import * as LibraryManager from "~/node_common/managers/library"; import * as Utilities from "~/node_common/utilities"; import * as Social from "~/node_common/social"; import B from "busboy"; const HIGH_WATER_MARK = 1024 * 1024 * 3; export const formMultipart = async (req, res, { user, bucketName }) => { let data = null; const upload = () => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let form = new B({ headers: req.headers, highWaterMark: HIGH_WATER_MARK, fileHwm: HIGH_WATER_MARK, }); form.on("file", async function( fieldname, stream, filename, encoding, mime ) { data = LibraryManager.createLocalDataIncomplete({ name: filename, type: mime, }); const { buckets, bucketKey, } = await Utilities.getBucketAPIFromUserToken({ user, bucketName, }); if (!buckets) { return reject({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_INIT_FAILURE", error: true, }); } let push; try { console.log("[upload] pushing to textile"); push = await buckets.pushPath(bucketKey,, stream); console.log("[upload] finished pushing to textile"); } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/node_common/upload.js", user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.pushPath`, }); return reject({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKETS_PUSH_ISSUE", error: true, message: e, }); } return resolve({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_STREAM_SUCCESS", data: push.path.path, }); }); form.on("error", (e) => { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/node_common/upload.js", user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `form`, }); return reject({ decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_STREAM_FAILURE", error: true, message: e, }); }); req.pipe(form); }); const response = await upload(); if (response && response.error) { return response; } const { buckets } = await Utilities.getBucketAPIFromUserToken({ user, bucketName, }); if (!buckets) { return { decorator: "SERVER_BUCKET_INIT_FAILURE", error: true, }; } try { const newUpload = await buckets.listIpfsPath(; data.size = newUpload.size; } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/node_common/upload.js", user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `buckets.listIpfsPath`, }); return { decorator: "SERVER_BUCKETS_VERIFY_ISSUE", error: true, message: e, }; } return { decorator: "SERVER_UPLOAD_SUCCESS", data, ipfs: }; };