import configs from "~/knexfile"; import knex from "knex"; import fs from "fs-extra"; import "isomorphic-fetch"; import * as Environment from "~/node_common/environment"; import * as Data from "~/node_common/data"; import * as Utilities from "~/node_common/utilities"; import * as Strings from "~/common/strings"; import * as Logs from "~/node_common/script-logging"; import * as Filecoin from "~/common/filecoin"; import * as Serializers from "~/node_common/serializers"; import { Buckets, PrivateKey } from "@textile/hub"; import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid"; const envConfig = configs["development"]; const db = knex(envConfig); // NOTE(jim): These essentially do the same thing. // 1 GB to be considered to even make a deal. const MINIMUM_BYTES_CONSIDERATION = 104857600 * 10; // 1 GB minimum to make deal. const MINIMUM_BYTES_FOR_STORAGE = 104857600 * 10; const STORAGE_BOT_NAME = "STORAGE WORKER"; // We don't make new buckets if they have more than 10. const BUCKET_LIMIT = 10; const PRACTICE_RUN = true; const SKIP_NEW_BUCKET_CREATION = false; const STORE_MEANINGFUL_ADDRESS_ONLY_AND_PERFORM_NO_ACTIONS = false; const WRITE_TO_SLATE_STORAGE_DEAL_INDEX = true; const TEXTILE_KEY_INFO = { key: Environment.TEXTILE_HUB_KEY, secret: Environment.TEXTILE_HUB_SECRET, }; console.log(`RUNNING: worker-heavy-stones.js`); const delay = async (waitMs) => { return await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, waitMs)); }; const minerMap = {}; const run = async () => { Logs.taskTimeless(`Fetching every miner ...`); const minerData = await fetch(""); const jsonData = await minerData.json(); => { group.minerAddresses.forEach((entity) => { minerMap[] = entity; minerMap["t", "f")] = entity; }); }); Logs.taskTimeless(`Fetching every user ...`); const response = await Data.getEveryUser(); let storageUsers = []; let bytes = 0; let dealUsers = 0; let totalUsers = 0; let encryptedUsers = 0; // NOTE(jim): Only users who agree. Opt in by default. for (let i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { const user = response[i]; if ( { storageUsers.unshift(user); dealUsers = dealUsers + 1; } if ( { encryptedUsers = encryptedUsers + 1; } totalUsers = totalUsers + 1; } for (let i = 0; i < storageUsers.length; i++) { const user = storageUsers[i]; const printData = { username: storageUsers[i].username, slateURL: `${storageUsers[i].username}`, isForcingEncryption:, }; let buckets; await delay(500); try { const token =; const identity = await PrivateKey.fromString(token); buckets = await Buckets.withKeyInfo(TEXTILE_KEY_INFO); await buckets.getToken(identity); buckets = await Utilities.setupWithThread({ buckets }); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } let userBuckets = []; try { userBuckets = await buckets.list(); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } let userBytes = 0; for (let k = 0; k < userBuckets.length; k++) { try { const path = await buckets.listPath(userBuckets[k].key, "/"); const data = path.item; if ( !== "data") { continue; } userBuckets[k].bucketSize = data.size; userBytes = userBytes + data.size; bytes = bytes + userBytes; } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } } // NOTE(jim): Skip people. if (userBytes < MINIMUM_BYTES_CONSIDERATION) { Logs.note(`SKIP: ${user.username}, they only have ${Strings.bytesToSize(userBytes)}`); continue; } printData.bytes = userBytes; const FilecoinSingleton = await Utilities.getFilecoinAPIFromUserToken({ user, }); const { filecoin } = FilecoinSingleton; let balance = 0; let address = null; await delay(500); try { const addresses = await filecoin.addresses(); addresses.forEach((a) => { balance = a.balance; address = a.address; }); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } let storageDeals = []; try { const records = await filecoin.storageDealRecords({ ascending: false, includePending: false, includeFinal: true, }); records.forEach((o) => { storageDeals.push({ dealId: o.dealInfo.dealId, rootCid: o.rootCid, proposalCid: o.dealInfo.proposalCid, pieceCid: o.dealInfo.pieceCid, addr: o.address, size: o.dealInfo.size, // NOTE(jim): formatted size. formattedSize: Strings.bytesToSize(o.dealInfo.size), pricePerEpoch: o.dealInfo.pricePerEpoch, startEpoch: o.dealInfo.startEpoch, // NOTE(jim): just for point of reference on the total cost. totalCostFIL: Filecoin.formatAsFilecoinConversion( o.dealInfo.pricePerEpoch * o.dealInfo.duration ), totalCostAttoFIL: o.dealInfo.pricePerEpoch * o.dealInfo.duration, duration: o.dealInfo.duration, formattedDuration: Strings.getDaysFromEpoch(o.dealInfo.duration), activationEpoch: o.dealInfo.activationEpoch, time: o.time, pending: o.pending, createdAt: Strings.toDateSinceEpoch(o.time), userEncryptsDeals: !!, miner: minerMap[o.dealInfo.miner] ? minerMap[o.dealInfo.miner] : { id: o.dealInfo.miner }, phase: "MARCH", user: { id:, username: user.username, photo:, name:, }, }); }); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } printData.address = address; printData.balanceAttoFil = balance; Logs.taskTimeless(`\x1b[36m\x1b[1m${user.username}\x1b[0m`); Logs.taskTimeless(`\x1b[36m\x1b[1m${address}\x1b[0m`); Logs.taskTimeless(`\x1b[36m\x1b[1m${Strings.bytesToSize(userBytes)} stored each deal.\x1b[0m`); Logs.taskTimeless( `\x1b[36m\x1b[1m${Filecoin.formatAsFilecoinConversion(balance)} remaining\x1b[0m` ); // NOTE(jim): Anyone can get a list for storage deals from Slate. if (WRITE_TO_SLATE_STORAGE_DEAL_INDEX) { const hasDealId = (id) => db.raw(`?? @> ?::jsonb`, ["data", JSON.stringify({ dealId: id })]); for (let d = 0; d < storageDeals.length; d++) { const dealToSave = storageDeals[d]; Logs.note(`Saving ${dealToSave.dealId} ...`); console.log(dealToSave); const existing = await"*").from("deals").where(hasDealId(dealToSave.dealId)); console.log(existing); if (existing && !existing.error && existing.length) { Logs.error(`${dealToSave.dealId} is already saved.`); continue; } Logs.note(`Inserting ${dealToSave.dealId} ...`); await delay(1000); await db.insert({ data: dealToSave, ownerId: }).into("deals").returning("*"); Logs.task(`Inserted ${dealToSave.dealId} !!!`); } } // NOTE(jim): Exit early for analytics purposes. if (STORE_MEANINGFUL_ADDRESS_ONLY_AND_PERFORM_NO_ACTIONS) { Logs.taskTimeless(`Adding address for: ${user.username}`); continue; } // NOTE(jim): Skip users that are out of funds. if (balance === 0) { Logs.error(`OUT OF FUNDS: ${user.username}`); continue; } // NOTE(jim): tracks all buckets. printData.buckets = []; for (let j = 0; j < userBuckets.length; j++) { const keyBucket = userBuckets[j]; let key; let encrypt; if ("open-")) { Logs.note(`bucket found: open-data ${keyBucket.key}`); Logs.note(`checking size ...`); let bucketSizeBytes = null; try { const path = await buckets.listPath(keyBucket.key, "/"); bucketSizeBytes = path.item.size; } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } // NOTE(jim): Determine open deals try { const { current, history } = await buckets.archives(keyBucket.key); console.log(current); console.log(history); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } if (bucketSizeBytes && bucketSizeBytes < MINIMUM_BYTES_FOR_STORAGE) { try { Logs.error(`we must kill this bucket ...`); await buckets.remove(keyBucket.key); Logs.note(`bucket removed ...`); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } } if (bucketSizeBytes && bucketSizeBytes >= MINIMUM_BYTES_FOR_STORAGE) { Logs.task(`bucket is okay and fits requirements !!!`); key = keyBucket.key; } } if ("encrypted-data-")) { Logs.note(`bucket found: encrypted-data ${keyBucket.key}`); Logs.note(`checking size ...`); let bucketSizeBytes = null; try { const path = await buckets.listPath(keyBucket.key, "/"); bucketSizeBytes = path.item.size; } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } // NOTE(jim): Determine open deals try { const { current, history } = await buckets.archives(keyBucket.key); console.log(current); console.log(history); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } if (bucketSizeBytes && bucketSizeBytes < MINIMUM_BYTES_FOR_STORAGE) { try { Logs.error(`we must kill this bucket ...`); await buckets.remove(keyBucket.key); Logs.note(`bucket removed ...`); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } } if (bucketSizeBytes && bucketSizeBytes >= MINIMUM_BYTES_FOR_STORAGE) { Logs.task(`bucket is okay and fits requirements !!!`); key = keyBucket.key; } } // NOTE(jim): Temporarily prevent more buckets from being created for legacy accounts. if ( === "data" && !SKIP_NEW_BUCKET_CREATION && userBuckets.length < BUCKET_LIMIT ) { key = null; encrypt = !!; // NOTE(jim): Create a new bucket const newBucketName = encrypt ? `encrypted-data-${uuid()}` : `open-data-${uuid()}`; // NOTE(jim): Get the root key of the bucket let bucketSizeBytes = null; let items; try { const path = await buckets.listPath(keyBucket.key, "/"); items = path.item; bucketSizeBytes = path.item.size; } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } if (bucketSizeBytes && bucketSizeBytes < MINIMUM_BYTES_FOR_STORAGE) { Logs.error(`Root 'data' bucket does not fit size requirements. Skipping.`); continue; } await delay(1000); Logs.task(`creating new bucket: ${newBucketName}.`); // NOTE(jim): Create a new bucket try { Logs.note(`attempting ... `); if (!PRACTICE_RUN) { Logs.note(`name: ${newBucketName} ...`); Logs.note(`cid: ${items.cid} ...`); let newBucket = await buckets.create(newBucketName, encrypt, items.cid); key = newBucket.root.key; Logs.task(`created ${newBucketName} successfully with new key ${key}.`); } else { Logs.note(`practice skipping ...`); continue; } } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } await delay(5000); } if (key) { await delay(500); try { if (!PRACTICE_RUN) { // NOTE(jim): THE DEAL HAPPENS HERE // DON'T DO IT IF YOU DON'T WANT THE DEAL Logs.task(`KICKING OFF THE DEAL`); await buckets.archive(key, { repFactor: 4, dealMinDuration: 518400, excludedMiners: null, trustedMiners: [ // NOTE(jim): ChainSafe // f01247 belongs to ChainSafe, they have white-list rule, you need to ask them add your address "f01247", "f01278", "f071624", "f0135078", "f09848", "f010617", "f01276", "f02401", "f02387", "f019104", "f014409", "f066596", "f058369", "f08399", "f015927", ], countryCodes: null, renew: { enabled: false, threshold: 0, }, maxPrice: 192901234500, fastRetrieval: true, dealStartOffset: 8640, }); Logs.task(`\x1b[32mNEW DEAL SUCCESSFUL !!!\x1b[0m`); } else { Logs.note(`archive skipping ...`); } printData.buckets.push({ key, success: false, }); } catch (e) { if (e.message === `the same bucket cid is already archived successfully`) { printData.buckets.push({ key, success: true, }); } else { printData.buckets.push({ key, success: false, }); } Logs.note(e.message); } } } for (let k = 0; k < printData.buckets.length; k++) { let targetBucket = printData.buckets[k]; Logs.task(`Show us the history!`); try { const { current, history } = await buckets.archives(targetBucket.key); console.log(current); console.log(history); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); continue; } if (targetBucket.success) { try { Logs.task(`deleting bucket with key: ${targetBucket.key}`); await buckets.remove(targetBucket.key); Logs.task(`successfully deleted ${targetBucket.key}`); } catch (e) { Logs.error(e.message); } } } console.log("\n"); } Logs.task(`total storage per run: ${Strings.bytesToSize(bytes)}`); Logs.task(`total storage per run (with replication x5): ${Strings.bytesToSize(bytes * 5)}`); Logs.task(`creating slate-storage-addresses.json`); console.log(`${STORAGE_BOT_NAME} finished. \n\n`); console.log(`FINISHED: worker-heavy-stones.js`); console.log(` CTRL +C to return to terminal.`); }; run();