export const error = { //Slate Create FIND_USER_CREATE_SLATE: "There seems to be an issue with your account", FIND_USER_CREATE_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to create a Slate!", EXISTING_SLATE: "A Slate with that name already exists. Please try another", CREATE_SLATE: "There was an error when creating the Slate", //Slate Add URL ADD_TO_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to add a Slate URL", ADD_TO_SLATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that Slate! Please try another", ADD_TO_SLATE_ERROR: "There was an error retriving this Slate", //Address Send SEND_FILECOIN: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", SEND_FILECOIN_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", SEND_FILECOIN_ACTION_FAILURE: "There was an error sending the transaction. We're looking into it", //Data Upload UPLOAD_PARSE_FAILURE: "There was an error when parsing the upload. Please try again", UPLOAD_NOT_IMAGE_TYPE: "We are only accepting JPG and PNG files at this time. Try uploading a different file type!", BUCKETS_PUSH_ISSUE: "There was an error uploading the data", //Data CID Status NO_CIDS_TO_CHECK: "There are no CIDs to check", //Data Storage Deals STORAGE_DEAL_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", NO_CID: "IPFS CID is required", NO_IPFS: "There was a issue retriving data from IPFS", FILECOIN_STORAGE_DEAL_CID_ERROR: "There was a issue making a storage deal", NO_JOB: "Sorry, this job doesn't exist!", //Users Create EXISTING_USER_ALREADY: "This username is already taken! Please try another one", INVALID_USERNAME: "Invalid username. Please include only letters and numbers", INVALID_PASSWORD: "Password length must be more than 8 characters", USER_CREATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", //Users Delete USER_DELETE: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", USER_DELETE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", //Users Update USER_UPDATE: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", USER_UPDATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", INVALID_PASSWORD: "Short passwords are too easy to guess. Try one with more than 8 characters", USER_UPDATE_SETTINGS_CONFIG: "Error when updating user settings", CREATE_FILECOIN_ADDRESS: "There was an error when creating the Filecoin address.", //Hydrate HYDRATE_FAILURE: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", //Sign-in SIGN_IN: "Your username/password can't be blank", SIGN_IN_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, that user doesn't exist!", SIGN_IN_AUTH: "Incorrect password", };