export const error = { //Slate Create SERVER_FIND_USER_CREATE_SLATE: "There seems to be an issue with your account", SERVER_FIND_USER_CREATE_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to create a Slate!", SERVER_EXISTING_SLATE: "You already have a slate with that name. Please choose another", SERVER_CREATE_SLATE: "There was an error when creating the Slate", FIND_USER_CREATE_SLATE: "There seems to be an issue with your account", FIND_USER_CREATE_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to create a Slate!", EXISTING_SLATE: "A Slate with that name already exists. Please try another", CREATE_SLATE: "There was an error when creating the Slate", SERVER_SLATE_LIMIT: "You've reached the limit for number of slates!", //Slate Add URL ADD_TO_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to add a Slate URL", ADD_TO_SLATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that Slate! Please try another", ADD_TO_SLATE_ERROR: "There was an error retriving this Slate", //Slate remove file SERVER_REMOVE_FROM_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to manage your slates", SERVER_REMOVE_FROM_SLATE_NO_ID_PROVIDED: "Please specify which item you would like to remove", SERVER_REMOVE_FROM_SLATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating that slate", SERVER_REMOVE_FROM_SLATE_ERROR: "We're having trouble removing from this slate right now", //Slate Delete DELETE_SLATE_BY_ID: "Sorry, there was an error while trying to delete that slate. Please try again", DELETE_SLATES_FOR_USER_ID: "Sorry, we're having trouble deleting all your slates. Please try again later", SERVER_DELETE_SLATE: "We're having trouble deleting that at the moment. Please try again later", SERVER_DELETE_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to manage your slates!", SERVER_DELETE_SLATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble deleting that at the moment. Please try again later", SERVER_DELETE_SLATE: "We're having trouble deleting that at the moment. Please try again later", //Slate Get GET_SLATE_BY_ID: "We're having trouble retrieving information on that slate right now. Please try again later", GET_SLATE_BY_NAME: "We're having trouble retrieving information on that slate right now. Please try again later", GET_SLATES_BY_USER_ID: "We're having trouble retrieving that user's information. Please try again later", SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble retrieving that user's slates right now. Please try again", SLATE_OWNER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble retrieving that slate's owner right now. Please try again", SERVER_GET_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble retrieving that slate's owner right now. Please try again", SERVER_GET_SLATE: "We're having trouble retrieving information on that slate right now. Please try again later", SERVER_GET_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble retrieving information on that slate right now. Please try again later", //Slate Update UPDATE_SLATE_BY_ID: "We ran into an issue while saving your slate. Please try again", SERVER_ADD_TO_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to upload files!", SERVER_FIND_USER_UPDATE_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Login to upload files!", SERVER_ADD_TO_SLATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We ran into issues while uploading that file. Please try again", SERVER_ADD_TO_SLATE_ERROR: "We ran into issues while uploading that file. Please try again", SERVER_FIND_USER_UPDATE_SLATE: "We ran into issues while uploading that file. Please try again", SERVER_UPDATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We ran into issues while locating that slate. Please try again", SERVER_UPDATE_SLATE_MUST_PROVIDE_DATA: "The input cannot be blank. Please check your input", SERVER_UPDATE_SLATE_MUST_PROVIDE_NAME: "Please provide a slate name", SERVER_UPDATE_SLATE: "We're having trouble updating that slate right now. Please try again later", SERVER_UPDATE_SLATE_NAME_TAKEN: "You already have a slate with that name. Please choose another", V1_SERVER_UPLOAD_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating that slate right now. Please try again later", V1_SERVER_API_KEY_NOT_FOUND: "We can't seem to find your API key right now. Please try again later", V1_SERVER_API_UPLOAD_ERROR: "We're having trouble uploading that right now. Please try again later", V1_SERVER_UPLOAD_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating that slate right now", V1_SERVER_UPLOAD_TO_SLATE_ERROR: "We're ran into issues while adding that to the slate. Please try again", V1_GET_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating that slate right now. Please try again later", V1_GET_SLATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating the owner of that slate right now. Please try again later", V1_GET_SLATE_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating that slate right now. Please try again later", V1_GET_SLATES_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating those slates right now. Please try again later", //Address Send SERVER_SEND_FILECOIN_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", SERVER_SEND_FILECOIN_NO_ID: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", SERVER_SEND_FILECOIN_ACTION_FAILURE: "There was an error sending the transaction. We're looking into it", SEND_FILECOIN_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", SEND_FILECOIN: "There was an error sending the transaction. We're looking into it", SEND_FILECOIN_ACTION_FAILURE: "There was an error sending the transaction. We're looking into it", //Address Create CREATE_FILECOIN_ADDRESS: "There was an error when creating the Filecoin address.", //Data Upload UPLOAD_PARSE_FAILURE: "There was an error when parsing the upload. Please try again", UPLOAD_NOT_IMAGE_TYPE: "We are only accepting JPG and PNG files at this time. Try uploading a different file type!", BUCKETS_PUSH_ISSUE: "There was an error uploading the data", SERVER_UPLOAD_ERROR: "We're having issues uploading that file right now", SERVER_API_KEY_MISSING: "We can't seem to find your API key right now. Please try again later", CREATE_PENDING_DATA: "We ran into issues while uploading your data, please try again later", CREATE_PENDING_ERROR: "We ran into issues while uploading your data, please try again later", PROCESS_PENDING_ERROR: "We ran into an error while updating your uploaded data. Please try again later", PROCESS_PENDING_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Please log in to upload files", //Data CID Status NO_CIDS_TO_CHECK: "There are no CIDs to check", //Data Get SERVER_GET_BUCKET_DATA: "We ran into an issue fetching that data. Please try again later", //Data Remove SERVER_REMOVE_DATA_NO_CID: "Slate is having trouble deleting some files right now. We're working on fixing this soon!", SERVER_REMOVE_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED: "You aren't authorized to remove that file", SERVER_REMOVE_DATA_NO_LINK: "We couldn't remove that data. Please try again later", //Data Storage Deals SERVER_STORAGE_DEAL_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", SERVER_NO_CID: "IPFS CID is required", SERVER_NO_IPFS: "There was a issue retriving data from IPFS", SERVER_FILECOIN_STORAGE_DEAL_CID_ERROR: "There was a issue making a storage deal", SERVER_NO_JOB: "Sorry, this job doesn't exist!", STORAGE_DEAL_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", NO_CID: "IPFS CID is required", NO_IPFS: "There was a issue retriving data from IPFS", FILECOIN_STORAGE_DEAL_CID_ERROR: "There was a issue making a storage deal", NO_JOB: "Sorry, this job doesn't exist!", //Archive Deal SERVER_REMOVE_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED: "You aren't authorized to archive that deal", SERVER_BUCKET_ARCHIVE_DEAL_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Please login first to archive a deal!", //CID Status SERVER_NO_CIDS_TO_CHECK: "No CIDs were entered, please check your input", //Users Create SERVER_EXISTING_USER_ALREADY: "That username is taken. Please try another one", EXISTING_USER_ALREADY: "That username is taken. Please try another one", INVALID_USERNAME: "Invalid username. Please include only letters and numbers", SERVER_INVALID_USERNAME: "Invalid username. Please include only letters and numbers", INVALID_PASSWORD: "Password length must be more than 8 characters", SERVER_INVALID_PASSWORD: "Password length must be more than 8 characters", USER_CREATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry we weren't able to create your account. Please try again", SERVER_USER_CREATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry we weren't able to create your account. Please try again", CREATE_USER: "Sorry we weren't able to create your account. Please try again", //Users Delete USER_DELETE: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", SERVER_USER_DELETE: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", USER_DELETE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", SERVER_USER_DELETE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", DELETE_USER_BY_USERNAME: "We're having trouble deleting your account right now", SERVER_USER_DELETE: "We're having trouble deleting your account right now", USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble connecting right now", SLATES_NOT_FOUND: "We weren't able to locate the slates for that user", //Users Update USER_UPDATE: "That user doesn't seem to exist. Please try another", USER_UPDATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "Sorry, we couldn't find that user!", UPDATE_USER_BY_ID: "We ran into an issue while updating your information. Please try again", USER_UPDATE_SETTINGS_CONFIG: "Error when updating user settings", SERVER_USER_UPDATE: "Please make sure you are signed in first", SERVER_USER_UPDATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating your information. Please try again", SERVER_ONBOARDING_UPDATE: "Please log in first to access this page", SERVER_ONBOARDING_UPDATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble locating your information right now", SERVER_ONBOARDING_UPDATE_MUST_PROVIDE_UPDATE: "We're having trouble updating your information right now", //Users Get GET_USER_BY_ID: "We weren't able to fetch information on that user. Please try again later", GET_USER_BY_USERNAME: "We weren't able to fetch information on that user. Please check your input", USER_NOT_FOUND: "We aren't able to locate that user at the moment. Please try again", //Hydrate HYDRATE_FAILURE: "Please make sure you're logged in", SERVER_HYDRATE_FAILURE: "Please make sure you're logged in", SERVER_VIEWER_DATA_ERROR: "We're havign trouble fetching your information right now. Please try again", //Sign-in SIGN_IN: "Your username/password can't be blank", SERVER_SIGN_IN: "Your username/password can't be blank", SIGN_IN_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble logging you in right now, please try again later", SERVER_SIGN_IN_USER_NOT_FOUND: "That username and password do not match", //no one with that username SERVER_SIGN_IN_ERROR: "We're having trouble connecting right now. Please try again later", SERVER_SIGN_IN_AUTH: "That username and password do not match", //incorrect password //Activity CREATE_ACTIVITY: "We're having issues posting that right now. Please try again", DELETE_ACTIVITY_BY_ID: "We weren't able to delete that. Please try again", GET_ACTIVITY_BY_ID: "We weren't able to fetch that information. Please try again", GET_ACTIVITY_FOR_SLATE_ID: "We weren't able to fetch that information. Please try again", GET_ACTIVITY_FOR_USER_ID: "We weren't able to fetch that user's information. Please try again", //Subscription Create CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION: "We weren't able to subscribe you. Please try again later", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE: "Please login to subscribe", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble fetching your information. Please try again later", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_MUST_PROVIDE_SLATE_OR_USER: "No user or slate was provided. Please check your input", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_CAN_NOT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_YOURSELF: "You cannot subscribe to yourself", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_TARGET_USER_NOT_FOUND: "That user could not be found", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_TARGET_SLATE_NOT_FOUND: "That slate could not be found", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_SUBSCRIPTION_CHECK_ERROR: "We weren't able to subscribe you. Please try again later", SERVER_UNSUBSCRIBE_NOT_FOUND: "We weren't able to unsubscribe you. Please try again", SERVER_UNSUBSCRIBE_ERROR: "We weren't able to unsubscribe you. Please try again", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_NOT_FOUND: "We weren't able to subscribe you. Please try again", SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR: "We weren't able to subscribe you. Please try again", //Subscription Delete DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_BY_ID: "We weren't able to unsubscribe you. Please try again later", //Subscription Get GET_SUBSCRIBERS_BY_USER_ID: "We weren't able to retrieve that information. Please try again later", GET_SUBSCRIPTION_BY_ID: "We weren't able to retrieve that subscription information. Please try again later", GET_SUBSCRIPTIONS_BY_USER_ID: "We weren't able to retrieve that information. Please try again later", GET_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TO_SLATE_ID: "We weren't able to retrieve that information. Please try again later", GET_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TO_USER_ID: "We weren't able to retrieve that information. Please try again later", //Trusted Create CREATE_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP: "We weren't able to add this user as trusted. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUST: "Please make sure you are logged in", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We are having trouble retrieving your information right now", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_MUST_PROVIDE_SOMEONE_TO_TRUST: "No user was specified", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_CAN_NOT_TRUST_YOURSELF: "You cannot add yourself as trusted", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_TARGET_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We could not locate that user. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_CHECK_ERROR: "We're having trouble adding this person as your trusted right now", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_INVERTED_CHECK_ERROR: "You have already received a trust request from this person. Please accept it instead", SERVER_DELETE_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND: "There is no trust relationshp to delete", SERVER_DELETE_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_ERROR: "We're having trouble deleting this trust relationship right now", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND: "We're having trouble creating this trust relationship right now", SERVER_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_ERROR: "We're having trouble creating this trust relationship right now", //Trusted Delete DELETE_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_BY_ID: "We weren't able to remove this user from your trusted. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUST_DELETE: "Please login to manage your trusted", SERVER_TRUST_DELETE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We weren't able to locate this user. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUST_DELETE_MUST_PROVIDE_ID: "Please check your input", //Trusted Get GET_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_BY_ID: "We're having trouble retrieving that information right now. Please try again later", GET_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_BY_IDS: "We're having trouble retrieving that information right now. Please try again later", GET_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIPS_BY_USER_ID: "We're having trouble retrieving that information right now. Please try again later", //Trusted Update UPDATE_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_BY_ID: "We ran into an issue while updating that information. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUST_UPDATE: "Please login to mange your trusted", SERVER_TRUST_UPDATE_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We weren't able to locate your information. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUST_UPDATE_MUST_PROVIDE_SOMEONE_TO_TRUST: "Please check your input. No user was provided", SERVER_TRUST_UPDATE_CAN_NOT_TRUST_YOURSELF: "You cannot add yourself as a trusted peer", SERVER_TRUST_UPDATE_TARGET_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We weren't able to locate that user. Please try again later", SERVER_TRUST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR: "This person is already among your trusted peers", //API Key Create CREATE_API_KEY_FOR_USER_ID: "We're having trouble creating your API keys right now. Please try again", SERVER_GENERATE_API_KEY_AUTH: "You aren't authorized to create that API key", SERVER_GENERATE_API_KEY_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We ran into issues finding your information while trying to generate that API key", SERVER_GENERATE_API_KEY_TOO_MANY_KEYS: "You have reached the limit for number of API keys", SERVER_GENERATE_API_KEY_ERROR: "We ran into issues while trying to generate that API key", //API Key Delete DELETE_API_KEY_BY_ID: "We're having trouble deleting that API key right now. Please try again later", DELETE_API_KEYS_FOR_USER_ID: "We're having trouble deleting your API keys right now. Please try again later", SERVER_DELETE_API_KEY_AUTH: "You aren't authorized to delete that API key", SERVER_DELETE_API_KEY_USER_NOT_FOUND: "No matching API key was found for that user", SERVER_DELETE_API_KEY_NOT_FOUND: "No matching API key was found for that user", SERVER_DELETE_API_KEY_ERROR: "We ran into an issue while trying to delete that API key. Please try again", //API Key Get GET_API_KEY_BY_KEY: "We weren't able to fetch that API key. Please try again later", GET_API_KEY: "We weren't able to fetch that API key. Please try again later", GET_API_KEYS_BY_USER_ID: "We're having trouble retrieving your API keys right now. Please try again", //Query SERVER_DEEPLINK: "This slate or profile does not exist", SERVER_DEEPLINK_ERROR: "This slate or profile does not exist", SERVER_SEARCH_NO_QUERY: "No query was entered. Please enter a query and try again", // Storage Deals SERVER_BUCKET_INIT_FAILURE: "Something went wrong with our infrastructure. Check in later.", STORAGE_DEAL_MAKING_NO_BUCKET: "Something went wrong with our infrastructure. Check in later.", STORAGE_DEAL_MAKING_NO_FILES: "You must provide files before you make a deal.", //Support SERVER_SUPPORT: "You must be logged in to send a support message. Please try logging in again", SERVER_SUPPORT_USER_NOT_FOUND: "We're having difficulty locating your information right now", SERVER_SUPPORT_NO_DATA_PROVIDED: "We're having trouble transmitting your message right now", SERVER_SUPPORT_MUST_PROVIDE_EMAIL: "Please provide an email where we can contact you", SERVER_SUPPORT_MUST_PROVIDE_MESSAGE: "Please provide a message to send", SERVER_SUPPORT: "We're having trouble sending your support message to the team right now", };