Leo Balter df0f9e16ae Use integration api to run Test262 tests
This method provides an alternative way to run Test262 through a
stream of compiled test contents for each scenario (default, strict
mode), including all the necessary harness contents.

The logic to capture an execution success or failure is similar to
the original one - from scripts/test262-runner.js - and improvements
should be done as follow ups.

The filtering system is now done through a configuration yaml file,
using tests metadata and path locations. This filter is used as an
object that can be extended with further logic, but still offers a
single point to check for filtering.

The report system requires some improvements and these should also
be done as follow-ups. For now they provide a report for each
folder and the total results. Although, the results data contain
enough information to highly expand the report.

Some further improvements are expected and planned, this work
should be at least ready for an initial round for feedback review.

Reviewed By: cblappert

Differential Revision: D6456700

Pulled By: hermanventer

fbshipit-source-id: ba56efcaa4eab847594cb7c1fbc908cf1fc66a80
2017-12-01 17:46:29 -08:00

428 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* @flow */
import path from "path";
import fs from "fs";
import yaml from "js-yaml";
import Integrator from "test262-integrator";
import tty from "tty";
import minimist from "minimist";
import initializeGlobals from "../lib/globals.js";
import { AbruptCompletion, ThrowCompletion } from "../lib/completions.js";
import { DetachArrayBuffer } from "../lib/methods/arraybuffer.js";
import construct_realm from "../lib/construct_realm.js";
import { ObjectValue, StringValue } from "../lib/values/index.js";
import { Realm, ExecutionContext } from "../lib/realm.js";
import { ToStringPartial } from "../lib/methods/to.js";
import { Get } from "../lib/methods/get.js";
const filters = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./test262-filters.yml"), "utf8"));
class TestAttrs {
description: string;
esid: ?string;
es5id: ?string;
es6id: ?string;
features: ?(string[]);
includes: ?(string[]);
info: ?string;
flags: TestFlags;
negative: TestAttrsNegative;
skip: boolean;
class TestAttrsNegative {
phase: string;
type: string;
class TestFlags {
generated: boolean;
onlyStrict: boolean;
noStrict: boolean;
async: boolean;
class TestObject {
file: string;
contents: string;
copyright: string;
scenario: string; // "default", "strict mode", ...
attrs: TestAttrs;
class Result {
pass: boolean;
error: ?Error;
skip: ?boolean;
constructor(pass, error, skip): void {
this.pass = pass;
this.error = error;
this.skip = skip;
class TestResult extends TestObject {
result: Result;
function execute(timeout: number, test: TestObject): Result {
let { contents, attrs, file, scenario } = test;
let { realm } = createRealm(timeout);
let strict = scenario === "strict mode";
// Run the test.
try {
try {
let completion = realm.$GlobalEnv.execute(contents, file);
if (completion instanceof ThrowCompletion) throw completion;
if (completion instanceof AbruptCompletion) {
return new Result(false, new Error("Unexpected abrupt completion"));
} catch (err) {
if (err.message === "Timed out") return new Result(false, err);
if (!attrs.negative) {
throw err;
if (attrs.negative && attrs.negative.type) {
throw new Error("Was supposed to error with type " + attrs.negative.type + " but passed");
// succeeded
return new Result(true);
} catch (err) {
if (err.value && err.value.$Prototype && err.value.$Prototype.intrinsicName === "SyntaxError.prototype") {
// Skip test
return new Result(false, null, true);
let stack = err.stack;
if (attrs.negative && attrs.negative.type) {
let type = attrs.negative.type;
if (err && err instanceof ThrowCompletion && Get(realm, err.value, "name").value === type) {
// Expected an error and got one.
return new Result(true);
} else {
// Expected an error, but got something else.
if (err && err instanceof ThrowCompletion) {
return new Result(false, err);
} else {
let err2 = new Error(`Expected an error, but got something else: ${err.message}`);
return new Result(false, err2);
} else {
// Not expecting an error, but got one.
try {
if (err && err instanceof ThrowCompletion) {
let interpreterStack: void | string;
if (err.value instanceof ObjectValue) {
if (err.value.$HasProperty("stack")) {
interpreterStack = ToStringPartial(realm, Get(realm, err.value, "stack"));
} else {
interpreterStack = ToStringPartial(realm, Get(realm, err.value, "message"));
// filter out if the error stack is due to async
if (interpreterStack.includes("async ")) {
// Skip test
return new Result(false, null, true);
} else if (err.value instanceof StringValue) {
interpreterStack = err.value.value;
if (interpreterStack === "only plain identifiers are supported in parameter lists") {
// Skip test
return new Result(false, null, true);
// Many strict-only tests involving eval check if certain SyntaxErrors are thrown.
// Some of those would require changes to Babel to support properly, and some we should handle ourselves in Prepack some day.
// But for now, ignore.
if (contents.includes("eval(") && strict) {
// Skip test
return new Result(false, null, true);
if (interpreterStack) {
stack = `Interpreter: ${interpreterStack}\nNative: ${err.nativeStack}`;
} catch (_err) {
stack = _err.stack;
return new Result(false, new Error(`Got an error, but was not expecting one:\n${stack}`));
function createRealm(timeout: number): { realm: Realm, $: ObjectValue } {
// Create a new realm.
let realm = construct_realm({
strictlyMonotonicDateNow: true,
timeout: timeout * 1000,
let executionContext = new ExecutionContext();
executionContext.realm = realm;
// Create the Host-Defined functions.
let $ = new ObjectValue(realm);
$.defineNativeMethod("createRealm", 0, context => {
return createRealm(timeout).$;
$.defineNativeMethod("detachArrayBuffer", 1, (context, [buffer]) => {
return DetachArrayBuffer(realm, buffer);
$.defineNativeMethod("evalScript", 1, (context, [sourceText]) => {
// TODO: eval
return realm.intrinsics.undefined;
$.defineNativeProperty("global", realm.$GlobalObject);
$.defineNativeMethod("destroy", 0, () => realm.intrinsics.undefined);
let glob = ((realm.$GlobalObject: any): ObjectValue);
glob.defineNativeProperty("$262", $);
glob.defineNativeMethod("print", 1, (context, [arg]) => {
return realm.intrinsics.undefined;
return { realm, $ };
class ReportResults {
skipped: number;
passed: number;
total: number;
name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.skipped = 0;
this.passed = 0; = 0; = name;
report(pass: boolean, skip: boolean): void {
if (skip) {
this.skipped += 1;
} else if (pass) {
this.passed += 1;
} += 1;
percentage(x: number, total: number): string {
if (total === 0) {
return "100%";
return (x / total * 100).toFixed(2) + "%";
info(title: string, x: number, y: number, force: boolean): string {
if (!force && x === 0) {
return "";
return `${title} ${x}/${y} (${this.percentage(x, y)})`;
formatResult(): string {
const subtotal = - this.skipped;
const failed = subtotal - this.passed;
return [
`${}: `,"Ran", subtotal,, true),", Passed", this.passed, subtotal, false),", Failed", failed, subtotal, false),", Skipped", this.skipped,, false),
static safeTypeReturn(map: Map<string, ReportResults>, key: string): ReportResults {
const result = map.get(key);
if (result instanceof ReportResults) {
return result;
throw new Error("Wrong type set in a list of ReportResults");
function processResults(verbose: boolean, statusFile: string, results: TestResult[]): void {
let status = "\n";
const foldersMap = new Map();
const featuresMap = new Map();
const allResults = new ReportResults("\nTotal");
results.forEach(({ file, scenario, attrs: { features }, result: { pass, skip, error } = {} }) => {
// Limits the report result in a max depth of 5 folders.
// This fits most cases for built-ins prototype methods as e.g.
// test/built-ins/Array/prototype/sort
const folder = path.dirname(file).split(path.sep).slice(1, 5).join(path.sep);
let folderResults: ReportResults;
if (!foldersMap.has(folder)) {
folderResults = new ReportResults(folder);
foldersMap.set(folder, folderResults);
} else {
folderResults = ReportResults.safeTypeReturn(foldersMap, folder);
if (folderResults) {!!pass, !!skip);
}!!pass, !!skip);
if (features) {
for (let feature of features) {
let featureResults: ReportResults;
if (!featuresMap.has(feature)) {
featureResults = new ReportResults(feature);
featuresMap.set(feature, featureResults);
} else {
featureResults = ReportResults.safeTypeReturn(featuresMap, feature);
if (featureResults) {!!pass, !!skip);
if (verbose && !skip && !pass) {
let message = "";
if (error && error.message) {
message = error.message;
status += `Failed: ${file} (${scenario})\n${message}\n\n`;
foldersMap.forEach(folderResults => {
status += folderResults.formatResult();
status += "\n";
status += "\nFeatures:\n\n";
featuresMap.forEach(featureResults => {
status += featureResults.formatResult();
status += "\n";
status += allResults.formatResult();
if (statusFile) {
fs.writeFileSync(statusFile, status);
class MasterProgramArgs {
verbose: boolean;
timeout: number;
statusFile: string;
paths: string[];
testDir: string;
constructor(verbose: boolean, timeout: number, statusFile: string, paths: string[], testDir: string) {
this.verbose = verbose;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.statusFile = statusFile;
this.paths = paths;
this.testDir = testDir;
function masterArgsParse(): MasterProgramArgs {
let { _: _paths, verbose, timeout, statusFile, testDir } = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ["statusFile", "testDir"],
boolean: ["verbose"],
default: {
testDir: ["..", "test", "test262"].join(path.sep),
verbose: process.stdout instanceof tty.WriteStream ? false : true,
statusFile: "",
timeout: 10,
// Test paths can be provided as "built-ins/Array", "language/statements/class", etc.
let paths = => path.join("test", p));
if (typeof verbose !== "boolean") {
throw new Error("verbose must be a boolean (either --verbose or not)");
if (typeof timeout !== "number") {
throw new Error("timeout must be a number (in seconds) (--timeout 10)");
if (typeof statusFile !== "string") {
throw new Error("statusFile must be a string (--statusFile file.txt)");
if (typeof testDir !== "string") {
throw new Error("testDir must be a string (--testDir ../test/test262)");
return new MasterProgramArgs(verbose, timeout, statusFile, paths, testDir);
function usage(message: string): void {
`Illegal argument: ${message}`,
`Usage: ${process.argv[0]} ${process.argv[1]}`,
"[--verbose] (defaults to false)",
"[--timeout <number>] (defaults to 10)",
"[--statusFile <string>]",
"[--testDir <string>] (defaults to ../test/test262)",
function main(): void {
try {
let { testDir, verbose, paths, statusFile, timeout } = masterArgsParse();
// Execution
execute: execute.bind(null, timeout),
testDir: path.join(__dirname, testDir),
paths: paths.length ? paths : null,
.then(processResults.bind(null, verbose, statusFile), err => {
console.error(`Error running the tests: ${err}`);
.then(() => process.exit(0));
} catch (e) {