import * as React from "react"; import * as System from "~/components/system"; import SystemPage from "~/components/system/SystemPage"; import ViewSourceLink from "~/components/system/ViewSourceLink"; import CodeBlock from "~/components/system/CodeBlock"; const addrsList = [ { addr: "t3qwsglg755cwfaehqmsuzj2efebyyrqzlnhjogj2uwj44ce3anpowsdmaxdfnndukihmzrohqnpzakoq3tujq", name: "Initial Address", type: "bls", }, { addr: "t3ual5q5qo5wolfxsui4ciujfucqwf6gqso4lettcjwl2tyismgol7c4tngvoono5rmytuqotye7oosfjv6g7a", name: "Secondary Address", type: "bls", }, ]; const defaultStorageConfig = { cold: { enabled: true, filecoin: { addr: "t3qwsglg755cwfaehqmsuzj2efebyyrqzlnhjogj2uwj44ce3anpowsdmaxdfnndukihmzrohqnpzakoq3tujq", countryCodesList: [], dealMinDuration: 1000, excludedMinersList: [], maxPrice: 0, renew: { enabled: false, threshold: 0, }, repFactor: 1, trustedMinersList: [], }, }, hot: { allowUnfreeze: false, enabled: true, ipfs: { addTimeout: 30, }, }, repairable: false, }; const EXAMPLE_CODE = `import * as React from 'react'; import { FilecoinSettings } from 'slate-react-system'; import { createPow } from "@textile/powergate-client"; const PowerGate = createPow({ host: "" }); class Example extends React.Component { state = { autoApprove: false } componentDidMount = async () => { const FFS = await PowerGate.ffs.create(); const token = FFS.token ? FFS.token : null; PowerGate.setToken(token); const { addrsList } = await PowerGate.ffs.addrs(); const { defaultStorageConfig } = await PowerGate.ffs.defaultStorageConfig(); this.setState({ token, defaultStorageConfig, addrsList }); } _handleSave = async ({ data, storageConfig }) => { const response = await PowerGate.ffs.setDefaultStorageConfig(storageConfig); this.setState({ data }); } render() { return ( ); } } `; export default class SystemPageFilecoinWalletBalances extends React.Component { state = { autoApprove: true, }; render() { return ( Filecoin Settings{" "}

Here is an example of an experience for getting and setting Filecoin Settings from{" "} Textile's Powergate .


); } }