export const upload = async ({ file, slate, context }) => { let formData = new FormData(); const HEIC2ANY = require("heic2any"); // NOTE(jim): You must provide a file from an type="file" input field. if (!file) { return null; } // TODO(jim): Put this somewhere else to handle conversion cases. if (file.type.startsWith("image/heic")) { const converted = await HEIC2ANY({ blob: file, toType: "image/png", quality: 1, }); formData.append("data", converted); } else { formData.append("data", file); } const _privateUploadMethod = (path) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const XHR = new XMLHttpRequest(); XHR.open("post", path, true); XHR.onerror = (event) => { console.log(event); }; // NOTE(jim): UPLOADS ONLY. XHR.upload.addEventListener( "progress", (event) => { if (!context) { return; } if (event.lengthComputable) { console.log("FILE UPLOAD PROGRESS", event); context.setState({ fileLoading: { ...context.state.fileLoading, [`${file.lastModified}-${file.name}`]: { name: file.name, loaded: event.loaded, total: event.total, }, }, }); } }, false ); XHR.onloadend = (event) => { console.log("FILE UPLOAD END", event); try { return resolve(JSON.parse(event.target.response)); } catch (e) { return resolve({ error: "SERVER_UPLOAD_ERROR", }); } }; XHR.send(formData); }); const json = await _privateUploadMethod(`/api/data/${file.name}`); if (!json || json.error || !json.data) { if (context) { context.setState({ fileLoading: { ...context.state.fileLoading, [`${file.lastModified}-${file.name}`]: { name: file.name, failed: true, }, }, }); } return !json ? { error: "NO_RESPONSE" } : json; } if (slate) { const addResponse = await fetch(`/api/slates/add-url`, { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ slate, data: { ...json.data } }), }); if (!addResponse || addResponse.error) { console.log(addResponse.error); alert("TODO: Adding an image to Slate went wrong."); } } return json; };