import * as Logging from "~/common/logging"; import * as Environment from "~/node_common/environment"; import sgMail from "@sendgrid/mail"; import "isomorphic-fetch"; sgMail.setApiKey(Environment.SENDGRID_API_KEY); //NOTE(toast): please see //for sendgrid request structure, see what's optional //also see export const sendEmail = async ({ personalizations, to, from, subject, content, optionalData = {}, }) => { const msg = { personalizations: personalizations, to: to, from: from, subject: subject, content: content, optionalData: optionalData, }; try { await sgMail.send(msg); } catch (error) { return { decorator: "SEND_EMAIL_FAILURE", error: true }; } }; //NOTE(toast): templates override content, subject, etc. //properties that are defined in the template take priority export const sendTemplate = async ({ to, from, templateId, templateData }) => { const msg = { to: to, from: from, templateId: templateId, dynamic_template_data: { ...templateData }, }; try { await sgMail.send(msg); } catch (error) { Logging.error(error); return { decorator: "SEND_TEMPLATE_EMAIL_FAILURE", error: true }; } }; //NOTE(toast): only available to upgraded sendgrid accounts //uses their validation service to make sure an email is legit export const validateEmail = async ({ email }) => { const msg = { email: email }; const request = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: Environment.SENDGRID_API_KEY, Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(msg), }); try { await request(); } catch (e) { return { decorator: "VALIDATE_EMAIL_FAILURE", error: true }; } };