import * as Strings from "~/common/strings"; import * as Constants from "~/common/constants"; import JSZip from "jszip"; const USERNAME_REGEX = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,}[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*$"); const MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8; const EMAIL_REGEX = /^[\w.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,50}$/; const CONTAINS_DIGIT_REGEX = /\d/; const CONTAINS_UPPERCASE_REGEX = /[A-Z]/; const CONTAINS_LOWERCASE_REGEX = /[a-z]/; const CONTAINS_SYMBOL_REGEX = /[ !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~]/; const PIN_REGEX = /^[0-9]{6}$/; // const URL_REGEX = /(http(s)?:\/\/.)?(www.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{2,256}.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&\/=]*)/; const IFRAMELY_URL_REGEX = /^https?:\/\//i; // TODO(jim): Regex should cover some of this. const REJECT_LIST = [ "..", "$", "#", "_", "_next", "next", "webpack", "system", "experience", "root", "www", "website", "index", "api", "public", "static", "admin", "administrator", "webmaster", "download", "downloads", "403", "404", "500", "maintenance", "guidelines", "updates", "login", "authenticate", "sign-in", "sign_in", "signin", "log-in", "log_in", "logout", "terms", "terms-of-service", "community", "privacy", "reset-password", "reset", "logout", "dashboard", "analytics", "data", "timeout", "please-dont-use-timeout", ]; export const userRoute = (text) => { if (!USERNAME_REGEX.test(text)) { return false; } if (REJECT_LIST.includes(text)) { return false; } return true; }; export const slatename = (text) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) { return false; } if (text.length > 48) { return false; } return true; }; export const username = (text) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) { return false; } if (text.length > 48 || text.length < 1) { return false; } if (!userRoute(text)) { return false; } return true; }; export const email = (text) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) { return false; } if (text.length > 254 || text.length < 5) { return false; } if (!EMAIL_REGEX.test(text)) { return false; } //NOTE(toast): add this if the sendgrid plan is upgraded // const sgEmailValidation = validateEmail({ email: text }); // if (sgEmailValidation.verdict !== "Valid") { // return false; // } return true; }; // NOTE(amine): used to validate old users password (currently only used in signin) export const legacyPassword = (text) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) { return false; } if (text.length < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) { return false; } return true; }; export const passwordForm = (text) => { const validations = { validLength: false, containsLowerCase: false, containsUpperCase: false, containsSymbol: false, containsNumbers: false, }; if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) return validations; if (text.length >= MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) validations.validLength = true; if (CONTAINS_DIGIT_REGEX.test(text)) validations.containsNumbers = true; if (CONTAINS_LOWERCASE_REGEX.test(text)) validations.containsLowerCase = true; if (CONTAINS_UPPERCASE_REGEX.test(text)) validations.containsUpperCase = true; if (CONTAINS_SYMBOL_REGEX.test(text)) validations.containsSymbol = true; return validations; }; export const password = (text) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) { return false; } if (text.length <= MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) { return false; } let reqCount = 0; if (CONTAINS_DIGIT_REGEX.test(text)) { reqCount += 1; } if (CONTAINS_LOWERCASE_REGEX.test(text)) { reqCount += 1; } if (CONTAINS_UPPERCASE_REGEX.test(text)) { reqCount += 1; } if (CONTAINS_SYMBOL_REGEX.test(text)) { reqCount += 1; } return reqCount === 4; }; export const endsWithAny = (options, string = "") => options.some((option) => { if (string) { return string.endsWith(option); } else { return false; } }); export const verificationPin = (pin) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(pin)) { return false; } return PIN_REGEX.test(pin); }; export const link = (text) => { if (Strings.isEmpty(text)) { return false; } if (text.length < 4) { return false; } return IFRAMELY_URL_REGEX.test(text); }; export const isPreviewableImage = (type = "") => { if (type.startsWith("image/svg")) return false; return type.startsWith("image/"); }; export const isImageType = (type = "") => { return type.startsWith("image/"); }; export const isAudioType = (type = "") => { return type.startsWith("audio/"); }; export const isVideoType = (type = "") => { return type.startsWith("video/"); }; export const isPdfType = (type = "") => { return type.startsWith("application/pdf"); }; export const isEpubType = (type = "") => { return type.startsWith("application/epub"); }; export const isUnityType = (type = "") => { return type === "application/unity"; }; export const is3dFile = (filename = "") => { return endsWithAny( [".stl", ".obj", ".fbx", ".blend", ".c4d", ".glb", ".dae", ".3ds", ".wrl"], filename.toLowerCase() ); }; export const isCodeFile = (filename = "") => { return endsWithAny([".js"], filename.toLowerCase()); }; export const isFontFile = (fileName = "") => { return endsWithAny([".ttf", ".otf", ".woff", ".woff2"], fileName.toLowerCase()); }; export const isMarkdown = (filename = "", type = "") => { return filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".md") || type.startsWith("text/plain"); }; export const isDocument = (fileName = "", type = "") => isMarkdown(fileName, type) || isPdfType(type) || isEpubType(type); export const isUnityFile = async (file) => { try { const zip = new JSZip(); const contents = await zip.loadAsync(file); const fileNames = Object.keys(contents.files); // NOTE(daniel): every Unity game file will have this file const isUnityLoaderFile = (fileName) => [/unityloader.js/i, /(.*)\.loader.js/i].some((item) => item.test(fileName)); return fileNames.some((file) => isUnityLoaderFile(file)); } catch (e) { return false; } }; export const isNFTLink = (file) => { let domain = file?.data?.link?.domain; if (!domain) return false; domain = domain.toLowerCase(); return Constants.NFTDomains.includes(domain); }; const isLinkWithSource = (source) => (file) => file.isLink && file.source === source; export const isTwitterLink = isLinkWithSource("Twitter"); export const isYoutubeLink = isLinkWithSource("YouTube"); export const isTwitchLink = isLinkWithSource("Twitch"); export const isGithubLink = isLinkWithSource("GitHub"); export const isInstagramLink = isLinkWithSource("Instagram");