# Slate (WIP) - (WIP) A wonderful experience for creating mood boards, hosting assets, and making connections between topics you are researching - (WIP) With a Developer API and API Keys, a replacement for Amazon S3. - (WIP) Aims to have every feature the [Filecoin Network](https://filecoin.io) supports. - (WIP) Great for storing images and sharing high resolution photos with friends. - [Design system](https://slate.host/system) -> [Release repository](https://github.com/filecoin-project/slate-react-system). #### Current prototype (June 15th, 2020) ![screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/310223/84873452-1c704b80-b038-11ea-8398-4a73c4d9850e.png) ## Developer Introduction Working on Slate requires an internet connection because we are using a hosted Powergate and a hosted Postgres. That means there is no offline mode in the short term. ### .env - We use a `dotenv` file to manage sensitive values and secrets. - You must create this file to work on the application. - You don't need to create a `.env` file if you're only working on the design system. - There will be no local data in the short term. ``` POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD=XXX POSTGRES_ADMIN_USERNAME=XXX POSTGRES_HOSTNAME=XXX POSTGRES_DATABASE=XXX JWT_SECRET=XXX LOCAL_PASSWORD_SECRET=XXX TEXTILE_HUB_KEY=XXX TEXTILE_HUB_SECRET=XXX ``` ### Install and run Run these commands to start the client locally. ```sh git clone git@github.com:filecoin-project/slate.git cd slate npm install # Run using existing .data folder npm run dev ``` ![screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/310223/84878302-7d028700-b03e-11ea-82c4-c53dca9d7e65.png) - Visit `localhost:1337` in your browser. ### BROKEN: Run electron (MacOS) @jimmylee recently broke the current version of the client. While you have `npm run dev` running, in another terminal screen run: ```sh rm -rf .next npm run build-electron npm run electron-pack ``` And then open **Slate.app** in `dist/mac/slate.app`. # Get involved. Do you want to... - Help us build a design system for internal use? - Help us build out this example so every partner in the ecosystem can have example code to work with? Then... - If you see things you want to work on, [file an issue](https://github.com/filecoin-project/slate/issues)! - If you see something you want to fix, **submit a PR**! - I'm always available on Twitter to answer your questions: [@wwwjim](https://www.twitter.com/wwwjim). - For any build questions feel free to reach out to Colin: