Dominic Gannaway 393eba15ad Ensures all serializer test case output passes linting validation
Release notes: all serializer tests now get linted via ESlint for correct output

This PR is pretty gigantic, but almost 99% of it is changing all the serializer tests so they pass the linting rules – which means that there must be no undefined variables or if they are, they are explicitly accesses via `global`. Furthermore, the linting also checks to ensure that all variables are defined before they are used.

Also I added a regression test `conditions3` that further validates some complex cases I was seeing fail in other cases. The ESlint config is also in its own module so it can be shared between `debug-fb-www`.

Differential Revision: D8099445

Pulled By: trueadm

fbshipit-source-id: 4a03c57beb51e394bc7b334728090b9fc515eca8
2018-05-22 15:41:31 -07:00

810 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* @flow */
import invariant from "../lib/invariant.js";
let FatalError = require("../lib/errors.js").FatalError;
let prepackSources = require("../lib/prepack-node.js").prepackSources;
import type { PrepackOptions } from "../lib/prepack-options";
let Serializer = require("../lib/serializer/index.js").default;
let SerializerStatistics = require("../lib/serializer/statistics.js").SerializerStatistics;
let construct_realm = require("../lib/construct_realm.js").default;
let initializeGlobals = require("../lib/globals.js").default;
let chalk = require("chalk");
let path = require("path");
let fs = require("fs");
let vm = require("vm");
let os = require("os");
let minimist = require("minimist");
let babel = require("babel-core");
let child_process = require("child_process");
const EOL = os.EOL;
let execSpec;
let JSONTokenizer = require("../lib/utils/JSONTokenizer.js").default;
let { Linter } = require("eslint");
let lintConfig = require("./lint-config");
function transformWithBabel(code, plugins, presets) {
return babel.transform(code, {
plugins: plugins,
presets: presets,
function lintCompiledSource(source) {
let linter = new Linter();
let errors = linter.verify(source, lintConfig);
if (errors.length > 0) {
console.log("\nTest output failed lint due to:\n");
for (let error of errors) {
console.log(`${} ${chalk.gray(`(${error.line}:${error.column})`)}`);
throw new Error("Test failed lint");
function search(dir, relative) {
let tests = [];
for (let name of fs.readdirSync(dir)) {
let loc = path.join(dir, name);
let stat = fs.statSync(loc);
if (stat.isFile()) {
file: fs.readFileSync(loc, "utf8"),
name: path.join(relative, name),
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
tests = tests.concat(search(loc, path.join(relative, name)));
return tests;
const LAZY_OBJECTS_RUNTIME_NAME = "LazyObjectsRuntime";
let tests = search(`${__dirname}/../test/serializer`, "test/serializer");
// run JS subprocess
// externalSpec defines how to invoke external REPL and how to print.
// - cmd - cmd to execute, script is piped into this.
// - printName - name of function which can be used to print to stdout.
function execExternal(externalSpec, code) {
// essentially the code from execInContext run through babel
let script = `
var global = this;
var self = this;
var _logOutput = "";
function write(prefix, values) {
_logOutput += "\\n" + prefix + values.join("");
var cachePrint = ${externalSpec.printName};
global.console = {}
global.console.log = function log() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, s = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
s[_key] = arguments[_key];
write("", s);
global.console.warn = function warn() {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, s = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
s[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
write("WARN:", s);
global.console.error = function error() {
for (var _len3 = arguments.length, s = Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
s[_key3] = arguments[_key3];
write("ERROR:", s);
try {
cachePrint(inspect() + _logOutput);
} catch (e) {
let child = child_process.spawnSync(externalSpec.cmd, { input: script });
let output = String(child.stdout);
return String(output.trim());
function augmentCodeWithLazyObjectSupport(code, lazyRuntimeName) {
const mockLazyObjectsSupport = `
/* Lazy objects mock support begin */
var ${lazyRuntimeName} = {
_lazyObjectIds: new Map(),
_callback: null,
setLazyObjectInitializer: function(callback) {
this._callback = callback;
createLazyObject: function(id) {
var obj = {};
this._lazyObjectIds.set(obj, id);
return obj;
hydrateObject: function(obj) {
const AlreadyHydratedLazyId = -1;
const lazyId = this._lazyObjectIds.get(obj);
if (lazyId === AlreadyHydratedLazyId) {
this._callback(obj, lazyId);
this._lazyObjectIds.set(obj, AlreadyHydratedLazyId);
var __hydrationHook = {
get: function(target, prop) {
return Reflect.get(target, prop);
set: function(target, property, value, receiver) {
return Reflect.set(target, property, value, receiver);
has: function(target, prop) {
return Reflect.has(target, prop);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(target, prop) {
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop);
ownKeys: function(target) {
return Reflect.ownKeys(target);
defineProperty: function(target, property, descriptor) {
return Reflect.defineProperty(target, property, descriptor);
isExtensible: function(target) {
return Reflect.isExtensible(target);
preventExtensions: function(target) {
return Reflect.preventExtensions(target);
deleteProperty: function(target, prop) {
return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, prop);
getPrototypeOf: function(target) {
return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
setPrototypeOf: function(target, prototype) {
return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, prototype);
apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList);
construct: function(target, argumentsList, newTarget) {
return Reflect.construct(target, argumentsList, newTarget);
/* Lazy objects mock support end */
function wrapLazyObjectWithProxyHook(lazyCode) {
const lazyObjectCreationRegex = new RegExp(`(${lazyRuntimeName}\.createLazyObject\\(\\d+\\))`, "g");
return lazyCode.replace(lazyObjectCreationRegex, "new Proxy($1, __hydrationHook)");
code = wrapLazyObjectWithProxyHook(code);
return `${mockLazyObjectsSupport}
${code}; // keep newline here as code may end with comment`;
// run code in a seperate context
function execInContext(code) {
let script = new vm.Script(
`var global = this;
var self = this;
{ cachedDataProduced: false }
let result = "";
let logOutput = "";
function write(prefix, values) {
logOutput += "\n" + prefix + values.join("");
setTimeout: setTimeout,
setInterval: setInterval,
clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
clearInterval: clearInterval,
report: function(s) {
result = s;
console: {
log(...s) {
write("", s);
warn(...s) {
write("WARN:", s);
error(...s) {
write("ERROR:", s);
return (result + logOutput).trim();
function parseFunctionOrderings(code: string): Array<number> {
const orders = [];
const functionOrderPattern = /Function ordering: (\d+)/g;
let match;
while ((match = functionOrderPattern.exec(code)) != null) {
return orders;
function verifyFunctionOrderings(code: string): boolean {
const orders = parseFunctionOrderings(code);
for (let i = 1; i < orders.length; ++i) {
invariant(orders[i] !== orders[i - 1]);
if (orders[i] < orders[i - 1]) {
console.error(`Funtion ordering is not preserved: function ${orders[i - 1]} is before ${orders[i]}`));
return false;
return true;
function unescapleUniqueSuffix(code: string, uniqueSuffix?: string) {
return uniqueSuffix != null ? code.replace(new RegExp(uniqueSuffix, "g"), "") : code;
function runTest(name, code, options: PrepackOptions, args) {
console.log(chalk.inverse(name) + " " + JSON.stringify(options));
let compatibility = code.includes("// jsc") ? "jsc-600-1-4-17" : undefined;
let initializeMoreModules = code.includes("// initialize more modules");
let delayUnsupportedRequires = code.includes("// delay unsupported requires");
if (args.verbose || code.includes("// inline expressions")) options.inlineExpressions = true;
if (code.includes("// do not inline expressions")) options.inlineExpressions = false;
options.invariantLevel = code.includes("// omit invariants") || args.verbose ? 0 : 99;
if (code.includes("// emit concrete model")) options.emitConcreteModel = true;
if (code.includes("// exceeds stack limit")) options.maxStackDepth = 10;
if (code.includes("// react")) {
options.reactEnabled = true;
options.reactOutput = "jsx";
let compileJSXWithBabel = code.includes("// babel:jsx");
let functionCloneCountMatch = code.match(/\/\/ serialized function clone count: (\d+)/);
options = ((Object.assign({}, options, {
debugNames: args.debugNames,
debugScopes: args.debugScopes,
errorHandler: diag => "Fail",
internalDebug: true,
serialize: true,
uniqueSuffix: "",
}): any): PrepackOptions); // Since PrepackOptions is an exact type I have to cast
if (code.includes("// throws introspection error")) {
try {
let realmOptions = {
serialize: true,
uniqueSuffix: "",
errorHandler: diag => "Fail",
maxStackDepth: options.maxStackDepth,
let realm = construct_realm(realmOptions, undefined, new SerializerStatistics());
let serializerOptions = {
internalDebug: true,
lazyObjectsRuntime: options.lazyObjectsRuntime,
let serializer = new Serializer(realm, serializerOptions);
let sources = [{ filePath: name, fileContents: code }];
let serialized = serializer.init(sources, false);
if (!serialized) {
console.error("Error during serialization"));
} else {
console.error("Test should have caused introspection error!"));
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof FatalError) return true;
console.error("Test should have caused introspection error, but instead caused a different internal error!");
return false;
} else if (code.includes("// cannot serialize")) {
try {
prepackSources([{ filePath: name, fileContents: code, sourceMapContents: "" }], options);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof FatalError) {
return true;
console.error("Test should have caused error during serialization!"));
return false;
} else if (code.includes("// no effect")) {
try {
let serialized = prepackSources([{ filePath: name, fileContents: code, sourceMapContents: "" }], options);
if (!serialized) {
console.error("Error during serialization!"));
return false;
if (!serialized.code.trim()) {
return true;
console.error("Generated code should be empty but isn't!"));
console.error(chalk.underline("original code"));
console.error(chalk.underline(`generated code`));
} catch (err) {
return false;
} else {
let expected, actual;
let codeIterations = [];
let markersToFind = [];
for (let [positive, marker] of [[true, "// does contain:"], [false, "// does not contain:"]]) {
if (code.includes(marker)) {
let i = code.indexOf(marker);
let value = code.substring(i + marker.length, code.indexOf("\n", i));
markersToFind.push({ positive, value });
let copiesToFind = new Map();
const copyMarker = "// Copies of ";
let searchStart = code.indexOf(copyMarker);
while (searchStart !== -1) {
let searchEnd = code.indexOf(":", searchStart);
let value = code.substring(searchStart + copyMarker.length, searchEnd);
let newline = code.indexOf("\n", searchStart);
let count = parseInt(code.substring(searchEnd + 1, newline), 10);
copiesToFind.set(new RegExp(value.replace(/[[\]]/g, "\\$&"), "gi"), count);
searchStart = code.indexOf(copyMarker, newline);
let addedCode = "";
let injectAtRuntime = "// add at runtime:";
if (code.includes(injectAtRuntime)) {
let i = code.indexOf(injectAtRuntime);
addedCode = code.substring(i + injectAtRuntime.length, code.indexOf("\n", i));
options.residual = false;
if (delayUnsupportedRequires) options.residual = false;
if (args.es5) {
code = transformWithBabel(code, [], [["env", { forceAllTransforms: true, modules: false }]]);
let unique = 27277;
let oldUniqueSuffix = "";
let expectedCode = code;
let actualStack;
if (compileJSXWithBabel) {
expectedCode = transformWithBabel(expectedCode, ["transform-react-jsx"]);
try {
try {
expected = execInContext(`${addedCode}\n(function () {${expectedCode} // keep newline here as code may end with comment
} catch (e) {
expected = "" + e;
let i = 0;
const singleIterationOnly = addedCode || copiesToFind.size > 0 ||;
let max = singleIterationOnly ? 1 : 4;
let oldCode = code;
let anyDelayedValues = false;
for (; i < max; i++) {
let newUniqueSuffix = `_unique${unique++}`;
if (!singleIterationOnly) options.uniqueSuffix = newUniqueSuffix;
let serialized = prepackSources([{ filePath: name, fileContents: code, sourceMapContents: "" }], options);
if (serialized.statistics && serialized.statistics.delayedValues > 0) anyDelayedValues = true;
if (!serialized) {
console.error("Error during serialization!"));
let newCode = serialized.code;
if (compileJSXWithBabel) {
newCode = transformWithBabel(newCode, ["transform-react-jsx"]);
let markersIssue = false;
for (let { positive, value } of markersToFind) {
let found = newCode.includes(value);
if (found !== positive) {
console.error(`Output ${positive ? "does not contain required" : "contains forbidden"} string: ${value}`)
markersIssue = true;
let matchesIssue = false;
for (let [pattern, count] of copiesToFind) {
let matches = serialized.code.match(pattern);
if ((!matches && count > 0) || (matches && matches.length !== count)) {
matchesIssue = true;
`Wrong number of occurrances of ${pattern.toString()} got ${
matches ? matches.length : 0
} instead of ${count}`
if (markersIssue || matchesIssue) break;
let codeToRun = addedCode + newCode;
if (!execSpec && options.lazyObjectsRuntime !== undefined) {
codeToRun = augmentCodeWithLazyObjectSupport(codeToRun, args.lazyObjectsRuntime);
if (args.verbose) console.log(codeToRun);
codeIterations.push(unescapleUniqueSuffix(codeToRun, options.uniqueSuffix));
if (args.es5) {
codeToRun = transformWithBabel(codeToRun, [], [["env", { forceAllTransforms: true, modules: false }]]);
// lint output
try {
if (execSpec) {
actual = execExternal(execSpec, codeToRun);
} else {
actual = execInContext(codeToRun);
} catch (e) {
// always compare strings.
actual = "" + e;
actualStack = e.stack;
if (expected !== actual) {
console.error("Output mismatch!"));
if (!verifyFunctionOrderings(codeToRun)) {
// Test the number of clone functions generated with the inital prepack call
if (i === 0 && functionCloneCountMatch) {
let functionCount = parseInt(functionCloneCountMatch[1], 10);
if (serialized.statistics && functionCount !== serialized.statistics.functionClones) {
`Code generation serialized an unexpected number of clone functions. Expected: ${functionCount}, Got: ${
if (singleIterationOnly) return true;
if (
unescapleUniqueSuffix(oldCode, oldUniqueSuffix) === unescapleUniqueSuffix(newCode, newUniqueSuffix) ||
) {
// The generated code reached a fixed point!
return true;
oldCode = newCode;
oldUniqueSuffix = newUniqueSuffix;
if (i === max) {
if (anyDelayedValues) {
// TODO #835: Make delayed initializations logic more sophisticated in order to still reach a fixed point.
return true;
console.error(`Code generation did not reach fixed point after ${max} iterations!`));
} catch (err) {
console.log(chalk.underline("original code"));
console.log(chalk.underline("output of inspect() on original code"));
for (let i = 0; i < codeIterations.length; i++) {
console.log(chalk.underline(`generated code in iteration ${i}`));
console.log(chalk.underline("output of inspect() on last generated code iteration"));
if (actualStack) console.log(actualStack);
return false;
function prepareReplExternalSepc(procPath) {
if (!fs.existsSync(procPath)) {
throw new ArgsParseError(`runtime ${procPath} does not exist`);
// find out how to print
let script = `
if (typeof (console) !== 'undefined' && console.log !== undefined) {
else if (typeof('print') !== 'undefined') {
let out = child_process.spawnSync(procPath, { input: script });
let output = String(out.stdout);
if (output.trim() === "") {
throw new ArgsParseError(`could not figure out how to print in inferior repl ${procPath}`);
return { printName: output.trim(), cmd: procPath.trim() };
function runWithCpuProfiler(args) {
let profiler;
try {
profiler = require("v8-profiler");
} catch (e) {
// Profiler optional dependency failed
console.error("v8-profiler doesn't work correctly on Windows, see issue #1695");
throw e;
profiler.setSamplingInterval(100); // default is 1000us
let result = run(args);
let data = profiler.stopProfiling("");
let start =;
let stream = fs.createWriteStream(args.cpuprofilePath);
let getNextToken = JSONTokenizer(data);
let write = () => {
for (let token = getNextToken(); token !== undefined; token = getNextToken()) {
if (!stream.write(token)) {
stream.once("drain", write);
console.log(`Wrote ${args.cpuprofilePath} in ${ - start}ms`);
return result;
function run(args) {
let failed = 0;
let passed = 0;
let total = 0;
if (args.outOfProcessRuntime !== "") {
execSpec = prepareReplExternalSepc(args.outOfProcessRuntime);
let failedTests = [];
for (let test of tests) {
// filter hidden files
if (path.basename([0] === ".") continue;
if ("~")) continue;
if (test.file.includes("// skip this test for now")) continue;
if (args.es5 && test.file.includes("// es6")) continue;
//only run specific tests if desired
if (! continue;
const isAdditionalFunctionTest = test.file.includes("__optimize");
const isPureFunctionTest ="pure-functions");
const isCaptureTest ="Closure") ||"Capture");
const isSimpleClosureTest = test.file.includes("// simple closures");
// Skip lazy objects mode for certain known incompatible tests, react compiler and additional-functions tests.
const skipLazyObjects =
test.file.includes("// skip lazy objects") ||
isAdditionalFunctionTest ||
isPureFunctionTest ||"react");
let flagPermutations = [
[false, false, undefined, isSimpleClosureTest],
[true, true, undefined, isSimpleClosureTest],
[false, false, args.lazyObjectsRuntime, isSimpleClosureTest],
if (isAdditionalFunctionTest || isCaptureTest) {
flagPermutations.push([false, false, undefined, true]);
flagPermutations.push([false, true, undefined, true]);
if ( flagPermutations = [[false, false, undefined, isSimpleClosureTest]];
let lastFailed = failed;
for (let [delayInitializations, inlineExpressions, lazyObjectsRuntime] of flagPermutations) {
if ((skipLazyObjects || args.noLazySupport) && lazyObjectsRuntime) {
let options = {
residual: args.residual,
if (runTest(, test.file, options, args)) passed++;
else failed++;
if (failed !== lastFailed) failedTests.push(test);
failedTests.sort((x, y) => y.file.length - x.file.length);
if (failedTests.length > 0) {
console.log("Summary of failed tests:");
for (let ft of failedTests) {
console.log(` ${} (${ft.file.length} bytes)`);
console.log("Passed:", `${passed}/${total}`, (Math.floor(passed / total * 100) || 0) + "%");
return failed === 0;
// Object to store all command line arguments
class ProgramArgs {
debugNames: boolean;
debugScopes: boolean;
verbose: boolean;
filter: string;
outOfProcessRuntime: string;
es5: boolean;
lazyObjectsRuntime: string;
noLazySupport: boolean;
fast: boolean;
residual: boolean;
cpuprofilePath: string;
debugNames: boolean,
debugScopes: boolean,
verbose: boolean,
filter: string,
outOfProcessRuntime: string,
es5: boolean,
lazyObjectsRuntime: string,
noLazySupport: boolean,
fast: boolean,
residual: boolean,
cpuProfilePath: string
) {
this.debugNames = debugNames;
this.debugScopes = debugScopes;
this.verbose = verbose;
this.filter = filter; //lets user choose specific test files, runs all tests if omitted
this.outOfProcessRuntime = outOfProcessRuntime;
this.es5 = es5;
this.lazyObjectsRuntime = lazyObjectsRuntime;
this.noLazySupport = noLazySupport; = fast;
this.residual = residual;
this.cpuprofilePath = cpuProfilePath;
// Execution of tests begins here
function main(): number {
try {
let args = argsParse();
if (!(args.cpuprofilePath ? runWithCpuProfiler : run)(args)) {
} else {
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ArgsParseError) {
console.error("Illegal argument: %s.\n%s", e.message, usage());
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
// Helper function to provide correct usage information to the user
function usage(): string {
return (
`Usage: ${process.argv[0]} ${process.argv[1]} ` +
`[--debugNames] [--debugScopes] [--es5] [--fast] [--noLazySupport] [--verbose] [--filter <string>] [--outOfProcessRuntime <path>] `
// NOTE: inheriting from Error does not seem to pass through an instanceof
// check
class ArgsParseError {
message: string;
constructor(message: string) {
this.message = message;
// Parses through the command line arguments and throws errors if usage is incorrect
function argsParse(): ProgramArgs {
let parsedArgs = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ["filter", "outOfProcessRuntime", "cpuprofilePath"],
boolean: ["debugNames", "debugScopes", "verbose", "es5", "fast"],
default: {
debugNames: false,
debugScopes: false,
verbose: false,
es5: false, // if true test marked as es6 only are not run
filter: "",
outOfProcessRuntime: "", // if set, assumed to be a JS runtime and is used
// to run tests. If not a seperate node context used.
noLazySupport: false,
fast: false,
residual: false,
cpuprofilePath: "",
if (typeof parsedArgs.debugNames !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("debugNames must be a boolean (either --debugNames or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.debugScopes !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("debugScopes must be a boolean (either --debugScopes or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.verbose !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("verbose must be a boolean (either --verbose or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.es5 !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("es5 must be a boolean (either --es5 or not)");
if (typeof !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("fast must be a boolean (either --fast or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.filter !== "string") {
throw new ArgsParseError(
"filter must be a string (relative path from serialize directory) (--filter abstract/Residual.js)"
if (typeof parsedArgs.outOfProcessRuntime !== "string") {
throw new ArgsParseError("outOfProcessRuntime must be path pointing to an javascript runtime");
if (typeof parsedArgs.lazyObjectsRuntime !== "string") {
throw new ArgsParseError("lazyObjectsRuntime must be a string");
if (typeof parsedArgs.noLazySupport !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("noLazySupport must be a boolean (either --noLazySupport or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.residual !== "boolean") {
throw new ArgsParseError("residual must be a boolean (either --residual or not)");
if (typeof parsedArgs.cpuprofilePath !== "string") {
throw new ArgsParseError("cpuprofilePath must be a string");
let programArgs = new ProgramArgs(
return programArgs;