import * as LibraryManager from "~/node_common/managers/library"; import * as Utilities from "~/node_common/utilities"; import * as Social from "~/node_common/social"; import * as Strings from "~/common/strings"; import * as Logs from "~/node_common/script-logging"; import AbortController from "abort-controller"; import BusBoyConstructor from "busboy"; import Queue from "p-queue"; const WORKER_NAME = "BROWSER->RENDER->TEXTILE"; const HIGH_WATER_MARK = 1024 * 1024 * 3; const FORCED_TIMEOUT = 1.75 * 60 * 1000; export async function formMultipart(req, res, { user, bucketName }) { console.log("\n\n\n"); // NOTE(jim): read-only const singleConcurrencyQueue = new Queue({ concurrency: 1 }); const controller = new AbortController(); const { signal } = controller; const heapUsed = Strings.bytesToSize(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed); // NOTE(jim): writable fields const timeoutMap = {}; let data = null; let dataPath = null; Logs.taskTimeless(`${user.username} is pushing ${req.params.b}`, WORKER_NAME); Logs.taskTimeless(`heap size is ${heapUsed}`, WORKER_NAME); // NOTE(jim): Buckets are required let { buckets, bucketKey, bucketRoot, } = await Utilities.getBucketAPIFromUserToken({ user, bucketName, }); // NOTE(jim): We can exit early if buckets don't initialize for us. if (!buckets) { Logs.error("Utilities.getBucketAPIFromUserToken()"); return { decorator: "UPLOAD_NO_BUCKETS", error: true, message: `No buckets for ${user.username}.`, }; } const _createStreamAndUploadToTextile = async () => { return new Promise(function(resolvePromiseFn, rejectPromiseFn) { // // // NOTE(jim): Stream -> Server -> Stream -> Server // [Your Browser] -> [] -> [Textile:Bucket] // // function _safeForcedSingleConcurrencyFn(actionFn, rejectFn, timeoutId) { singleConcurrencyQueue.add(async function() { try { await actionFn(); } catch (e) { // NOTE(jim): If we get here, and the timeout still exists, we must // clear it ASAP. if (timeoutMap[timeoutId]) { Logs.note(`${timeoutId} : clearTimeout()`); clearTimeout(timeoutMap[timeoutId]); delete timeoutMap[timeoutId]; } // NOTE(jim): Prevent any other functions from firing. Logs.error(`${timeoutId} : queue.pause()`); singleConcurrencyQueue.pause(); // NOTE(jim): Abort the stream in Textile's library. Logs.error(`${timeoutId} : controller.abort()`); controller.abort(); // NOTE(jim): Notify our team's Slack Logs.error(`${timeoutId} : sendTextileSlackMessage()`); Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/node_common/upload.js", user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `${timeoutId} : _safeForcedSingleConcurrencyFn()`, }); // NOTE(jim): Stop piping data. Logs.error(`${timeoutId} : req.unpipe()`); req.unpipe(); // NOTE(jim): Finally reject the promise. Logs.error( `${timeoutId} : rejectFn() of safeForcedSingleConcurrencyFn()` ); return rejectFn({ decorator: "UPLOAD_FAILURE", error: true, message: e.message, id: timeoutId, }); } }); } // NOTE(jim): // Our configuration doesn't store files locally. let busBoyInstance = new BusBoyConstructor({ headers: req.headers, highWaterMark: HIGH_WATER_MARK, }); // NOTE(jim) // We use this method to get the following values // // stream - NodeStream constructor // mime - the file type we can use for rendering later // filename - filenames with extensions are useful for determining the type // later busBoyInstance.on("file", function( fieldname, stream, filename, encoding, mime ) { const timeoutId = `${user.username}-${filename}`; data = LibraryManager.createLocalDataIncomplete({ name: filename, type: mime, }); return _safeForcedSingleConcurrencyFn( async () => { // NOTE(jim): Keeps global reference to timeout // to ensure you can kill it later timeoutMap[timeoutId] = setTimeout(function() { delete timeoutMap[timeoutId]; Logs.error(`${timeoutId} : TIMEOUT ABORTING !!!`); controller.abort(); }, FORCED_TIMEOUT); Logs.task( `${timeoutId} : ${FORCED_TIMEOUT / 1000} seconds timeout is activated`, WORKER_NAME ); // TODO(jim): This is where we need to keep an eye out. // We may need to configure this differently. let push = await buckets.pushPath(bucketKey,, stream, { root: bucketRoot, signal, progress: (num) => { if (num % (HIGH_WATER_MARK * 10) !== 0) { return; } Logs.note(`${timeoutId} : ${Strings.bytesToSize(num)}`); }, }); // NOTE(jim): You want to clear the timeout as quickly // as possible because we should be able to // trust the request was succesful. clearTimeout(timeoutMap[timeoutId]); delete timeoutMap[timeoutId]; dataPath = push.path.path; req.unpipe(); Logs.task(`${timeoutId} : req.unpipe()`, WORKER_NAME); }, rejectPromiseFn, timeoutId ); }); // NOTE(jim): BusBoy is guaranteed to be finished when this is called. busBoyInstance.on("finish", function() { return _safeForcedSingleConcurrencyFn(() => { Logs.task("busboy finished"); // NOTE(jim): Reject when there is no actual URL returned from // streaming the data to Textile. if (Strings.isEmpty(dataPath)) { return rejectPromiseFn({ decorator: "UPLOAD_FAILURE", error: true, message: "Missing Textile URL data.", }); } Logs.task(dataPath, WORKER_NAME); return resolvePromiseFn({ decorator: "UPLOAD_STREAM_SUCCESS", data: dataPath, }); }, rejectPromiseFn); }); // NOTE(jim): Not sure when this fires, but make sure it falls into our logic. busBoyInstance.on("error", function(e) { return _safeForcedSingleConcurrencyFn(() => { throw new Error(e.message); }, rejectPromiseFn); }); Logs.task("req.pipe(busBoyInstance)", WORKER_NAME); req.pipe(busBoyInstance); }); }; // NOTE(jim): The callsite for the stream passing. const response = await _createStreamAndUploadToTextile(); console.log(response); if (response && response.error) { res.set("Connection", "close"); return response; } // NOTE(jim): If it is successful, we want to grab a new bucket instance so we can verify. Logs.note("non-essential Utilities.getBucketAPIFromuserToken()"); let refreshed = await Utilities.getBucketAPIFromUserToken({ user, bucketName, }); if (!refreshed.buckets) { Logs.error("upload failed"); return { decorator: "UPLOAD_FAILURE", error: true, }; } // NOTE(jim): Try to verify the file size on Textile's bucket side. try { const newUpload = await refreshed.buckets.listIpfsPath(; data.size = newUpload.size; Logs.task( `${} with ${Strings.bytesToSize(data.size)} upload complete.`, WORKER_NAME ); } catch (e) { Social.sendTextileSlackMessage({ file: "/node_common/upload.js", user, message: e.message, code: e.code, functionName: `refreshed.listIpfsPath`, }); return { decorator: "UPLOAD_VERIFY_FAILURE", error: true, message: e.message, }; } // NOTE(jim): We have finished all the work involving the upload. Logs.task(`SUCCESS !!!`, WORKER_NAME); console.log(`\n\n\n`); return { decorator: "UPLOAD_SUCCESS", data, ipfs: }; }