self):
"""Returns the commit message"""
return self._message
def commit_time(self):
"""Returns the timestamp of the commit.
Returns it as the number of seconds since the epoch.
return self._commit_time
def commit_timezone(self):
"""Returns the zone the commit time is in
return self._commit_timezone
def author_time(self):
"""Returns the timestamp the commit was written.
Returns it as the number of seconds since the epoch.
return self._author_time
def author_timezone(self):
"""Returns the zone the author time is in
return self._author_timezone
type_map = {
BLOB_ID : Blob,
TREE_ID : Tree,
COMMIT_ID : Commit,
TAG_ID: Tag,
num_type_map = {
0: None,
1: Commit,
2: Tree,
3: Blob,
4: Tag,
# 5 Is reserved for further expansion
# Try to import C versions
from _objects import hex_to_sha, sha_to_hex
except ImportError: