import * as Data from "~/node_common/data"; import * as Utilities from "~/node_common/utilities"; import * as Social from "~/node_common/social"; import * as Monitor from "~/node_common/monitor"; import * as Strings from "~/common/strings"; import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid"; import { MAX_BUCKET_COUNT, MIN_ARCHIVE_SIZE_BYTES } from "~/node_common/constants"; const STAGING_DEAL_BUCKET = "stage-deal"; export default async (req, res) => { const id = Utilities.getIdFromCookie(req); if (!id) { return res.status(403).send({ decorator: "SERVER_REMOVE_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED", error: true }); } const user = await Data.getUserById({ id, }); if (!user) { return res.status(404).send({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_ARCHIVE_DEAL_USER_NOT_FOUND", error: true, }); } if (user.error) { return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_ARCHIVE_DEAL_USER_NOT_FOUND", error: true, }); } let bucketName = null; if ( && { bucketName =; } const { buckets, bucketKey, bucketRoot } = await Utilities.getBucketAPIFromUserToken({ user, bucketName, }); if (!buckets) { return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_INIT_FAILURE", error: true, }); } // NOTE(jim): // // Getting the appropriate bucket key let items = null; let bucketSizeBytes = 0; try { const path = await buckets.listPath(bucketRoot.key, "/"); items = path.item; bucketSizeBytes = path.item.size; } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/node_common/managers/viewer.js", user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.listPath`, }); } if (!items) { return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "STORAGE_DEAL_MAKING_NO_BUCKET", error: true, }); } console.log(`[ deal ] will make a deal for ${items.items.length} items`); if (items.items.length < 2) { return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "STORAGE_DEAL_MAKING_NO_FILES", error: true, }); } console.log(`[ deal ] deal size: ${Strings.bytesToSize(bucketSizeBytes)}`); if (bucketSizeBytes < MIN_ARCHIVE_SIZE_BYTES) { return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "STORAGE_BUCKET_TOO_SMALL", message: `Your deal size of ${Strings.bytesToSize( bucketSizeBytes )} is too small. You must provide at least 100MB.`, error: true, }); } // NOTE(jim): // // Make sure that you haven't hit the MAX_BUCKET_COUNT let userBuckets = []; try { userBuckets = await buckets.list(); } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/pages/api/data/archive.js", user: user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.list`, }); return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "BUCKET_SPAWN_VERIFICATION_FAILED_FOR_BUCKET_COUNT", error: true, }); } console.log( `[ encrypted ] user has ${userBuckets.length} out of ${MAX_BUCKET_COUNT} buckets used.` ); if (userBuckets.length >= MAX_BUCKET_COUNT) { return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "TOO_MANY_BUCKETS", error: true, }); } // NOTE(jim): // // Either encrypt the bucket or don't encrypt the bucket. let encryptThisDeal = false; if (bucketName !== STAGING_DEAL_BUCKET && { encryptThisDeal = true; } if ( { encryptThisDeal = true; } let key = bucketRoot.key; let encryptedBucketName = null; if ( || { encryptedBucketName = ? `encrypted-deal-${uuid()}` : `encrypted-data-${uuid()}`; console.log(`[ encrypted ] making an ${encryptedBucketName} for this storage deal.`); try { const newBucket = await buckets.create(encryptedBucketName, true, items.cid); key = newBucket.root.key; } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/pages/api/data/archive.js", user: user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.create (encrypted)`, }); return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "FORCED_ENCRYPTION_FAILED_FOR_DATA", error: true, }); } console.log(`[ encrypted ] ${encryptedBucketName}`); console.log(`[ encrypted ] ${key}`); } else { const newDealBucketName = `open-deal-${uuid()}`; try { const newBucket = await buckets.create(newDealBucketName, false, items.cid); key = newBucket.root.key; } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/pages/api/data/archive.js", user: user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.create (normal, not encrypted)`, }); return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "BUCKET_CLONING_FAILED", error: true, }); } console.log(`[ normal ] ${newDealBucketName}`); console.log(`[ normal ] ${key}`); } // NOTE(jim): // // Finally make the deal let response = {}; let error = {}; try { console.log(`[ deal-maker ] deal being made for ${key}`); if ( && { console.log(; response = await buckets.archive(key,; } else { response = await buckets.archive(key); }{ userId:, data: { actorUserId:, context: { username: user.username, bucketName: encryptedBucketName ? encryptedBucketName : bucketName, isEncrypted: encryptThisDeal, }, }, }); console.log(response); } catch (e) { error.message = e.message; error.code = e.code; console.log(e.message); Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/pages/api/data/archive.js", user: user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.archive`, }); return res.status(500).send({ decorator: "STORAGE_DEAL_MAKING_NOT_SANITARY", error: true, message: e.message, }); } return res.status(200).send({ decorator: "SERVER_DEAL_MAKING_PURE", data: { response, error }, }); };