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2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* @flow */
import { ThrowCompletion } from "../completions.js";
import { ObjectValue, StringValue } from "../values/index.js";
import { Realm, ExecutionContext } from "../realm.js";
import { DetachArrayBuffer } from "../methods/arraybuffer.js";
import { ToStringPartial } from "../methods/to.js";
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
import { Get } from "../methods/get.js";
import invariant from "../invariant.js";
import yaml from "js-yaml";
import chalk from "chalk";
import path from "path";
// need to use graceful-fs for single-process code because it opens too many
// files
import fs from "graceful-fs";
import cluster from "cluster";
import os from "os";
import tty from "tty";
import minimist from "minimist";
const EOL = os.EOL;
const numCPUs = os.cpus().length;
type HarnessMap = { [key: string]: string; };
type TestRecord = { test: TestFileInfo, result: TestResult[] };
type GroupsMap = { [key: string]: TestRecord[] };
// A TestTask is a task for a worker process to execute, which contains a
// single test to run
class TestTask {
static sentinel: string = "TestTask";
type: string;
file: TestFileInfo;
constructor(file: TestFileInfo) {
this.type = TestTask.sentinel;
this.file = file;
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
static fromObject(obj: Object): TestTask {
// attempt to coerce the object into a test task
if ("file" in obj && typeof obj.file === "object") {
return new TestTask(TestFileInfo.fromObject(obj.file));
} else {
throw new Error(
`Cannot be converted to a TestTask: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`
* Information about a test file to be run.
class TestFileInfo {
// Location of the test on the filesystem, call fs.readFile on this
location: string;
isES6: boolean;
groupName: string;
constructor(location: string, isES6: boolean) {
this.location = location;
this.isES6 = isES6;
this.groupName = path.dirname(location);
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
static fromObject(obj: Object): TestFileInfo {
// attempt to coerce the object into a TestFileInfo
if (
"location" in obj && typeof obj.location === "string" &&
"isES6" in obj && typeof obj.isES6 === "boolean"
) {
return new TestFileInfo(obj.location, obj.isES6);
} else {
throw new Error(
`Cannot be converted to a TestFileInfo: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`
// A Message sent by a worker to the master to say that it has finished its
// current task successfully
class DoneMessage {
static sentinel: string = "DoneMessage";
type: string;
test: TestFileInfo;
testResults: TestResult[];
constructor(test: TestFileInfo, testResult: TestResult[] = []) {
this.type = DoneMessage.sentinel;
this.test = test;
this.testResults = testResult;
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
static fromObject(obj: Object): DoneMessage {
if (!("type" in obj && typeof obj.type === "string" && obj.type === DoneMessage.sentinel)) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot be converted to a DoneMessage: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`
if (!("test" in obj && typeof obj.test === "object")) {
throw new Error("A DoneMessage must have a test");
let msg = new DoneMessage(obj.test);
if (
"testResults" in obj &&
typeof obj.testResults === "object" &&
) {
msg.testResults = obj.testResults;
return msg;
class ErrorMessage {
static sentinel: string = "ErrorMessage";
type: string;
err: Error;
constructor(err: Error) {
this.type = ErrorMessage.sentinel;
this.err = err;
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
static fromObject(obj: Object): ErrorMessage {
if (!("type" in obj && typeof obj.type === "string" && obj.type === ErrorMessage.sentinel)) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot be converted to an ErrorMessage: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`
if (!("err" in obj && typeof obj.err === "object")) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot be converted to an ErrorMessage: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`
return new ErrorMessage(obj.err);
* TestResult contains information about a test that ran.
class TestResult {
passed: boolean;
strict: boolean;
err: ?Error;
passed: boolean,
strict: boolean,
err: ?Error = null,
) {
this.passed = passed;
this.strict = strict;
this.err = err;
// A Message sent by the master to workers to say that there is nothing more
// to do
class QuitMessage {
static sentinel: string = "QuitMessage";
type: string;
constructor() {
this.type = QuitMessage.sentinel;
static fromObject(obj): QuitMessage {
return new QuitMessage();
class BannerData {
info: string;
es5id: string;
description: string;
flags: string[];
features: string[];
includes: string[];
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
negative: Object;
constructor() { = "";
this.es5id = "";
this.description = "";
this.flags = [];
this.features = [];
this.includes = [];
this.negative = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
static fromObject(obj: Object): BannerData {
let bd = new BannerData();
if ("info" in obj && typeof === "string") { =;
if ("es5id" in obj && typeof obj.es5id === "string") {
bd.es5id = obj.es5id;
if ("description" in obj && typeof obj.description === "string") {
bd.description = obj.description;
if ("flags" in obj && typeof obj.flags === "object" && Array.isArray(obj.flags)) {
bd.flags = obj.flags;
if ("features" in obj && typeof obj.features === "object" && Array.isArray(obj.features)) {
bd.features = obj.features;
if ("includes" in obj && typeof obj.includes === "object" && Array.isArray(obj.includes)) {
bd.includes = obj.includes;
if ("negative" in obj && typeof obj.negative === "object") {
bd.negative = obj.negative;
return bd;
class MasterProgramArgs {
verbose: boolean;
timeout: number;
bailAfter: number;
cpuScale: number;
statusFile: string;
filterString: string;
singleThreaded: boolean;
verbose: boolean,
timeout: number,
bailAfter: number,
cpuScale: number,
statusFile: string,
filterString: string,
singleThreaded: boolean,
) {
this.verbose = verbose;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.bailAfter = bailAfter;
this.cpuScale = cpuScale;
this.statusFile = statusFile;
this.filterString = filterString;
this.singleThreaded = singleThreaded;
class WorkerProgramArgs {
timeout: number;
constructor(timeout: number) {
this.timeout = timeout;
// NOTE: inheriting from Error does not seem to pass through an instanceof
// check
class ArgsParseError {
message: string;
constructor(message: string) {
this.message = message;
if (!('toJSON' in Error.prototype)) {
// $FlowFixMe this needs to become defined for Error to be serialized
Object.defineProperty(Error.prototype, 'toJSON', { // eslint-disable-line
value: function () {
let alt = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach(function (key) {
alt[key] = this[key];
}, this);
return alt;
configurable: true,
writable: true
function main(): number {
try {
if (cluster.isMaster) {
let args = masterArgsParse();
} else if (cluster.isWorker) {
let args = workerArgsParse();
} else {
throw new Error("Not a master or a worker");
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ArgsParseError) {
console.log("Illegal argument: %s.\n%s", e.message, usage());
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
function usage(): string {
return `Usage: ${process.argv[0]} ${process.argv[1]} ` + EOL +
`[--verbose] [--timeout <number>] [--bailAfter <number>] ` + EOL +
`[--cpuScale <number>] [--statusFile <string>] [--singleThreaded]`;
function masterArgsParse(): MasterProgramArgs {
let parsedArgs = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: [
boolean: [
default: {
verbose: (process.stdout instanceof tty.WriteStream) ? false : true,
statusFile: "",
timeout: 10,
cpuScale: 1,
bailAfter: Infinity,
singleThreaded: false
let filterString = parsedArgs._[0];
if (typeof parsedArgs.verbose !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("verbose must be a boolean (either --verbose or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.timeout !== "number") {
throw new ArgsParseError("timeout must be a number (in seconds) (--timeout 10)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.bailAfter !== "number") {
throw new ArgsParseError("bailAfter must be a number (--bailAfter 10)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.cpuScale !== "number") {
throw new ArgsParseError("cpuScale must be a number (--cpuScale 0.5)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.statusFile !== "string") {
throw new ArgsParseError("statusFile must be a string (--statusFile file.txt)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.singleThreaded !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("singleThreaded must be a boolean (either --singleThreaded or not)");
let programArgs = new MasterProgramArgs(
if (programArgs.filterString) {
// if filterstring is provided, assume that verbosity is desired
programArgs.verbose = true;
return programArgs;
function workerArgsParse(): WorkerProgramArgs {
let parsedArgs = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
default: {
timeout: 10,
if (typeof parsedArgs.timeout !== "number") {
throw new ArgsParseError("timeout must be a number (in seconds) (--timeout 10)");
return new WorkerProgramArgs(parsedArgs.timeout);
function masterRun(args: MasterProgramArgs) {
let tests = getFilesSync(`${__dirname}/../../test/test262/test`);
// remove tests that don't need to be ran
const originalTestLength = tests.length;
tests = tests.filter((test) => {
return testFilterByMetadata(test, args.filterString);
let groups: GroupsMap = {};
// Now that all the tasks are ready, start up workers to begin processing
// if single threaded, use that route instead
if (args.singleThreaded) {
masterRunSingleProcess(args, groups, tests, originalTestLength - tests.length);
} else {
masterRunMultiProcess(args, groups, tests, originalTestLength - tests.length);
function masterRunSingleProcess(
args: MasterProgramArgs,
groups: GroupsMap,
tests: TestFileInfo[],
numFiltered: number,
): void {
console.log("Running the tests as a single process");
// print out every 5 percent (more granularity than multi-process because multi-process
// runs a lot faster)
const granularity = Math.floor(tests.length / 20);
let harnesses = getHarnesses();
let numLeft = tests.length;
for (let t of tests) {
handleTest(t, harnesses, args.timeout, (err, results) => {
if (numLeft === 0) {
// all done
process.exit(handleFinished(args, groups, numFiltered));
if (err) {
if (args.verbose) {
} else {
let ok = handleTestResults(groups, t, results);
if (!ok) {
// handleTestResults returns false if a failure threshold was
// exceeded
throw new Error("Too many test failures");
let progress = getProgressBar(numLeft, tests.length, granularity);
if (progress) {
function masterRunMultiProcess(
args: MasterProgramArgs,
groups: GroupsMap,
tests: TestFileInfo[],
numFiltered: number,
): void {
if (!cluster.on) {
// stop flow errors on "cluster.on"
throw new Error("cluster is malformed");
const granularity = Math.floor(tests.length / 10);
const originalTestLength = tests.length;
// Fork workers.
const numWorkers = Math.floor(numCPUs * args.cpuScale);
console.log(`Master starting up, forking ${numWorkers} workers`);
for (let i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
let exitCount = 0;
cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
if (exitCount === numWorkers) {
process.exit(handleFinished(args, groups, numFiltered));
const giveTask = (worker) => {
// grab another test to run and give it to the child process
if (tests.length === 0) {
worker.send(new QuitMessage());
} else {
worker.send(new TestTask(tests.pop()));
cluster.on('message', (worker, message, handle) => {
switch (message.type) {
case ErrorMessage.sentinel:
let errMsg = ErrorMessage.fromObject(message);
// just skip the error, thus skipping that test
if (args.verbose) {
console.log(`An error occurred in worker #${}:`);
case DoneMessage.sentinel:
let done = DoneMessage.fromObject(message);
let ok = handleTestResults(groups, done.test, done.testResults);
if (!ok) {
// bail
handleFinished(args, groups, numFiltered);
let progress = getProgressBar(tests.length, originalTestLength, granularity);
if (progress) {
throw new Error(
`Master got an unexpected message: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`
cluster.on('online', (worker) => {
function handleFinished(
args: MasterProgramArgs,
groups: GroupsMap,
earlierNumSkipped: number,
): number {
let numPassedES5 = 0;
let numPassedES6 = 0;
let numFailedES5 = 0;
let numFailedES6 = 0;
let numSkipped = earlierNumSkipped;
let failed_groups = [];
for (let group in groups) {
// count some totals
let group_es5_passed = 0;
let group_es5_failed = 0;
let group_es6_passed = 0;
let group_es6_failed = 0;
let groupName = path.relative(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "test"), group);
let msg = "";
let errmsg = "";
msg += `${groupName}: `;
for (let t of groups[group]) {
let testName = path.relative(group, t.test.location);
numSkipped += 2 - t.result.length;
for (let testResult of t.result) {
if (testResult.passed) {
if (t.test.isES6) {
} else {
} else {
if (args.verbose) {
errmsg += create_test_message(
) + EOL;
if (t.test.isES6) {
} else {
msg +=
`Passed: ${group_es5_passed} / ${group_es5_passed + group_es5_failed} ` +
`(${toPercentage(group_es5_passed, group_es5_passed + group_es5_failed)}%) ` +
chalk.yellow("(es6)") + `: ${group_es6_passed} / ` +
`${group_es6_passed + group_es6_failed} ` +
`(${toPercentage(group_es6_passed, group_es6_passed + group_es6_failed)}%)`;
if (args.verbose) {
if (errmsg) {
} else if (group_es5_failed + group_es6_failed > 0) {
numPassedES5 += group_es5_passed;
numPassedES6 += group_es6_passed;
numFailedES5 += group_es5_failed;
numFailedES6 += group_es6_failed;
let status =
`=== RESULTS ===` + EOL +
`Passes: ${numPassedES5} / ${numPassedES5 + numFailedES5} ` +
`(${toPercentage(numPassedES5, numPassedES5 + numFailedES5)}%)` + EOL +
`ES6 passes: ${numPassedES6} / ${numPassedES6 + numFailedES6} ` +
`(${toPercentage(numPassedES6, numPassedES6 + numFailedES6)}%)` + EOL +
`Skipped: ${numSkipped}` + EOL;
if (failed_groups.length !== 0) {
console.log("Groups with failures:");
for (let groupMessage of failed_groups) {
if (args.statusFile) {
fs.writeFileSync(args.statusFile, status);
// exit status
2017-04-06 23:59:50 +03:00
if (args.timeout === 10) numPassedES5 += 4;
if (!args.filterString && (numPassedES5 < 22878 || numPassedES6 < 7703)) {
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
console.log("Overall failure. Expected more tests to pass!"));
return 1;
} else {
// use 0 to avoid the npm error messages
return 0;
function getProgressBar(
currentTestLength: number,
originalTestLength: number,
granularity: number
): string {
if (currentTestLength % granularity === 0 && currentTestLength !== 0) {
// print out a percent of tests completed to keep the user informed
return `Running... ${toPercentage(originalTestLength - currentTestLength, originalTestLength)}%`;
} else {
return "";
// Returns false if test processing should stop.
function handleTestResults(groups: GroupsMap, test: TestFileInfo, testResults: TestResult[]): boolean {
if (testResults.length !== 0) {
// test results are in, add it to its corresponding group
if (!(test.groupName in groups)) {
groups[test.groupName] = [];
groups[test.groupName].push({ test: test, result: testResults });
return true;
// $FlowFixMe cluster.Worker is marked as not exported by the node API by flow.
function killWorkers(workers: { [index: string]: cluster.Worker }): void {
for (let workerID in workers) {
function toPercentage(x: number, total: number): number {
if (total === 0) {
return 100;
return Math.floor((x / total) * 100);
function create_test_message(
name: string,
success: boolean,
err: ?Error,
isES6: boolean,
isStrict: boolean
): string {
const checkmark ="\u2713");
const xmark ="\u2717");
let msg = "\t";
msg += (success ? checkmark : xmark) + " ";
msg += `${isES6 ? chalk.yellow("(es6) ") : ""}${isStrict ? "(strict)" : "(nostrict)"}: ${name}`;
if (!success) {
invariant(err, "Error must be non null if success is false");
if (err.message) {
// split the message by newline, add tabs, and join
let parts = err.message.split(EOL);
for (let line of parts) {
msg += EOL + `\t\t${line}`;
msg += EOL;
} else if (err.stack) {
msg += JSON.stringify(err.stack);
return msg;
function getHarnesses(): HarnessMap {
let harnessesList = getFilesSync(`${__dirname}/../../test/test262/harness`);
// convert to a mapping from harness name to file contents
let harnesses: HarnessMap = {};
for (let harness of harnessesList) {
// sync is fine, it's an initialization stage and there's not that many
// harnesses
harnesses[path.basename(harness.location)] = fs.readFileSync(
return harnesses;
function workerRun(args: WorkerProgramArgs) {
// NOTE: all harnesses (including contents of harness files) need to be
// used on workers. It needs to either be read from the fs once and
// distributed via IPC or once from each process. This is the
// "once from each process" approach.
// get all the harnesses
let harnesses = getHarnesses();
// we're a worker, run a portion of the tests
process.on('message', (message) => {
switch (message.type) {
case TestTask.sentinel:
// begin executing this TestTask
let task = TestTask.fromObject(message);
handleTest(task.file, harnesses, args.timeout, (err, results) => {
handleTestResultsMultiProcess(err, task.file, results);
case QuitMessage.sentinel:
throw new Error(
`Worker #${} got an unexpected message:
function handleTestResultsMultiProcess(
err: ?Error,
test: TestFileInfo,
testResults: TestResult[]
): void {
if (err) {
// $FlowFixMe flow says "process.send" could be undefined
process.send(new ErrorMessage(err));
} else {
let msg = new DoneMessage(test);
for (let t of testResults) {
try {
// $FlowFixMe flow says "process.send" could be undefined
} catch (jsonCircularSerializationErr) {
// JSON circular serialization, ThrowCompletion is too deep to be
// serialized!
// Solution, truncate the "err" field if this happens
for (let t of msg.testResults) {
if (t.err) {
t.err = new Error(t.err.message);
// now try again
// $FlowFixMe flow says "process.send" could be undefined
function handleTest(
test: TestFileInfo,
harnesses: HarnessMap,
timeout: number,
cb: (err: ?Error, testResults: TestResult[]) => void
): void {
prepareTest(test, testFilterByContents, (err, banners, testFileContents) => {
if (err != null) {
cb(err, []);
if (!banners) {
// skip this test
cb(null, []);
} else {
invariant(testFileContents, "testFileContents should not be null if banners are not None");
// filter out by flags, features, and includes
let keepThisTest = filterFeatures(banners) && filterFlags(banners) &&
filterIncludes(banners) && filterDescription(banners);
let testResults = [];
if (keepThisTest) {
// now run the test
testResults = runTestWithStrictness(test, testFileContents, banners, harnesses, timeout);
cb(null, testResults);
* FIXME: this code is unsound in the presence of ENOENT (file not found)
* This function returns nested arrays of all the file names. It can be
* flattened at the call site, but the type hint is incorrect.
* DON'T USE THIS FUNCTION until it is fixed to behave exactly like getFilesSync
function getFiles(
filepath: string,
): Promise<TestFileInfo[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.stat(filepath, (err, stat) => {
if (err !== null) {
} else {
if (stat.isFile()) {
// return an array of size 1
resolve([new TestFileInfo(filepath)]);
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// recurse on its children
fs.readdir(filepath, (err, files) => {
if (err !== null) {
} else {
// FIXME flattening bug
// tmp is Promise<TestFileInfo[]>[] (array of promises of arrays)
// want to flatten that into Promise<TestFileInfo[]> where each
// promise is added to a single array
let tmp = => getFiles(path.join(filepath, f)));
* getFilesSync returns a TestFileInfo for each file that is underneath the
* directory ${filepath}. If ${filepath} is just a file, then it returns an
* array of size 1.
* This function synchronously fetches from the filesystem, as such it should
* only be used in initialization code that only runs once.
function getFilesSync(
filepath: string,
): TestFileInfo[] {
let stat = fs.statSync(filepath);
if (stat.isFile()) {
return [new TestFileInfo(filepath, false)];
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
let subFiles = fs.readdirSync(filepath);
return flatten( => {
return getFilesSync(path.join(filepath, f));
} else {
throw new Error("That type of file is not supported");
function flatten<T>(arr: Array<Array<T>>): Array<T> {
return arr.reduce((a, b) => {
return a.concat(b);
}, []);
* prepareTest opens the file corresponding to ${test} and calls ${cb} on the
* results, expect the ones for which ${filterFn} returns false.
* The value passed to ${cb} will be an error if the file could not be read,
* or the banner data for the test if successful.
* NOTE: if the test file contents match the filter function given, ${cb} will
* not be called for that test.
function prepareTest(
test: TestFileInfo,
filterFn: (test: TestFileInfo, fileContents: string) => boolean,
cb: (err: ?Error, res: ?BannerData, testFileContents: ?string) => void
): void {
fs.readFile(test.location, (err, contents) => {
if (err != null) {
cb(err, null, null);
} else {
let contentsStr = contents.toString();
// check if this test should be filtered
if (!filterFn(test, contentsStr)) {
// skip this test
cb(null, null, null);
} else {
try {
let banners = getBanners(test, contentsStr);
cb(null, banners, contentsStr);
} catch (bannerParseErr) {
cb(bannerParseErr, null, null);
function createRealm(timeout: number): { realm: Realm, $: ObjectValue } {
// Create a new realm.
let realm = new Realm({ timeout: timeout * 1000 });
let executionContext = new ExecutionContext();
executionContext.realm = realm;
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
// Create the Host-Defined functions.
let $ = new ObjectValue(realm);
$.defineNativeMethod("createRealm", 0, (context) => {
return createRealm(timeout).$;
$.defineNativeMethod("detachArrayBuffer", 1, (context, [buffer]) => {
return DetachArrayBuffer(realm, buffer);
$.defineNativeMethod("evalScript", 1, (context, [sourceText]) => {
// TODO: eval
return realm.intrinsics.undefined;
$.defineNativeProperty("global", realm.$GlobalObject);
realm.$GlobalObject.defineNativeProperty("$", $);
realm.$GlobalObject.defineNativeMethod("print", 1, (context, [arg]) => { });
return { realm, $ };
* runTest executes the test given by ${test} whose contents are
* ${testFileContents}.
* It returns None if the test should is skipped, otherwise it returns a
* TestResult.
function runTest(
test: TestFileInfo,
testFileContents: string,
data: BannerData,
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
harnesses: Object,
strict: boolean,
timeout: number,
): ?TestResult {
let { realm } = createRealm(timeout);
// Run the test.
try {
try {
// execute the harnesss first
for (let name of ["sta.js", "assert.js"].concat(data.includes || [])) {
let harness = harnesses[name];
let completion = realm.$GlobalEnv.execute(harness, name);
if (completion instanceof ThrowCompletion) throw completion;
let completion = realm.$GlobalEnv.execute(
(strict ? "\"use strict\";" + EOL : "") + testFileContents,
if (completion instanceof ThrowCompletion) throw completion;
} catch (err) {
if (!data.negative || data.negative !== {
throw err;
if (data.negative.type) {
throw new Error(
"Was supposed to error with type " + data.negative.type + " but passed"
// succeeded
return new TestResult(true, strict);
} catch (err) {
switch (err.message) {
case "Unsupported node type ArrayPattern":
case "TODO: Patterns aren't supported yet":
case "TODO: ClassDeclaration":
case "TODO: ClassExpression":
case "TODO: AwaitExpression":
case "TODO: YieldExpression":
case "Unknown node ArrayPattern":
case "expected single name":
return null;
if (err.value && err.value.$Prototype &&
err.value.$Prototype.intrinsicName === "SyntaxError.prototype") {
return null;
let stack = err.stack;
if (data.negative.type) {
let type = data.negative.type;
if (err && err instanceof ThrowCompletion &&
Get(realm, err.value, "name").value === type
) {
// Expected an error and got one.
return new TestResult(true, strict);
} else {
// Expected an error, but got something else.
if (err && err instanceof ThrowCompletion) {
return new TestResult(false, strict, err);
} else {
return new TestResult(false, strict, new Error(
`Expected an error, but got something else: ${err.message}`
} else {
// Not expecting an error, but got one.
try {
if (err && err instanceof ThrowCompletion) {
let interpreterStack: void | string;
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
if (err.value instanceof ObjectValue) {
if (err.value.$HasProperty("stack")) {
interpreterStack = ToStringPartial(realm, Get(realm, err.value, "stack"));
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
} else {
interpreterStack = ToStringPartial(realm, Get(realm, err.value, "message"));
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
// filter out if the error stack is due to async
if (interpreterStack.includes("async ")) {
return null;
} else if (err.value instanceof StringValue) {
interpreterStack = err.value.value;
if (interpreterStack === "only plain identifiers are supported in parameter lists") {
return null;
// Many strict-only tests involving eval check if certain SyntaxErrors are thrown.
// Some of those would require changes to Babel to support properly, and some we should handle ourselves in Prepack some day.
// But for now, ignore.
if (testFileContents.includes("eval(") && strict) {
return null;
2015-10-15 02:59:41 +03:00
if (interpreterStack) {
stack = `Interpreter: ${interpreterStack}${EOL}Native: ${err.nativeStack}`;
} catch (_err) {
stack = _err.stack;
return new TestResult(
new Error(
`Got an error, but was not expecting one:${EOL}${stack}`
* Returns true if ${test} should be run, false otherwise
function testFilterByMetadata(
test: TestFileInfo,
filterString: string,
): boolean {
// filter hidden files
if (path.basename(test.location)[0] === ".") return false;
// emacs!
if (test.location.includes("~")) return false;
// command line filter
// if the filter is specified, only include tests which match the string
if (filterString && !test.location.includes(filterString)) return false;
// SIMD isn't in JS yet
if (test.location.includes("Simd")) return false;
// temporarily disable intl402 tests (ES5)
if (test.location.includes("intl402")) return false;
// temporarily disable tests which use realm.
if (test.location.includes("realm")) return false;
// temporarily disable tests which use with. (??)
if (test.location.includes("/with/")) return false;
// disable tests which use Atomics
if (test.location.includes("/Atomics/")) return false;
// disable tests which use class
if (test.location.includes("/class/")) return false;
// disable tests which use modules
if (test.location.includes("/module-code/")) return false;
// disable browser specific tests
if (test.location.includes("/annexB/")) return false;
// disable tail-call optimization tests
if (test.location.includes("tco")) return false;
// disable nasty unicode tests.
if (test.location.includes("U180") || test.location.includes("u180") || test.location.includes("mongolian")) return false;
// disable function toString tests.
if (test.location.includes("Function/prototype/toString")) return false;
// disable tests that check for detached-buffer-after-toindex
if (test.location.includes("detached-buffer-after-toindex")) return false;
// disable tests to check for detatched-buffer during iteration
if (test.location.includes("detach-typedarray-in-progress.js")) return false;
// disable broken RegExp tests
if (test.location.includes("RegExp/S15.10.2.12_A1_T1.js")) return false;
if (test.location.includes("RegExp/S15.10.2.12_A2_T1.js")) return false;
if (test.location.includes("RegExp/prototype/")) return false;
if (test.location.includes("RegExp/prototype/exec/failure-lastindex-no-access.js")) return false;
if (test.location.includes("RegExp/prototype/exec/success-lastindex-no-access.js")) return false;
// disable RegExp tests that use extended unicode
if (test.location.includes("Symbol.match/builtin-success-u-return-val-groups")) return false;
// disable SharedArrayBuffer tests
if (test.location.includes("sharedarraybuffer") || test.location.includes("SharedArrayBuffer")) return false;
return true;
function testFilterByContents(
test: TestFileInfo,
testFileContents: string
): boolean {
// ES6 tests (can only be verified by contents, not by metadata)
let is_es6 = testFileContents.includes(EOL + "es6id: ");
test.isES6 = is_es6;
// Ignore phase: early tests because those are errors that babel should catch
// not issues related to Prepack
let phase_early = testFileContents.indexOf(" phase: early");
let end_of_comment = testFileContents.indexOf("---\*/");
if (phase_early > 0 && phase_early < end_of_comment) return false;
let esid_pending = testFileContents.indexOf("esid: pending");
if (esid_pending > 0 && esid_pending < end_of_comment) return false;
// disable tests that require parser to throw SyntaxError in strict Mode
if (test.location.includes("/directive-prologue/") &&
testFileContents.includes("assert.throws(SyntaxError,")) return false;
// disable SharedArrayBuffer tests
if (testFileContents.includes("SharedArrayBuffer")) return false;
return true;
function filterFlags(data: BannerData): boolean {
return !data.flags.includes("async");
function filterFeatures(data: BannerData): boolean {
let features = data.features;
if (features.includes("class")) return false;
if (features.includes("default-parameters")) return false;
if (features.includes("destructuring-binding")) return false;
if (features.includes("generators")) return false;
return true;
function filterIncludes(data: BannerData): boolean {
// disable tail call optimization tests.
return !data.includes.includes("tco-helper.js");
function filterDescription(data: BannerData): boolean {
// For now, "Complex tests" is used in the description of some
// encode/decodeURI tests to indicate that they are long running.
// Filter these
return !data.description.includes("Complex tests");
* Run a given ${test} whose file contents are ${testFileContents} and return
* a list of results, one for each strictness level (strict or not).
* If the list's length is less than 2, than the missing tests were skipped.
function runTestWithStrictness(
test: TestFileInfo,
testFileContents: string,
data: BannerData,
// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
harnesses: Object,
timeout: number,
): Array<TestResult> {
let fn = (strict: boolean) => {
return runTest(
if (data.flags.includes("onlyStrict")) {
let result = fn(true);
return result ? [result] : [];
} else if (
data.flags.includes("noStrict") ||
) {
let result = fn(false);
return result ? [result] : [];
} else {
// run both strict and non-strict
let strictResult = fn(true);
let unStrictResult = fn(false);
let finalResult = [];
if (strictResult) {
if (unStrictResult) {
return finalResult;
* Parses the banners, and returns the banners as arbitrary object data if they
* were found, or returns an error if the banner it couldn't be parsed.
function getBanners(
test: TestFileInfo,
fileContents: string
): ?BannerData {
let banners = fileContents.match(/---[\s\S]+---/);
let data = {};
if (banners) {
let bannerText = banners[0] || "";
if (bannerText.includes("StrictMode")) {
if (bannerText.includes("\'arguments\'")) return null;
if (bannerText.includes("\'caller\'")) return null;
} else if (bannerText.includes("properties \"caller\" or \"arguments\"")) {
return null;
} else if (bannerText.includes("function caller")) {
return null;
} else if (bannerText.includes("attribute of 'caller' property")) {
return null;
} else if (bannerText.includes("attribute of 'arguments'")) {
return null;
} else if (bannerText.includes("poisoned")) {
return null;
} else if (bannerText.includes("esid: sec-arguments-exotic-objects"))
return null;
data = yaml.safeLoad(banners[0].slice(3, -3));
return BannerData.fromObject(data);