Nikolai Tillmann 6b34650aed Fixing handling of stack overflows. (#2553)
Release notes: User-level stack overflows no longer crash Prepack.

This fixes #2552, and actually a bit more:
- We used to piggy-back on `pushContext` to count stack frames. However, there is no one-to-one correspondance of calls and context, so that wasn't a very good proxy. (In fact, there seem to be calls that don't push a context.) So we now count calls and constructs explicitly.
- Instead of just throwing a `FatalError` when the stack space is exceeded, which in turn causes an invariant violation since there must not be a `FatalError` thrown without a compiler diagnostics having beein issue. Now there is a regular error code PP0045.

Added error handler regression test.
Pull Request resolved:

Differential Revision: D9889090

Pulled By: NTillmann

fbshipit-source-id: f6f863ee9ef73f258692f215ef75b63b737f5394
2018-09-17 18:55:30 -07:00

1834 lines
67 KiB
Raw Blame History

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* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* @flow */
import type {
} from "./types.js";
import { RealmStatistics } from "./statistics.js";
import {
type ErrorHandlerResult,
type ErrorHandler,
} from "./errors.js";
import {
} from "./values/index.js";
import { TypesDomain, ValuesDomain } from "./domains/index.js";
import {
} from "./environment.js";
import type { Binding } from "./environment.js";
import { Construct } from "./methods/index.js";
import {
} from "./completions.js";
import type { Compatibility, RealmOptions, ReactOutputTypes, InvariantModeTypes } from "./options.js";
import invariant from "./invariant.js";
import seedrandom from "seedrandom";
import { createOperationDescriptor, Generator, type TemporalOperationEntry } from "./utils/generator.js";
import { PreludeGenerator } from "./utils/PreludeGenerator.js";
import {
} from "./singletons.js";
import type { ReactSymbolTypes } from "./react/utils.js";
import {
} from "./descriptors.js";
import type { BabelNode, BabelNodeSourceLocation, BabelNodeLVal } from "@babel/types";
export type BindingEntry = { hasLeaked: boolean, value: void | Value };
export type Bindings = Map<Binding, BindingEntry>;
export type EvaluationResult = Completion | Reference;
export type PropertyBindings = Map<PropertyBinding, void | Descriptor>;
export type CreatedObjects = Set<ObjectValue>;
let effects_uid = 0;
export class Effects {
result: Completion,
generator: Generator,
bindings: Bindings,
propertyBindings: PropertyBindings,
createdObjects: CreatedObjects
) {
this.result = result;
this.generator = generator;
this.modifiedBindings = bindings;
this.modifiedProperties = propertyBindings;
this.createdObjects = createdObjects;
this.canBeApplied = true;
this._id = effects_uid++;
result: Completion;
generator: Generator;
modifiedBindings: Bindings;
modifiedProperties: PropertyBindings;
createdObjects: CreatedObjects;
canBeApplied: boolean;
_id: number;
shallowCloneWithResult(result: Completion): Effects {
return new Effects(result, this.generator, this.modifiedBindings, this.modifiedProperties, this.createdObjects);
toDisplayString(): string {
return Utils.jsonToDisplayString(this, 10);
toDisplayJson(depth: number = 1): DisplayResult {
if (depth <= 0) return `Effects ${this._id}`;
return Utils.verboseToDisplayJson(this, depth);
export class Tracer {
beginEvaluateForEffects(state: any): void {}
endEvaluateForEffects(state: any, effects: void | Effects): void {}
F: FunctionValue,
thisArgument: void | Value,
argumentsList: Array<Value>,
newTarget: void | ObjectValue,
performCall: () => Value
): void | Value {}
F: FunctionValue,
thisArgument: void | Value,
argumentsList: Array<Value>,
newTarget: void | ObjectValue
): void {}
F: FunctionValue,
thisArgument: void | Value,
argumentsList: Array<Value>,
newTarget: void | ObjectValue,
result: void | Reference | Value | AbruptCompletion
): void {}
beginOptimizingFunction(optimizedFunctionId: number, functionValue: FunctionValue): void {}
endOptimizingFunction(optimizedFunctionId: number): void {}
export class ExecutionContext {
function: ?FunctionValue;
caller: ?ExecutionContext;
loc: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation;
ScriptOrModule: any;
realm: Realm;
variableEnvironment: LexicalEnvironment;
lexicalEnvironment: LexicalEnvironment;
isReadOnly: boolean;
isStrict: boolean;
setCaller(context: ExecutionContext): void {
this.caller = context;
setFunction(F: null | FunctionValue): void {
if (F instanceof ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue) this.isStrict = F.$Strict;
this.function = F;
setLocation(loc: null | BabelNodeSourceLocation): void {
if (!loc) return;
this.loc = loc;
setRealm(realm: Realm): void {
this.realm = realm;
Read-only envs disallow:
- creating bindings in their scope
- creating or modifying objects when they are current running context
setReadOnly(value: boolean): boolean {
let oldReadOnly = this.isReadOnly;
if (this.variableEnvironment) this.variableEnvironment.environmentRecord.isReadOnly = value;
if (this.lexicalEnvironment) this.lexicalEnvironment.environmentRecord.isReadOnly = value;
this.isReadOnly = value;
return oldReadOnly;
suspend(): void {
// TODO #712: suspend
resume(): Value {
// TODO #712: resume
return this.realm.intrinsics.undefined;
export function construct_empty_effects(
realm: Realm,
c: Completion = new SimpleNormalCompletion(realm.intrinsics.empty)
): Effects {
return new Effects(
new Generator(realm, "construct_empty_effects", realm.pathConditions),
new Map(),
new Map(),
new Set()
export class Realm {
constructor(opts: RealmOptions, statistics: RealmStatistics) {
this.statistics = statistics;
this.isReadOnly = false;
this.useAbstractInterpretation = opts.serialize === true || Array.isArray(opts.check);
this.ignoreLeakLogic = false;
this.isInPureTryStatement = false;
if (opts.mathRandomSeed !== undefined) {
this.mathRandomGenerator = seedrandom(opts.mathRandomSeed);
this.strictlyMonotonicDateNow = !!opts.strictlyMonotonicDateNow;
// 0 = disabled
this.abstractValueImpliesMax = opts.abstractValueImpliesMax !== undefined ? opts.abstractValueImpliesMax : 0;
this.abstractValueImpliesCounter = 0;
this.inSimplificationPath = false;
this.timeout = opts.timeout;
if (this.timeout !== undefined) {
// We'll call for every this.timeoutCounterThreshold'th AST node.
// The threshold is there to reduce the cost of the surprisingly expensive call.
this.timeoutCounter = this.timeoutCounterThreshold = 1024;
this.start =;
this.compatibility = opts.compatibility !== undefined ? opts.compatibility : "browser";
this.remainingCalls = opts.maxStackDepth || 112;
this.invariantLevel = opts.invariantLevel || 0;
this.invariantMode = opts.invariantMode || "throw";
this.emitConcreteModel = !!opts.emitConcreteModel;
this.$TemplateMap = [];
this.pathConditions = createPathConditions();
if (this.useAbstractInterpretation) {
this.preludeGenerator = new PreludeGenerator(opts.debugNames, opts.uniqueSuffix);
this.collectedNestedOptimizedFunctionEffects = new Map();
this.tracers = [];
// These get initialized in construct_realm to avoid the dependency
this.intrinsics = ({}: any);
this.$GlobalObject = (({}: any): ObjectValue);
this.evaluators = (Object.create(null): any);
this.$GlobalEnv = ((undefined: any): LexicalEnvironment);
this.derivedIds = new Map();
this.temporalEntryArgToEntries = new Map();
this.temporalEntryCounter = 0;
this.instantRender = {
enabled: opts.instantRender || false,
this.react = {
abstractHints: new WeakMap(),
activeReconciler: undefined,
classComponentMetadata: new Map(),
currentOwner: undefined,
defaultPropsHelper: undefined,
emptyArray: undefined,
emptyObject: undefined,
enabled: opts.reactEnabled || false,
failOnUnsupportedSideEffects: opts.reactFailOnUnsupportedSideEffects === false ? false : true,
hoistableFunctions: new WeakMap(),
hoistableReactElements: new WeakMap(),
noopFunction: undefined,
optimizeNestedFunctions: opts.reactOptimizeNestedFunctions || false,
output: opts.reactOutput || "create-element",
propsWithNoPartialKeyOrRef: new WeakSet(),
reactElements: new WeakMap(),
reactElementStringTypeReferences: new Map(),
reactProps: new WeakSet(),
symbols: new Map(),
usedReactElementKeys: new Set(),
verbose: opts.reactVerbose || false,
this.reportSideEffectCallbacks = new Set();
this.alreadyDescribedLocations = new WeakMap();
this.stripFlow = opts.stripFlow || false;
this.fbLibraries = {
other: new Map(),
react: undefined,
reactDom: undefined,
reactDomServer: undefined,
reactNative: undefined,
reactRelay: undefined,
this.errorHandler = opts.errorHandler;
this.globalSymbolRegistry = [];
this.activeLexicalEnvironments = new Set();
this._abstractValuesDefined = new Set(); // A set of nameStrings to ensure abstract values have unique names
this.debugNames = opts.debugNames;
this._checkedObjectIds = new Map();
this.optimizedFunctions = new Map();
this.arrayNestedOptimizedFunctionsEnabled =
opts.arrayNestedOptimizedFunctionsEnabled || opts.instantRender || false;
statistics: RealmStatistics;
start: number;
isReadOnly: boolean;
isStrict: boolean;
useAbstractInterpretation: boolean;
debugNames: void | boolean;
isInPureTryStatement: boolean; // TODO(1264): Remove this once we implement proper exception handling in abstract calls.
timeout: void | number;
mathRandomGenerator: void | (() => number);
strictlyMonotonicDateNow: boolean;
remainingCalls: number;
invariantLevel: number;
invariantMode: InvariantModeTypes;
ignoreLeakLogic: boolean;
emitConcreteModel: boolean;
abstractValueImpliesMax: number;
abstractValueImpliesCounter: number;
impliesCounterOverflowed: boolean;
inSimplificationPath: boolean;
modifiedBindings: void | Bindings;
modifiedProperties: void | PropertyBindings;
createdObjects: void | CreatedObjects;
createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks: void | CreatedObjects;
reportObjectGetOwnProperties: void | (ObjectValue => void);
reportSideEffectCallbacks: Set<
(sideEffectType: SideEffectType, binding: void | Binding | PropertyBinding, expressionLocation: any) => void
reportPropertyAccess: void | ((PropertyBinding, boolean) => void);
savedCompletion: void | JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions;
activeLexicalEnvironments: Set<LexicalEnvironment>;
// A set of abstract conditions that are known to be true in the current execution path.
// For example, the abstract condition of an if statement is known to be true inside its true branch.
pathConditions: PathConditions;
currentLocation: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation;
nextContextLocation: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation;
contextStack: Array<ExecutionContext> = [];
$GlobalEnv: LexicalEnvironment;
intrinsics: Intrinsics;
derivedIds: Map<string, TemporalOperationEntry>;
temporalEntryArgToEntries: Map<Value, Set<TemporalOperationEntry>>;
temporalEntryCounter: number;
instantRender: {
enabled: boolean,
react: {
// reactHints are generated to help improve the effeciency of the React reconciler when
// operating on a tree of React components. We can use reactHint to mark AbstractValues
// with extra data that helps us traverse through the tree that would otherwise not be possible
// (for example, when we use Relay's React containers with "fb-www" which are AbstractObjectValues,
// we need to know what React component was passed to this AbstractObjectValue so we can visit it next)
abstractHints: WeakMap<AbstractValue | ObjectValue, ReactHint>,
activeReconciler: any, // inentionally "any", importing the React reconciler class increases Flow's cylic count
classComponentMetadata: Map<ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue | BoundFunctionValue, ClassComponentMetadata>,
currentOwner?: ObjectValue,
defaultPropsHelper?: ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,
emptyArray: void | ArrayValue,
emptyObject: void | ObjectValue,
enabled: boolean,
failOnUnsupportedSideEffects: boolean,
hoistableFunctions: WeakMap<FunctionValue, boolean>,
hoistableReactElements: WeakMap<ObjectValue, boolean>,
noopFunction: void | ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,
optimizeNestedFunctions: boolean,
output?: ReactOutputTypes,
propsWithNoPartialKeyOrRef: WeakSet<ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue>,
reactElements: WeakMap<ObjectValue, { createdDuringReconcilation: boolean, firstRenderOnly: boolean }>,
reactElementStringTypeReferences: Map<string, AbstractValue>,
reactProps: WeakSet<ObjectValue>,
symbols: Map<ReactSymbolTypes, SymbolValue>,
usedReactElementKeys: Set<string>,
verbose: boolean,
alreadyDescribedLocations: WeakMap<FunctionValue | BabelNodeSourceLocation, string | void>;
stripFlow: boolean;
fbLibraries: {
other: Map<string, AbstractValue>,
react: void | ObjectValue,
reactDom: void | ObjectValue,
reactDomServer: void | ObjectValue,
reactNative: void | ObjectValue,
reactRelay: void | ObjectValue,
$GlobalObject: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue;
compatibility: Compatibility;
$TemplateMap: Array<{ $Strings: Array<string>, $Array: ObjectValue }>;
generator: void | Generator;
preludeGenerator: void | PreludeGenerator;
timeoutCounter: number;
timeoutCounterThreshold: number;
evaluators: {
[key: string]: (
ast: BabelNode,
strictCode: boolean,
env: LexicalEnvironment,
realm: Realm,
metadata?: any
) => Value | Reference,
simplifyAndRefineAbstractValue: AbstractValue => Value;
simplifyAndRefineAbstractCondition: AbstractValue => Value;
collectedNestedOptimizedFunctionEffects: Map<ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue, Effects>;
tracers: Array<Tracer>;
MOBILE_JSC_VERSION = "jsc-600-1-4-17";
errorHandler: ?ErrorHandler;
suppressDiagnostics = false;
objectCount = 0;
symbolCount = 867501803871088;
// Unique tag for identifying function body ast node. It is neeeded
// instead of ast node itself because we may perform ast tree deep clone
// during serialization which changes the ast identity.
functionBodyUniqueTagSeed = 1;
globalSymbolRegistry: Array<{ $Key: string, $Symbol: SymbolValue }>;
debuggerInstance: DebugServerType | void;
debugReproManager: DebugReproManagerType | void;
nextGeneratorId: number = 0;
_abstractValuesDefined: Set<string>;
_checkedObjectIds: Map<ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue, number>;
optimizedFunctions: Map<FunctionValue | AbstractValue, ArgModel | void>;
arrayNestedOptimizedFunctionsEnabled: boolean;
eagerlyRequireModuleDependencies: void | boolean;
// to force flow to type the annotations
isCompatibleWith(compatibility: Compatibility): boolean {
return compatibility === this.compatibility;
// Checks if there is a let binding at global scope with the given name
// returning it if so
getGlobalLetBinding(key: string): void | Value {
let globrec = this.$GlobalEnv.environmentRecord;
// GlobalEnv should have a GlobalEnvironmentRecord
invariant(globrec instanceof GlobalEnvironmentRecord);
let dclrec = globrec.$DeclarativeRecord;
try {
return dclrec.HasBinding(key) ? dclrec.GetBindingValue(key, false) : undefined;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof FatalError) return undefined;
throw e;
Read only realms disallow:
- using console.log
- creating bindings in any existing scopes
- modifying object properties in any existing scopes
Setting a realm read-only sets all contained environments to read-only, but
all new environments (e.g. new ExecutionContexts) will be writeable.
setReadOnly(readOnlyValue: boolean): boolean {
let oldReadOnly = this.isReadOnly;
this.isReadOnly = readOnlyValue;
this.$GlobalEnv.environmentRecord.isReadOnly = readOnlyValue;
this.contextStack.forEach(ctx => {
return oldReadOnly;
testTimeout(): void {
let timeout = this.timeout;
if (timeout !== undefined && !--this.timeoutCounter) {
this.timeoutCounter = this.timeoutCounterThreshold;
let total = - this.start;
if (total > timeout) {
let error = new CompilerDiagnostic(
`total time has exceeded the timeout time: ${timeout}`,
throw new FatalError("Timed out");
hasRunningContext(): boolean {
return this.contextStack.length !== 0;
getRunningContext(): ExecutionContext {
let context = this.contextStack[this.contextStack.length - 1];
invariant(context, "There's no running execution context");
return context;
clearBlockBindings(modifiedBindings: void | Bindings, environmentRecord: DeclarativeEnvironmentRecord): void {
if (modifiedBindings === undefined) return;
for (let b of modifiedBindings.keys()) {
if (b.mightHaveBeenCaptured) continue;
if (environmentRecord.bindings[] && environmentRecord.bindings[] === b) modifiedBindings.delete(b);
// Call when a scope falls out of scope and should be destroyed.
// Clears the Bindings corresponding to the disappearing Scope from ModifiedBindings
onDestroyScope(lexicalEnvironment: LexicalEnvironment): void {
let modifiedBindings = this.modifiedBindings;
if (modifiedBindings) {
// Don't undo things to global scope because it's needed past its destruction point (for serialization)
let environmentRecord = lexicalEnvironment.environmentRecord;
if (environmentRecord instanceof DeclarativeEnvironmentRecord) {
this.clearBlockBindings(modifiedBindings, environmentRecord);
// Ensures if we call onDestroyScope too early, there will be a failure.
startCall() {
if (this.remainingCalls === 0) {
let error = new CompilerDiagnostic("Maximum stack depth exceeded", this.currentLocation, "PP0045", "FatalError");
throw new FatalError();
endCall() {
pushContext(context: ExecutionContext): void {
markVisibleLocalBindingsAsPotentiallyCaptured(): void {
let context = this.getRunningContext();
if (context.function === undefined) return;
let lexEnv = context.lexicalEnvironment;
while (lexEnv != null) {
let envRec = lexEnv.environmentRecord;
if (envRec instanceof DeclarativeEnvironmentRecord) {
let bindings = envRec.bindings;
for (let name in bindings) {
let binding = bindings[name];
binding.mightHaveBeenCaptured = true;
lexEnv = lexEnv.parent;
clearFunctionBindings(modifiedBindings: void | Bindings, funcVal: FunctionValue): void {
if (modifiedBindings === undefined) return;
for (let b of modifiedBindings.keys()) {
if (b.mightHaveBeenCaptured) continue;
if (b.environment instanceof FunctionEnvironmentRecord && b.environment.$FunctionObject === funcVal)
popContext(context: ExecutionContext): void {
let funcVal = context.function;
if (funcVal) {
this.clearFunctionBindings(this.modifiedBindings, funcVal);
let c = this.contextStack.pop();
invariant(c === context);
wrapInGlobalEnv<T>(callback: () => T): T {
let context = new ExecutionContext();
context.isStrict = this.isStrict;
context.lexicalEnvironment = this.$GlobalEnv;
context.variableEnvironment = this.$GlobalEnv;
context.realm = this;
try {
return callback();
} finally {
assignToGlobal(name: BabelNodeLVal, value: Value): void {
this.wrapInGlobalEnv(() => this.$GlobalEnv.assignToGlobal(name, value));
deleteGlobalBinding(name: string): void {
neverCheckProperty(object: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue, P: string): boolean {
return (
P.startsWith("__") ||
(object === this.$GlobalObject && P === "global") ||
(object.intrinsicName !== undefined && object.intrinsicName.startsWith("__"))
_getCheckedBindings(): ObjectValue {
let globalObject = this.$GlobalObject;
invariant(globalObject instanceof ObjectValue);
let binding ="__checkedBindings");
invariant(binding !== undefined);
let checkedBindingsObject = binding.descriptor && binding.descriptor.throwIfNotConcrete(this).value;
invariant(checkedBindingsObject instanceof ObjectValue);
return checkedBindingsObject;
markPropertyAsChecked(object: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue, P: string): void {
invariant(!this.neverCheckProperty(object, P));
let objectId = this._checkedObjectIds.get(object);
if (objectId === undefined) this._checkedObjectIds.set(object, (objectId = this._checkedObjectIds.size));
let id = `__propertyHasBeenChecked__${objectId}:${P}`;
let checkedBindings = this._getCheckedBindings();
checkedBindings.$Set(id, this.intrinsics.true, checkedBindings);
hasBindingBeenChecked(object: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue, P: string): void | boolean {
if (this.neverCheckProperty(object, P)) return true;
let objectId = this._checkedObjectIds.get(object);
if (objectId === undefined) return false;
let id = `__propertyHasBeenChecked__${objectId}:${P}`;
let binding = this._getCheckedBindings().properties.get(id);
if (binding === undefined) return false;
let value = binding.descriptor && binding.descriptor.throwIfNotConcrete(this).value;
return value instanceof Value && !value.mightNotBeTrue();
// Evaluate a context as if it won't have any side-effects outside of any objects
// that it created itself. This promises that any abstract functions inside of it
// also won't have effects on any objects or bindings that weren't created in this
// call.
f: () => T,
bubbleSideEffectReports: boolean,
| null
| ((
sideEffectType: SideEffectType,
binding: void | Binding | PropertyBinding,
location: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation
) => void)
): T {
let saved_createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks = this.createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks;
let saved_reportSideEffectCallbacks;
// Track all objects (including function closures) created during
// this call. This will be used to make the assumption that every
// *other* object is unchanged (pure). These objects are marked
// as leaked if they're passed to abstract functions.
this.createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks = new Set();
if (reportSideEffectFunc !== null) {
if (!bubbleSideEffectReports) {
saved_reportSideEffectCallbacks = this.reportSideEffectCallbacks;
this.reportSideEffectCallbacks = new Set();
try {
return f();
} finally {
this.createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks = saved_createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks;
if (reportSideEffectFunc !== null) {
if (!bubbleSideEffectReports && saved_reportSideEffectCallbacks !== undefined) {
this.reportSideEffectCallbacks = saved_reportSideEffectCallbacks;
isInPureScope(): boolean {
return !!this.createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks;
evaluateWithoutLeakLogic(f: () => Value): Value {
invariant(!this.ignoreLeakLogic, "Nesting evaluateWithoutLeakLogic() calls is not supported.");
this.ignoreLeakLogic = true;
try {
return f();
} finally {
this.ignoreLeakLogic = false;
// Evaluate some code that might generate temporal values knowing that it might end in an abrupt
// completion. We only need to support ThrowCompletion for now but this can be expanded to support other
// abrupt completions.
evaluateWithPossibleThrowCompletion(f: () => Value, thrownTypes: TypesDomain, thrownValues: ValuesDomain): Value {
// The cases when we need this are only when we might invoke unknown code such as abstract
// funtions, getters, custom coercion etc. It is possible we can use this in other cases
// where something might throw a built-in error but can never issue arbitrary code such as
// calling something that might not be a function. For now we only use it in pure functions.
invariant(this.isInPureScope(), "only abstract abrupt completion in pure functions");
// TODO(1264): We should create a new generator for this scope and wrap it in a try/catch.
// We could use the outcome of that as the join condition for a JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions.
// We should then compose that with the saved completion and move on to the normal route.
// Currently we just issue a recoverable error instead if this might matter.
let value = f();
if (this.isInPureTryStatement) {
let diag = new CompilerDiagnostic(
"Possible throw inside try/catch is not yet supported",
if (this.handleError(diag) !== "Recover") throw new FatalError();
return value;
// Evaluate the given ast in a sandbox and return the evaluation results
// in the form of a completion, a code generator, a map of changed variable
// bindings and a map of changed property bindings.
ast: BabelNode,
strictCode: boolean,
env: LexicalEnvironment,
state?: any,
generatorName?: string = "evaluateNodeForEffects"
): Effects {
return this.evaluateForEffects(() => env.evaluateCompletionDeref(ast, strictCode), state, generatorName);
func: () => Value,
state?: any,
generatorName?: string = "evaluateForEffectsInGlobalEnv"
): Effects {
return this.wrapInGlobalEnv(() => this.evaluateForEffects(func, state, generatorName));
// NB: does not apply generators because there's no way to cleanly revert them.
// func should not return undefined
withEffectsAppliedInGlobalEnv<T>(func: Effects => T, effects: Effects): T {
let result: T;
this.evaluateForEffectsInGlobalEnv(() => {
try {
this.applyEffects(effects, "", false);
result = func(effects);
return this.intrinsics.undefined;
} finally {
effects.canBeApplied = true;
invariant(result !== undefined, "If we get here, func must have returned undefined.");
return result;
evaluateNodeForEffectsInGlobalEnv(node: BabelNode, state?: any, generatorName?: string): Effects {
return this.wrapInGlobalEnv(() => this.evaluateNodeForEffects(node, false, this.$GlobalEnv, state, generatorName));
// Use this to evaluate code for internal purposes, so that the tracked state does not get polluted
evaluateWithoutEffects<T>(f: () => T): T {
// Save old state and set up undefined state
let savedGenerator = this.generator;
let savedBindings = this.modifiedBindings;
let savedProperties = this.modifiedProperties;
let savedCreatedObjects = this.createdObjects;
let saved_completion = this.savedCompletion;
try {
this.generator = new Generator(this, "evaluateIgnoringEffects", this.pathConditions);
this.modifiedBindings = undefined;
this.modifiedProperties = undefined;
this.createdObjects = undefined;
this.savedCompletion = undefined;
return f();
} finally {
this.generator = savedGenerator;
this.modifiedBindings = savedBindings;
this.modifiedProperties = savedProperties;
this.createdObjects = savedCreatedObjects;
this.savedCompletion = saved_completion;
evaluateForEffects(f: () => Completion | Value, state: any, generatorName: string): Effects {
// Save old state and set up empty state
let [savedBindings, savedProperties] = this.getAndResetModifiedMaps();
let saved_generator = this.generator;
let saved_createdObjects = this.createdObjects;
let saved_completion = this.savedCompletion;
this.generator = new Generator(this, generatorName, this.pathConditions);
this.createdObjects = new Set();
this.savedCompletion = undefined; // while in this call, we only explore the normal path.
let result;
try {
for (let t1 of this.tracers) t1.beginEvaluateForEffects(state);
let c;
try {
try {
c = f();
if (c instanceof Reference) c = Environment.GetValue(this, c);
else if (c instanceof SimpleNormalCompletion) c = c.value;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof AbruptCompletion) c = e;
else throw e;
// This is a join point for any normal completions inside realm.savedCompletion
c = Functions.incorporateSavedCompletion(this, c);
invariant(c !== undefined);
invariant(this.generator !== undefined);
invariant(this.modifiedBindings !== undefined);
invariant(this.modifiedProperties !== undefined);
invariant(this.createdObjects !== undefined);
let astGenerator = this.generator;
let astBindings = this.modifiedBindings;
let astProperties = this.modifiedProperties;
let astCreatedObjects = this.createdObjects;
/* TODO #1615: The following invariant should hold.
// Check invariant that modified bindings to not refer to environment record belonging to
// newly created closure objects.
for (let binding of astBindings.keys())
if (binding.environment instanceof FunctionEnvironmentRecord)
// Return the captured state changes and evaluation result
if (c instanceof Value) c = new SimpleNormalCompletion(c);
result = new Effects(c, astGenerator, astBindings, astProperties, astCreatedObjects);
return result;
} finally {
// Roll back the state changes
if (result !== undefined) {
} else {
let completion = this.savedCompletion;
while (completion !== undefined) {
const { savedEffects } = completion;
if (savedEffects !== undefined) {
completion = completion.composedWith;
this.generator = saved_generator;
this.modifiedBindings = savedBindings;
this.modifiedProperties = savedProperties;
this.createdObjects = saved_createdObjects;
this.savedCompletion = saved_completion;
} finally {
for (let t2 of this.tracers) t2.endEvaluateForEffects(state, result);
evaluateWithUndo(f: () => Value, defaultValue: Value = this.intrinsics.undefined): Value {
if (!this.useAbstractInterpretation) return f();
let oldErrorHandler = this.errorHandler;
this.errorHandler = d => {
if (d.severity === "Information" || d.severity === "Warning") return "Recover";
return "Fail";
try {
let effects = this.evaluateForEffects(
() => {
try {
return f();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Completion) {
return defaultValue;
} else if (e instanceof FatalError) {
return defaultValue;
} else {
throw e;
return effects.result instanceof SimpleNormalCompletion ? effects.result.value : defaultValue;
} finally {
this.errorHandler = oldErrorHandler;
evaluateWithUndoForDiagnostic(f: () => Value): CompilerDiagnostic | Value {
if (!this.useAbstractInterpretation) return f();
let savedHandler = this.errorHandler;
let diagnostic;
try {
this.errorHandler = d => {
diagnostic = d;
return "Fail";
let effects = this.evaluateForEffects(f, undefined, "evaluateWithUndoForDiagnostic");
let resultVal = effects.result;
if (resultVal instanceof AbruptCompletion) throw resultVal;
return resultVal.value;
} catch (e) {
if (diagnostic !== undefined) return diagnostic;
throw e;
} finally {
this.errorHandler = savedHandler;
evaluateForFixpointEffects(iteration: () => [Value, EvaluationResult]): void | [Effects, Effects, AbstractValue] {
try {
let test;
let f = () => {
let result;
[test, result] = iteration();
if (!(test instanceof AbstractValue)) throw new FatalError("loop terminates before fixed point");
invariant(result instanceof Completion);
return result;
let effects1 = this.evaluateForEffects(f, undefined, "evaluateForFixpointEffects/1");
while (true) {
let effects2 = this.evaluateForEffects(f, undefined, "evaluateForFixpointEffects/2");
if (Widen.containsEffects(effects1, effects2)) {
// effects1 includes every value present in effects2, so doing another iteration using effects2 will not
// result in any more values being added to abstract domains and hence a fixpoint has been reached.
// Generate code using effects2 because its expressions have not been widened away.
const e2 = effects2;
this._applyPropertiesToNewlyCreatedObjects(e2.modifiedProperties, e2.createdObjects);
this._emitPropertyAssignments(e2.generator, e2.modifiedProperties, e2.createdObjects);
this._emitLocalAssignments(e2.generator, e2.modifiedBindings, e2.createdObjects);
invariant(test instanceof AbstractValue);
let cond = e2.generator.deriveAbstract(
{ skipInvariant: true }
return [effects1, effects2, cond];
effects1 = Widen.widenEffects(this, effects1, effects2);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof FatalError) return undefined;
throw e;
condValue: Value,
consequentEffectsFunc: () => Effects,
alternateEffectsFunc: () => Effects
): Value {
let effects;
if (Path.implies(condValue)) {
effects = consequentEffectsFunc();
} else if (Path.impliesNot(condValue)) {
effects = alternateEffectsFunc();
} else {
// Join effects
let effects1;
try {
effects1 = Path.withCondition(condValue, consequentEffectsFunc);
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof InfeasiblePathError)) throw e;
let effects2;
try {
effects2 = Path.withInverseCondition(condValue, alternateEffectsFunc);
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof InfeasiblePathError)) throw e;
if (effects1 === undefined || effects2 === undefined) {
if (effects1 === undefined && effects2 === undefined) throw new InfeasiblePathError();
effects = effects1 || effects2;
invariant(effects !== undefined);
} else {
// Join the effects, creating an abstract view of what happened, regardless
// of the actual value of condValue.
effects = Join.joinEffects(condValue, effects1, effects2);
return condValue.$Realm.returnOrThrowCompletion(effects.result);
modifiedProperties: void | PropertyBindings,
newlyCreatedObjects: CreatedObjects
): void {
if (modifiedProperties === undefined) return;
modifiedProperties.forEach((desc, propertyBinding, m) => {
if (newlyCreatedObjects.has(propertyBinding.object)) {
propertyBinding.descriptor = desc;
// populate the loop body generator with assignments that will update the phiNodes
_emitLocalAssignments(gen: Generator, bindings: Bindings, newlyCreatedObjects: CreatedObjects): void {
let tvalFor: Map<any, AbstractValue> = new Map();
bindings.forEach((binding, key, map) => {
let val = binding.value;
if (val instanceof AbstractValue) {
invariant(val.operationDescriptor !== undefined);
let tval = gen.deriveAbstract(val.types, val.values, [val], createOperationDescriptor("SINGLE_ARG"));
tvalFor.set(key, tval);
bindings.forEach((binding, key, map) => {
let val = binding.value;
if (val instanceof AbstractValue) {
let phiNode = key.phiNode;
let tval = tvalFor.get(key);
invariant(tval !== undefined);
gen.emitStatement([tval], createOperationDescriptor("LOCAL_ASSIGNMENT", { value: phiNode }));
if (val instanceof ObjectValue && newlyCreatedObjects.has(val)) {
let phiNode = key.phiNode;
gen.emitStatement([val], createOperationDescriptor("LOCAL_ASSIGNMENT", { value: phiNode }));
// populate the loop body generator with assignments that will update properties modified inside the loop
_emitPropertyAssignments(gen: Generator, pbindings: PropertyBindings, newlyCreatedObjects: CreatedObjects): void {
let tvalFor: Map<any, AbstractValue> = new Map();
pbindings.forEach((val, key, map) => {
if (newlyCreatedObjects.has(key.object) || key.object.refuseSerialization) {
let value = val && val.throwIfNotConcrete(this).value;
if (value instanceof AbstractValue) {
invariant(value.operationDescriptor !== undefined);
let tval = gen.deriveAbstract(
[key.object, value],
createOperationDescriptor("LOGICAL_PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT", { propertyBinding: key, value }),
skipInvariant: true,
tvalFor.set(key, tval);
pbindings.forEach((val, key, map) => {
if (newlyCreatedObjects.has(key.object) || key.object.refuseSerialization) {
let path = key.pathNode;
let tval = tvalFor.get(key);
invariant(val !== undefined);
let value = val.throwIfNotConcrete(this).value;
invariant(value instanceof Value);
let keyKey = key.key;
if (typeof keyKey === "string") {
if (path !== undefined) {
[key.object, tval || value, this.intrinsics.empty, new StringValue(this, keyKey)],
createOperationDescriptor("CONDITIONAL_PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT", { path, value })
} else {
// RH value was not widened, so it must have been a constant. We don't need to assign that inside the loop.
// Note, however, that if the LH side is a property of an intrinsic object, then an assignment will
// have been emitted to the generator.
} else {
// TODO: What if keyKey is undefined?
invariant(keyKey instanceof Value);
[key.object, keyKey, tval || value, this.intrinsics.empty],
createOperationDescriptor("PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT", { path })
returnOrThrowCompletion(completion: Completion | Value): Value {
if (completion instanceof Value) completion = new SimpleNormalCompletion(completion);
if (completion instanceof AbruptCompletion) {
let c = Functions.incorporateSavedCompletion(this, completion);
invariant(c instanceof Completion);
completion = c;
let cc = this.composeWithSavedCompletion(completion);
if (cc instanceof AbruptCompletion) throw cc;
return cc.value;
composeWithSavedCompletion(completion: Completion): Completion {
if (this.savedCompletion === undefined) {
if (completion instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions) {
this.savedCompletion = completion;
return completion;
} else {
let cc = Join.composeCompletions(this.savedCompletion, completion);
if (cc instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions) {
this.savedCompletion = cc;
if (cc.savedEffects === undefined) this.captureEffects(cc);
} else {
this.savedCompletion = undefined;
return cc;
pushPathConditionsLeadingToNormalCompletions(completion: Completion): void {
let realm = this;
let bottomValue = realm.intrinsics.__bottomValue;
// Note that if a completion of type CompletionType has a value is that is bottom, that completion is unreachable
// and pushing its corresponding path condition would cause an InfeasiblePathError to be thrown.
if (completion instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions && completion.composedWith !== undefined)
if (completion instanceof JoinedAbruptCompletions || completion instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions) {
let jc = completion.joinCondition;
if (completion.consequent.value === bottomValue || allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, completion.consequent)) {
if (completion.alternate.value === bottomValue || allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, completion.alternate))
} else if (
completion.alternate.value === bottomValue ||
allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, completion.alternate)
) {
if (completion.consequent.value === bottomValue) return;
} else if (allPathsAreOfType(NormalCompletion, completion.consequent)) {
if (!allPathsAreOfType(NormalCompletion, completion.alternate)) {
let alternatePC = getNormalPathConditions(completion.alternate);
let disjunct = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(realm, "||", jc, alternatePC, undefined, true, true);
} else if (allPathsAreOfType(NormalCompletion, completion.alternate)) {
let consequentPC = getNormalPathConditions(completion.consequent);
let inverse = AbstractValue.createFromUnaryOp(realm, "!", jc, true, undefined, true, true);
let disjunct = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(realm, "||", inverse, consequentPC, undefined, true, true);
} else {
let cpc = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(
let ijc = AbstractValue.createFromUnaryOp(realm, "!", jc, true, undefined, true, true);
let apc = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(
let disjunct = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(realm, "||", cpc, apc, undefined, true, true);
function allPathsAreOfType(CompletionType: typeof Completion, c: Completion): boolean {
if (c instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions) {
if (c.composedWith !== undefined && !allPathsAreOfType(CompletionType, c.composedWith)) return false;
return allPathsAreOfType(CompletionType, c.consequent) && allPathsAreOfType(CompletionType, c.alternate);
} else if (c instanceof JoinedAbruptCompletions) {
return allPathsAreOfType(CompletionType, c.consequent) && allPathsAreOfType(CompletionType, c.alternate);
} else {
return c instanceof CompletionType;
function getNormalPathConditions(c: Completion): Value {
let pathCondToComposeWith;
if (c instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions && c.composedWith !== undefined)
pathCondToComposeWith = getNormalPathConditions(c.composedWith);
if (!(c instanceof JoinedAbruptCompletions || c instanceof JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions)) {
return c instanceof AbruptCompletion ? realm.intrinsics.false : realm.intrinsics.true;
let pathCond;
if (c.consequent.value === bottomValue || allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, c.consequent)) {
if (!allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, c.alternate)) {
let inverse = AbstractValue.createFromUnaryOp(realm, "!", c.joinCondition, true, undefined, true, true);
if (allPathsAreOfType(NormalCompletion, c.alternate)) pathCond = inverse;
pathCond = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(
} else if (c.alternate.value === bottomValue || allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, c.alternate)) {
if (!allPathsAreOfType(AbruptCompletion, c.consequent)) {
if (allPathsAreOfType(NormalCompletion, c.consequent)) {
pathCond = c.joinCondition;
} else {
let jc = c.joinCondition;
pathCond = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(
} else {
let jc = c.joinCondition;
let consequentPC = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(
let ijc = AbstractValue.createFromUnaryOp(realm, "!", jc, true, undefined, true, true);
let alternatePC = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(
pathCond = AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(realm, "||", consequentPC, alternatePC, undefined, true, true);
if (pathCondToComposeWith === undefined && pathCond === undefined) return realm.intrinsics.false;
if (pathCondToComposeWith === undefined) {
invariant(pathCond !== undefined);
return pathCond;
if (pathCond === undefined) return pathCondToComposeWith;
return AbstractValue.createFromLogicalOp(realm, "&&", pathCondToComposeWith, pathCond, undefined, true, true);
captureEffects(completion: JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions): void {
invariant(completion.savedEffects === undefined);
completion.savedEffects = new Effects(
new SimpleNormalCompletion(this.intrinsics.undefined),
(this.generator: any),
(this.modifiedBindings: any),
(this.modifiedProperties: any),
(this.createdObjects: any)
this.generator = new Generator(this, "captured", this.pathConditions);
this.modifiedBindings = new Map();
this.modifiedProperties = new Map();
this.createdObjects = new Set();
getCapturedEffects(v?: Completion | Value = this.intrinsics.undefined): Effects {
invariant(this.generator !== undefined);
invariant(this.modifiedBindings !== undefined);
invariant(this.modifiedProperties !== undefined);
invariant(this.createdObjects !== undefined);
return new Effects(
v instanceof Completion ? v : new SimpleNormalCompletion(v),
stopEffectCaptureAndUndoEffects(completion: JoinedNormalAndAbruptCompletions): void {
// Roll back the state changes
// Restore saved state
if (completion.savedEffects !== undefined) {
const savedEffects = completion.savedEffects;
completion.savedEffects = undefined;
this.generator = savedEffects.generator;
this.modifiedBindings = savedEffects.modifiedBindings;
this.modifiedProperties = savedEffects.modifiedProperties;
this.createdObjects = savedEffects.createdObjects;
} else {
// Apply the given effects to the global state
applyEffects(effects: Effects, leadingComment: string = "", appendGenerator: boolean = true): void {
"Effects have been applied and not properly reverted. It is not safe to apply them a second time."
effects.canBeApplied = false;
let { generator, modifiedBindings, modifiedProperties, createdObjects } = effects;
// Add generated code for property modifications
if (appendGenerator) this.appendGenerator(generator, leadingComment);
// Restore modifiedBindings
// track modifiedBindings
let realmModifiedBindings = this.modifiedBindings;
if (realmModifiedBindings !== undefined) {
modifiedBindings.forEach((val, key, m) => {
invariant(realmModifiedBindings !== undefined);
if (!realmModifiedBindings.has(key)) {
realmModifiedBindings.set(key, val);
let realmModifiedProperties = this.modifiedProperties;
if (realmModifiedProperties !== undefined) {
modifiedProperties.forEach((desc, propertyBinding, m) => {
invariant(realmModifiedProperties !== undefined);
if (!realmModifiedProperties.has(propertyBinding)) {
realmModifiedProperties.set(propertyBinding, desc);
// add created objects
if (createdObjects.size > 0) {
let realmCreatedObjects = this.createdObjects;
if (realmCreatedObjects === undefined) this.createdObjects = new Set(createdObjects);
else {
createdObjects.forEach((ob, a) => {
invariant(realmCreatedObjects !== undefined);
outputToConsole(method: ConsoleMethodTypes, args: Array<string | ConcreteValue>): void {
if (this.isReadOnly) {
// This only happens during speculative execution and is reported elsewhere
throw new FatalError("Trying to create console output in read-only realm");
if (this.useAbstractInterpretation) {
invariant(this.generator !== undefined);
this.generator.emitConsoleLog(method, args);
} else {
// $FlowFixMe: Flow doesn't have type data for all the console methods yet
console[method](getString(this, args));
function getString(realm: Realm, values: Array<string | ConcreteValue>) {
let res = "";
while (values.length) {
let next = values.shift();
let nextString = To.ToString(realm, next);
res += nextString;
return res;
// Record the current value of binding in this.modifiedBindings unless
// there is already an entry for binding.
recordModifiedBinding(binding: Binding, value?: Value): Binding {
const isDefinedInsidePureFn = root => {
let context = this.getRunningContext();
let { lexicalEnvironment: env } = context;
while (env !== null) {
if (env.environmentRecord === root) {
// We can look at whether the lexical environment of the binding was destroyed to
// determine if it was defined outside the current pure running context.
return !env.destroyed;
env = env.parent;
return false;
if (
this.modifiedBindings !== undefined &&
!this.modifiedBindings.has(binding) &&
value !== undefined &&
) {
let env = binding.environment;
if (
!(env instanceof DeclarativeEnvironmentRecord) ||
(env instanceof DeclarativeEnvironmentRecord && !isDefinedInsidePureFn(env))
) {
for (let callback of this.reportSideEffectCallbacks) {
callback("MODIFIED_BINDING", binding, value.expressionLocation);
if (binding.environment.isReadOnly) {
// This only happens during speculative execution and is reported elsewhere
throw new FatalError("Trying to modify a binding in read-only realm");
if (this.modifiedBindings !== undefined && !this.modifiedBindings.has(binding)) {
this.modifiedBindings.set(binding, {
hasLeaked: binding.hasLeaked,
value: binding.value,
return binding;
callReportObjectGetOwnProperties(ob: ObjectValue): void {
if (this.reportObjectGetOwnProperties !== undefined) {
callReportPropertyAccess(binding: PropertyBinding, isWrite: boolean): void {
if (this.reportPropertyAccess !== undefined) {
this.reportPropertyAccess(binding, isWrite);
// Record the current value of binding in this.modifiedProperties unless
// there is already an entry for binding.
recordModifiedProperty(binding: void | PropertyBinding): void {
if (binding === undefined) return;
if (this.isInPureScope()) {
let object = binding.object;
invariant(object instanceof ObjectValue);
const createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks = this.createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks;
if (
createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks !== undefined &&
!createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks.has(object) &&
// __markPropertyAsChecked__ is set by realm.markPropertyAsChecked
(typeof binding.key !== "string" || !binding.key.includes("__propertyHasBeenChecked__")) &&
binding.key !== "_temporalAlias"
) {
if (binding.object === this.$GlobalObject) {
for (let callback of this.reportSideEffectCallbacks) {
callback("MODIFIED_GLOBAL", binding, object.expressionLocation);
} else {
for (let callback of this.reportSideEffectCallbacks) {
callback("MODIFIED_PROPERTY", binding, object.expressionLocation);
if (this.isReadOnly && (this.getRunningContext().isReadOnly || !this.isNewObject(binding.object))) {
// This only happens during speculative execution and is reported elsewhere
throw new FatalError("Trying to modify a property in read-only realm");
this.callReportPropertyAccess(binding, true);
if (this.modifiedProperties !== undefined && !this.modifiedProperties.has(binding)) {
let clone;
let desc = binding.descriptor;
if (desc === undefined) {
clone = undefined;
} else if (desc instanceof AbstractJoinedDescriptor) {
clone = new AbstractJoinedDescriptor(desc.joinCondition, desc.descriptor1, desc.descriptor2);
} else if (desc instanceof PropertyDescriptor) {
clone = cloneDescriptor(desc);
} else if (desc instanceof InternalSlotDescriptor) {
clone = new InternalSlotDescriptor(desc.value);
} else {
invariant(false, "unknown descriptor");
this.modifiedProperties.set(binding, clone);
isNewObject(object: AbstractObjectValue | ObjectValue): boolean {
if (object instanceof AbstractObjectValue) return false;
return this.createdObjects === undefined || this.createdObjects.has(object);
recordNewObject(object: ObjectValue): void {
if (this.createdObjects !== undefined) {
if (this.createdObjectsTrackedForLeaks !== undefined) {
// Returns the current values of modifiedBindings and modifiedProperties
// and then assigns new empty maps to them.
getAndResetModifiedMaps(): [void | Bindings, void | PropertyBindings] {
let result = [this.modifiedBindings, this.modifiedProperties];
this.modifiedBindings = new Map();
this.modifiedProperties = new Map();
return result;
// Restores each Binding in the given map to the value it
// had when it was entered into the map and updates the map to record
// the value the Binding had just before the call to this method.
restoreBindings(modifiedBindings: void | Bindings) {
if (modifiedBindings === undefined) return;
modifiedBindings.forEach(({ hasLeaked, value }, binding, m) => {
let l = binding.hasLeaked;
let v = binding.value;
binding.hasLeaked = hasLeaked;
binding.value = value;
m.set(binding, { hasLeaked: l, value: v });
// Restores each PropertyBinding in the given map to the value it
// had when it was entered into the map and updates the map to record
// the value the Binding had just before the call to this method.
restoreProperties(modifiedProperties: void | PropertyBindings): void {
if (modifiedProperties === undefined) return;
modifiedProperties.forEach((desc, propertyBinding, m) => {
let d = propertyBinding.descriptor;
propertyBinding.descriptor = desc;
m.set(propertyBinding, d);
// Provide the realm with maps in which to track modifications.
// A map can be set to undefined if no tracking is required.
setModifiedMaps(modifiedBindings: void | Bindings, modifiedProperties: void | PropertyBindings): void {
this.modifiedBindings = modifiedBindings;
this.modifiedProperties = modifiedProperties;
rebuildObjectProperty(object: Value, key: string, propertyValue: Value, path: string): void {
if (!(propertyValue instanceof AbstractValue)) return;
if (propertyValue.kind === "abstractConcreteUnion") {
invariant(propertyValue.args.length >= 2);
let absVal = propertyValue.args[0];
invariant(absVal instanceof AbstractValue);
propertyValue = absVal;
if (!propertyValue.isIntrinsic()) {
propertyValue.intrinsicName = `${path}.${key}`;
propertyValue.kind = "rebuiltProperty";
propertyValue.args = [object, new StringValue(this, key)];
propertyValue.operationDescriptor = createOperationDescriptor("REBUILT_OBJECT");
let intrinsicName = propertyValue.intrinsicName;
invariant(intrinsicName !== undefined);
this.rebuildNestedProperties(propertyValue, intrinsicName);
rebuildNestedProperties(abstractValue: AbstractValue | UndefinedValue, path: string): void {
if (!(abstractValue instanceof AbstractObjectValue)) return;
if (abstractValue.values.isTop()) return;
let template = abstractValue.getTemplate();
invariant(!template.intrinsicName || template.intrinsicName === path);
template.intrinsicName = path;
template.intrinsicNameGenerated = true;
for (let [key, binding] of {
if (binding === undefined || binding.descriptor === undefined) continue; // deleted
invariant(binding.descriptor !== undefined);
let desc = binding.descriptor.throwIfNotConcrete(this);
let value = desc.value;
if (value === undefined) {
AbstractValue.reportIntrospectionError(abstractValue, key);
throw new FatalError();
invariant(value instanceof Value);
this.rebuildObjectProperty(abstractValue, key, value, path);
createExecutionContext(): ExecutionContext {
let context = new ExecutionContext();
let loc = this.nextContextLocation;
if (loc) {
this.nextContextLocation = null;
return context;
setNextExecutionContextLocation(loc: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation): ?BabelNodeSourceLocation {
let previousValue = this.nextContextLocation;
this.nextContextLocation = loc;
return previousValue;
/* Since it makes strong assumptions, Instant Render is likely to have a large
number of unsupported scenarios. We group all associated compiler diagnostics here. */
instantRenderBailout(message: string, loc: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation) {
if (loc === undefined) loc = this.currentLocation;
let error = new CompilerDiagnostic(message, loc, "PP0039", "RecoverableError");
if (this.handleError(error) === "Fail") throw new FatalError();
reportIntrospectionError(message?: void | string | StringValue): void {
if (message === undefined) message = "";
if (typeof message === "string") message = new StringValue(this, message);
invariant(message instanceof StringValue);
this.nextContextLocation = this.currentLocation;
let error = new CompilerDiagnostic(message.value, this.currentLocation, "PP0001", "FatalError");
createErrorThrowCompletion(type: NativeFunctionValue, message?: void | string | StringValue): ThrowCompletion {
invariant(type !== this.intrinsics.__IntrospectionError);
if (message === undefined) message = "";
if (typeof message === "string") message = new StringValue(this, message);
invariant(message instanceof StringValue);
this.nextContextLocation = this.currentLocation;
return new ThrowCompletion(Construct(this, type, [message]), this.currentLocation);
appendGenerator(generator: Generator, leadingComment: string = ""): void {
let realmGenerator = this.generator;
if (realmGenerator === undefined) {
realmGenerator.appendGenerator(generator, leadingComment);
// This function gets the evaluated effects with a collection of
// prior nested affects applied (and their canBeApplied flag reset)
// We can safely do this as we've wrapped the effects in evaluated
// effects, meaning all the effects applied to Realm get restored
priorEffects: Array<Effects>,
f: () => AbruptCompletion | Value,
generatorName: string
): Effects {
return this.evaluateForEffects(
() => {
for (let priorEffect of priorEffects) this.applyEffects(priorEffect);
try {
return f();
} finally {
for (let priorEffect of priorEffects) {
priorEffect.canBeApplied = true;
evaluateWithIncreasedMaxStackDepth<T>(increaseRemainingCallsBy: number, f: () => T): T {
invariant(increaseRemainingCallsBy > 0);
this.remainingCalls += increaseRemainingCallsBy;
try {
return f();
} finally {
this.remainingCalls -= increaseRemainingCallsBy;
// Pass the error to the realm's error-handler
// Return value indicates whether the caller should try to recover from the error or not.
handleError(diagnostic: CompilerDiagnostic): ErrorHandlerResult {
if (!diagnostic.callStack && this.contextStack.length > 0) {
let error = this.evaluateWithIncreasedMaxStackDepth(1, () =>
this.evaluateWithoutEffects(() => Construct(this, this.intrinsics.Error).throwIfNotConcreteObject())
let stack = error._SafeGetDataPropertyValue("stack");
if (stack instanceof StringValue) diagnostic.callStack = stack.value;
// If debugger is attached, give it a first crack so that it can
// stop execution for debugging before PP exits.
if (this.debuggerInstance && this.debuggerInstance.shouldStopForSeverity(diagnostic.severity)) {
// If we're creating a DebugRepro, attach the sourceFile names to the error that is returned.
if (this.debugReproManager !== undefined) {
let manager = this.debugReproManager;
let sourcePaths = {
sourceFiles: manager.getSourceFilePaths(),
sourceMaps: manager.getSourceMapPaths(),
diagnostic.sourceFilePaths = sourcePaths;
// Default behaviour is to bail on the first error
let errorHandler = this.errorHandler;
if (!errorHandler) {
let msg = `${diagnostic.errorCode}: ${diagnostic.message}`;
if (diagnostic.location) {
let loc_start = diagnostic.location.start;
let loc_end = diagnostic.location.end;
msg += ` at ${loc_start.line}:${loc_start.column} to ${loc_end.line}:${loc_end.column}`;
try {
switch (diagnostic.severity) {
case "Information":
console.log(`Info: ${msg}`);
return "Recover";
case "Warning":
console.warn(`Warn: ${msg}`);
return "Recover";
case "RecoverableError":
console.error(`Error: ${msg}`);
return "Fail";
case "FatalError":
console.error(`Fatal Error: ${msg}`);
return "Fail";
invariant(false, "Unexpected error type");
} finally {
return errorHandler(diagnostic, this.suppressDiagnostics);
saveNameString(nameString: string): void {
isNameStringUnique(nameString: string): boolean {
return !this._abstractValuesDefined.has(nameString);
getTemporalOperationEntryFromDerivedValue(value: Value): void | TemporalOperationEntry {
let name = value.intrinsicName;
if (!name) {
return undefined;
let temporalOperationEntry = value.$Realm.derivedIds.get(name);
return temporalOperationEntry;
getTemporalGeneratorEntriesReferencingArg(arg: AbstractValue | ObjectValue): void | Set<TemporalOperationEntry> {
return this.temporalEntryArgToEntries.get(arg);
saveTemporalGeneratorEntryArgs(temporalOperationEntry: TemporalOperationEntry): void {
let args = temporalOperationEntry.args;
for (let arg of args) {
let temporalEntries = this.temporalEntryArgToEntries.get(arg);
if (temporalEntries === undefined) {
temporalEntries = new Set();
this.temporalEntryArgToEntries.set(arg, temporalEntries);